Life Control Chart

Chapter 943: Bone Powder on the Ground

Shi Yu let go of the soul chain and sneered: "At this time, you still dare to attack me secretly, but you don't seem to be that powerful. It's not as good as the God's weapon to lure me in deeper."

"Giggle! Are you talking about Mo Lu?

Didn’t his enchantment and magic come from me? But he is even worse than me, the former No. 1 War Lord in Yumingtian, the Jue War Lord! It was actually made into a personal weapon by God, but it was still such a shameless and obscene thing.

Hahaha! What a heartless and unjust God! What an invincible God! "Miaozun Fanlin couldn't stop laughing.


Shi Yu and Xiao Hei were speechless. They didn't expect Mo Lu to have such a miserable experience.

The two of them always thought that Mo Lu was just a treasure made from divine materials. They never imagined that Mo Lu was actually refined from a warrior. No wonder he always had endless resentment towards the God who controlled the destiny.

However, Shi Yu is not interested in the secrets of God, and now is not the time to chat about the past.

"Okay! Stop talking nonsense and just tell me where is the best place to practice in Soul Casting Pavilion. I don't want to talk to you anymore. Just tell me and I'll leave. Maybe I can come back and let you go when I'm successful in my practice. "

"Let me go? Hahaha! Do you dare?" Fanlin Miaozun only thought that he was deceiving her into telling the secret of soul refining.

However, she did not argue with Shi Yu and continued: "The best place to practice is of course my place. Since you see these soul chains locking me tightly, you should know what their use is. Do you want me to say more?" "

Fanlin Miaozun once again showed her supreme beauty, but at this time everyone saw that she was tightly bound by hundreds of black chains, and even her beautiful face was penetrated by black chains in various directions, making her appearance extremely miserable.

"Ah?" Except for Shi Yu, everyone else exclaimed and looked at the scene in front of them in disbelief.

It is not uncommon for prisoners to be imprisoned by using artifacts to pierce bones and flesh, but to do this to such a beautiful woman, hard-hearted cannot even describe the cruelty of the perpetrator.

Shi Yu frowned, realizing that this woman was once again taking advantage of everyone's sympathy to unleash a soul attack, and said coldly:

"Show your true colors! I've seen masters from Soul Forbidden Heaven, and they definitely don't look like you! If you dare to use your false appearance to deceive me again, don't blame me for being cruel!"

Fanlin Miaozun, who was looking sad, was startled, and suddenly said sharply: "Have you seen someone from the Soul Forbidden Heaven? Who is it? Where is he?"

"Fan Zun died in the Dingjun Hall a few years ago, and there should be one or a few more who died in the Life-Controlling Battle Path!" Shi Yu deliberately countered Fan Lin Miao Zun's state of mind and informed loudly without hesitation.

"Is it Brahma?" Fanlin Miaozun's expression was suddenly confused, and the diffuse white mist emerged from her body again, and her appearance gradually revealed her true form as Shi Yu said.

However, although her true form is strange, she is still stunningly beautiful, and is not the half-human, half-ghost appearance of Brahma.

Three slender and lustrous winding sharp horns slowly protrude from the top of Fanlin Miaozun's head. Two beautiful legs are slender and straight. The gentle mist is emitting from her full and graspable waist, covering her half-exposed arms and legs. A layer of pure white cream makes Fanlin Miaozun look like a fairy in the clouds.

As for the outside of Fanlin Miaozun's arms, there are no ugly snake heads spitting messages, and the porcelain white lotus-root arms still glow with an alluring luster.

"Wow! Shouldn't it be ugly when it shows its true form? Why does it become more and more beautiful?" Xiao Hei exclaimed and hugged Shi Yu's head.

Whale Luohai and Saruka also appeared in shock, unable to resist Fanlin Miaozun's beautiful appearance, and quickly fell into intoxication.

"Brahma he really dead?" As if he couldn't believe it, Fanlin Miaozun lowered his eyes to the ground.

"Dead! Completely dead! The Nine Heavens swung ten thousand knives together, cutting down not even a scrap!"

"Impossible! Absolutely impossible! Even if his strength is suppressed by Tianyu, he will not die in the hands of Tianyu!" Fanlin Miaozun suddenly shouted and jumped towards Shi Yu.

The hundreds of soul chains buzzed and trembled, and streaks of black light rushed into Fanlin Miaozun's body along the chains. She screamed in pain, and every inch of her visible skin was cracked, and blood flowed out like a spring.

Shi Yuxun's true eyes could clearly see that every blue bead pierced by a black needle exploded into countless cracks after the black light rushed in, which obviously severely damaged Fanlin Miaozun's foundation.

"Impossible! It's impossible for Lord Brahma to die! Apart from God, who can kill him?" Lord Fanlin seemed to be unable to feel the pain, struggling and screaming.

"That's right! Brahma was seriously injured before he was killed by the general.

I think he had a fight with the commanding guard on the Ming Road, and ran to the ruined world where the four supreme beings were with his body seriously injured, and then fled into the Dingjun Hall, where he was surrounded and hacked to death by the heavenly generals. ! "

Shi Yu was like a qualified storyteller, explaining everything he knew clearly.

Shi Yu discovered that the greater the mood fluctuations of Fanlin Miaozun, the faster those soul chains extract power. Now is not the time to be soft-hearted, Fanlin Miaozun must be weakened to the extreme.

Otherwise, if he finds the key to this palace and starts to cast souls, Fanlin Miaozun suddenly jumps out to cause trouble.

"Impossible!" Fanlin Miaozun was still shouting, not believing what Shi Yu said at all.

"Even if the Brahma Master cannot defeat the Order Guards or the Thousand Generals, as long as his foundation is not damaged, escaping is not a problem! If he can enter the Ming Control Heaven, he can leave!"

Suddenly, Fanlin Miaozun stopped shouting, and her eyes gradually focused on Shi Yu. She trembled violently uncontrollably, raised a jade arm and pointed at Shi Yu, with a glare of hatred in her eyes.

"It's you! It's you who hurt his soul pearl! It's you who killed Brahma! Only you can see Brahma's life gate!"

"That's his fault. I was practicing hard in Dingjun Hall. He rushed in and attacked me first. Otherwise, he would have fled back to the Forbidden Soul Heaven and I would have left Dingjun Hall, and nothing would have happened."

Shi Yu said calmly, putting all the blame on Fan Zun.

"Ah! I want you dead!"

Fanlin Miao Zun was furious, but she had only anger but no fighting power. After being drained of her strength for half a day, she couldn't even blast the white mist far away. It was blown away by the wind in the hall when it was only half a foot away from her body.

Fanlin Miao Zun was stunned, standing there blankly, watching the white mist quietly dissipate, and closed his eyes in pain.

The black chain that entered his body immediately sucked more fiercely, and Fanlin Miao Zun's plump and beautiful appearance quickly withered and grayed. Soon, she changed from a young girl to an ugly old woman who was hard to look at.

Xiao Hei was a little scared. He held Shi Yu's head and asked softly, "Brother Shi Yu, is she asking for death? Is Fan Zun his father?"

Shi Yu had no idea about the relationship between Fan Zun and Fan Lin Miao Zun. He only knew that Fan Lin Miao Zun was dying.

The tiny blue beads in her body were breaking and dissipating one by one. The huge power spread throughout the Soul Casting Pavilion along the chain pillars.

When only the last blue bead was left, Fan Lin Miao Zun's body shattered and turned into dust on the ground.

The last blue bead also fell from the air, jingling and bouncing a few times before it stopped moving.

Hundreds of suspended soul chains fell down as if they were losing their strength, from being tight to being relaxed, and fell to the ground like countless blood-sucking leeches, still sticking their mouthparts on the remaining blue bead.

Then, all the soul chains disappeared from everyone's eyes, and only the blue bead that fell on the ground was emitting a bright blue light.

It should have fallen on the futon to suffer less pain from falling. But at this moment, it could only fall on the cold stone slab in an extremely desolate manner, waiting for the next rebirth.

Shi Yu and his companions immediately understood that the thick bone powder was all the remains left by Fan Lin Miao Zun who accumulated strength and was reborn again and again, and was sucked dry and squeezed dry again and again.

Just looking at the thin layer of bone powder left by this death, it can be seen that Fan Lin Miao Zun has suffered countless life and death changes.

The hall was silent, and Shi Yu and his companions fell into a brief silence.

Regardless of whether Fan Lin Miao Zun was good or evil, her situation revealed sadness and helplessness. This was a painful torture that any strong man who had once reached the peak was unwilling to accept.

What's more, Fan Lin Miao Zun was not completely dead, she was accepting the torture of humiliating death over and over again.

Shi Yu shook his head and didn't think about the right and wrong of Yu Ming Tian and Jin Hun Tian. He was just a small cultivator, not a god who could control everything, and it was not his turn to worry about the two major heavens.

Grabbing a soul chain, Shi Yu injected some divine power.

In an instant, the divine power spread throughout the Soul Casting Pavilion along the soul chain.

Shi Yu then discovered that there was not only one prisoner, Fanlin Miaozun, who was being repeatedly exploited in the Soul Casting Pavilion, but also thousands of forbidden soul prisoners were locked up in different halls.

However, some of them had died completely, some had become soul beads, and only two people were sitting silently on the futon, watching their power being ruthlessly plundered.

And more halls were like the main hall on the bottom floor, but the texture of the soul was more condensed layer by layer, and the highest level was already a mysterious appearance that Shi Yu could not distinguish.

The best soul casting that Fanlin Miaozun said was in this hall, because the soul power extracted from all the prisoners condensed the most essence into a dark pupil.

That pupil was embedded in the dome of the hall, hidden behind the mechanism and staring at everyone.

That pupil was the source of all the black chains, like a one-eyed monster with countless black hairs, greedily devouring infinite power.

Shi Yu did not dare to move rashly. The pupil in the Heart of All Things was dug out, and the Heart of All Things was directly exploded into ashes. Who knows what the result will be if the pupil here is dug out again.

"Xiao Hei, I found the right eye. Do you think I should dig it out first, or do the soul casting first?"

Shi Yu seemed to be asking Xiao Hei, but he was actually asking himself. He was a little undecided.

"Why don't you cast my soul first? Brother Shi Yu, you are selfish!" Xiao Hei was unhappy. He didn't get the benefits of the Heart of All Things. Now that he finally got the Soul Casting Pavilion, Shi Yu didn't even say that he would share a share.

"I have tried to activate the pupil, but it didn't respond. You can't improve your soul power by walking on the Soul Casting Land. What can I do?"

"Then how do you cast your soul?" Xiao Hei asked back.

"I can practice smoothly just by walking around. Isn't that what happened just now?" Shi Yu turned his face and looked directly into Xiao Hei's big eyes, and what he said made Xiao Hei angry to death.

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