Life Hunter

Chapter 1115 The Great Demon Gate

On the bank of Tianjiang River, the magic wall is in opposition to Haoran's righteousness.

Further south is the City of Ten Thousand Demons.

The City of Ten Thousand Demons is located at the foot of Hua Mo Mountain.

At the beginning of the preparations for the Demon Alliance, the entire City of Ten Thousand Demons was built according to the formation of Ten Thousand Demons.

It is said that it is a method taught by the demon world, which is the most powerful and the most evil.

During the process of building the Ten Thousand Demons Array, hundreds of millions of human graves were dug up, and countless corpses disappeared.

According to some statistics, during the period when the Ten Thousand Demons Array was being built, the population of Qi was 10 million less than in previous years.

As for the truth, unless the court announces it, there is no way to know.

However, the life magicians discovered horrifying numbers from some data published by various places.

Just numbers.

The layout of the City of Demons is unique, very different from the human world. It is a standard circular city, with a total of thirty-three gates on the city wall.

The city is composed of circular blocks one after another, with a total of ninety-nine blocks.

Each circular block is enough to accommodate 100,000 people.

In the center of each circular block stood a strange demon statue, emitting a strange bloody light.

The entire City of Ten Thousand Demons was shrouded in blood.

The total number of people in this magical city that claims to accommodate tens of millions of people now exceeds ten million.

Because ninety-nine percent of the demon cultivators in the world gather here with their families.

In an inconspicuous neighborhood, the devil of all diseases slumped on a chair, wheezing and gasping for air, as if an old bellows was stuffed into his lungs.

His limbs were limp, his eyes were dull, and strange illnesses kept popping up and disappearing all over his body, but there was a terrifying aura all over his body.

Strips of flame-like demonic energy burned around him.

Beside Baibing Mozi, four disciples from Hua Mo Mountain stood, serving him carefully.

No matter what he is like, he is a top-grade one, even Zhang Wentong's direct disciple. Not to mention that he can speak and act, even if he becomes a living dead, everyone must worship him like their ancestors.

The face of the leader of the Demon Alliance is worth more than a million lives and deaths.

The Demon of All Diseases touched the communication talisman, and a faint smile suddenly appeared at the corner of his mouth.

Suddenly, his body slowly hung in the air and he slowly sat up.

The four Demon Sect disciples were shocked and hurriedly approached with a look of fear on their faces.

"It doesn't matter." The Demon of All Diseases said with a smile.

The four people hurriedly showed concerned and questioning eyes.

Unlike those demon cultivators who like to kill people at every turn, Baibing Mozi has never been rumored to kill people indiscriminately. Instead, he is very friendly to people and has even helped many members of the demon sect.

Except when he is practicing, he is a rare good person among demon cultivators.

Baibing Mozi sighed and said: "It is said that Li Qingxian has obtained the immortal magic of the upper world, but no one knows that I transformed the Demon Mountain and obtained the power of the demon world early. I was almost dead that day in the Death Demon Land, and I was injured so much. Even my skills can't save me. Who would have thought that I could be saved by relying on the City of Ten Thousand Demon Gods. Not only that, my skills have greatly increased, and I can step into the first level of concentration at any time."

"Congratulations, Your Majesty the Devil!" The four of them were overjoyed.

They knew very well that the skills cultivated by Baibing Demon were so powerful that once they were promoted to the first level and started to practice extensively, few people could defeat them.

"Let's go, carry me to Hua Mo Mountain and see how the elders are preparing."

"But what they said to you, Demon..."

"It doesn't matter. I was dying at that time, and everything they said was normal. Now that my magic skills have greatly increased, they will know what to do. I don't know if my friends who are recovering from their injuries in the magic circle are the same as me."

The four people carried the soft sedan and left their residence to go to Hua Mo Mountain.

When we arrived at the gate of Hua Mo Mountain, we saw demons climbing up from all directions.

Everyone who comes is of the highest quality.

Everyone noticed the demonic energy that was like a blazing flame on the body of Baibing Demon, and they approached one after another, gathered together, and walked up the mountain.

"Baibei, congratulations on reaching the next level."

"Is your injury healed too?"

"Thanks to the divine formation, it's fine."

"What about the rest?"

"No need to ask, as long as it is not the kind of fatal injury, it has been healed, and even better. My ineffective disciples have been promoted one after another."

"Everyone says that King Xian's technique is good, but compared with the Ten Thousand Demons Array, it is far behind."

"Those ordinary cultivators outside are still clamoring and wanting to go up the mountain, but they don't know that from now on, the demon cultivators will never be the same as them. Having this divine formation can turn all people into firewood and help us advance, which is really a blessing to the human race. ah."

"If nothing unexpected happens, the leader of the alliance will announce today that he will form a demon army and follow the emperor to conquer the city in person, right?"

"It's hard to say. I should have another fight with King Xian."

"It is said that King Xian is on the way."

"I don't know what his attitude is."


"I hope he can take care of himself, otherwise, this Ten Thousand Demon God Formation will be ignited for him to avenge the hatred of the tens of thousands of demon cultivators in the Dead Demon Land."

"Yes, that massacre was so cruel. After I heard about it, I sat there for a long time. Li Qingxian, it was so cruel."

"Don't take it lightly, Li Qingxian will always surprise you. Ordinary means can't do anything to him."

"This array of ten thousand demon gods can not only turn firewood into demonic fire, but it is also the largest offensive formation in the world. As long as millions of demon cultivators are present, it is equivalent to the combined force of millions of demon cultivators. With one blow, even if it exceeds The goods also turned into ashes.”

"That's right. Then King Xian is here just to watch the ceremony, and he may not dare to do anything."

"No matter what happens to him, he should know how powerful the Ten Thousand Demons Array and the Demon Alliance are."

"Baibing, you have dealt with Li Qingxian, what do you think?"

The Devil of All Diseases smiled and said: "Every time I hear Li Qingxian's name, my body is burning like flames, and the pitiful wails of tens of thousands of demon cultivators ring in my ears, but this makes me stronger. You guys need to know , his name is Li Qingxian."

All the superiors were puzzled.

"He will definitely do something unexpected. The reason I went up the mountain this time is to persuade my mentor to pay attention to Li Qingxian. If possible, once Li Qingxian shows up, summon the power of all demons to kill him... No, it should be summoned Come out of the Demon God's Gate and kill him directly!"

"This... is too much. Not to mention whether Li Qingxian was prepared or not, a surprise attack on the majestic Lord of the River during the opening ceremony would probably cause disaster."

"I think it can be killed, but I won't use the Demon God's Gate, right? The Demon God's Gate is the last support of my Demon Sect. When Wan Xiu slaughtered the demons, the Demon Sect was about to be driven out. In the end, Tian Mozi sacrificed the ancient objects and summoned Come to the Demon God's Gate, trigger the Demon God's arrival, kill Wan Xiu, and save the remaining Demon Cultivators. From now on, no matter how powerful Wan Xiu is, he will not dare to exterminate our Demon Sect."

"That's right, you can't open the door of the devil until you are in danger of annihilation."

"What's more, back then, Tianmozi could only open one Demonic Gate alone. Now our Demonic Alliance is not what it used to be. It is as prosperous as fire. If we really go all out, we may even summon the legendary Great Demonic Gate. Break through the demon world and slaughter the human world."

"As expected, the ultimate goal of the establishment of the Ten Thousand Demons Array is the Great Demon Gate."

The superiors smiled and said that there are some things that should not be said carelessly.

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