Life Hunter

Chapter 1105 Young and energetic

Destiny Sect.

The elders sat cross-legged on the futon.

Zong Huatian, the head of the Tianming Sect, sat in the middle, with white hair and white beard floating around, like an immortal.

His skin color was like that of a baby, his breath was long, his face was expressionless, and his eyes had a faint glimmer of water, which was very different from ordinary people.

"How is the investigation going on Tianji?" Zong Huatian asked.

"Senior Brother Qi, you also know what Chief Tianji said in the Demon Suppression Tower. To say that the child Tianji has alien intentions, I don't think it is possible. After all, he grew up in the sect and has to You teach. However, differences in concepts are inevitable. According to various signs, the child Tianji is not embarrassing the sect, but more like proving himself. He just wants to prove that our Tianming Sect can resist better than Li Qingxian. Is there anything wrong with destroying demons? I don’t think so.”

"That's right, young man, who hasn't taken a detour yet? When he knocks his head to pieces and bleeds, he will know to turn back."

"I also think Chief Tianji is just young and energetic, full of enthusiasm, and ignores the overall situation. It's not a big deal."

"Brother, headmaster, you treat Tianji like a teacher and a father, so you are a little stricter. In fact, by doing this, Tianji also strengthens the power of my Tianming Sect."

"Besides, if nothing else goes wrong, Duan Tianji is already the master of the Demon Suppression Tower. Doesn't the meat still rot in his own pot?"

"You also know Tianji's temperament, cold on the outside and hot on the inside. If he sees the crisis of the human race and doesn't take action, then there will be a problem. When the Tianming Sect needs him, he will definitely return to the mountain gate without hesitation."

The elders carefully observed Zong Huatian and tried to persuade him, but no one said anything wrong with Duan Tianji.

Zong Huatian's expression finally softened slightly, and he sneered: "You little beast, when you come back next time, you will definitely drag him out and give him thirty lashes."

All the elders almost rolled their eyes. In the Tianming Sect, disrespecting the teacher is punishable by forty lashes.

"How's the situation in Guizhen?" Zong Huatian asked again.

All the elders looked at each other with embarrassment on their faces.

"We couldn't find it at all. We originally agreed to wait for you to take action, but as a result, you were forced to leave the border early, which made it difficult for you to take action."

"The natal aura of the three senior brothers is getting weaker and weaker."

"We also don't understand, what kind of trick can put three life magicians into such a situation in one year?"

"Everything about this thing is weird."

"I still doubt Li Qingxian and Li Xuzhong. Li Xuzhong has nothing to do with us and the royal family, and they both have the surname Li. Could Li Qingxian be Li Xuzhong's pawn against our Tianming Sect?"

The expressions of the elders were solemn.

"How has Li Xuzhong been doing in recent years?"

"There is no trace of the human figure. He rarely appears."

"So, we have to start with Li Qingxian and clarify the context."

"Li Qingxian must have reacted to the establishment of the Demon Sect this time. After all, everyone knows that the Demon Sect killed Zhou Chunfeng. If he ignores it, he is simply not a son of a human being."

"Should we help the Demon Alliance? If Li Qingxian leads a group of generals to worship the mountain, and then joins forces with Wen Xiu and other monks, the Demon Alliance may not be able to sustain it."

"In the past, we should have taken action, but now the first thing that bears the brunt is the leakage of the inheritance of "Destiny Authentic Sect"."

Zong Huatian slowly scanned the elders, including the great elder who had just recovered.

The elders lowered their eyebrows slightly.

"I heard that the new fortune-telling techniques of all the major Ming sects have the shadow of my "Destiny Authentic Sect". What do you think about this matter?" Zong Huatian did not draw a direct conclusion.

The elders looked at each other, and after a while, they had no choice but to bite the bullet and speak.

"At first, we thought it was just an accident that a few words were leaked. After all, my sect has never pursued the murderer. But later, we gradually discovered that something was wrong. The whole sect was like plowing the ground, going back and forth to check it seventeen times. Even us elders have checked it with spells, and there is no problem at all. We can only suspect that someone has obtained the ancestor's past notes and is not bound by the oath."

"Maybe our Tianming Sect has hidden veins, right, head?"

Zong Huatian remained silent.

Everyone realized that something was wrong. There really was a hidden vein. Would the leader ask about this?

Zong Huatian said slowly: "The matter of the Demon Alliance is imminent, and the conflict between King Xian's army and the imperial court is about to break out, but this is an external matter. For our Tianming Sect, inheritance is the foundation, the most important thing, and the most important thing cannot be underestimated. "

"That's what the head brother said." All the elders agreed.

Zong Huatian paused for a long time and said: "The person who dug up the roots of the Tianming Sect must be found, his bones crushed and ashes thrown away, his body hung at the mountain gate, and the world known. Otherwise, where will the face of our Tianming Sect be!"

"Master, we have tried our best, and after all the life-spell detection, there is no trace, as if it has disappeared out of thin air."

"I personally preside over the Great Zhoutian Ten Thousand Stars Life-Chasing Technique, and I will not hesitate to mobilize all super-grade life weapons!"

Zong Huatian's voice was loud and clear, and all the elders looked confused.

"Senior brother, my sect's super-grade life weapon was taken away by Tianji, and one was taken away by Zhao Yishan. One was injured last time, so there are not many left. At this moment, the world is in chaos, snakes are vying for dragons, and maybe even Change the world, if there are not enough super-grade life weapons..."

Zonghua Tiandao: "First, destroy my inheritance. The next step is to dig up my foundation. If the foundation is dug, how will we survive the troubled times in the future? What's more, I have been feeling uneasy since Ye Han's death."

"Senior brother, I've always wanted to ask, is Han the designated son of destiny?"

Zong Huatian frowned and said slowly: "Has our Destiny Sect ever missed the Son of Destiny?"


"Has the Son of Destiny chosen by our Destiny Sect ever fallen, even during the chaotic change of dynasties?"


"Is Ye Han not strong enough?"

"Not only is it very strong, but it is so strong that even ordinary super-grade ones cannot be killed."

All the elders nodded, that battle was still fresh in their memories.

They still can't imagine how Li Qingxian can defeat Ye Han, because even top players like them can't do it.

"So, what is the problem?" Zong Huatian glanced at the elders again.

"Li Qingxian?" the elder asked tentatively.

Zong Huatian shook his head and said: "Everything is the fault of Xiao Qiang. Ye Han's death was not because Li Qingxian was strong, but because he was weak. Our sect couldn't protect Ye Han, and it was not because of Li Qingxian. Do you think it could be the case? Is there a big problem with our sect’s destiny?”

The elders were shocked, they had never thought about this at all.

Since the establishment of the Tianming Sect, it has been a major sect of the Ming Sect. Later, it developed step by step and Dingding Mingxiu. Even though it has suffered a slight setback in recent years, it will not reach this situation.

"Master, it's normal for our sect's luck to fluctuate. After all, the world is in chaos now, and no one can see the situation clearly. We have made some trial and error, which is better than not doing anything right. However, our sect's foundation will never Something went wrong.”

"Yes. We carefully recalled Ye Han's experience, and we always felt that some of the nodes were very strange, but every time they were related to Li Qingxian. Do you think it was Li Xuzhong's order cultivator who was behind it to steal Ye Han's luck?"

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