Life Hunter

Chapter 1144 Visit

The ring fell into the water and disappeared.

"Okay." Li Qingxian said.

Shen Zhizhai said: "The matter is of great importance. From today on, I will lead my disciples to stay here. The old dragon will not die and will not move an inch."

Li Qingxian nodded and said, "I'm sorry, Mr. Shen."

Shen Zhizhai smiled and said: "It's your credit for your efforts; we are not very capable, so we are busy working hard."


Li Qingxian looked around and said slowly: "This Dragon Eye Lake is blessed by great power. Next, you may encounter all kinds of troubles and attract countless monsters and monsters."

Shen Zhizhai nodded and said, "I will handle it carefully."

"I have tried my best to weaken the power of the Longtai ancestral land, but there are more or less accidents. This time I left ten high-ranking generals and 300 middle-ranking generals for Mr. Shen to dispatch."

"Such a team is enough to sweep across Treasure Island. But... let's talk."

The two left the crowd and walked around the lakeside, chatting.

"Qi is already an old dragon. No matter how strong it is, the power of the Longtai ancestral land is limited. You are the lord of the river, the leader of fortune-telling, and you have successfully slain demons. In terms of hard power, the king's army is no less than ordinary people." Lord. As expected, the luck in the sky above Xianwang City has turned into a dragon, right?"

"I successfully transformed into a dragon a few days ago, so I decided to carry out the final mobilization. But I didn't expect that you kept exploring the Longtai ancestral land, which delayed it for a few days."

"Okay! Fortunately, King Xian's luck turned into a dragon. Otherwise, you may not be able to succeed in solving the dragon this time. But... you have shortcomings after all."

"Not qualified enough?"

Shen Zhizhai smiled calmly and said: "Regardless of qualifications and age, it's all bullshit. It's just the rhetoric used by the superiors to exclude outsiders. If you really want to promote your own people, use another set of rhetoric. Your roots are vast and boundless. The real Heavenly Listening, even underground, is deep enough, but the combination with other forces is not enough."

"how do I say this."

"You are a life magician, so you have an extremely close relationship with the life world. Needless to say, you share weal and woe with the King Xian Army and have a close relationship. Your Wanhe Chamber of Commerce seems to be well connected with other forces, but , they are all just superficial interest exchanges. No matter how close the collaborators of Wanhe Chamber of Commerce are ten times closer, they are not as good as your relationship with Wen Xiu."

Li Qingxian himself has also considered this issue.

"You rarely make friends with literary cultivators, and you don't have many interests involved, but your status in Shilin is almost the same as your status in the life cultivator world. Especially after you slayed the demon, some people have already said that King Xian is half the world. , this half the world refers to the support of literary cultivators. The number of literary cultivators in Xian Wang City has exceeded that of Divine Capital City, which is more serious for the imperial court than any number of military generals."

Li Qingxian nodded lightly.

"You see, your Wanhe Chamber of Commerce does not have much interest in Wenxiu. You mainly operate in Dahe and do not have many contacts with Wenxiu. However, Wenxiu in the world is your spiritual follower, even if many people do not They have met you and haven’t even had a meal from you, but their trust in you is far greater than the power established through business.”

"indeed so."

"Some big forces, such as the Xue family, have always been speculators. No matter how much chips you offer, they will not be moved, and may even backhand you and sell you to Emperor Taining. However, some righteous forces that are neutral but support the human race , it’s different. They are almost the same as Wen Xiu. They don’t need you to transfer benefits or conclude a covenant or marriage. Most likely, they just need you to prove that everyone is walking on the same road and heading to the same place. Then, you just say a word and they will Will follow.”

Li Qingxian smiled and said: "You are always insightful. In this world, there are many people who come together, some because of interests, some because of blood, some because of culture, and some because of justice. And some combinations are due to beliefs, some are just leading by the nose, and so on. The combination and following of interests and commerce is the easiest to form, but it is also the easiest to collapse. Because no matter how good interests and commerce are, they are still the same. It often conflicts with the lowest and most common beliefs of mankind such as justice and kindness.”

"Rare sound." Shen Zhizhai said.

"I have read in books that a country believes that fraud, bullying and conquest that integrate interests, commerce and culture are the easiest way to create spiritual followers. In the initial period, they were unstoppable and the whole world was their followers. But As time goes by, when the people become wiser, one generation grows old, and the next generation grows up, the country that has abandoned justice, civilization and kindness suddenly finds that the situation has changed. The so-called spiritual followers of interests, business and culture, It is becoming more and more rare, and even arouses widespread doubts. The reason is very simple, that is, they have done something wrong, or even done evil, which is contrary to the basic needs of all mankind. A sage's words can be summed up, if you get the right way, you will get more help, but if you get the wrong way, you will get less help."

"Good." Shen Zhizhai said.

"However, I have been busy with other affairs recently and have indeed neglected this point. In fact, I have long been wondering, General King, why don't you ask for help from the world? Later, I got the answer."

Shen Zhizhai lamented: "If he asks for help from the world, is he a king or an emperor? If the people of the world walk together in the same faith, where will the emperor and the gods be? Is this world a world for the people of the world, or a world for the people of the world? The world of the royal family? Therefore, even until his death, he did not dare to ask for help from the people of the world. After all, he was trapped in his bloodline and old culture, and could not truly transcend himself."

"He doesn't dare, I dare." Li Qingxian said.

"Get ready..." Shen Zhizhai said with a smile.

"Visit all the major forces and invite all top-grade and super-grade ones to join the battle," Li Qingxian said.

"Great kindness." Shen Zhizhai laughed.

"I'm sorry to bother you, Mr. Shen. I'll send greeting cards to all the major forces when I get back." Li Qingxian said.

"I wish His Highness King Xian a safe journey."

Li Qingxian explained some more things, leaving behind all kinds of backup plans, and returned to Xianwang City by airship.

First, I sent greetings to all the major forces, and then I dealt with matters for a day.

The next day, Li Qingxian's Feikong Pavilion flew eastward.

Fengxiao City, the chief helmsman of Beilulin.

Tens of thousands of disciples, wearing black short-fighting uniforms and red belts, stood in the west gate of the city. They were all tall and straight, with majestic weapons, stretching for several miles.

At the end of the line, a big band of thousands of people waited.

Until a flying magic weapon flew from the horizon. The conductor raised his hand, gongs and drums rang loudly, and firecrackers went off continuously.

Feikong Pavilion fell, and Li Qingxian led a group of counselors and generals out.

On the opposite side, a group of people came quickly with smiling faces and fists in their hands.

The leader has leopard eyes, a broad nose, a wide mouth and wide jaws, a tall body, and the appearance of a tiger or bear.

Standing next to him was a young man who was similar to him. It was Sun Qingtian who had worked together in Guicheng.

"The deputy leader of Beilulin, Sun Qishan, has met His Royal Highness King Xian!" The big man was the first to greet him.

Li Qingxian smiled and said: "Uncle Sun, you're welcome, we are all from our own family. Qingtian, your battle is a bit big."

Sun Qingtian said with a smile: "His Royal Highness Prince Xian is here, nothing is too much. We are all members of our family, chatting while walking."

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