Life Control Chart

Chapter 842: Survival from a desperate situation

Everyone who survived the desperate situation instantly lost their thoughts and froze in place like stone sculptures!

Mu stared blankly as the life-controlling space above his head closed rapidly.

From Shi Yu's point of view, the commanding guard stared at him closely for a moment, as if he had a new idea, and then suddenly decided to let everyone in Duanshengdi go.

Shi Yu was extremely upset and blamed himself for not acting rashly. If the land of destruction was not destroyed in the hands of the commanding guards at this moment, it would definitely be a big trouble to the world or the land of destiny in the future!

I don’t know how long it took, but finally there was a sound in the silent world.


Qian Jiangzun pulled up the Pu Dao from the ground and walked step by step towards the Earth God Lord who was still lying on the ground.

Hanging in the sky with blood dripping from the sky, the God Lord and Zhan Zhan wanted to speak out, but they just opened their mouths and could not say a word.

What Shenjia Mountain has done is really too arrogant. From a mere hundred people to a prosperous world now, one can imagine how many taboos they have broken and how many evil things they have done.

It is impossible to conceal such a huge battle without killing all the insiders who are willing to expose the truth!

After all, there were many people who stood firmly on Qian Jiangzun's side.

From this point of view, the true cause of death of the hundreds of war lords who died suddenly and suddenly over the years is worth pondering and studying.

In other words, Lord Tianshen and Zhanzhan Zun, the two powerful people who have the intention to communicate with all realms, are both idiots who were concealed and played by Shengashan.

And Shenjia Mountain has such great courage, and there is no other reason except to get the support of the Earth God Lord.

"You have seen it, this is the result of being connected to all realms!" Qian Jiangzun pointed the tip of the knife at the nose of the Earth God Lord.

"Look at the survivors, how many of the remnants of the past are there?" Qian Jiangzun said coldly.

Lord Tianshen and Zhanzhan trembled in their hearts and looked around hurriedly, but neither of them thought about this.

Upon closer inspection, their faces were ashen.

"Seventy-nine people! There are only seventy-nine people left who escaped from the upper world that day! Open your dog eyes and take a good look!"

Qian Jiangzun suddenly shouted violently, thrust a knife into the ear of the Earth God Lord, and roared:

"I don't know why the command guard suddenly stopped, and I don't know what the purpose of leaving seventy-nine of us was, but I know that the fate-controlling sky is gone!

The last remaining bloodline of Yu Mingtian is gone!

Except for the seventy-nine of us, the rest are all bastards from all realms! Bastards without any blood from us! "

The Earth God Lord didn't say a word, and just lay quietly on the ground, his eyes reflecting the thousands of World Lords in the sky.

These thousands of world masters all heard the words of Qian Jiangzun, and each of them looked extremely cold.

Because they are the bastards of all realms that Qian Jiangzun calls them.

"Thousand Generals, you can't say that. Although these are the new world masters who are hiding in various departments, they are also my good sons and daughters." Zhan Zhanzun, who had been in embarrassment, finally stood up and spoke, which also made the faces of those world masters soften. Some.

"A good son? I recognize him! He is bloody and loyal! I recognize him too!"

Qian Jiangzun's eyes slowly scanned the sky,

"But how can they be regarded as my good sons and daughters? Without the Lord's blessing, can they get rid of their slave status? Can they wash away the blood of slaves? If the Lord is still here, can you and I be allowed to associate with such lowly slaves? Who dares? Say they don’t have any foreign blood in their veins?”

The God Lord couldn't stand listening any more, and stood up and said softly: "Qian General, it's long past time for Tianxiong to control the upper world. Don't cling to the old rules anymore!

I know that you always feel that the Lord is still there, and you still want to return to glory with us remnants. But don’t forget, the remnants of the army who escaped that year were less than 20,000 who survived until the ordering guards took action! "

Qian Jiangzun smiled coldly and pulled out the knife from the Earth God Lord's ear.

"Without these bastards, would we have been discovered? Would we have been killed by the command guards until there were only seventy-nine of us left?"

The expressions of Lord Tianshen and Zhanzhan turned dark again. This was simply an unsolvable paradox. Rather than saying that the cause of the current tragic situation was the traffic world, it would be better to say that the agents from the Forbidden Soul Heaven were the root cause.

"I..." The real owner of today's chaos finally spoke up.

Mu Yuanche, who is still alive to this day, wants to take advantage of the fact that the three Supreme Beings are against the Thousand Generals to give himself a chance to survive.


The bright sword light shot through the air and struck Mu Yuanche in an instant. It passed through Mu Yuanche's horrified eyes and split him into two pieces.

"I should have killed you villain back then! You only brought your direct relatives and did not care about your military exploits, loyalty, and traitors. Who is the spy of the Forbidden Soul Heaven? Who is it?"

Qian Jiangzun suddenly roared and struck Mu Yuanche with one knife after another.

Mu Yuanche didn't dare to show any resistance at this moment. He could feel that Qian Jiangzun was just venting his anger and had no intention of killing him.

All the sword light just split his body, leaving no corrosive power to kill everything.

"I brought out thirty-seven personal soldiers, but only one reserve soldier was left alive in the end, and yet you were tricked into rebelling, and you actually brought the blood-corrupting beast and the sky-devouring beast to harm me!

I am alone and do not interfere with any ministries' affairs. You can still attack and assassinate me.

Mu Yuanche! Come with your four elders and call out the few war masters you secretly raised in Shenjia Mountain! Do you really think I know nothing? "

Mu Yuanche, who was almost a thousand swordsmen in one word and was only slightly injured in the hands of the commanding guard, was reduced to a bloody mess after Qian Jiangzun roared a few words.

General Qian stopped speaking and pointed the tip of the knife at the Earth God Lord's forehead, "Get up! I know you can't die! Get up and kill me. Then you can take the remaining seventy-nine people and these bastards to Wanwan." World! Go and seek death!"

As soon as these words came out, embarrassment appeared on the faces of Lord Tianshen and Zhanzhan again.

Zhanzhan Zun hurriedly jumped down and stood next to Qianjiangzun. He reached out and grabbed his blade and lifted it with force, leaving the Earth God Lord's forehead. The blade cut into his palm and gushed out blood.

The Lord of Heaven also hurriedly followed, helped the Lord of Earth who had been lying on his back as if dead, and reluctantly smiled and said:

"I listen to you, and I will listen to you from now on! All ministries listen to orders! Return to the headquarters immediately to check the population and open the secret place. The four of me will inspect and compile the records one by one, and half of them will be transferred to Qian General for use!"

"I don't need it!" Qian Jiangzun shouted angrily and refused the Lord God's favor.

"Hmph! I hope the commanding guard will leave today and not come back again! Everything has fallen into his eyes now, so wish yourselves good luck!"

With a shake of his hand, the Pu Dao disappeared from Zhanzhan Zun's hand. Qianjiang Zun tore open the boundary wall and wanted to return to his own world, but found that his world had long been integrated with Shenjia Mountain.

In other words, all parts of the Duan Sheng Land have merged into one big piece of land, which is ugly and dilapidated.


Humming again, the extremely angry Qianjie Zun stood up, stepped into the rift in space, walked into his own piece of land, and disappeared in front of everyone.

The atmosphere relaxed for a moment, then fell into sadness again.

The broken realm, countless casualties, and the commanding guards who didn't know whether they would come back all made Yu Mingtian's remnants at a loss what to do. Mu Yuanche reunited his body in the silence, and fell next to the three supreme beings with a pale face.

"What a good thing you did!" The God Lord's voice suddenly turned cold, and he cast his gaze towards the huge and twisted cave.

The Shenjia Mountain Temple actually survived the great changes in the world.

"How dare you conceal the existence of a spy? Mu Yuanche, you can really take the whole clan to commit suicide!" Zhan Zhanzun also said something unkind.

Only the Earth God Lord remained silent, but the killing intent surged out of his eyes.

Mu Yuanche was flustered and quickly bowed and said:

"How did I know that the horse slave given by the Lord back then was a spy? What the Lord gave to me, I dare not throw away even if I run for my life! What do you think I should do? Tell you, what should you do with it?

Kill? Who dares? Keep it? Who wants to? "

The three supreme beings all had stern looks on their faces, and no one said anything.

"If you don't believe it, come with me and take a look down there! Although the spy's cell is dilapidated, the traces left behind cannot be faked.

No matter how villainous and selfish I, Mu Yuanche, am, do you think I dare to fabricate such a lie?

To be honest, I just wanted to communicate with all realms back then, but I really didn’t do it. It was the man who led the horse slaves to persuade the younger members of the tribe to act privately, and they got to where they are today step by step.

If you think about it carefully, when I first discovered that someone had brought back the aura of all realms, did I panic and go find you to report it?

Zhan Zun, you are wondering why Death Chaos suddenly can no longer be repaired. Didn't you figure it out because I told you my own scandal?

And those tribesmen were also imprisoned with Qian Ma Nu to atone for their sins. If the God Lord and Qianjiang Zun hadn't beaten them too hard today, the four elders of our tribe would not have left the death row to eliminate the remaining fighting power of the two supreme beings. The spy had time to break out of the prison! "

Mu Yuanche's long explanation made the three supreme beings look at each other and nodded.

The God of Heaven winked at Mu Yuanche, and the four of them jumped into the underground palace one after another.

The Mu family members began to clear the place, and the realm masters from other tribes also left one after another, looking for the corner where their own realm was tucked away.

Shi Yu also immediately followed Mu Yuanche and the others. The fewer people there, the better for him. Maybe he could restrain the four masters at once in the dungeon, so it would be easy to ask any questions.

As we went down, the more we looked at the layers of broken earth palaces, the uglier the faces of the three supreme beings became.

The Earth God Lord couldn't help but kicked Mu Yuanche hard, and said angrily: "How many things have you stolen back from the world? How did you not be discovered by the soul guardian slaves and the command guards?"

Just after this kick, the Earth God Lord quickly took out several long arrows and inserted them into his body for some unknown reason, shouting in pain and suppressing his anger.

Mu Yuanche looked at the Earth God Lord in fear. He didn't dare to do anything even after being kicked, and said with a smile:

"I really rarely send people to Wanjie. It's when people from Wanjie are on the verge of death and chaos that I secretly let them in. Wouldn't it be much easier to let them do things for me, God Gashan?"

"Then they won't leak our existence?"

The Heavenly God Lord found it unbelievable. People's hearts are separated from each other. Such a large battle cannot be accomplished by one or two people. Without the help of thousands of world masters, Shenjia Mountain would never be the size it is today.

Zhan Zhanzun also obviously didn't believe what Mu Yuanche said. His words were cold and his eyes were even colder, and he said:

"Nowadays, there are countless ruined realms of reincarnation wrapped in the chaos of death. How could the world masters of all realms be so lucky as to reach the vicinity of your Shenjia Mountain?"

"This... you will know when you see it later." Mu Yuanche actually dared to show off, which made the three supreme beings frown.

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