Life Control Chart

Chapter 888: Sneaking into Dingjun Palace

As he flew along, Shi Yu did not stop searching. Apart from the busy patrol teams, he had not seen anyone ambushing for a long time, so he gradually dispelled his suspicion of Dan Rong.

As long as there were no traps in Dingjun Hall, Shi Yu could be sure that he was blessed and that whatever he wanted would come to him.

Gently landing on the land belonging to the War Lord, Shi Yu felt the obvious tense atmosphere.

The previous few times he came to the War Lord's domain, he was the only one guarding the quiet land in his hall.

This time, there were more than a dozen patrol teams of five people.

After hesitating for a long time, Shi Yu walked towards the main hall of the War Lord step by step with caution.

He had been to the territory of the War Lord several times, but Shi Yu had not carefully examined what was strange inside. This time, even if it was a dragon's den and a tiger's lair, he had to take a good look.

Shi Yu carefully looked at every cultivator and War Lord along the way. For the sake of caution, he also followed a War Lord for a long time to confirm that he was just patrolling before continuing to touch the main hall.

However, Shi Yu still kept a watchful eye. He still remembered that when he first entered the hall, he was discovered by the War Lord at the first time and was almost blocked inside. This time, he dared not rush in again.

Hiding in the corner outside the hall, Shi Yu watched teams of patrolling monks coming in and out.

After hiding for a long time, he did not see the War Lord leave the hall, not to mention that there was a Thousand Generals Lord sitting in the Dingjun Hall for retreat and cultivation.

Just when Shi Yu was entangled, the entire Broken Life Land was in chaos again. The shining treasures hanging in the air suddenly turned in one direction at the same time, and brilliant white light shot directly to a certain place.

The tall figure of the War Lord instantly flew out of the hall and flashed away in the direction of the light.

Those patrolling monks also swarmed and followed, and everyone's face flashed with shock and anger.

Shi Yu was shocked and thought to himself that someone in Yanlan City could not hold his temper and ran to the Broken Life Land to look for someone?

After another change of mind, Shi Yu secretly denied it. He had not told anyone the method of entering and exiting the land of death, and it was impossible for the people of Yanlan City to find this place.

Feeling relieved, Shi Yu quickly sneaked into the hall. Such a good opportunity could not be missed.

There were still people patrolling and standing guard, but without the Great War Lord, no one could find Shi Yu's whereabouts.

The hall was still as dilapidated as before, and the several great supremes seemed to have no intention of repairing the palace.

Shi Yu hid in the darkest place and tried his best to open his True Eyes. The world composed of only vertical and horizontal lines was clearly reflected in his eyes.

This time it was clear that there was a wide corridor spiraling downward in the hall, which went straight to the ground from the side hall behind the throne of the Great War Lord. There was a cultivator sitting cross-legged and guarding it every few miles.

But those cultivators were obviously uneasy, standing up and looking from time to time, as if waiting for the Great War Lord to bring back the expected good news.

Shi Yu no longer hesitated, put away the True Eyes and walked quickly towards the corridor. No matter who triggered the War Lord, there would not be much time left for him.

When he brushed past the first cultivator, the cultivator did not notice anything. His eyes seemed to be open and closed, and his powerful divine thoughts filled the corridor.

But Shi Yu's virtual body did not cause any ripples in his divine thoughts.

After winding for hundreds of miles, Shi Yu saw a towering palace gate standing in front of him, and two War Lords were chatting casually at the door.

"Why hasn't the War Lord come back yet? Dingjun Hall has been outside for too long, and I always feel uneasy." A red-haired strong man complained to the War Lord not far away. Another black-robed War Lord raised his eyelids and replied in a voice like sawing wood: "What are you afraid of? The War Lord must have gone to catch Shi Yu. He is the only outsider in my life-breaking land. Who else would want to attack Dingjun Hall? Even if it is Shi Yu, he dares to run to the War Lord to seek death?"

The red-haired strong man nodded and breathed a sigh of relief.

Just as Shi Yu was looking around and the two War Lords were chatting, the towering palace door slowly opened from the inside to the outside, and seven or eight War Lords and God Lords filed out.

"What? It's not time for you to come out yet, why are you all running out?" The red-haired strong man looked at the leading God Lord and asked in surprise.

The God Lord sighed with regret: "No, we are too weak. If we insist on it, we will only die. Let's change the next group of people."

As he said, the God Lord sat tiredly outside the palace door with a few people behind him, and put his hands on his knees and entered into meditation.

The red-haired strong man and the black-robed War Lord looked at each other and nodded at the same time.

Not long after, there was a sound of fine footsteps from the far end of the corridor, and another five people came together.

The man walking in front said dissatisfiedly: "This is the fourth time you have entered Tongyantai, right? Haven't you broken through the third level yet?"

The people who were sitting in meditation woke up one after another. The God Lord smiled helplessly, "It depends on whether you, the Nine Divisions, have the ability to break through the third level. If you do, it will be a great blessing for me."

After that, the God Lord said no more and hurried away with his people.

The people of the Nine Divisions did not enter Dingjun Hall immediately. The leader asked the red-haired strong man in confusion, "Did the Great War Lord use a fifth-level war puppet? Tongyantai should not have retreated so quickly."

The red-haired strong man shook his head vigorously, "Is it impossible? How can we deal with a fifth-level war puppet now? They are all third-level!

Only Qianjiangzun broke the sixth-level war puppet and is now recuperating. You must be quiet when you go in, don't make Qianjiangzun angry."

The faces of the people in the Nine Divisions were stern, and they entered one after another without saying anything more. Shi Yu also hurriedly stuck to the last person and walked into Dingjun Hall at his pace.

Just as the gates of the palace were about to close, the voice of the red-haired strong man came from behind again, "Alas! Now there are only three melons and two dates left in each ministry and government. Even the third level is so difficult to break. I think back then..."

Before he finished speaking, the palace door was closed, and Shi Yu could no longer hear what was said behind him.

The people in the Ninth Division also heard half of what was said, and all of them looked sad.

Shi Yu didn't care about their glorious past and turned around to look around.

Dingjun Hall was not a spacious hall as he thought. It was actually a long corridor. There were concave stone doors neatly arranged on both sides of the corridor. It was more appropriate to call it a prison cell.

"Okay! Cheer up, everyone! I say it again, everyone does what they can, if one person breaks it, everyone breaks it!

I hope that someone will gain new insights from this practice and lead everyone to break through the third level of combat. But if you really can't hold on, you can immediately activate the exit order and wait for others here. "

The leader of the Ninth Division shouted loudly, which boosted the morale of the tribe a little, and then they moved forward together, pushed open a stone door and walked in.

Shi Yu did not continue to follow, and stood there thinking. He thought that Dingjun Hall was a place for meditation and understanding of the method. Now it sounds like he has to fight some kind of puppet to practice.

If a fight breaks out, and the fellow practitioners see too many people fighting, wouldn't they be completely exposed?

Reaching out to grab the space barrier, Shi Yu came up empty. He secretly laughed at himself for thinking too simply. A place like Dingjun Hall must be a special space.

After giving up the thought of leaving, Shi Yu walked forward step by step along the corridor, and was shocked to see that each recessed stone door had dragons and phoenixes dancing on it, clearly writing the names of various ministries.

"Do I need to verify my identity when I go in?"

Shi Yu carefully pushed open a stone door with the Ministry of Health written on it. Sure enough, there was a curtain of light circulating, and conspicuous large characters were engraved on the left wall: No one without the Ministry of Health is allowed to enter!

After a few moments, no one stepped in, and the stone door slowly closed again.

Shi Yu faintly heard a "click" sound coming from the door, and when he pushed the door again, it didn't move.

"Ha! Is there still a time limit for entry and exit?"

Shi Yu had a thought and ran quickly in the corridor, opening all the stone gates with the names of the ministries written on them like a naughty boy. As long as it might cause trouble to Duansheng Land's cultivation, he would try it.

Just when his palm pressed against a stone door with the name of Lanyuntai written on it, Shi Yu suddenly stopped playing and took a few steps back with a sullen face.

Shi Yu remembered that Qianjiangzun once said that he belonged to Lanyuntai, and that he was practicing in seclusion in Dingjun Hall. So behind the stone gate of Lanyuntai, Qianjiangzun should be practicing with a sword.


Shi Yu chuckled, passed the stone door, and continued to fiddle with it until there was only the last door left in front of him.

What caught my eye this time was not the name of the ministry, but the three characters Yu Mingtian.

As soon as these three words came into his eyes, Shi Yu felt dizzy and hurriedly held on to the wall to prevent him from falling.

This was a real dizziness, not Shi Yu's illusion. Those three words seemed to have a soul-stirring magic power, pulling Shi Yu's soul into the door.

The heart of all things seemed to have a spirit, immediately floating in Shi Yu's eyes, slowly spinning and exerting the power to calm the soul and guard the heart, pulling Shi Yu back from the edge of confusion.

"What a risk!"

Shi Yu took several steps back with lingering fear, and after confirming that his soul was really no longer disturbed by the words "Control the Ming Tian", he took a few steps forward and gently pushed open the stone door.

This is the last door. If there are still identity restrictions, Shi Yu plans to find an opportunity to leave Dingjun Palace.


When this stone door opened, it made a strong sound that was absolutely different from other stone doors, which startled Shi Yu.

He quickly looked towards the other end of the corridor, especially the stone door of Lanyuntai.

The stone gates were all opened, and the fierce sound gradually faded away in the corridor. The stone gates of other ministries were still closed despite the loud noise. Shi Yu finally felt a little relieved and turned to look inside the wide open door in front of him.

Scanning left and right, there were no warning words on the walls on both sides of the door, and no light curtain fell to verify identity. There was only a pure darkness solidifying seven feet inside the door.

To enter into practice, you must walk into the darkness.

Shi Yu suddenly remembered that he had seen the same situation when he first entered the life-controlling space. When he opened a door, he could only see pure darkness.

After calming down, Shi Yu walked to the dark curtain that looked like black jade, slowly stretched out his hand and reached inside, only to find that the place where he started was empty.

With a heartbeat, Shi Yu strode in, his body quickly disappearing into the darkness, and the stone door behind him slowly closed with another "Zhaza" sound.

There was only a thin layer of darkness, and Shi Yu completely crossed it in one step, stepping into a mysterious yet familiar place.

"Life-controlling space!"

Shi Yu exclaimed in his heart, never expecting that he would come to the place he couldn't ask for so easily.

Looking back anxiously, Shi Yu let out a long sigh of relief. It was as if the darkness of the realm gate was still standing behind him, the only thing visible in this space besides him.

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