Life Control Chart

Chapter 897: Quick Decision

Gai Ying sat in the center of the formation, trembling as he looked at the hundreds of upper realm divine essences scattered around him, and he was so happy that he almost fainted.

In the past, Yuan Long would just give him some spiritual materials that others didn't use, saying that the key to a great formation was to absorb the spiritual energy of heaven and earth, and to take heaven as the father and earth as the mother, and to slowly nurture heaven as the father and earth as the mother to be a truly good formation.

As a result, Gai Ying's formation was filled with junk, and the power it exerted could barely protect the city.

Today, he threw away all the junk, and put a hundred or so divine essences given by Shi Yu into the center of the formation. He could easily send out some divine light and shadows, and the realm masters who came running over could be beaten into ashes.

With a sudden shock, Gai Ying turned his eyes to Shi Yu, who was quietly suspended above the city.

It was Shi Yu who adjusted the formation, so that the formation had the ability to operate with divine power. He really didn't dare to think about what Yanlan City would do if Shi Yu had an accident.

Thinking of this, Gai Ying's eyes became firm, and he turned into a stream of light and merged into the entire formation.

Countless light pillars formed a light wall, fiercely hitting the flying realm masters, and the power released in an instant was enough to drain hundreds of absolute masters.

The divine material stuck in the center of the formation quickly shrank.

Shi Yu looked down at the formation under his feet and chuckled.

Every time Gai Ying fought, he was embarrassed by the broken formation wall. This time, with the support of the divine essence, he finally stood up and flourished.

The siege realm masters, who were already average in strength, were even more miserable. They were hit by the heavy walls like mountains, and they were immediately torn into pieces. They fought back with their remaining courage, but the small glimmer was not worth mentioning in front of the heavy walls.

The realm masters in Yanlan City who were fighting bloody battles looked at the formation with envy.

Even though they were combed by Shi Yu's divine power, they still couldn't attack directly with divine power.

However, their strength has been greatly improved, and they can fight with ease against those disgusting siege realm masters.

The seven supreme masters who surrounded the city, my father, Wan Ling and Mai Heng, naturally each chose the strongest one and tried their best to kill.

Yuanlong, Jian Kaitian and Ling Xiao also blocked one and fought vigorously.

The most surprising thing was Xuwu Shengxian, who was also fighting with a supreme master. His body was covered with blood but he still fought to the death. It was obvious that he was desperately trying to prove his value to Shi Yu.

Shi Yu looked carefully. Although Xuwu Shengxian was still a long way behind the supreme master, the fine needles he threw out also made him extremely angry when they pierced the supreme master.

Only the supreme master who was deeply involved in the fight understood how terrible these fine needles released by Xuwu Shengxian were. Every fine needle inserted into the body would go straight into his soul and wipe out his memories and emotions.

After fighting for a while, the supreme master almost forgot who his mother was.

The gap between his strength and Xuwu Shengxian was also rapidly narrowed in this continuous forgetfulness.

Shi Yu nodded with satisfaction, and scattered a lot of divine materials into the city defense formation, and the power blasted from the formation wall became three times stronger.

The siege masters who were like moths to a flame finally retreated. The city was broken and people died as they imagined, but they had lost more than 10,000 realm masters. On the contrary, they had lost two or three thousand of their own realm masters, and the others were all injured. This battle was impossible to fight.

Shi Yu looked at the realm masters who seemed like a mob, and the figure of Yu Tong suddenly appeared in his mind.

With his talent for commanding the army, Yu Tong could lead a million ordinary soldiers to fight against the realm masters. If he could have these tens of thousands of realm masters as soldiers, Yanlan City could be broken even if there were ten more formations.


Shi Yu suddenly stared at a native cultivator with strange behavior.

The other cultivators were running away with their heads in their hands, or lying on the ground wailing, only this cultivator was lying in the pile of corpses, staring with a pair of round eyes and looking around.

The swords and sabers that fell around him, even if they split the ravines a hundred miles deep, could not frighten him at all.

Moreover, his eyes were only on the masters of Yanlan City. No matter how many casualties the Siege City Realm Lord suffered, it did not arouse his interest.

Suddenly, the young cultivator seemed to feel Shi Yu's attention. When he looked up at Shi Yu, he was hit by the aftermath of the battle that came from nowhere and turned into a pile of meat in an instant.

Shi Yu was immediately surprised and thought that this was too coincidental.

Shi Yu's divine sense probed out and searched back and forth at the place where the native young cultivator died. After confirming that the young cultivator was really dead, he began to patrol the entire battlefield again.

The Siege City Realm Lord interpreted the word "rabble" to the fullest, and there was a ridiculous situation where more than 10,000 realm masters were chased and beaten by more than 40 Yanlan City Realm Lords.

Even if the top masters were equal to each other and the people of Yanlan City were intimidated, there were still hundreds of opponents assigned to each Yanlan City Realm Lord.

If hundreds of realm masters united and attacked with all their strength, even Wan Ling and my father would flee.

But they didn't. Not to mention unity, they even helped each other very reluctantly. It looked like they were just hitting here and there. Many attacks brushed past the realm master of Yanlan City and hit their own people.

In such a battle, Shi Yu didn't need to take action to win a great victory.

On the other hand, it was precisely because of Shi Yu's powerful lifting and Dinghaishenzhen that the people of Yanlan City could fight with great confidence and smoothly.

Not long after, the realm master of the siege began to collapse, and more and more people abandoned the battle and fled, and the voices of begging for mercy and stopping the war were heard one after another.

If Shi Yu didn't speak, none of the people in Yanlan City would stop. They were all people who had struggled on the line of life and death until today. They knew better than anyone that any enemy would not be grateful after escaping, but would only come back after recuperating.

Facing such an enemy with endless troubles, death is their best destination.

Sympathy and pity? What the hell is that?

Enemies fell one after another, which made Shi Yu very satisfied. The strength of everyone in Yanlan City was greatly improved, so that everyone who fought only suffered large and small injuries, and no one was killed.

Among them, the one who was most seriously injured was Xuwu Shengxian who crossed the level to challenge, followed by Jian Kaitian and Yuan Long. Both of them were masters of cross-level fighting, and they liked to rush and beat fiercely without leaving any way for them to retreat.

"My father! All spirits! Fight quickly!"

Shi Yu was not interested in letting everyone vent the secret fire that had been contained for a long time. After solving the problem of territorial jurisdiction, he was about to start vigorously cultivating spiritual seeds.

Shi Yu's choice would be beyond his wildest dreams.

As soon as my father and Wan Ling heard Shi Yu's loud shout, they immediately moved like lightning and quickly killed the enemies in front of them, and then took on the opponents of Xuwu Shengxian and Yuanlong respectively.

Wan Ling pounced out silently, bumped away the Xuwu Shengxian with one shoulder, blocked the fatal blow for him, and sneered at Jue Zhu who took the opportunity to escape.

Xuwu Shengxian panted and glanced at Wanling, then turned around and flew towards Yanlan City.

If Wan Ling hadn't hit him just now, he would have been the only Yanlan City realm lord killed in this battle.

The war ended quickly, and the camp that had surrounded Yanlan City for many years was now in ruins.

The spirit seeds, who had been suffocating in the city for a long time, rushed into the ruins of the camp with joy and wreaked havoc again, turning everything they saw into dust and mud.

With so many invincible powers protecting them, they are no longer afraid of the world lords of all realms and other natives coming to hunt them down.

The defeated besieging realm lords and natives could only retreat to 6 million miles to set up camp, which was 1 million miles more than Shi Yu wanted.

This kind of containment is not much different from no containment.

When Shi Yu waited for the war to subside, he landed at the place where the suspicious Xiao Xiu died and investigated carefully. Zhu Yanlan followed him with excitement on his face.

In the battle just now, Zhu Yanlan was holding a divine weapon and wearing divine armor. She found great confidence in ordinary realm masters. She was like an invincible female war goddess. No realm master targeted by her could survive in her hands. Three rounds.

"What are you looking for?" Zhu Yanlan stretched his neck and looked curiously at Shi Yu digging through the soil.

"When you've had enough fun, go back to the city and take a rest. I saw a strange little monk here." Shi Yu stretched out his hand to pick up a large piece of dust and mud, searching inch by inch for the remaining flesh, flesh and bones of the little monk.

"Where is Qi?" Zhu Yanlan asked again.

Shi Yu's spiritual thoughts quickly swept through the soil and pulled out a palm-sized bone from it. This was the only remaining remains of Xiao Xiu.

"In the battle just now, he was not scared and was looking around. He was in a more peaceful mood than me. I have to doubt his origin. If it is the Duan Sheng Land, it is fine, but if it is the Soul Forbidden Heaven, then we will be in danger. "

Yuan Long also came over at this time. When he heard Shi Yu's words, his face suddenly turned frosty with joy and he shouted:

"Isn't it possible? Is the ordering guard above blind? Is he letting spies sneak in again and again?"

Shi Yu looked up at the sky, and the remaining bones in his hands were crushed into pieces, "I didn't feel the strange aura of the Forbidden Soul Heaven, it shouldn't be the case.

The commanding guard now has the God's Order, which is the treasure that controls the entire Yumingtian, and it is easy to kill the spies. "

"Is that the Land of Desolation? Are they ready to come out?"

Yuan Long frowned as he looked at the bone powder falling to the ground. It would not be a good idea to target Yanlan City when Duansheng came to the ground.

Shi Yu clapped his hands, shook off the dust, turned to look at the spiritual seeds having fun far and near, and said with a smile: "Now those powerful ones can't come out, and the bad ones will die if they come out, what are you afraid of?

Sister Yuanlong, spread the news that we are recruiting souls from the fate-controlling land, and then find a way to open up the channels between us, the Nine-Life Totoro and Ye Mobai. It is best to create several realm gates. make. "

Yuan Long nodded and left in a hurry. She couldn't do this. Wan Ling had to take action.

Although there are world gate orders all over the world, in the land of commanding destiny, only Wan Ling has refined the world gate orders so far, and it can only pass through Yanlan City.

After defeating the besieging army, the area around Yanlan City suddenly became deserted. Even if Yanlan City opened the city with great fanfare to welcome guests, no one dared to get into trouble at this time and risk offending the vast majority of the world lords to come and go with Yanlan City.

Yanlan City has been blocked for decades, and now it has been supplemented with materials from thousands of realm masters, and it doesn't matter if there are people or no people.

They just use large formations to announce to all directions every day that Yanlan City welcomes realm owners to come to trade and welcomes spiritual species to come here to practice.

But not long after, news that made Shi Yu unhappy came.

Yuan Long hurriedly ran into Shiyu's small courtyard, his face full of seriousness and gloom.

Not caring about nonsense, Yuan Long reached out and took out something and threw it on the table. Shi Yu's complexion immediately turned as black as the bottom of a pot. He grabbed the half of the sharp claw and shouted: "Who sent it here?"

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