Life Hunter

Chapter 1117 Breaking Through the Demonic Mist

Under the magic wall, a group of demon cultivators looked at Feikong Pavilion flying over the Tianjiang River in shock.

Feikong Pavilion cuts through the sky, and the magic mist divides like waves, illuminated by new light.

The elders have said that there is nothing visible on the surface of this demonic energy. In fact, under the action of the Ten Thousand Demons Array, the demonic energy from the devil world, the filthy energy from the human world, and various forces are mixed into the evil energy of Mengcheng, suppressing all the forces in the lower realm, and nothing can stop it. .

Once the demonic energy is activated, any power in the world will be rejected.

Including forbidden air.

But now, such a powerful force is blocked by a high-grade magic weapon. No, could it be said that it is a super-grade magic weapon?

Even if it is a super magic weapon, it cannot fly as usual. It will be like being stuck in a quagmire and flying slowly.

On the Demonic Mountain, countless demon cultivators are making final preparations.

From the foot of the mountain to the top of the mountain, millions of demon cultivators are busy.

The sun came up and they just watched.

Haoran's righteousness hit them, but they didn't care.

When the evil energy of Mengcheng rose up and filled the world, they smiled relaxedly and continued to work.

When Feikong Pavilion flew around the white light, it seemed like the morning sun tearing through the night.

All the demon cultivators instinctively turned their heads to look. Although they were so far away, everyone felt that the light from Feikong Pavilion was extremely dazzling.

There should not be such eye-catching things in the sky of Lizhou and Hua Mo Mountain.

Neither can super products.

One after another, high-grade demon cultivators stopped and looked at the Feikong Pavilion, which was originally inconspicuous but now attracts everyone's attention.

Today is the day when the Demon Alliance was established.

Now, it’s the opening ceremony.



A high-ranking demonic cultivator rose into the wind, as if thousands of birds were flying together, and the darkness was overwhelming, affecting the wind and clouds, rushing away like a black tide.

The low-level demon cultivators below saw this scene and their blood boiled with excitement.

How many years have you not seen such a large-scale demon cultivator flying into the sky?

The demonic cultivator has finally risen.

The human world will turn into a demonic kingdom!

"It's King Xian's Feikong Pavilion."

"It's Li Qingxian."

The arrogant group of flying demon cultivators suddenly stopped.

"Wait for the leader's order."

The demon cultivators returned one after another and fell back to the Demon Transformation Mountain.

A gust of wind blows up the fallen leaves. When the wind stops, the leaves fall back. Everything is so natural.

The ordinary magic cultivator on the other side was left with a confused look on his face.

Outside the magic wall, everyone shouted.

"His Royal Highness Prince Xian!"

Hundreds of thousands of people looked up at Feikong Pavilion.

Li Qingxian sat in the Feikong Pavilion and looked forward.

The generals looked puzzled, what happened?

I flew in normally with the invitation, and suddenly Wan Mo greeted me. I thought the Demon Alliance was too polite, but Wan Mo retreated again.

What's the meaning.

He Bao frowned and said, "It's okay if you don't welcome them. Are you kidding me by welcoming them first and then retreating? It seems that we need to teach these devil bastards a lesson!"

"It seems that the major forces haven't arrived yet. Are we too early?"

"I saw the evil sect's airship in the distance before, but it hasn't come in yet, and I don't know why."

"It seems to be the airship of the Daishan Sect over there, but it has not been found."

"It seems that there is a conflict below, and all parties are hesitating. Many forces should have arrived at Jinling City last night and are watching the excitement among the crowd."

"It seems that all parties are the same. They don't want to stand out. If you show opposition too early, you will be remembered by the Demon Alliance. But if you come forward to congratulate, you will definitely be remembered by the righteous."

"Our generals are a bit too upright."

"It's a pity that Lu Wenhua and other wise generals can't follow. Dahe can't do without us, but it can't do without them."

"Don't panic, His Royal Highness Prince Xian has his own arrangements."

A group of powerful and simple-minded generals looked at the calm Li Qingxian and nodded gently, their eyes full of blind belief.

Li Qingxian remained motionless. A thought flashed across his mind. What had he arranged?

I thought it was already too late at this time, but why are the major forces so stubborn?

Forget it, for the sake of being welcomed by Wan Mo Feikong, go early. Since it is held at the top of Hua Mo Mountain, then fly straight to the top of the mountain.

Li Qingxian then lowered his head and meditated, making final preparations for what was to come.

Along the way, Li Qingxian didn't care about anything and kept preparing gifts for the Demon Alliance.

In order to avoid accidents, I keep replaying the whole process in my mind, over and over, over and over, endlessly.

Nothing else matters, a big gift that satisfies you is the most important.

Under the gaze of everyone, Feikong Pavilion did not stop and flew straight towards the magic wall.

Inside and outside the magic wall, the demon cultivators and other monks were stunned for a moment.

Outside the magic wall, countless monks sighed.

"To deal with the devil kid, you have to rely on King Xian."

"Yes, King Xian killed demon clan corpses everywhere in Dahe. How can he be afraid of these demon cultivators?"

"The banner of righteousness in the world must be carried by King Xian."

"Look at the so-called Tianzhu sect. They either watch from afar or huddle in the crowd, not daring to come forward at all. As a result, a young man comes forward."

"I was still somewhat dissatisfied with King Xian before. After all, he did things that were deviant, did not respect the teachings of saints, and did not abide by the rules of kings and ministers. But seeing that he has made great contributions to the country, I will not say anything. What I saw today I was convinced by this scene.”

"Wan Xiu is in the queue, but His Royal Highness King Xian is the only one who is going forward. I am proud of King Xian and ashamed of the other sects."

"From now on, the leader of the righteous path in the world is none other than His Highness King Xian. No, when he took out the Order of Heroes to summon the heroes of the world, he was already the leader of the righteous path."

"Heaven will never give birth to King Xian..."

Everyone sighed with emotion, and all kinds of disgusting compliments flew out like rain.

Within the magic wall, the demon cultivators were facing a formidable enemy.

"What...what do you mean? Are you trying to challenge the Demon Alliance?"

"What a Li Qingxian, so ambitious, yet he took action directly without saying a word."

"Inform the General Alliance quickly!"

Some of the magic cultivators panicked.

However, the high-grade magic cultivator under the magic wall was extremely calm.

"Don't worry, this Great Wall of Ten Thousand Demons is still part of the Ten Thousand Demons Divine Formation. With this formation, it is enough to withstand Wan Xiu's thousand-year attack. How can you be afraid of a Xian King?"

"The elders must have taken action."

"Don't worry, he may not dare to collide. After all, we have declared this place to be no-fly. We need to leave through the gate of hell."

"Yes, he was probably just pretending and fell naturally after getting close to the magic wall."

"Wait a minute, did we notify His Highness Prince Xian in advance of the notice we set up at the door?"

The demon cultivators looked at each other.

No notice?

Who informed?

The pupils of the demon cultivators slowly dilated.

"Quick, call the Xian Wang!" a demon cultivator shouted.



Feikong Pavilion, which exuded pale white light, was like a meteor hitting the wall of magic mist.

The wall of magic mist is vast and majestic. It surrounds the City of All Demons and is indestructible.

However, a big hole was knocked out.

Then, centered around the entrance of the cave, a strange force spread out.

Click... click...

The magic wall instantly opened tens of thousands of cracks.


The magic wall completely collapsed.

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