Life Control Chart

Chapter 990: Splitting the Fate Chart (End of Volume 6)

Shi Yu sighed in his heart. Whether it was the eyes of God or the young heart of all things, they had infinite power and had saved his life.

But when Shi Yu thought that he would lose himself under the relics of God, he made up his mind and threw the two marks of God's Eyes into the depths of the void.

The commanding guard stood motionless in the distance, his blurred face always facing Shi Yu. He also did not take a second look at the three abandoned God's Brands.

After pulling out three brands in a row, Shi Yu had to take a break. His true spirit had already been extremely fragile and was in a state of indifference. No matter how weak the trauma caused by pulling out the brands with the Eye of Ink, it was still useless to Shi Yu. An unbearable weight.

But he didn't dare to use divine power to repair any bit of the true spirit. Firstly, he was afraid that his connection with the life-controlling diagram would be deeper. Secondly, he was afraid that the repaired true spirit would once again cover up the imprint of the life-controlling diagram, and he would have to experience the boundless pain of the true spirit being crushed again. .

After resting for a while, Shi Yu felt that he could start the last and most difficult step - completely separating himself from the life-controlling map!

The Eye of Mo Lu seemed to know that it was the most critical moment, and the light it spread out became brighter, and the light it spread on Shi Yu's remaining spirit became softer.

But just when the Eye of Mo Lu began to pry the black mark entangled on Shi Yu's remnant spirit, Shi Yu's eyes suddenly turned into darkness, as if he had fallen into the black abyss of virtual darkness when the world of Shenyu was destroyed.

The imprint of the residual image was only slightly torn apart by the Eye of Ink, and the boundless pain and fear of death completely overwhelmed Shi Yu.

The statue-like commanding guard finally moved. He walked up to Shi Yu Suiling, stretched out his hand to block Mo Lu's eyes, and said softly: "Oh! It really didn't work. When Mo Lu cut off his lifeline, he relied entirely on You must do the same with your own strength, but I advise you to give up. You can't imagine the pain Mo Lu endured."

Shi Yu, who was in severe pain, heard the words of the commanding guard. His true spirit, which was about to completely shatter and disappear, trembled slightly and shook off more fine particles.

After a long time, Shi Yu had the strength to send out weak soul fluctuations, and said with a sad smile: "I was actually saved by the life-controlling figure again. Without these imprints that cling to me, I would have been completely broken."

The commanding guard did not answer, but slowly approached Shi Yu with a burst of divine power.

"Stop! I don't want you to save me! I only have this one chance. I don't know if I will have the courage to bear such pain next time." Shi Yu stopped the order guard's kindness while trembling.

"Let me rest for a while..." A sharp shout consumed Shi Yu's energy that he had finally accumulated.

The commanding guard put down his arm and said solemnly: "You can't succeed. After countless years of controlling Mingtian, only one Mo Lu succeeded. All other attempts failed! Including me."

"Including you?"

There was some surprise in Shi Yu's words. He did not expect that the commanding guards had also thought about breaking away from the control of the Mingtu. He thought that the commanding guards were the most loyal guards of the Mingtian.

"Not just me, but all the command guards and soul-guarding slaves are losers in trying to get rid of the fate-controlling plan! There are too many of them!" the command guard sighed softly.

"Huh?" Shi Yu could not have imagined that the puppets who could only cling to the war path of controlling life were actually people who pursued true freedom.

The commanding guard slowly solidified, revealing his true form for the first time, and a handsome young man appeared in front of Shi Yu.

He sat down cross-legged next to Shi Yu Suiling and whispered:

"Actually, the God who controls life has never stopped his people from cutting off their lives. He also needs someone to break through his shackles and let him discover the shortcomings in the chart of controlling life. But it is a pity that the God who controls life has established the world. Since then, only one Mo Lu has succeeded, and the method of his success is still a mystery. "

The pain on Shi Yu's body became lighter. Although the commanding guard did not directly rescue him, he released his mellow power to isolate Shi Yu from the surrounding divine powers, so that those divine powers that flowed slowly like a knife could not The broken spirits continued to invade Shi Yu.

"You are becoming more and more humane." Shi Yu smiled happily.

The commanding guard also gave a rare smile. Although it was very stiff, it was at least a huge change.

"Back then, when we resisted the army that entered Ming Yu Tian, ​​more than a hundred command guards and more than thirty soul guardian slaves were all killed or seriously injured. After those bastards in Duan Sheng Land exploded the Ming Yu Diagram, only me and the Lord were left. The soul-guarding slave in my body survived. After experiencing drastic changes and no one could communicate with me, my humanity became less and less natural."

Shi Yu asked curiously: "They are all guards who guard the life-controlling battle path. Why are the soul-guarding slaves and the command guards so different? The soul-guarding slaves are pure puppets, and least still have thoughts and emotions."

“Although God cannot help but cut off the lifeline, it does not mean that there is no punishment for cutting the lifeline.

The soul-guarding slave suffered too much backlash when he broke away from the life-controlling chart. After being rescued by God, he became a true puppet who only knew how to execute the law of death. Our commanding guard, on the other hand, was slightly injured and was only imprisoned here forever. "

"Imprisonment? By the way, if you use the Eye of Ink Killing, you will definitely be able to lift the imprisonment!"

After just a few words with the commanding guard, Shi Yu's habit of thinking about the other person with all his heart once he felt that the other person was a good person started to make mistakes again.

The Eye of Mo Lu hung between Shi Yu and the commanding guard. Without divine power to activate it, it became a dim eyeball again.

The commanding guard smiled and shook his head, "People like us who are not on the life-controlling chart will die immediately if we are driven out of God's imprisonment. Those imprisonments are the source of strength that supports my life. Just like you now, your true spirit In fact, it is extremely weak. Once it loses the support of the life-controlling residual map, it will collapse and disappear immediately. "

"Haha, are you trying to persuade me to accept reality in a different way? In fact, I used to be complacent because I thought I was a spirit of the Yumingtu! But you know, I was once occupied by a guy named Tianchu. I shudder when I think of that experience.

Now, I am driven by the Yumingtu to do that self-destructive behavior.

In the end, I will be like Tianchu, with a trace of my own soul, but everything will be taken away by another person.

I don't want to be like that again, absolutely not."

Shi Yu's voice suddenly lowered, and he murmured.

"Would you rather die?" Zhilingwei's eyes were burning.

"Would you rather die!" Shi Yu said resolutely.

"Don't you think it's cruel to leave an orphan and a widow behind?"


Shi Yu was silent.


After a long while, Shi Yu said slowly, "I am no longer myself now. In the end, I will disappear completely, and another soul will live with my appearance. No matter how he chooses to treat my wife and children, it is truly cruel.

Back then, in order to keep my body, I directly rejected Master's suggestion to change my body.

Now, for the sake of power, I took the initiative to merge the mind, eyes, body and soul that do not belong to me. I have unknowingly become the appearance that I most resist."

"Is it wrong?" Zhilingwei interrupted.

Shi Yu sneered, "The fault is not in the swallowing and fusion, but in my overestimation of my own ability. I actually wanted to swallow the dragon with my insignificant body. In the end, it will not be me who becomes the dragon, but the dragon wakes up and blows me to death! Haha, it's all because I think too highly of myself."

"But if it weren't for this, you wouldn't have come to this world at all."

"Then you should let me die earlier! I said that I don't have much ability, but I'm a little stubborn. When I can't resist and can't see the truth, what can the strong do. But when I have a little resistance, don't think that you can make me obey."

Shi Yu's broken soul swayed lightly, shaking off the mellow power wrapped around him by the Zhilingwei, and whispered:

"I'm going to start again. Although the Eye of Ink Slaughter did not succeed in helping me cut off the Yumingtu, it has made the brand very frivolous. I can tear it off with a little more effort."

The Zhilingwei stood up after hearing the words, and turned into the hazy and illusory appearance again, hanging far away in the void.

Shi Yu drew up a ray of divine power, and imitated the eyes of the Eye of Ink Slaughter, thrusting the power between the brand and the true spirit, and forcibly prying to remove the brand of the Controlling Life Diagram.

But just as the pure divine power penetrated the true spirit, before the brand of the Controlling Life Diagram was touched, Shi Yu himself felt as if he had fallen into absolute darkness, and the piercing pain directly exploded several cracks on the true spirit.

"Hmm!" With a muffled groan, Shi Yu hurriedly dispersed the divine power that was aroused. This road was not feasible.

"Too impatient, I was still too impatient! Haha." Shi Yu laughed at himself, as if explaining to the Zhilingwei who was watching on the side.

The Zhilingwei replied, "Your power is too weak. Back then, Mo Lu was at his best when he challenged the Yumingtu, and he barely managed to cut off his lifeline. Didn't you see that the Eye of Mo Lu easily pulled out the imprints of several of the Lord's treasures, but was powerless against the Yumingtu?"

"No! This is not about power!" Shi Yu denied the Zhilingwei's words, "I can pull out people's lifelines without much effort. I used the wrong source of power!"

As he said this, Shi Yu sacrificed the Eye of Mo Lu again and poured some divine power into it.

The miserable appearance of Shi Yu's shattered soul was immediately reflected in the Eye of Mo Lu. This time, Shi Yu did not use it to peel off the imprint of the Yumingtu, but only let it reflect the connection between his lifeline and the Yumingtu's remnant.

Shi Yu's weak lifeline, like a strand of hair, was attached to the imprint of the Yumingtu's remnant. This was only visible in the Eye of Mo Lu, when Shi Yu's true soul, which had been shattered into dust, was magnified to half an inch in radius.

Without using the power outside his body, Shi Yu used his remaining little strength to gently hook the thin lifeline, just like a person holding a sharp knife on his neck.

Fortunately, the Eye of Ink Slaughter could see Shi Yu's imperceptible broken soul, otherwise, with Shi Yu's current state, he would definitely not be able to accurately grasp the location of the lifeline.

"I will die!" Zhilingwei couldn't help but shout.

"Perhaps, this is the last time I borrow the power of the Yumingtu. Using his spear to attack his shield, the best result is to destroy the contradictions together! Come on!"

The last two words were roared out by Shi Yu with his last strength.

At the same time as the roar, Shi Yu's strength on the lifeline suddenly pulled, pulling his soft and weak lifeline into a tight tension, and then broke into two pieces like a string.

The imprint of the Yumingtu on Shi Yu's broken soul also floated up with the breaking of the lifeline, floating outside Shi Yu's broken soul.

In an instant, Shi Yu felt an incomparable sense of relief bursting out from his broken soul, and the entire life-controlling battle path became bright, and all the pain disappeared.

But at the same time, Shi Yu also felt that his last remaining soul was exploding into nothingness, and Shi Yu would completely dissipate in this world.

"It turns out... I really can't create any miracles by myself..."

This was the last thought in Shi Yu's heart, and then he accepted death calmly.

The life-controlling map quietly spread in the void began to tremble violently. It could no longer get any power from Shi Yu, just like a person walking in the desert, and the only bottle of water in his hand was suddenly snatched away.


With a long sigh, the Zhilingwei, who had expected this result, merged into the void like water, and the God's Eye and God's Heart Brand thrown by Shi Yu were both held in his palm.


He was suddenly surprised again, and rushed to Shi Yu's side with a quick step, with two strange lights in his eyes sweeping back and forth on Shi Yu's broken soul.

Shi Yu was not dead, and his soul that was about to disappear even had more power, as if the fire of life had been rekindled.

But then, Zhilingwei sighed in disappointment again. He saw that the imprint of the Yuming Fragment Picture was attached to Shi Yu's broken soul again, and it was wrapped tighter around Shi Yu's broken soul. One by one, the black strings kept shrinking and tightening, completely gathering Shi Yu's soul that was about to explode and disappear together, and forcibly pieced it together to restore it.

Shi Yu was once again saved by the Yuming Picture.

"Give up! The Yuming Picture will not allow you to die. It has bound your soul tightly, and you will soon be back to normal." Zhilingwei retracted the strange light in his eyes and returned to his original position.

"Haha! You can't even decide your own death?"

Shi Yu laughed in a low voice. He could feel the imprint of the Life Controlling Diagram on the broken soul piercing deep into the residual soul. More black strings seemed to be reconnected to him as if thousands of life lines.

"Explode for me~~~~"

Shi Yu suddenly became furious. He completely gave up using gentle means to remove the imprint of the Life Controlling Diagram, and chose the most intense self-destruction of the weapon. If he still couldn't get rid of the Life Controlling Diagram and could still be saved by the Life Controlling Diagram, then he could only accept his fate.

Shi Yu's remaining strength completely exploded, and a series of faint lights pierced into the Life Controlling Diagram imprint like fine needles, and expanded outward against the tightly contracted imprint strings. He would never allow those black ghost things to entangle his soul again.

Expanding inward and contracting outward, the two diametrically opposite forces collided in one place, exploding a tiny flame in the dark void of the Life Controlling Battle Path.

Shi Yu was weak, and the power of the imprint of the Life Controlling Remnant Map was not much stronger. Moreover, in order to save Shi Yu's pill, the Remnant Map used most of its power to condense Shi Yu's residual soul.

At this moment, it was counterattacked by Shi Yu's self-detonation, and it was no longer able to suppress it, and was instantly lifted up.

"Pah, pah, pah!"

The Zhilingwei seemed to hear a series of crisp explosions in his ears. Every light sound was a black line wrapped around Shi Yu's true soul being pulled up and bounced off, just like a vine tied tightly to the wall being torn off.

In a blink of an eye, all the entangled strings were bounced off, and a small piece of light black remnant map floated up and down on the Life Controlling Battle Road.

And Shi Yu finally had a true soul that was invisible, intangible, and colorless, but this true soul was about to explode into stardust and disappear completely.

No longer worth saving, the fragments of the Life Controlling Map fluttered in the air for a few times, giving up Shi Yu's irretrievable true soul.

The calm Yumingtu suddenly shook violently, and scrolls of unknown origin were quickly replaced, and soon condensed on a scroll that was full of broken and torn pieces.

The fragment of the picture that was driven out of Shi Yu's true spirit floated down and stuck to a corner of the broken Yumingtu, returning to the home he had left.

But it was too weak, and before it could really fall back into the Yumingtu, it was shattered by the faint light released by Shi Yu's residual spirit, and quickly dissipated in the Yuming battlefield.

The Yumingtu was furious! The boundless scroll suddenly retracted and turned sharply at the moment when the Yumingtu disappeared, and suddenly stood up and slapped Shi Yu's already broken residual spirit, as if it was furious at Shi Yu's ignorance of good and evil, daring to go against its will and daring to destroy its corners.

Shi Yu had long lost consciousness, and the light emitted by the exploded little true spirit was not as big as the tip of a needle, and he had no resistance to the whistling Yumingtu.


The Eye of Mo Lu, which had been suspended for a long time, suddenly spun rapidly, shooting out a brilliant light that hit the Yu Ming Diagram that was smashing down at it, making a needle-sized hole in the Diagram.

Zhi Lingwei was shocked and immediately slapped out with his palm, hitting the Eye of Mo Lu.

How could an eyeball with limited power withstand the fierce attack of Zhi Lingwei? It was instantly slapped away and fell into the depths of the Yu Ming Battle Path.

But the hole it made happened to allow Shi Yu's exploded True Spirit to pass through, saving Shi Yu's True Spirit from exploding and being slapped out.

"Mo Lu! What are you doing!"

Zhi Lingwei shouted angrily. He was responsible for protecting the Yu Ming Diagram, but someone pierced the Yu Ming Diagram right under his nose. This dereliction of duty was enough to make him commit suicide in grief and anger.

"I just gave myself a chance, and I also gave you a chance." The Eye of Mo Lu shot back again, hanging in front of Zhi Lingwei and fluctuating up and down.

"How did you get in? How could you hide in Shi Yu's body?" Zhilingwei was still in shock and anger. It was wrong for Mo Lu to hide from him and enter the Yuming Battle Path. He also broke the Yuming Diagram, which was even more dereliction of duty.

"These are my eyes. With my ability, it is not difficult to send a ray of Dharmakaya across the air? You don't think that my cultivation has been greatly reduced, and even the magic can't be used, right?" Mo Lu chuckled.

"Dharmakaya?" Zhilingwei muttered, and suddenly shouted again, "All this is your arrangement? Do you know that this will reduce Yumingtian's limited life by billions of years!"

"Humph! What is the value of such a lingering heaven? Without people who can transcend the heaven, who can save this world, who can save you?" Mo Lu also roared.

And Shi Yu's shattered true spirit has completely exploded at this moment and disappeared in the Yuming Battle Path.

Zhilingwei showed the appearance of the handsome young man again, staring at Mo Lu's eyes.

Mo Lu also conjured up a shadow from his eyes, and stood in confrontation with Zhilingwei.

"Did you plan all this? Do you think your plan was successful?" Zhilingwei calmed down and questioned Mo Lu in a cold tone.

"I didn't have any plans, I just went with the flow. All this was Shi Yu's own decision. I just made some preparations for his actions today, such as giving him my eyes. If I forced Shi Yu to do What, we just want him to practice in the Creation Pond," Mo Lu said calmly.

"...How dare you let him practice in the Creation Pond? Aren't you afraid that he will be washed into a Yuan embryo?" The commanding guard narrowed his eyes, and there was a trace of surprise in his words.

"Hmph! With me here, would that kind of thing happen? My power is gone, but my vision is still the same! I have been waiting, waiting for all the marks on Shiyu's body to be loosened, and when they are about to be washed away with his memory, interrupt of his practice.

He does not have the restrictions of die-hard loyalty that we usually have, and he will not be more controlled by God.

This is the only thing I ask Shi Yu to do, and what I do will only be useful if he himself is willing to strip away the God's mark and the destiny control map. "

"You really didn't seduce Shi Yu? You have to know that Shi Yu died today, and it will be difficult for the destiny general to continue! I can kill you directly!" A spear slowly formed in the hands of the commanding guard.

Mo Lu lowered his gaze, looked at the spear and smiled, "Do you think I'm afraid of death? If I'm afraid of death, I won't come!"

I have said before that everything Shi Yu did was his own decision. When he removed the brand, he also used his own power. If I help him, he will definitely die!

From the beginning to the end, I only blocked the undue blow from Yu Mingtu just now! "

"An unexpected blow..." The commanding guard was slightly distracted, and the spear in his hand slowly disappeared.

"Yes! It shouldn't have been a blow! The life-controlling diagram has long been born with a superficial consciousness. You don't know it! The moment Shi Yu merged with the heart of God, I felt that Shi Yu's mind had been controlled by the life-controlling diagram. , it’s just that he doesn’t know it, and no one else can notice it!”

"Then why don't you tell him directly? Do you want him to find out the truth on his own and then come to me to go crazy?" The commanding guard's voice finally became calm.

Mo Lu shook his head, "I said, I just go with the flow. If Shiyu asks me a question, I will naturally tell him my judgment.

But if he doesn't realize it himself and accepts it calmly, then I won't force him. Before this, would you have thought that someone could resist God’s gift so decisively? "

The ordering guard was silent, everything Shi Yu abandoned was the destiny that others dreamed of. If it were him, he would not have the determination to give up everything.

Mo Lu chuckled, reached out and patted the commanding guard on the shoulder, and sighed: "I didn't even tell Shi Yu that as long as the true spirit is strong enough, he can get rid of the shackles of the lifeline.

Back then, I had the most powerful true spirit in the Mingtian, comparable to the true spirit of the Mingtian!

You have also had your life-lines blown off, and your souls have all exploded as soon as your life-lines are cut off. In fact, as long as you are still alive after the explosion, you will naturally be freed from the constraints of your life-lines.

When I severed my lifeline, there was still a remnant of the extremely powerful true spirit. Otherwise, how could the old dog refine me into a treasure based on the true spirit? "

The eyes of the commanding guard suddenly lit up, then dimmed again, and he smiled bitterly: "So that's it, I thought you had some magic tricks. But this is the simplest method, but even the ultimates like us can't achieve it in our lifetime."

"Haha! Where did you get so many magical skills and tricks? To put it bluntly, this world is about bullying the weak. Divine skills and tricks are only useful when the match is evenly matched. When your power exceeds that of the God of Destiny a thousand times, won't it be easy to destroy his restrictions? Give it another try. What’s the problem with him placing a few slave marks?”

Mo Lu's rebellious words made the commanding officer's face turn green and white, and he didn't know whether he should pull out his spear and stab Mo Lu to death.

Mo Lu looked at the tangled look on the commanding guard's face as if he hadn't seen it before, and said softly: "Kuang Zhanzun, you and I just wait. If Shi Yu can survive this disaster, we have hope to get rid of Yu Mingtian completely. If he really If he dies in this calamity, then we can only accept his fate.”

The commanding guard frowned and said hesitantly: "Do you think Shi Yu still has a chance to survive? Without the help of the fragments of the Fate Control Map, he couldn't even crawl out of his mother's womb! You just said that cutting off the lifeline can only rely on the power of the true spirit. , But you also saw that Shi Yu’s little bit of true spirit was blown away by a gust of wind.”

"Bet! You can only gamble! If you lose the bet, you and I will die together with Yu Mingtian!"

After saying that, Mo Lu's dharma body suddenly dissipated, leaving only Mo Lu's eyes floating quietly in the void and undulating slightly.

The commanding guard glanced at the space where Shi Yuzhen's spirit was scattered, wondering whether he should believe Mo Lu's words.

After a long time, he sighed softly and merged into the void.

There is only one eye left in Yuming Zhandao, floating and wandering in a strange way.

End of Volume Six

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