Life Hunter

Chapter 1113 Flying South

At the foot of Hua Mo Mountain, there is the City of Ten Thousand Demons.

The chief stewards in charge of daily affairs of the various sects of the Demon Sect gathered together to listen to the reports from the disciples and discuss with each other to share their concerns.

Among the elders of each sect, the chief steward has the highest power, and all of them are close followers of the sect. In terms of real power, they are even more powerful than ordinary elders.

Some of them are domineering, some are feminine, some are indifferent, and some are passionate.

But today, everyone is cautious, smiling and speaking softly.

Even those who usually have the most out-of-the-ordinary eyes still laugh when they see the boy today.

The opening ceremony of the mountain is about to be held, and any negligence may lead to death on the spot by the elders.

Even though they have been rehearsed dozens of times in many places, the chief managers still did not dare to neglect. They stayed up all night without talking and gathered together early in the morning to make final verification preparations.

Once breakfast has been eaten, all the chief stewards will disperse to different places, each responsible for one area.

This is a life-threatening job.

Once this is done, you will have a place in the Demon Alliance in the future.

After checking nervously, the chief stewards slowly breathed a sigh of relief.

Walking out of the door of the hall, the chief stewards looked at the rising sun in the distance.

The sun shines on the face.

"Today, you must not make any mistakes." Zhang Qianhang, the chief steward of Hua Mo Mountain, showed a soft smile, which made people feel like spring breeze.

All the disciples from Hua Mo Mountain present looked at Zhang Qianhang and showed decent and uniform smiles.

They knew Zhang Qianhang's preferences very well.

When he laughed, someone didn't laugh along with him. He slapped him with a palm and his body exploded into powder.

When he laughed, someone laughed happier than him. He slapped him and turned him into a pulp.

When he laughed, someone laughed unnaturally and slapped him with his palm, crushing him into a meat pie.

When he was laughing, he suddenly didn't want to laugh anymore. Someone didn't have time to restrain his smile and slapped him...

"Everyone, please tell me which major forces are the most noteworthy. Needless to say, literary cultivators, we are already prepared. Tao cultivators are lax. Although we need to guard against them, there is no need to take it too seriously..."

"Actually, everyone is pretty much prepared. Basically, we can deal with anything that may happen. But..."

Everyone looked at the chief steward of the Moon Demon Sect.

"I thought about it last night. Others, other forces, have rules and regulations in doing things. We can predict that even if Zhao Yishan comes to visit, we have a way to deal with it. However, if Li... King Xian appears, , everyone’s old experience may not be useful.”

"Yes, I was also chatting with my classmates last night. The key point is that Li Qingxian is not a straightforward literary cultivator, nor a reckless martial arts cultivator, but a life cultivator who makes every effort. This is too difficult to handle. What if we do something? Strange fortune-telling, even if the opening ceremony is successfully completed, we will be laughed at."

"I think that with King Xian's current status and realm, he won't be able to play such a little trick. What's more, our Demon Alliance has a prosperous fortune, and behind it is the Daqi royal family. Let alone a second-grade life magician, even if he is a super-grade Even if the fortune-teller is here, I don’t dare to use the fortune-teller rashly.”

All the demon cultivators smiled.

Stop pretending, once the Demon Alliance is established, it can legitimately establish itself in the court.

These days, the demon cultivators have been discussing how to enter the imperial court, how to replace Wen Xiu in charge of the cabinet, and how to depose the demon god who is the only one in the world. Of course, they have also discussed how to form a demon army to replace the Xian King's army, capture the Champion City, and invade the demon world. Expand my magic power.

"In front of the Demon Alliance, it's just a little red guy who doesn't care about this king or that king." A young steward said with a smile.

The big stewards present took a look at this little steward and remembered it in their hearts.

Even the alliance leader Zhang Wentong didn't dare to say that.

Such a stupid thing will bring trouble to the Demon Alliance sooner or later. After the ceremony is over, find a cemetery to bury it, and keep it for the night. It's merciless.

"We got news that His Highness Prince Xian led the generals to the Tianxiao sect and cured Fairy Qingcheng. Many strange phenomena were caused, including the scent of medicine and the sound of thunder, which gave the Tianxiao sect a big advantage." Zhang Qianhang said in When he said the word "Your Highness", his enunciation was particularly clear.

Everyone understood instantly.

Even Zhang Qianhang, who had killed countless people indiscriminately in a year, was extremely respectful behind Li Qingxian's back.

The little steward then came back to his senses and his lips trembled slightly.

"That's not the key yet. The key point is that many disciples of Tianshi Sect and Guxuan Mountain disappeared. Only their large airship was seen leaving. I don't know where they went. They are probably with King Xian."

"It's not possible. There is news from the court that the two factions have been secretly protecting King Xian. It is said that someone wanted to make a rash move but was stopped."

"King Xian, Li Qingxian is no longer the same person he used to be."

A complicated expression appeared on Zhang Qianhang's face, and he said slowly: "Li Qingxian back then was also at the top of the sky."

Everyone couldn't help but think of everything about Li Qingxian.

At the beginning, the Demon Sect was not only unable to defeat Li Qingxian, but also lost to Li Qingxian continuously.

After Li Qingxian reached the top level, he burned countless demon cultivators with a fire, but finally escaped completely. The demon sect had a huge momentum, but he didn't say a single harsh word.

At least half of the reason why Li Qingxian had the courage to come here this time came from Li Qingxian's poetry collection.

Ever since Li Qingxian's collection of poems became widely circulated, the Demon Sect has been in bad luck. Anyone who doesn't have ten or eight self-revised thunder war poems in the hands of the literary cultivator is embarrassed to come out to see people.

Now Wen Xiu's fighting style has completely changed. Whenever he hears that a demon cultivator is involved, he will first trigger thunder in the sky to frighten the demon cultivator, and then verify the authenticity.

In the past, the demonic cultivators had various ways to sneak into the literary cultivator forces to investigate, but now they can no longer enter. Thunders and thunders are heard at every turn, and then they bleed into coma, and then the literary cultivators laugh and catch the spies.

The demonic insects that the demonic cultivators were proud of were like small persimmons being stepped on, frequently bursting to death in front of Wenxiu Tianlei.

The key point is that ordinary self-modified thunder war poems do not have such power.

Only if it is adapted from Li Qingxian's Thunder War Poetry can it be powerful.

In the past, war poetry and Taoism each had their own merits, but overall they were weaker. The biggest shortcoming was over-reliance on the original poetry. In this regard, many great literary cultivators were helpless.

Now, Li Qingxian's poetry collection is comparable to hundreds of generations of poets joining forces, and Wen Xiu's combat ability has suddenly improved.

Especially for demon cultivators.

Haoran's righteousness already restrained the demonic cultivator, but now with the addition of King Xian's Thunderous War Poetry, the demonic cultivator's whole body went numb when he encountered Wenxiu.

Often without waiting for a fight, the literary cultivators would randomly set off thunderbolts like fireworks, first destroying the demonic insects and injuring the demonic cultivators, and then taking action. No one could withstand it.

The higher the level, the more afraid the demons will be.

In the past, literary talent was not of a high standard for those who were talented, and those who were upright and powerful were average. Even with an all-rounder like Zhao Yishan, his poetry and literary talent was not top-notch.

Nowadays, as soon as Li Qingxian's collection of poems comes out, the great Confucians can modify it at will, and the thunder will be bombarded all over the sky as if they don't want money.

Knowing that Li Qingxian was coming, many demon cultivators stayed up all night.

"Feikong Pavilion left Tianxiao Sect and came south."

The whole place was silent.

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