Life Control Chart

Chapter 877 Negotiation


A high-pitched alarm sounded immediately, and dozens of figures rose from the besieged army camp and rushed towards Shi Yu. Xue Ren's face changed drastically and he quickly retreated. In the blink of an eye, he merged into the dozens of realm masters.

"Hey!" Shi Yu said to the nine dragon cats around him: "You are much braver than them."

The nine-life dragon cat sneered and said disdainfully: "How many people in the land of controlling life can compare with me?"

Shi Yu raised his thumb and praised sincerely: "That makes sense!"

In between the response and the answer, Shi Yu and the nine-life dragon cat stood in front of the dozens of realm masters, and the dozens of realm masters became even more nervous.

A moment ago, the nine-life dragon cat risked his life to kill more than a dozen realm masters. If it weren't for the precariousness of the city wall and the siege of the absolute master, he could have killed a few more.

Now there is Shi Yu, whose enemy is unknown, how can these people feel at ease?

"I wonder what the Lord of Time is here for?"

Xue Ren, who had mixed into the crowd, now looked normal again, and asked Shi Yu calmly.

Shi Yu suddenly opened his True Eyes and scanned the many Lords of the Realm, shocking them all to tremble, and opened their fists and palms to fight back.

But Shi Yu just looked around, then turned his black eyes back to normal, and smiled: "Don't be afraid, I just want to see if Xuan Pan is here. That guy used to hide in the edge of my Yanlan City, maybe he will hide here too."

"Don't worry, Xuan Pan is not here, he is fighting another soul-guarding slave in the central realm." Xue Ren thought he knew the whereabouts of Xuan Pan, and wanted to give Shi Yu a reassurance.

Shi Yu sneered: "He is not there for a long time, and when you see him again, it is not certain whether he is an enemy or a friend. I am puzzled, Xuan Pan has clearly deceived you several times, why are you still following him in collusion?"

The Lords of the Realm suddenly looked unchanged, and their eyes looking at Shi Yu became cold and fierce.

Shi Yu didn't care, and he didn't take the realm masters in front of him seriously. He snorted: "You'd better disperse quickly. A big enemy will appear in the Land of Controlling Life within a hundred years. It will be difficult to protect yourself without Xuan Pan's ability. You should think about how to improve your strength as soon as possible!" All the realm masters were stunned and looked at Shi Yu doubtfully. The Nine-Life Dragon Cat didn't know where Shi Yu got such news from, and was also waiting for his explanation. Shi Yu continued: "The previous period of divine power flooded the world. Do you think it was a waste of money? Then there were two more strange phenomena in the world, which were all signs of the coming disaster. If you don't believe me, you can ask Xuan Pan and Yu Luyao." "Can it be bigger than the chaos of evil species? If these evil species are left to grow for a hundred years, at least thousands of realm masters will appear. How can we survive?" A realm master immediately questioned. "If by then, the spirit species really has thousands of world masters, you should feel lucky. Because the potential of the spirit species is much greater than yours, and it will be the main force to resist disasters. If you are not at the level of the peak world master by then, it will be a nuisance to play the drums and cheer."

Shi Yu's blunt derogation made the world masters angry again. The irritable ones could no longer hold back their emotions and whispered to Shi Yu.

Shi Yu glanced at the world masters and waved his hands impatiently, "The fact that the Nine-Life Dragon Cat and I came here to talk is enough to show our sincerity. Believe it or not.

I have proposed to stop the war, and the Nine-Life Dragon Cat is here too. I believe he will not object. If you want to fight again, then come on!"

After that, Shi Yu turned around and left. The Nine-Life Dragon Cat looked coldly at the world masters and left immediately.

"Nine-life Dragon Cat is of course willing to stop fighting. We have lost so many people. We finally got the upper hand and forced them into that small fortress. Are we going to give up like this?"

It was a long time after Shi Yu and Nine-life Dragon Cat left before a realm master spoke to break the silence, obviously doubting what Shi Yu said.

Xue Ren pondered for a moment and made a decision, "Those of you who have clones and secret methods of communication, go and ask Xuan Pan what's going on, and the others continue to attack the city!"

"Ah?" Another realm master exclaimed, "Shi Yu is still inside, he is not something we can deal with!"

Xue Ren's eyelids jumped, and he said coldly: "It doesn't matter! Just use ordinary natives to charge the city. If we don't take action, he won't be able to massacre the natives! Isn't Yanlan City always hypocritical?

Well, find some more native realm masters. They are too easy to kill in the inner siege. It's time to bite the hard bones!"

Shi Yu and Nine-life Dragon Cat had just returned to the city wall when another wave of black natives surged in from afar, but those realm masters did not see any of them, and they were all raiding in the distance.

The Nine-Life Dragon Cat was furious, and the sharp claws hidden between its fingers all popped out with a swish, "Looking for death!"

The weapons in the city that threw iron spears began to rumble again, and waves of Yuanli were injected and ready to go.

Shi Yu sighed lightly and shook his head at the wave of death.

As Xue Ren said, Shi Yu had no intention of killing people wantonly. In his eyes, the natives were more useful than those realm masters who had no room for growth.

"Let me do it!" Zhu Yanlan suddenly jumped out. In her eyes, the enemies should die, no matter whether they would be useful in the future.

"What are you going to do? Make trouble!" Shi Yu scolded lightly.

Zhu Yanlan pouted, ignored Shi Yu, and patted Xiao Hei who was hanging beside him, "Xiao Hei! Go! Crush them to death!"

"Ah? Aren't you going to go? Why are you dragging me in again?" Xiao Hei had no interest in these cultivators who were not even realm masters.

"Go and kill those leaders first, and then I'll go!" Zhu Yanlan was angry, and Shi Yu's little beast pet didn't give her face at all.

"The leader is also useless, why should I go? Couldn't the Nine-Lived Totoro be killed with a volley of shots?" Xiao Hei still muttered reluctantly.

The Nine-Life Dragon Cat looked at the approaching tide of natives, snorted coldly and raised his right arm. The spirits stationed at the side of the ignition weapons immediately hit the mechanism hard, and iron spears whistled out one after another, falling into the native army like rain.

People and horses fell to the ground, wailing and screaming, and all kinds of noises were heard, but the number of natives was too large, and they also had good defense. Many iron spears hit the ground with a row of sparks, and they could not completely stop the tide of rushing to the city.

The Nine-Life Dragon Cat groaned and jumped straight out of the wall.

As soon as he moved, thousands of sharp rays shot from the distance, holding him up in the air and unable to land.

Shi Yu narrowed his eyes and understood why the Nine-Life Dragon Cat could not even deal with dozens of realm masters. It turned out that the realm masters had already set up a large formation to attack him.

With the Nine-Life Dragon Cat's super strong combat power, if he was alone, he would definitely be invincible, but he had to protect so many spirits. It would be an understatement to say that he was exhausted physically and mentally.

Looking around the fortress again, there was no master here at all, except for the Nine-Life Dragon Cat, there was not even a realm master.

"Forget it! You go help the Nine-Life Dragon Cat, and leave those realm masters to me if they dare to come out!" Shi Yu said helplessly to Zhu Yanlan.

"I don't want you to do it!" Zhu Yanlan snorted, and didn't even take Xiao Hei with him, pulling Chunni, who was at a loss, away.

"Chunni, it's enough for the two of us to go! Yanlan City will need your protection in the future, so practice your courage first!"

"Ah! Ah?" Shi Yu stretched out his hand to stop him, but Zhu Yanlan had already taken Chunni down from the top of the city, and rushed towards the indigenous army with two against countless.

Shi Yu hurried to catch up, if Chunni had an accident, he really couldn't explain to Jian Kaitian.

Xiao Hei slapped Shi Yu's arm with a fin, jumped off the high wall very simply, and turned into a black shadow to cover Chunni.

Chunni, who was staggering due to Zhu Yanlan's pulling, felt her body tighten, and instantly she had a black scale armor.

But this scale armor was not good-looking at all, it was as hideous as it could be, and it looked like a little devil when worn on a girl.

Shi Yu paused, raised his eyes, and stared at the realm master in the distance. There was indeed someone jumping high there, but he was just watching and didn't rush over immediately.

With a cold snort, Shi Yu also hung high on the top of the city, waved his hand and sprinkled countless formation flags and talismans, protecting the last nest of the Nine-Life Dragon Cat tightly.

The Nine-Life Dragon Cat, who was being entangled by the strong attack formation, saw what Shi Yu and his men did, and his face softened slightly, split the attack around him and fell back to the top of the city.

As soon as he retreated, the attack formation was immediately withdrawn, leaving only the surging army on the ground rushing to the city.

"Can your wife hold on? And bring a little girl!" The Nine-Life Dragon Cat asked coldly.

"As long as the most powerful ones over there don't take action, there will be no problem." Shi Yu answered confidently.

The Nine-Life Dragon Cat looked at Shi Yu and said, "Those people you mentioned are extremely powerful. What's the point of forming an alliance with me? You can see that I am just a lonely man. If they are really that powerful, I can't stop them."

"To be honest, those people are coming for me, but none of you can escape. You are implicated by me." Shi Yu said frankly.

The Nine-Life Dragon Cat was not surprised. He had long thought that it must be a powerful enemy that Shi Yu had provoked from somewhere, but those powerful enemies would not let go of everyone in the Land of Controlling Life.

"Who are they?"

"They are generals who once fought in the upper world. The worst one is also the best in the Ten Thousand Worlds of a certain generation!"

Shi Yu's words made the Nine-Life Dragon Cat take a breath of cold air. He lost his composure a moment ago and exclaimed: "What? Generals from the upper world? Where did you meet them?"

"I was led to their territory by Xuan Pan. They have been around us all the time. They even have spies in the Ten Thousand Worlds and the Yu Ming Land.

However, they are subject to the constraints of their masters. Once they appear in the world, they will be slaughtered. But this constraint will soon be broken, and we only have less than a hundred years left."

Shi Yu took a memory and passed on what he saw in the Duansheng Land and what the Zhiling Guard said to the Nine-Life Dragon Cat, letting him digest and ponder it slowly.

The Nine-Life Dragon Cat no longer cares about the war outside the wall. There is nothing to care about. Zhu Yanlan, with Chunni and Xiaohei, is invincible and is completely slaughtering the natives who are attacking the city.

Shi Yu also took advantage of the Nine-Life Dragon Cat's silence to observe Chunni's performance on the battlefield.

Chunni had long been confused by Zhu Yanlan. At this moment, she was holding a golden staff and waving it around. Zhu Yanlan gave her his most powerful treasure.

"How did you find your wife? She doesn't look like you at all." The Nine-Life Dragon Cat also followed Shi Yu's gaze and smiled.

Shi Yu also smiled slightly. The more he watched Zhu Yanlan teach Chunni randomly, the more it looked like the old remnant soul forcing him to watch the bloody killing. He sighed and said, "This is fate! I was beaten by her, and then I beat her, and then we were together."

The Nine-Life Dragon Cat laughed secretly, thinking that you are probably the only one who gets beaten. If you attack a woman like Zhu Yanlan, she will fight you to the death.

He didn't know how badly Shi Yu was controlled by the old remnant soul and beat Zhu Yanlan.

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