Life Hunter

Chapter 302: The strange baby becomes even more timid when close to family

"Could it be that I got one point on the test paper, a reward for good grades? It's possible, but it doesn't seem likely..."

Li Qingxian was puzzled and feared an accident, so he withdrew from the Ming Mansion.

Everyone looked at Li Qingxian.

Li Qingxian said slowly: "I deduced that within this hour, luck gradually entered my life. After the death of more than two hundred people, a lot of luck increased at once."

"The legend turns out to be true..." Song Baige exclaimed softly.

"What legend?" Some candidates didn't know.

Wang Buku explained: "It is said that in the Wanxiang Qingyun Examination, the luck of the deceased candidates will be distributed to the remaining candidates. As for how to distribute it, who has more and who has less, we cannot be sure. What we can be sure of is that the 'Son of Man' will get most."

A look of shame flashed across the faces of the people who had frowned before. They didn't expect Li Qingxian to discover such a big thing.

Li Qingxian's heart moved, could he be the son of man? He also thought it was impossible. He almost died, so there was no way he could be the son chosen by the Destiny Sect.

Furthermore, the Son of Man only gets one percent? This is how much you look down on the Son of Man.

It must be because you have good grades and high scores.

Li Qingxian looked at the only red mark on his test paper, "World Peace".

Everyone lowered their heads, each thinking.

"Since all fortune-telling masters are sure that we have luck, it means we are in the right place. We will get more and more luck, and our strength will inevitably increase as a result, but..." Song Baige analyzed, "With our current situation, It is impossible for the Son of Man to be cultivated by the Destiny Sect, and we are not qualified to compete for the Son of Man's destiny. Therefore, my opinion is very simple. We do not need to consider competing for destiny for the time being. We just need to live. As long as we live , these fortunes will naturally stay with us."

"Yes, I agree with Bai Ge's view." Li Qingxian said.

"Can't we really have more luck?" one candidate asked.

Li Qingxian said: "Is luck more important, or life? Next, we have to think about this question every moment. If we can't figure out the answer to this question, it's impossible to get out of here alive."

Everyone was silent.

Li Qingxian picked up his sister and asked as he walked: "Will we encounter new games all the time in the future?"

Fangfang said in surprise: "Of course not. Even a child cannot play games from morning to night."

Everyone listened attentively and looked at the silly and unfulfilled children around them.

"So, will we encounter new games on the way home?"

"There aren't that many games in the outer city. If you want to play more games, you need to go to the inner city. After lunch, if you want to play games, go to the inner city." Fangfang said.

Everyone looked at each other, and Li Qingxian smiled and said, "What if we stay in the outer city forever?"

"Then you won't be able to play new games." Fangfang said.

"Actually, there may be interesting places in the outer city." Li Qingxian said.

"Of course, but you have to look for it slowly. Some are fun, some are not fun, and some are scary." Fangfang said.

Li Qingxian nodded, recalled carefully, and said, "Do you remember that in the first children's song, the children sang together, 'Enter the city gate, walk through the city gate, enter the imperial city and become loyal ministers'?"

Everyone woke up instantly.

"This is the key!"

"I see."

"We thought there was no clue about this Qingyun trial, but it turned out that it had been hidden in children's songs for a long time."

"As expected of a life magician."

"That's right, the children's song they sang doesn't point to any game, so it probably points to the entire Qingyun Trial."

Li Qingxian nodded and said: "Based on what Fangfang said, no surprise, we will not encounter obstacles in the game before noon. After all, this is just the beginning, it can't be that difficult from the beginning. Next, it can be regarded as free time , but what should we do in our free time?”

"Explore." Wang Buku and Song Baige said in unison.

Li Qingxian said: "That's right. It won't take long before all the teams will realize that from now until lunch time, it is free time. Although they will encounter long ropes, sandbags and shadows all the time, as long as they are careful, nothing will happen. Then , they will definitely be looking around to find a way to break the situation. We are the same. However, we have to go to my neighborhood first, then explore again, and finally go home before lunch. "

Li Qingxian and everyone else didn't think there was anything wrong with him saying "my home" and "go home".

"That's right. If I enter your house too early and can't get out, all this time will be wasted."

"You can't even let yourself go when you're a mother."

"According to my guess, although we won't encounter mandatory new games next, we will find some other games. If we complete them, we may get extra points." Wang Buku said.

"Can you not play a new game? Didn't you say that survival is important?" a candidate asked softly.

Song Baige sighed: "After the two hundred people outside died, you still haven't woken up? We want to save our lives and try not to act recklessly, but this is a game that requires constant death. How can we guarantee that we will not die? It's not that we don't do it. Games, but looking for the right games to play. If we don’t play games, those who play games will eliminate us. If we play the wrong games, we will die.”

"After an hour passes, people outside the city gate will die. So if the morning passes, people who are still in the outer city and have not entered the inner city, will they not survive?" Wang Buku asked.

Li Qingxian raised his "Peace in the World" test paper and said: "Do you remember Lao Lang? The key to this game is not to ask what time it is, but when Lao Lang answers 'It's dark'. After that, Lao Lang can Arrest people. Starting at the beginning of the morning, according to the latest dark time, it is also six hours later. There are only twelve and a half hours, and we can only get twelve strokes. But don’t forget, from The few hours between now and lunch are free time, and we won’t encounter new games, which means we will probably not get any money at all.”

Li Qingxian put away the test paper and continued: "We need to accumulate more strokes before dark to prepare for after dark."

Everyone was horrified.

Wang Buku sighed: "Nothing goes wrong. It's just a side dish in the morning. It will be extremely intense in the afternoon. And in the evening, I'm afraid it will be like a long knife shining and blood covering the floor. It's impossible not to play games now."

"Then let's play! We still have Ye Han, what do they have?"

"Yes, with the life magician here, we have a better chance of winning!"

"Since you can't escape, it's better to face the difficulties than to shrink your eggs!"

A gray fog enveloped the whole city, and the sun blocked by the fog turned blood red.

On the empty stone street, twenty-four people and twenty-four children were chatting and walking forward.

Every quarter of an hour, the children would be divided into three groups to sing three kinds of children's songs, and then everyone had to play long rope jumping, sandbag making and shadow fighting games together.

After Chenzheng, it was Sichu time. The children asked the old wolf together again, and the old wolf answered again.

After walking for a while, Fangfang said excitedly: "If we walk for a while, we'll be home."

Everyone's hearts tightened and they looked at Li Qingxian.

Li Qingxian shrugged and said, "See what I do? I'm more scared than you."

"Can you tell me about your experience in Gui Village?" Lu Gaoming asked.

"I dare to say it. Do you dare to listen here?"

"Stop it!" Qiu Ye said hurriedly.

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