Life Control Chart

Chapter 890 Brahma

Shi Yu was more and more surprised as he fought. The power wielded by the Forbidden Soul Heavenly Man contained a strange corrosive force that could extremely erode the Yuanli and Chaos in Shi Yu's body.

Only divine power could resist, which forced Shi Yu to absorb divine power as much as possible to protect himself from his attack.

But what surprised Shi Yu was that this man's move was just like replacing the war puppet that had never appeared.

Every time he caused some damage to Shi Yu, Shi Yu would become closer to the divine power here, and the Yuanli and Chaos that were dispelled by his corrosive power would also be replaced by a large amount of divine power.

Shi Yu's divine power-refined body once again moved towards being stronger.

The heart of tempering immediately replaced the killing intent. Shi Yu deliberately slowed down his hands and feet, allowing himself to suffer some minor injuries, and disperse all the mixed forces without losing his combat power.

After hundreds of rounds, the man finally discovered Shi Yu's intention. Others were getting weaker and weaker, but Shi Yu's divine power became stronger and stronger.

He was a master of the Forbidden Soul Heaven, but he was used as a stepping stone by others. How could he tolerate this?

He immediately flew into a rage and shouted, "Boy! Are you looking for death? How dare you borrow my help to practice? Who are you?"

"Haha! You idiot just found out! I also want to know who I am, or you can tell me?" Shi Yu laughed and retreated, as if he didn't want to face the anger of the visitor.

Just as the Forbidden Soul Heaven visitor was about to chase him, he was suddenly overwhelmed by a sharp pain.

The Heaven Seal, which Shi Yu had thrown away long ago, flew back silently and hit him hard on the back of his head.


With a long scream, Shi Yu proudly put away the Heaven Seal.

The scene in front of him suddenly became bright, and Shi Yu and the Forbidden Soul Heaven visitor were stunned on the spot.

The Dingjun Hall buried deep underground suddenly became bright in all directions, like a bubble wrapped in crystal jade, with crowds of people standing up and down, and everyone's face was filled with hatred to kill them all.

"Fan Zun! I want to see how you can run! You're courting death by running into Dingjun Palace!"

The voice of Zhanzun sounded, and a cold face stuck to the invisible protective wall.

Then, the cold face became extremely ferocious, and he trembled as he looked at the sneaky Shi Yu and the bloody people from the Forbidden Soul Heaven.

"Shi Yu! How come you are also in there, you bastard! How can you enter the Lord's Domain!"

"You are the bastard! People from the Forbidden Soul Heaven can enter, why can't I?" Shi Yu was unwilling to be scolded, and immediately fought back.

This seemed to remind the War Lord, and he immediately asked Brahma Lord, "Brahma Lord, you rushed into Dingjun Hall in a panic? How did you get in?"

Brahma Lord wiped the blood off his face, stared at Shi Yu and sneered, "When I killed your Yumingtian, I, Jinhuntian, smashed your master's body and snatched all his keys. What's so strange about me coming in?

Your Yumingtian is still lingering, and there are still people who can practice here! I will kill him now and cut off all your hopes!"

As he said, Brahma Lord roared and pounced on Shi Yu, wanting to avenge the broken skull.

Although Brahma Lord heard that Shi Yu and the War Lord were not in harmony, he did not think of winning over Shi Yu.

Jinhuntian and Yumingtian have always been irreconcilable in the upper realm. The mastermind who attacked Yumingtian Lord back then was Jinhuntian Lord.

Especially Shi Yu, a monster who can practice in the forbidden land of the Lord, is even more on the list of must-kill, lest he grow up one day and make Jinhuntian regret it.

The Great War Master was extremely angry, but he had no other choice. His original intention was to seal up the entire Dingjun Hall and imprison Brahma Master in the hall forever.

But now Shi Yu suddenly appeared in the Dingjun Hall, completely disrupting the Great War Master's plan.

If these two bastards were sealed in together, they would probably stop fighting.

Moreover, Shi Yu was extremely cunning, and he might find a way to break the Dingjun Hall, so that the sealed Brahma Master could also escape.

The Thousand Generals Master, who was already practicing in the Dingjun Hall, looked even uglier.

At this time, he already had all his hands and feet, and he looked even more majestic and awe-inspiring with a complete body. The machete kept rubbing in his hand, and his eyes were full of murderous intent when he looked at Shi Yu and Brahma Master.

He was sitting here, but Shi Yu first and then Brahma Master rushed into the Heavenly Lord Domain one after another, which made him lose face.

While fighting with Brahma Master, Shi Yu carefully observed the people who besieged the Dingjun Hall, thinking about how to get out after killing Brahma Master.

He saw the halberd-wielding man again, but not the Earth God Lord. He must have been too badly injured and could not fight at this moment.

Up to now, Shi Yu believed that he had a grasp of Brahma Venerable's strength. Although he was only as strong as Qianjiang Venerable, he could still be killed by all means, but he had to think carefully about what to do after killing him.

Brahma Venerable saw Shi Yu doing two things at once from time to time, and his anger rose immediately.

The boy in front of him counted people while fighting, and his sneaky eyes were obviously thinking about how to get away.

Although he was suppressed in Yumingtian and could not use more than three-tenths of his strength, he could not be despised by the little world master whose divine power had not yet fully transformed.

"Boy! You still want to escape from my hands alive? It's just wishful thinking!"

Brahma Venerable shouted and drew back Shi Yu's mind.

Shi Yu was shocked to see that Brahma Venerable's palms burst out blue and gold lightning, licking his body with a crackling sound.

The distance was too close for Shi Yu to dodge. He quickly turned into a void and let the blue-gold lightning pass through his body, blasting the entire Tianzhu domain.

The surging divine power was hit like a meteorite falling into the sea.

"You actually have a yin-yang body! Do you think you can escape my life-chasing demonic thunder?"

Brahma roared, and his strange body was immediately covered with a large area of ​​fog and lightning, like a dark cloud of thunder floating in front of Shi Yu.

Only the pair of azure eyes stared at Shi Yu through the mist.

Shi Yu felt his body tightened in an instant, and countless blue thunderbolts exploded on his body. Although his body was still in the process of virtualization, a complete human figure was clearly displayed in the void under the entanglement of thunder and lightning.

Shi Yu was shocked. He didn't expect that there was such a magical secret method to break the virtual body.

However, he used the virtual body just to avoid the attack. It didn't matter whether he would be seen or not.

With a cold snort, Shi Yu also showed his true eyes. A pair of dark and bottomless vortexes were even more weird and mysterious than the pair of azure magic eyes, which made Brahma feel nervous.

What Shi Yu saw on Brahma was no longer a series of strings, but tiny blue beads.

Brahma seemed to be made of blue gravel, which was completely different from the people of Yumingtian.

The life line definitely did not exist on Brahma, and Shi Yu found nothing on his head. He set his sights on the blue beads again, trying to grab a handful of blue beads to see what would happen to Brahman.

The people surrounding the Dingjun Palace gradually stopped making noises. The result they hoped for most was that Shi Yu and Brahman would both be injured.

It would be even better if they both died.

Brahman saw that Shi Yu was fully exposed, and shouted that thousands of blue lightnings were coming again.

Just as Shi Yu was about to avoid it, he felt that the tiny lightning wrapped around his body dragged him towards the blue lightning torrent.

Frightened, Shi Yu simply took advantage of the situation, pretending to scream and struggle and pounced on Brahman.

Brahman was not stupid. Since he could attack from a distance, he would not play close combat with Shi Yu. He whistled and quickly avoided, and the lightning between his palms became more fierce.

Lightning struck Shi Yu, and most of it passed through the virtual body and blasted into the Lord of Heaven, disappearing in the misty and dark space.

But there were also a few lightning bolts, like the attack of the War Lord, which left tiny wounds on Shi Yu's body like knife cuts.

Shi Yu became cautious. Facing a situation that could no longer be controlled at will, he did not want to play with fire and end up with his body and soul destroyed.

With a long roar, Shi Yu suddenly rose up, blowing away the white mist covering his body, smashing the lightning around his body, and instantly blasted in front of Brahma Lord like a human-shaped thunderbolt.

Then he threw a punch and hit the most tightly packed part of the blue bead.

Shi Yu's vision was different from others. At this moment, the place where he punched would only miss in the eyes of outsiders, but it scared Brahma Lord enough.

It also made the War Lord's eyes suddenly light up. The fist was aimed at the vital point of Brahma Lord's wandering.

Brahma Lord was able to escape safely under the siege of the War Lord and others because the War Lord and others could not catch his vital point. A little bit of skin injury did not affect his combat power at all.

At the same time, Mo Lu also whistled out, stabbing straight at the densely packed area of ​​blue beads, and pierced through with a finger-thick through wound faster than Shi Yu's fist.

Brahma was severely injured, and it was too late to dodge. He could only try his best to drive the vitals to move and dodge, but was still hit by Shi Yu's punch.

The subtle crackling sound was simply a death song to Brahma.


A large mouthful of aqua blue blood spurted out, and it was churned into stardust by the surging divine power when it was sprinkled into the space of the Lord of Heaven.

The people of Duanshengdi who were guarding outside shouted loudly at the same time, cheering for Shi Yu's success.

Shi Yu punched Brahma's vitals, and his fist immediately opened to grab the blue beads and pulled them out with force.

Brahma, who had already suffered a severe injury, screamed even more miserably, looking at Shi Yu in disbelief.

"Who are you? How did you do it?" Brahma shouted in pain.

Shi Yu wanted to throw away all the blue beads in his hand, but when he thought that this thing might be melted back by Brahma, he simply took it into his body, which made Brahma even more shocked and angry, and he rushed towards Shi Yu with a roar.

"Hand it over! I hate that I was bullied by you, a little bastard who doesn't even know my origin!"

Shi Yu was not afraid of the already crazy Brahma. Since he had the opportunity to beat him to death, Shi Yu would not waste the opportunity.

Da Zhan Zun and Qian Jiang Zun narrowed their eyes and watched Shi Yu still chasing Brahma closely, punching at the unknown place around him.

There was obviously nothing there, but Brahma vomited blood frequently under Shi Yu's relentless pursuit.

A ghost-like light and shadow was as fast as lightning, piercing through Brahma, causing Brahma to roar endlessly but helplessly.

"It seems that Shi Yu has indeed found the weak spot of Brahma. It's amazing! Even if we are at our best, it would be very difficult to do this, right? Dazun, activate the God-Slaying Order." Qianjiangzun said to Dazun in a deep voice.

While he was speaking, Brahma had been hit by dozens of punches, and angrily exploded with thunder all over his body to force Shi Yu back.

Dazun looked at Qianjiangzun in surprise and reminded him in a low voice, "Once the God-Slaying Heavenly General moves, Shi Yu and Brahma will definitely not be able to take action again. Why don't you wait a little longer?

And if the God-Slaying Order is activated, our recovery time will be delayed by several decades."

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