Life Control Chart

Chapter 964: Creation Pond (Part 1)

After all, the blood-filled tunnel was no ordinary cave. Bai Que and Ju Xi didn't just want to stop. They were carried far away by the turbulent undercurrent before they stopped in front of the general.

Bai Que was shocked when he saw that it was the general who was facing him. What kind of adventure had happened to Simo Shiyu that he could let the general open the way for him.

The general didn't care what Bai Que thought. He raised his hand, grabbed the Jingtian Halberd on Bai Que's forehead, and stabbed Bai Que in the chest again.

Bai Que screamed strangely, stepped on the giant rhinoceros under the seat with both feet, and jumped back in a hurry.

The halberd just now was blocked not because Bai Que was so strong, but because the turbulent blood flow greatly weakened the Jingtian Halberd's power.

Now that Baique and the sky are close at hand, how dare you let the sky stab you?

After all, the Heavenly General is a Heavenly General. His power is restricted within three feet, and no realm master can stop it. What's more, the Jingtian Halberd inserted in his skull is caught by the Heavenly General. Bai Que cannot avoid it and is directly stabbed. Through the chest.

There was a crashing sound, and Bai Que turned into broken armor, and was immediately swept up by the surging turbulence and rushed out of the corridor.

Still no corpses fell out of the shattered armor.

The general frowned in confusion, raised his knife and struck at the scattered pieces of armor, only to find that the pieces of armor had escaped three feet away and rushed to Shi Yu's side with the torrent.

But when Tianjiang missed it, the giant rhinoceros also ran away smartly, grazing the edge of Tianjiang's blade and ran to Shi Yu's side, following a bunch of broken armor and running out of the corridor.

"Shi Yu! Don't go down! There are a lot of dead ghosts inside! If you don't have my skills, you will lose your true self if you go down!" Bai Que, who was in pieces, did not forget to remind Shi Yu when he ran away.

"What did this guy see? He was so scared? And why did he kindly remind me?"

Shi Yu looked back at Bai Que who quickly put together the broken armor, sat on the back of the giant rhinoceros, and ran away like a rabbit hit by an arrow.

"He is arousing your curiosity. The more he says this, the more you want to go down and see what happens?" Mo Lu said with a smile.

"Hey!" Shi Yu chuckled and agreed with Mo Lu's statement. But Bai Que was completely unnecessary. He didn't say anything, and Shi Yu would continue walking down.

Obviously, Bai Que did not wake up the so-called phaseless demon, because after he escaped, the turbulence in the corridor quickly calmed down, and it was as stagnant as a bottomless pool.

"What does he mean by dead ghosts? There are many dead ghosts in there, and are there many formless demons?"

"There is only one formless demon, and it may not be alive. Maybe... those corpses have been accumulated for a long time, and it is not necessarily true that Bai Que saw the birth of spiritual wisdom."

Mo Lu's memory was still a little fuzzy, and he thought about it for a long time before coming up with his inference.

"Whatever! You'll know if you go in and take a look? Bai Que can escape from those dead ghosts, so what are we afraid of?" Xiao Hei has a simple heart and thinks in the simplest direction.

Tianjiang was even less interested in chattering and thinking, so he took the lead and walked towards the depths of the corridor. Everyone had no choice but to follow with questions.

Shi Yu stared at the back of Tianjiang and suddenly said, "Don't Tianjiang not attack the reincarnation of the top true spirit? Why did he attack Bai Que just now?" This doubt has been lingering in Shi Yu's mind.

"They all have the mark of God. We and other God's subordinates are not allowed to kill without permission, but if you mess with me, you will die!" The general answered coldly.

"It must be another mark that Big Eyes left before he left! You must fight against me!" Shi Yu said bitterly, and quickly followed the departing general.

As you go deeper and deeper, more and more tunnels appear inexplicably, but without exception, they all merge into the tunnel where the blood of the God of Destiny lies.

Moreover, the texture of the pond water has become as viscous as honey. Walking in it feels full of resistance and makes it difficult to lift a step.

Finally, Shi Yu and his party's eyes suddenly opened up. The dark walls in all directions disappeared completely, and everyone fell into a vast abyss with water as soft as jade.

The moment he fell into the abyss, a bright light burst into everyone's eyes. Xiao Hei let out a cry and fell blind again, and Whale Luohai screamed in pain and closed his eyes.

Shi Yu was surprised to find that his eyes returned to normal.

Looking around, the abyss was full of colorful lights and mottled strings. He felt like a fish that had fallen into a big dye vat.

Suddenly, a soft chirping sound came from the ears of the people who were walking silently. It sounded like someone was whispering or singing in a low voice.

"Brother Shiyu! The dead ghost is coming!" Xiao Hei, whose heart had been tense for a long time, shouted in a low voice.

Just as he was astonished, Shi Yu saw a crescent-shaped colorful jade body slowly emerging from Tianjiang's side. In the translucent shell, a vague black shadow was lying inside.

There was obviously no pool water flowing, but the jade fetus seemed to be pushed by the flowing water, spinning around the general standing in the front. The low-pitched sound just now was coming from the jade womb.

General Tian frowned, raised his long knife and lightly touched the jade body, then slowly pushed it away.

Shi Yu could clearly see that Tianjiang had hardly exerted any force, but the shell membrane on the surface of the jade tire had made deep dents.


The jade fetus seemed to have suffered severe trauma and screamed loudly. The chirping sounds still in the depths of the abyss stopped immediately, as if they were also frightened.

Shi Yu frowned deeply and looked sideways at Mo Lu. Seeing that he didn't have any explanation, he boldly walked towards the jade fetus.

After the jade fetus was pushed by the general, it was like an angry little beast, circling around the general faster and faster, screaming like scolding in rapid succession.

Before Shi Yu could get closer, the jade fetus suddenly stood up, and the outer membrane shattered like a piece of silk with a hiss, and a man who looked exactly like Tian Jiang came out.

Shi Yu was shocked and stopped in his tracks, his eyes moving back and forth between the two generals.

Xiao Hei screamed and clung to Shi Yu, changing from heavy scale armor to close-fitting leather armor.

Jing Luo Hai lay motionless on Shi Yu's waist, his big round eyes full of surprise and suspicion.

Only a guard like the general who had no fear was not moved by this strange situation. He swung his long sword and chopped it down fiercely, as if to verify whether the opponent's strength was as outstanding as his.

The general who came out of the jade fetus had a wooden face, stretched out his hand to grab the blade, and broke the inch-long blade tip with a light twist, which shocked Shi Yu and made him step back several steps. Mo Lu also began to accumulate power and tremble, making a low buzzing sound.

The general was surprised, looked down at the broken close-fitting weapon, and then slowly turned his eyes to the long sword hanging on the waist of the general opposite, and his brows were knitted tighter.

Looking at this strange scene, Shi Yu tilted his head towards Mo Lu and whispered, "Too weird! Your memory of this place has not been fully restored yet?"

Mo Lu didn't say a word, and shot out like lightning, rushing straight towards the heavenly general who walked out of the shell membrane.

But what no one expected was that a jade fetus was faster and blocked in front of Mo Lu. Mo Lu couldn't stop in time and hit the jade fetus head-on, leaving a deep dent.

Then, with a light "bang", Mo Lu was hit by the rebounding shell membrane and rushed back towards Shi Yu.

Shi Yu caught Mo Lu and shouted at the heavenly general who was still in a daze, "Come back! Don't do it! It's hard to tell the real from the fake when fighting!"

Shi Yu's words were not alarmist. In his pair of eyes that could see the essence, there was no difference between the two heavenly generals. If they fought faster, who could tell which one was real and which one was fake?

But it was too late for Shi Yu to say this. The general who came with Shi Yu turned a deaf ear to Shi Yu's warning, and the general who came out of the jade fetus suddenly started to draw his sword and attack wildly.

What Shi Yu and his companions found most terrifying was that the real general was chopped into pieces without even taking a single move, and quickly dissolved in the colorful pool of water.


Xiao Hei opened his mouth to vomit. He was a little nauseous in horror. Judging from this situation, Shi Yu and his party had been soaking in the corpse water for a long time.

And Shi Yu was completely stunned, his mind was blank.

There is no doubt that the general is powerful, but even the powerful general became a dead soul in an instant. Who else can stop the blade of the fake general?

Something even stranger happened. The general who came out of the jade fetus picked up the Jingtian halberd floating in the pool and broke it hard.

After several attempts to argue to no avail, he drew his sword and slashed fiercely, as if he had completely inherited the hatred of the general for Juezhan Zun.

Juezhan Zun, who always liked to sneer, said nothing at this time. Only he knew all the clues here, but he just didn't speak.


The jade embryo that was hit by Mo Lu was also broken into pieces at this time, and a streamer shadow exactly like Mo Lu floated in the pool.

"Damn it!" Shi Yu shouted in shock, grabbed Mo Lu and slapped him into the soul sea. Now he and Mo Lu were no longer connected by spirit and soul, and Mo Lu could no longer freely enter and exit Shi Yu's soul sea.

The fake Mo Lu flew in front of Shi Yu with a buzzing sound, directly hitting Shi Yu's forehead, and then turned and left.

Shi Yu was startled and looked inside quickly. In the empty soul sea, there was no trace of Mo Lu!

Looking up and looking for it, Shi Yu saw that the fake Mo Lu had left with a long roar, and was swimming in the pool.

As he stirred violently, one jade fetus after another appeared around Shi Yu, as if they were all expecting Shi Yu to touch them and rush over.

"Ah! Get out of here!" Whale Luohai saw dozens of jade fetuses appearing around him, and he swung his wide tail in panic to stir the water, trying to wash away all the jade fetuses around him.

But although he dispersed several jade fetuses, more jade fetuses crashed into him with the turbulent water.

Soon, Whale Luohai, like Mo Lu and Tian Jiang, began a rapid real and fake fight.

"Xiao Hei! Get into my belly button!" Shi Yu shouted loudly, and at the same time quickly turned into a virtual body.

Fortunately, the virtual body lived up to Shi Yu's expectations and did not leave any traces on the jade fetuses that hit it.

Those jade fetuses could not touch Shi Yu's footsteps, and passed through the virtual body, so naturally they could not turn into one Shi Yu after another.

The jade fetuses that rushed towards Xiao Hei also pounced on nothing as Shi Yu deliberately avoided them.

Shi Yu quickly retreated and rushed back to the corridor which was only a few feet away, looking at everything in front of him in shock.

None of the jade embryos chasing Shi Yu could enter the corridor. After blocking the entrance of the corridor and colliding with each other for a while, they turned around and ran towards the other three fallen strong men.

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