Life Hunter

Chapter 1101 Spread of Kung Fu

Shuzhou, Qushan Mansion.

There are secluded green mountains and vast forest.

Black tiles, green trees, and white stone pavement.

He Changqing, the elder of the Qingjian Sect who taught the skills of Changfengjian, held a long sword with a green handle. While using a sword technique repeatedly, he said: "This "Cangtian Divine Sword" is profound and profound. Even if I have been immersed in swordsmanship for sixty years, I am still a beginner." It is also difficult to see its true meaning. Therefore, I dare not teach it hastily, and only teach the first move, Sword Asking the Heaven. This first move contains the most fundamental sword intention of this set of swordsmanship. The sky is unfair, ask it with the sword, and ask it. If you don’t answer, I will replace the sky with a sword, which is the Divine Sword of Heaven.”

"Don't think it's boring or even funny for me to use this sword technique over and over again. You can ask all the swordsmanship geniuses in the sect and even all the swordsmanship geniuses in the sect. On which day do they not practice their famous sword technique for more than four hours? Even if it's only a hundred. You have to practice sword-fighting skills hundreds of times every day. How many times does that take for decades? Can you compare to it?"

"You are young and don't understand the meaning of fisting without leaving your hands and curling with your mouth. There are no shortcuts to practicing swordsmanship. There are only a few steps. The first step is to truly learn a sword technique; the second step is to know how to learn it; the third step is to Don’t forget the sword technique and practice it every day; the fourth step, don’t forget how to learn it, use the same method to learn the next sword technique. Finally, repeat the above four steps. I am only a third-level man, so I can’t say that I am so wise and foolish yet invincible. The truth is the words of superior people."

"I know you don't believe it, so today I will ask the sky with a sword move. My skill is suppressed to the same level as you, and I will compete with you in sword competition. Let you know the power of this move that I have only practiced these days."

After He Changqing finished speaking, he ordered his disciples one by one to come forward and suppress his own skills to use his skills.

Everyone was surprised to see that He Changqing really did as he said. He only used the sword to ask the sky. No matter what sword moves other disciples used, they would be broken by him, and even the swords would be knocked away.

They couldn't imagine that a sword move that was close to an upward attack could be so powerful.

"I barely learned this move, and the reason why I learned it is that I learned it right. But you guys either bite off more than you can chew, or you imitate the gourd and don't really learn it right, but you think you know it... "

He Changqing was teaching his disciples when suddenly three disciples came from outside, covered in blood, their foreheads were simply bandaged, and the bright red blood stained the white cloth belt.

"Huh?" He Changqing stopped and looked at the three late disciples.

The leading disciple's name was Sun Zhimao. He hurriedly handed over his hands and admitted his mistake and said: "Please punish me, elder. I met an expert in the green forest on the road and had a dispute. I didn't want to take action. But the other party said that our Qingjian Sect is all mediocre. I was so angry that I challenged him. As a result, the opponent turned out to be a high-ranking disciple, and with just one move, the disciple was injured. Before leaving, he still shouted in the restaurant, saying that he would wait for the top-ranking Qingjian sect in the restaurant, otherwise no matter where he went from now on, he would say that the disciples of Qingjian were still alive. Mediocre hand."

He Changqing took a careful look at Sun Zhimao, pondered for a moment, and said: "The other party did not hold back. It is a common thing in the martial arts. Since the other party is calling, how can I, the Qingjian Sect, not respond? I have gained something from learning the sword and asking the sky, and you are just in time Watch the battle together, no matter you win or lose, you will gain something.”

"Elder, the opponent is a high-ranking Green Forest man who licks blood with his knife edge. I'm afraid he will be a tough opponent." Sun Zhimao said.

He Changqing smiled and said: "It doesn't matter. I'm here just to test my martial arts. No matter whether I win or lose, it will not affect the reputation of our Qingjian Sect. If I don't dare to challenge, I will be laughed at. Now that the head brother is going north to fight against the demon, I can't Turtle, go.”

The disciples followed He Changqing and arrived at the county town at the foot of the mountain, and stopped outside Zhao Ji Restaurant.

"Which hero wants to compete with our Qingjian Sect? I'm Chang Feng Sword He Changqing, and I'm here to challenge you." He Changqing's true energy surged, and his voice spread for miles.

"Well done!" As soon as the two windows on the second floor of the restaurant opened, a thin black man jumped out holding a ghost-headed sword. At first glance, the sword was taller than him.

The swordsman fell to the ground, clasped his fists, and then raised his sword to attack He Changqing.

He Changqing vaguely understood the opponent's purpose, stepped forward with his sword, and said to the disciples: "You guys watch out, this is my full strength sword asking the sky."

He Changqing held the sword with both hands, stabbed the swordsman fiercely, and raised it from bottom to top.


A piercing scream echoed from the tip of the sword, erupting sword energy, and then the sword energy turned into light. The sword light condensed into a ten-foot-long azure light sword, as if it was made up of a corner of the sky. From bottom to top, it suddenly flew out and stabbed diagonally. guest.

The lightsaber rose forward, the sword energy cracked the ground, and the dust was cleared.

The swordsman slashed violently from top to bottom, and the true energy of the broadsword swelled, turning into a three-foot-long black dragon, and hit the azure light sword directly.


The sword light collided with the sword light, the earth trembled, and the sand and dust flew up.

Fortunately, the two of them controlled their strength and flew away not far away before dispersing.

"Look, I still use this move." After He Changqing finished speaking, he asked the sky with another sword move.

The swordsman was different from He Changqing. After changing his moves, the two sides were still on par.

Later, He Changqing only used this move. The swordsman changed his sword skills, and it was always difficult to distinguish the winner from the loser.

But after thirty moves, experienced people discovered that He Changqing's mind was becoming more pure and concise at this moment, and that move of Sword Asking the Sky was becoming more and more powerful.

On the other hand, the swordsman was also practicing the King Xian technique, but he was becoming more and more chaotic. His breath, will and moves were all messed up.

Using the forty-ninth sword, He Changqing sheathed his sword, raised his hand to the swordsman, and said with a smile: "There is no winner in this battle, so let's stop here. Thank you for your mercy, brother. I only suffered superficial injuries to my disciples."

But the thin black man bent down and said with a straight face: "You win if you win, and I lose or lose. There is no difference between victory and defeat. I am indeed not as good as you."

He Changqing smiled and said: "If I am right as I expected, my brother is purely practicing and is looking for people to learn from, so he deliberately speaks arrogantly."

"Indeed." The man admitted.

He Changqing said: "In the early years, everyone fought and killed without any restraint, and the death and injury were not counted. Now with the Xianwang Kung Fu and the Lei Department's order, the human race has reduced the number of killings, and stopped it. Since Xiongtai has no killing intention, and If you want to find someone to learn from, why not come to our Qingjian Sect, communicate for three days, and leave soon. Our Qingjian Sect can just learn bravery from my brother."

The man's eyes lit up and he said, "Then you have to teach me why you can defeat countless of my moves with just one move!"

He Changqing smiled and said: "I will tell you everything I know, and I will tell you everything I know."


The onlookers in the restaurant watched the two high-class people leaving and admired them one after another.

"Top-grade masters are really magnanimous. A win is a win and a defeat is a defeat. They don't feel ashamed at all. No wonder they can become top-grade."

"The Changfeng Sword is indeed just like the legend. It has the demeanor of a gentleman. If it were an elder from an ordinary sect, he would not invite him to the mountain for exchanges if he heard that his disciple was beaten."

"Yeah, a few months ago, this would have been unimaginable."

"Thanks to Xianwang Kung Fu."

"In the early years, everyone competed for fame and fortune, fighting for this and that, but now they all practice similar exercises and make similar vows, not to mention the constraints of the vows. With this feeling of coming from the same school, most people It’s not easy to kill him.”

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