Life Control Chart

934 Special Treatment for the King of Spiritual Seeds

Shi Yu looked sideways and before he could say anything, Xiao Hei's whip tail had already been swung over, hitting King Chen right in the face, causing him to scream and fall on his back.

"Hahaha! I can't beat you outside, but here I am the master!"

Xiao Hei became playful, jumped off Shi Yu's body, and rushed towards the direction where the sound of breathing was heard. Several world leaders in the field were knocked down by him with three punches and two kicks. It was very impressive.

"Hahahahahaha! I am so awesome! I am defeated like the king of spiritual species!" Xiao Hei felt that he was invincible, put his hands on his hips and looked up to the sky, laughing.

Shi Yu smiled and shook his head, walked a few steps, grabbed Xiao Hei, and gently put it on his shoulder.

"What are you robbing here? Why do I see an empty hall?"

As soon as Shi Yu opened his mouth, the two kings of spiritual species were immediately horrified. They both jumped back and opened a few feet away from Shi Yu.

"Shi Yu! Why are you here?" King Chen shouted in shock, clenching Tiegu Duo tighter in his hands.

"You can come, why can't I? I'm so happy that you two were caught by me!" Shi Yu replied lazily.

The two kings were frightened and retreated again.

"Why are you running? If I say that I can see clearly, do you two still have the intention to run?" Shi Yu took a few steps to catch up. King Chen was so shocked that he danced with iron bones and King Ku hit him with his iron fist.

They can detect their surroundings, but compared to being able to see things, there is a huge difference.

"Haha, don't be afraid, I have no intention of killing you. As long as the ten kings don't mess with me, I won't kill anyone. Are there any of you who are going to Yanlan City to provoke you? It's best to let them go! Otherwise, I will see you when I go back. Yanlan City is damaged and none of the ten kings will be left alive!"

After finishing the harsh words, Shi Yu slowed down his voice again and said in a deep voice: "What do you two rely on to get here? Apart from you and me, no other human race has been able to reach the depths. Could it be that the spirit Is there any difference between the human race and the human race of all realms?”

King Ku and King Chen were silent for a moment. King Ku took a step forward and said: "We are born as kings of spiritual seeds, and what we see in our eyes is different from the spiritual seeds.

In this underground world, we can see your true spiritual fire burning. Although the light is extremely weak, it is not a problem to identify the direction. "

"What? Can you see the glimmer of the true spirit?" Shi Yu was shocked. He could only see the true spirit fire near the Spirit Pagoda. These kings of spiritual species could actually look through their skulls.

"Yes! But the true spirit is hidden deep inside the body, and the light is too weak." King Ku quickly replied.

Shi Yu was deep in thought, and suddenly asked: "Then I once sneaked into your lair, and you always watched me, didn't you? Are you teasing me like a fool?"

King Ku and King Chen waved their hands at the same time. King Ku smiled bitterly and said, "Sometimes you can see it, sometimes you can't. Lord Time Realm, you disappear into the void, and we can't see anything."

Shi Yu secretly breathed a sigh of relief and felt very lucky.

"You haven't answered me yet, what are you robbing? Is there anything you took here?"

King Ku didn't answer this time. The Chen Dynasty raised his hands to Shi Yu and said, "When we came here, it was an empty temple. We were just competing with others for the ownership of this temple. If the Lord of the Time Realm likes it, just take it."

"Oh?" Shi Yu turned around and looked at the surrounding temples, but didn't notice anything special about the temple.

"Then you continue, I'm not interested in this temple." Shi Yu slapped Xiao Hei, and Xiao Hei immediately transformed into armor and flew into the air with Shi Yu.

Just when Shi Yu had just ascended into the air, a sword force came through the air and trapped all the world masters and monks in it.

The people who were full of life just now were instantly covered with blood and mud. Only King Chen and King Ku stood in the blood and mud with horrified expressions on their faces, looking at the general approaching step by step at a loss.

Shi Yu also paused, lowered his head and looked at the general in the distance, wondering why the general didn't kill the two kings of spiritual species together.

King Chen and King Ku also hurriedly looked up, and when they met Shang Shiyu's gaze looking down, they both felt deep doubts from each other.

"Tap! Tread!"

The general was coming step by step, but King Ku and King Chen didn't dare to move. They didn't know who was coming, but just because this person could use unparalleled power in the underground world, they couldn't even think of resisting or escaping.

The general stood in front of the two kings, with two red flames shooting out of his eyes. He scanned the two kings' bodies up and down. After a moment, he left without saying a word, holding the knife in his hand, leaving only the confused three people behind. original place.

Shi Yu slowly landed, walked around the two kings who were frozen a few times, and said in surprise: "This guy didn't kill you, why?"

How could the two kings know the answer! They looked at each other in cold sweat for a moment, then sat down on the ground and gasped.

The gaze just now by the general was simply sharper than a knife. The two of them felt that they were split into billions of tiny particles by that gaze, and each particle was scrutinized until all their secrets were dug out. , the general left silently.

"He... who is he? Why can he release power?" King Chen sat on the ground with his head bowed, unable to ask questions as if he was drunk.

From Shi Yu's tone, he understood that Shi Yu must know the origin of the mysterious powerful man.

"Heavenly General! The guardian of this world, everyone who enters here is the target of their killing. So I am very surprised why he didn't kill you two."

Shi Yu opened his true eyes, looking carefully at every detail of the two kings like a general from heaven.

Thin vertical and horizontal string lines outlined the figures of the two kings, but Shi Yu didn't feel that they were any different from other powerful figures.

King Ku and King Chen noticed that Shi Yu was looking at them carefully again, and a sudden feeling of powerlessness overwhelmed them both. The majestic king of spiritual species is like cattle and sheep for sale, allowing others to inspect him at will.

"Strange!" Shi Yu couldn't see the clue for a moment and retracted his gaze.

"Does it mean that because you two are the kings of spirit seeds, the generals will not kill you? Doesn't that mean that this place has become the back garden of your kings of spirit seeds?" The more Shi Yu thought about it, the more he felt uncomfortable. He wished that he could take away all the treasures of the Heavenly Lord Domain at once.

The bitter king and the Chen king were stunned when they heard the words, and they lowered their heads even lower.

If Shi Yu was angry for a while and broke the contract and killed them, it would be too unfair.

"No! Absolutely not!" Xiao Hei suddenly shouted, "Brother Shi Yu! That Bai Que is already very difficult to deal with. If there are a few more powerful kings of spirit seeds, what should we do? We must kill them!"

The bitter king and the Chen king immediately jumped up and ran away, one on the left and the other on the right, each betting on fate.

Before Shi Yu moved, Xiao Hei rushed out first, following the rapid and loud footsteps, he bumped into the back of the bitter king, grabbed him and rushed to the back of the Chen king.

Poor two spirit kings, if they were outside, they would definitely be more than enough to deal with Xiao Hei, but after entering this place, they could only let Xiao Hei ravage them.

Fortunately, the bodies of these two people are also very tough. Xiao Hei has no Yuanli to add to his body, and he can't bite them to pieces even after a few bites.

"Pooh! Pooh!" Xiao Hei returned to Shi Yu, spitted out the two people with force, and whipped them hard with his tail.

The two kings felt desperate. They couldn't even beat Shi Yu's beast pet. If Shi Yu took action, they would definitely be annihilated.

"Don't worry, I don't want to kill you." Shi Yu said something unexpected, rekindling the hope of the two kings.

"But I have a condition, you two must follow me from now on, and block me when you meet Tianjiang! Until I figure out why you two are not killed!"

Although King Ku and King Chen were very reluctant, they still surrendered under the threat of death. Since Tianjiang could let them go once, he should be able to let them go the second and third time!

"This temple belongs to you. I also want to see how your King of Spirit Seeds will perform compared to Bai Que." Shi Yu generously gave up the ownership of the temple. Anyway, he didn't know how to refine weapons, so it was useless to take the temple.

The two kings were skeptical, but they didn't dare to ask who Bai Que was.

King Chen walked to the foot of the tall statue, stretched out his hand to press a mechanism to rotate, and saw the huge temple rumble and shrink, and soon it turned into a small square box like a thumb and fell into King Chen's hands.

Shi Yu was stunned. The reason he gave up the temple was more to see the ability of the King of Spirit Seeds. If he couldn't open his body orifices and couldn't take things in at will, how would the King of Spirit Seeds collect the treasures?

In any case, Shi Yu didn't expect that the temple itself could be retracted and released freely. This is simply the best treasure for a palace.

"Tsk tsk!" Shi Yu smacked his lips a few times, and couldn't help but regret it a little.

Xiao Hei was also jealous, and his long tail patted Shi Yu's waist again and again, obviously asking him to take it back.

"Ahem! Forget it! There must be more behind, let's find another one." Shi Yu grabbed Xiao Hei's tail, too embarrassed to regret what he had just said.

Starting again, he naturally couldn't follow the slow speed of the two kings. Shi Yu pulled out the iron chain to tie them up, hung them under his body and dragged them.

The long-lost human kite appeared again. Xiao Hei deliberately made the two kings suffer a little, and increased the speed of escape to the fastest.

The two kings could not release the Yuanli shield to block the strong wind, and were blown very miserably.

The Soul Casting Pavilion was finally in sight. Like the Soul Raising Tower, the Soul Casting Pavilion also supported the ground under the rock layer like a giant pillar, but unlike the Soul Raising Tower, the Soul Casting Pavilion was made up of layers of buildings, like an endless Tongtian Pavilion.

Thousands of pioneers had arrived here long ago. Some of them went around the lower houses to find the entrance, and some simply climbed along the wall to climb up.

But without exception, everyone was blocked by the closed doors and windows, and no one could really enter the Soul Casting Pavilion.

Shi Yu quickly landed on the ground, but no one cared about the largest and most solemn main gate. It must be that after a long time of thinking, everyone had given up the idea of ​​entering and exiting through the main gate.

As soon as they landed, King Chen and King Ku hurriedly reached out to rub their faces. The persistent strong wind blew, and they felt that their skin was about to be blown off.

"Strange, I didn't meet the Heavenly General along the way. Is there any benefit in bringing you with me?" Shi Yu looked at the two kings with haggard faces, full of confusion.

Xiao Hei also felt very strange. He had heard the noisy noises around him. Obviously, there were many realm masters moving around nearby, but such a big movement and so many realm masters did not attract the Heavenly General to slaughter.

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