Life Control Chart

Chapter 980: God is in pieces

Shi Yu asked, "What about our spirit seeds? Don't they have no place to cultivate? The whole 6 million li territory has been swallowed up?"

Yuan Long nodded awkwardly and said, "That's true. We in Yanlan City can handle one side, but it's hard to handle both at the same time."

"Humph! But our Yanlan City is not easy to mess with. Both sides are afraid that our Yanlan City will fall to the other side, so no one dares to force it too much. Except for occasional small conflicts, we are relatively safe."

Wan Ling took over Yuan Long's words and pointed out the current situation of Yanlan City.

"What about the Nine Lives Forbidden Land? Has it been conquered?"

Mai Heng twisted his beard and shook his head, "Those two guys in the Nine Lives Forbidden Land are not easy to deal with! The King of Spirit Seeds lost two kings, called Horn King and Dream King. One fought the Nine Lives Totoro to a draw, and the other had his head smashed by Di Ruo and fled.

Now the army of spirit seeds has completely cleared all the areas where spirit seeds were born, and surrounded the Nine Lives Forbidden Land without attacking. It's more relaxed than here."

Shi Yu grinned, thinking that the Nine Lives Forbidden Land is a shelter for spirit seeds, and the King of Spirit Seeds should at least take some consideration.

"But Ye Mobai is not having such a good time!" My father took over the topic,

"The Dragon King among the Kings of Spiritual Seeds has always been blocking the entrance of the land bridge, rushing in every now and then to fight with Ye Mobai, and other Kings of Spiritual Seeds also fight with him from time to time.

Because Ye Mobai killed all the spiritual species in the central land, the Kings of Spiritual Seeds regard him as their mortal enemy.

And the Lord of the Ten Thousand Worlds did not let Ye Mobai idle, there were always three or five Absolute Lords provoking him near the Nine Peaks."

My father explained Ye Mobai's dilemma in a few words.

Shi Yu nodded and said, "We don't need to worry about Ye Mobai. He is alone and will have no problem keeping himself alive. By the way, how many realm masters can enter the inner circle and the center now?"

When this was said, everyone in Yanlan City laughed bitterly. Yuan Long sighed, "At least hundreds of thousands of realm masters have broken into the inner circle now. If it weren't for Ye Mobai's ruthless killing in the central realm, there would be at least thousands of realm masters rushing to the Nine Peaks."

Shi Yu was shocked and stood up, "So many? I haven't been out for a few years, and masters are so worthless?"

"There are not many more masters. The main reason is that the Land of Controlling Life seems to have lost its air! The heavy pressure is gradually weakening, and now it is less than 50% of the previous one. Naturally, more realm masters have broken into the depths of the Land of Controlling Life.

Fortunately, the pressure on us is still useful and has not weakened along with the Land of Controlling Life." Yuan Long explained.

"Oh?" Shi Yu frowned, thinking of the two huge caves. Now the Soul Casting Pavilion and the Creation Pool in the Heavenly Domain have also collapsed, which may have an unknown impact on the pressure of the Land of Controlling Life.

After understanding everything, Shi Yu also filmed his main experience in the Heavenly Domain into a floating image for everyone to see.

While everyone was looking at the floating image, Shi Yu pulled Jian Kaitian over and whispered to Cao Xinxin and Chunni about their search!

Jian Kaitian said anxiously: "In fact, I just returned to Yanlan City not long ago. Chunni is still missing. Hei Fumang and I have tracked down all the birthplaces of spirit seeds and found nothing!

I am going to take a break before going out to look for people. Let Hei Fumang stay to rest. There are masters everywhere outside now, and Lao Hei is already covered with wounds. Take out whatever treasures you got in Tianzhu Domain and heal my wounds."

Shi Yu couldn't help but be anxious. He threw all the treasures he got from Xuanpan to Jian Kaitian and said in a deep voice: "I will go with you to find them. Sister Xinxin and Chunni have been away for nearly a hundred years. I'm really scared..."

Before he finished speaking, Shi Yu pulled Jian Kaitian and was about to go out.

Yuan Long and others were a little stunned. Shi Yu had just returned to Yanlan City and was leaving again before everything in the city was clear.

"You don't have to go! I'll go!" Wan Ling took a step and stopped Shi Yu's footsteps.

"Yes! You should rest in the city for a few days. You can't always run around outside." Yuan Long also hurriedly stood up.

Ling Xiao stood in front of Shi Yu in silence and said, "Second brother, elder sister, Jian Kaitian and I will go to look for her together. It is better for the Great Protector to stay in Yanlan Town to guard it!"

Shi Yu looked at Zhu Yanlan beside him, and then looked at the two sisters Qingchi and Qingxi sitting in the distance, and nodded gently, "That's fine, I want to rest for a few days to sort out my body.

Jian Kaitian and Ling Xiao did not delay, they packed up their treasures and hurriedly left the city, and Mo Lu actually followed them.

With Mo Lu around, Shi Yu no longer worried about any accidents happening to them.

As soon as Jian Kaitian and Ling Xiao left, Yuan Long hurriedly said to Shi Yu, "Shi Yu, go and rest first. There is nothing important in Yanlan City at the moment, we can just take care of it ourselves. "

Shi Yu hummed lightly, threw Xiao Hei to Zhi Kun, took Zhu Yanlan with him, and invited the two sisters Qingchi and Qingxi to go with him. The solemn hall suddenly relaxed with Shi Yu's departure, as if a big stone pressing on everyone's heart suddenly disappeared.

Mai Heng twirled his long beard lightly and sighed: "Young Master is getting more and more powerful. When I see him, I feel like I see a god."

My father grabbed his messy hair hard and said self-deprecatingly: "It seems that if the Wu Emperor does not merge, there is really no need for him to exist in Yanlan City.

You all saw the floating image just now. The depth of Xuan Pan is amazing. If we don't have the strength to fight against Xuan Pan, how can we have the face to ascend to heaven with Shi Yu in the future? "

Mai Heng's face was bitter, and he sighed: "It's not easy to improve your strength! Why don't we go to the Tianzhu Domain? Maybe we can meet some strange fate. "

The other few people were silent, but there was some movement in their eyes.

After Shi Yu accompanied Zhu Yanlan and Qingchi Qingxi sisters to laugh and chat for a while, he meditated in the quiet room, and cleared out all the miscellaneous thoughts and delusions that had accumulated in his heart during this period of time.

The first thing to be properly dealt with was the Jingtian Divine Halberd. Shi Yu restrained a large amount of chaos and condensed it into a solid stone treasure box. He carefully put the Jingtian Halberd in it, and then set up restrictions one after another until the Jingtian Halberd no longer leaked any breath. Only then did he tear open a space fold and put the treasure box in.

Thinking about it, he was still worried, so Shi Yu set up a heavy sealing formation outside the space fold, and then he breathed a sigh of relief and entered into meditation.

Not long after meditating, Shi Yu suddenly felt a wave of palpitations. Since leaving the Tianzhu Domain, the call that he deliberately ignored was particularly clear in the silent environment.

Shi Yu slowly opened his eyes, and his figure flashed out of Yanlan City. He could feel that the source of the call was not far away, and the voice revealed extreme anxiety.

Not wanting to alarm anyone, Shi Yu used his virtual body to rush to the target at high speed, and the distance of a few million miles was reached in the blink of an eye.

Standing in the air, Shi Yu saw a secret realm that had not yet been breached, and the anxious call came from it.

Shi Yu couldn't help but be surprised, and looked back at Yanlan City and the army of the Ten Thousand Worlds not far away.

This secret realm is too close to Yanlan City. It can survive the long-term battle between Yanlan City and the army of the Ten Thousand Worlds until today, which shows that it must have something magical.

Shi Yu has never been interested in secret realms, so he has never cared about which secret realms are around Yanlan City and what kind of treasures and beasts are in each secret realm.

So standing in front of the secret realm, Shi Yu was a little confused, and he wondered what kind of powerful guardian there was inside, who could remain intact among several armies.

Shi Yu's figure flashed, and he stood outside the secret realm protection array, raised his palm and chopped it up.

The imagined indestructible did not appear. The secret realm protection array was easily penetrated by a hole of a few feet in radius.

Shi Yu was even more confused. After a little boost of spirit, he stepped into the secret realm and looked forward.

There was no magical hidden space in this small secret realm. The size of the protection array circled the area of ​​the secret realm. The narrow space of a hundred miles could be seen at a glance.

In the empty secret realm, except for a few wild beasts running and sleeping, the guardian's hair could not be seen.


There was a light sound behind him. Shi Yu looked back and saw that the secret realm protection array that had just been broken had been repaired. The faint spiritual energy brushed across the array wall, and it could no longer be seen that it had been penetrated.

Reaching out and pushing the array wall a few times, it did not become stronger.

"Is it because it is too ordinary and there is nothing inside, so it can be preserved?" Shi Xian put aside all doubts and flew towards the call.

Almost in one step, Shi Yu stood in front of a bare piece of land.

Speaking of weirdness, this barren land with no grass in front of him is the weirdest place in the entire secret realm.

Shi Yu stepped on the ground with his feet, and the ordinary soil was crushed into a half-inch deep footprint.

Shi Yu opened his five fingers and grabbed the ground in the air. The whole piece of barren land was grabbed and thrown away, and a thousand-foot-deep earth pit appeared in front of Shi Yu.

"Damn it! What on earth is calling?"

Looking down, the earth pit couldn't be more ordinary, no blood gushing out, no ghosts shouting. In short, all the possibilities that Shi Yu could think of did not happen here.

And such an ordinary and ordinary thing is the most unlikely thing to happen, because the call is still coming out, and it is just a hundred feet below, but Shi Yu can't see what is calling.

Xunzhen's eyes scanned over and over again, as if the call was coming from the void itself, and Shi Yu's several divine powers bombarded the call but nothing was found.

Slowly sinking, Shi Yu was suspended in the place where the call was clearest. He could feel that the thing that made the call was two feet in front of him.

But Shi Yu still saw nothing, and found nothing. It was just a voice that appeared out of nowhere and came directly into his mind.

Taking a deep breath, Shi Yu stepped forward, and the call sounded directly in his head, from an urgent call to a satisfied sigh.

Shi Yu was shocked, because the call disappeared immediately after the sigh, but there was an inexplicable memory in his mind.

Countless foreign troops rushed into Yumingtian, the Yuming battle road had been beaten to pieces, the Yuming land was broken apart, there were corpses and blood everywhere, and it seemed that Yumingtian would be completely destroyed in the next moment.

In just a moment, Shi Yu knew who this memory came from.

That was the last sight of Yumingtian Lord when he was knocked down countless years ago!

And the tiny remnant spirit carrying this memory was undoubtedly the ashes left by Yumingtian Lord that day.

This memory was too short, lasting only less than a breath. After entering Shi Yu's soul, it seemed to have become his own experience, and urged Shi Yu to look for other memories.

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