Life Control Chart

Chapter 883: Horizontal, Vertical, Horizontal

"Tai Shu Ba Chen?" Shi Yu called out tentatively.

The two eyes of the blood-eroded beast that had been embedded in the frame slowly turned and stared at Shi Yu with a strange light.

"Tai Shu Ba Chen, are you still there?" Shi Yu asked softly again.

The blood-eroded beast grinned, as if laughing at Shi Yu's wishful thinking, with several bloody fangs scattered around.

Through the gap between the teeth, Shi Yu finally saw a corner of its mouth, which also flashed a horrified expression.

As soon as his eyes entered the beast's mouth, Shi Yu felt that he had stepped into a bloody and cruel battlefield, with countless monks roaring and fighting, and broken limbs and bodies scattered all over the sky. The blood dyed the sky red and flooded the earth.

What's more terrifying is that the weakest of all the monks also exudes a destructive aura, and the magic light he wields can easily tear the world apart and destroy everything.

And the object of these powerful monks' battle is the endless blood-eroded beast.

They rushed from one end of the world, fearlessly attacking the monks' army. Even if thousands of blood-eating beasts died in front of them every moment, they rushed fearlessly until they could knock down a monk and swallow him with the sea of ​​beasts.

Every time a monk died, a more powerful beast king would stand up in the blood-eating beast group and lead the group to rush into the depths of the monks' army.

"Lord of the Earth?"

Shi Yu was shocked to see the Lord of the Earth standing at the end of all the monks.

He was still entangled in iron chains and covered in blood with sharp arrows.

The Lord of the Earth watched countless monks being knocked down and swallowed with cold eyes, his expression remained unchanged, like a rock standing behind the battle formation, blessing all monks with boundless courage like a sea-stabilizing needle.

Just as he was about to take a closer look, the scene in front of Shi Yu changed drastically, all the blood-eating beasts were slaughtered, and the chaotic battlefield had calmed down.

The Earth God Lord stood in the middle of the battlefield, covered in blood. An iron chain fell at his feet, and all the sharp arrows on his body disappeared.

Except for him, there was no one else on the entire battlefield.


At this time, the face of the Earth God Lord was extremely distorted, and he kept roaring in anger. He spread his palms and sucked the blood all over the ground. All the cultivators had been devoured by the blood-eating beasts. The Earth God Lord could only suck up the remnants of the blood-eating beasts.

Shi Yu was shocked and wondered if the Earth God Lord had turned into a blood-eating beast. The blood-eating beast he saw now was also one of his subordinates.

When all the blood disappeared rapidly, the Earth God Lord quickly wrapped the iron chain around his body, and the sharp arrows were pulled out by him and inserted into his body again.

His ferocious expression suddenly relaxed, as if the blood-eating beasts he had sucked into his body were suppressed, and he finally had the opportunity to breathe a sigh of relief.

Just as he saw this, the situation in the beast's mouth changed again, and all the scenes disappeared, leaving only the bloody mouth covering Shi Yu's head.

Shi Yu woke up from the thrilling battle just now, and threw out the iron chain with a swish sound, the iron chain obtained from the Earth God Lord.

The blood-eating beast, which had always been calm, roared for the first time and bit down fiercely at Shi Yu.

But the iron chain of the Earth God Lord was a supreme artifact. Shi Yu shook the chain with one arm and threw it out. It shook violently in the mouth of the blood-eating beast, hitting the blood-eating beast's teeth and cracking its mouth, and it retreated with a miserable howl.

"Good baby!" Shi Yu praised sincerely, stroking the iron chain with joy.

From the corner of his eye, he saw more than ten figures jumping out of Yanlan City and flying towards him.

"Go back!"

Shi Yu shouted loudly and shook the iron chain to block the blood-eating beast.

The blood-eating beast suffered a loss from Shi Yu, and immediately aimed his eyes at the figure rushing out of Yanlan City. It has not yet reached its peak, and still needs to devour monks to replenish itself.

The people in Yanlan City were frightened by Shi Yu. They saw Shi Yu standing there stupidly, letting the blood-eating beast swallow him, just like the previous realm masters who had no power to resist.

Fortunately, their reaction was fast enough. They saw Shi Yu escape from the blood-eating beast's mouth without any injury, and beat it so hard that it was full of blood. It immediately whistled and flew back, and then retreated into the city to guard it. "Guard the city! We don't need your help here!" Shi Yu shouted loudly, giving everyone in the city a reassurance.

The blood-eating beast chased after it, but was knocked over by Shi Yu's iron chain, and was hit by the flood-like brilliant attack of Yanlan City's protective formation. It turned over hundreds of somersaults in the air before it stabilized its body.


The blood-eating beast roared angrily, and it opened its bloody mouth again and pounced on Shi Yu.

But seeing the iron chain flying around Shi Yu's body, it still retreated slowly in fear, pacing around Shi Yu, carefully looking for Shi Yu's flaws.

Shi Yu was also not careless. He stared at the blood-eating beast's eyes and activated the iron chain. He was also thinking about where the blood-eating beast was fatal. The battle he just saw was directly at the end. There was no detail of how the Earth God Lord killed the blood-eating beast.

The two sides fell into a brief stalemate. The blood-eating beast seemed to think that Shi Yu was not easy to mess with. It took a few steps back and tore open the space around it.

Shi Yu was stunned and thought to himself, is this guy going to run?

Just as he had this thought, he saw thousands of blood beads shooting out from the space cracks and all smashed into the blood-eating beast.


He exclaimed in his heart, and Shi Yu hurriedly swung the iron chain to hit the blood-eating beast. No matter whether it was useful or not, he would separate it from the blood beads first!

The blood-eating beast roared and slapped the flying iron chain with one claw, slapping the iron chain back to Shi Yu, almost smashing Shi Yu himself and bleeding.

"How come it's so powerful suddenly?" Shi Yu cried out in alarm. The iron chain that had always been invincible almost entangled him like a dumpling, and after the blood-eroding beast knocked the iron chain away, there was not even a single scratch on its claws.

With just this one round of delay, the space rift opened by the blood erosion beast has been closed, and a monster with blue and tough skin roared and looked at Shi Yu even more viciously.


Shi Yu's mind quickly flashed through every scene of the Earth God Lord's battle with the Blood-Erotic Beast. From the beginning to the end, not a single Blood-Erotic Beast was blue. It seemed that the Blood-Erotic Beast in front of him had completely merged with the Sky-Eating Beast!

"Damn Xuanpan! Who in the Duan Sheng Land did you collude with? Such evil things can be created!"

Shi Yu cursed secretly in his mind, thinking carefully about how to deal with the new monster in front of him.

How magical is the Space Devouring Beast? Shi Yu knows nothing about its other abilities except that he knows from the name that it must be related to space manipulation.

While Shi Yu was thinking, the blood-eroded beast opened its four claws and pounced like a hungry tiger. One of its claws hit the iron chain that Shi Yu had shaken up in a hurry, making the iron chain artifact messy and invisible.

Taking a breath of cold air, Shi Yu looked at the white scratches on the iron chain and quickly backed away. Such a mutated blood-corrupting beast was absolutely invincible.

The blood-corrupted beast succeeded with one blow and rushed towards him with a roar, ready to tear Shi Yu into pieces.

Shi Yu made a sharp stroke with one arm, quickly tearing apart the folds of space in front of him, but the Blood Corruption Beast ignored the distance created by the folds of space, and still rushed in front of Shi Yu, slapping Shi Yu's forehead with one claw.


Shi Yu faintly heard the exclamation coming from Yanlan City, but he also turned away one step ahead of time. The sharp claws of the blood-corrupting beast passed through the air, slashing from Shi Yu's forehead to his chest before retracting, leaving only It caused severe pain but no fatal injuries.

Squinting his eyes, Shi Yu knew that the Blood Erosion Beast, which was fused with the Space Devouring Beast, must also have special control over space.

Xuanpan has a tight grip on everything about Shi Yu.

Yanlan City couldn't sit still. Shi Yu had been suffering from the beginning to the end. Even if he didn't dare to go out to fight, he could still use a large formation to bombard him, right?

A loud rumbling sound shook the void, and the city defense formation that had not yet been repaired was completely shattered. One after another, the world-shattering bright light rushed directly into the blood-corroding beast, making the blood-corroding beast roar and retreat continuously.

Seemingly being completely irritated, and seeming to feel that its strength was not strong enough, the Blood Corruption Beast aimed its gaze at the endless indigenous cultivators on the ground.

Shi Yu secretly exclaimed that something was wrong. The blood-corrupted beast's eyes were not murderous, but greedy.

Although Xiao Xiu was weak individually, he could not withstand the huge number. The total number of Xiao Xiu on the ground was at least worth the strong energy of ten or eight absolute masters.

What worries Shi Yu even more is that there are hundreds of thousands of spiritual species from Yan Lan who are running around to kill the natives. Even if one of his own dies, Shi Yu will regret and feel heartbroken.

With a sudden change of heart, Shi Yu no longer wanted to face the Blood Erosion Beast from the land of fate. Since the land of Duansheng was not willing to spend the past hundred years in peace, let them taste the evil consequences they had sown.

A jade mirror appeared in his hand, and Shi Yu tore open the gate leading to Duansheng Land.

A strong and heavy ancient aura entered through the door, causing the blood-corrupted beast that was approaching Shi Yu to suddenly startle and retreat several steps in a row.

"Beast! It seems you know who is over there. Do you want to take revenge?"

Shi Yu also took a few steps back and left the boundary gate with the idea of ​​diverting the trouble away.

The Duan Sheng Land on the other side of the Realm Gate reacted shortly after. A dull roar was heard, and the Realm Gate shook and shattered.


Last time, Yu Luyao's sword sea broke through the door, and the people on the other side could not get close to the boundary gate. Without the irresistible attack this time, Duansheng Land could naturally destroy the boundary gate.

But Shi Yu doesn't care about this. If you break it, I'll open it again. Anyway, the gates are opened randomly. Shi Yu doesn't believe that every time he opens the door, someone happens to be nearby.

As soon as the second door opened, a roar came from the other side of the realm gate. It was Zhanzhan Zun roaring angrily.

"Shi Yu! What do you want to do again? Force us to use all our strength to kill you first?"

Shi Yu also said angrily: "I will not offend others unless they offend me! You will never change your life and death! Let Xuanpan lead the blood-eating beast and the space-devouring beast to attack our Yanlan City! In this case, let's start a war! Let's see what happens. You remnants of the defeated army will have the last laugh, but I will fight my way into the land of destruction without leaving any trace of chicken or dog behind!"

"Blood-eating beast? Space-devouring beast?" There was a surprised low cry from the other side of the door, and then silence fell.

Shi Yu was not in a hurry and began to encourage the blood-corrupted beast, "Did you hear that? The enemies over there are the ones who killed your whole family. Go fight with them!"

Of course the blood-corrupted beast, which was not low in intelligence, would not be fooled by such childish provocations to deceive children, and gave Shi Yu a disdainful sneer.

Suddenly, another breath full of blood and killing passed through the door, making both Shi Yu and the Blood Erosion Beast tense up.

The blood-eroded beast, which had been eyeing Xiao Xiu on the ground just now, immediately turned its frightening gaze towards the realm gate.

Behind that door, it felt extremely threatened, and extremely hateful.

Seeing that there was something going on, Shi Yu stretched out his hand to film the scene where the Earth God Lord killed all the blood-corrupted beasts, and then dangled the iron chain in front of the blood-eroded beasts.

"I snatched this chain inside, and that person is inside. Go and take revenge!"

At this moment, the Earth God Lord's heavier aura permeated out from inside the door.

It must be that Zhan Zhanzun didn't know why the blood-eroded beast appeared, so he specially invited the Earth God Lord to ask, and the voice of the Earth God Lord was also faintly heard.

As soon as the Blood Corruption Beast felt the aura of the Earth God Lord, it immediately roared angrily, stepped on the void with its four claws, smashed the space barriers and rushed into the land of destruction.

Shi Yu was overjoyed and blocked the boundary gate, shouting towards Duansheng Land where a fierce battle had broken out:

"Listen! If you dare to put this ghost in the place where you control your life again, I will directly create a soul-guarding slave and lead the order guards down to destroy your whole family!"

After saying that, Shi Yu's body became ethereal, and he flashed into the Land of Broken Life.

The gate was broken immediately after Shi Yu entered the Land of Broken Life, sealing all the chaos in another world.

"This guy! He ran away again!"

As soon as Shi Yu left, Jian Kaitian grabbed the big sword and landed outside the broken gate.

Just as he was annoyed, Jian Kaitian heard a timid voice from behind him, "Daddy..."

"What?" Jian Kaitian was shocked.

No matter how stupid he was, Jian Kaitian knew that the voice was directed at him.

He turned around and saw the little girl who had been secretly looking at him while watching the battle with fear just now was pushed in front of him by Zhu Yanlan, her eyes full of panic.


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