Life Hunter

Chapter 374 Playing games in the East Palace

"Are you okay?" Shen Xiaoyi looked at Li Qingxian with a worried look on his face.

Li Qingxian smiled and said: "It's okay, it's just that the process is different from what I thought."

"Why is it different?" Song Baige asked.

Li Qingxian shook his head and said: "I'd better not say it. In short, it's not a bad thing. After all, it involves a trick, I'm afraid you won't hear it well."

"Needless to say, needless to say..." Everyone expressed their understanding.

"It's hard for you." Shen Xiaoyi looked at Li Qingxian sympathetically.

Everyone nodded silently, ordinary strange children were scary enough, let alone meeting the strange princess alone.

Li Qingxian was about to tell the letter of appointment from the Ministry of Internal Affairs, but then he thought about it, secretly concealed it, and said with a smile: "Did you give me the badge of the Ministry of Internal Affairs?"

"Of course." Song Baige handed over Li Qingxian's waistband.

Li Qingxian took the personal guard badge, but did not take out the third-class guard badge, and said: "Let's go directly to Yuqing Palace to find the guardian."

"No need to prepare? That is the prince's residence after all."

"It doesn't matter, the prince is not here." Li Qingxian said.

"How do you know?"

Li Qingxian smiled and walked towards Yuqing Palace.

Everyone looked at each other.

"After meeting Princess Gui once, she became a godly person." Song Baige muttered in a low voice.

"He has his own reasons, and we will just follow them." Wang Buku said.

In the dark night of the palace, a group of people followed Li Qingxian. After walking a few steps, they saw a team passing by.

At first glance, everyone felt chills on their backs and sweat all over their bodies.

I saw that the team was full of ghosts, there were many white bones, the green light was flashing, the mist was rising, and it was eerie.

The two people walking at the front of the team, one was a woman in black clothes and the other was a man in white clothes. Their faces were haggard, like corpses.

Everyone took a closer look and breathed a sigh of relief when they saw it was the puppet cultivator team.

This team looked at Li Qingxian and nodded lightly. Li Qingxian did the same, which was regarded as a greeting.

The woman in black, Wu Chang, reached out and tapped her forehead before leaving.

After the puppet cultivator team left, Song Baige said: "They are also quite miserable, many of them have been tricked."

"But there seems to be no obvious change in the black and white impermanence, which is amazing."

"Puppet cultivators are more reliable than demon cultivators and evil cultivators. There is a chance we can cooperate."

"The female impermanent woman reached out and tapped her forehead, fearing that she might have discovered the mark of our treacherous minister. She didn't say anything clearly, and she didn't seem to want to conflict with us."


Everyone talked all the way to the gate of Yuqing Palace.

Li Qingxian took out his personal guard badge, cupped his hand and said, "Please report this to the chief of the eunuchs at Yuqing Palace. We are here under secret orders."

The guard at the door frowned and said, "Eunuch Mao is in charge of Yuqing Palace. He is busy with important matters, so he may not be able to see you."

Li Qingxian said: "We are acting under the secret orders of the Ministry of Internal Affairs."

With that said, he took out the third-class guard waist badge.

The guard immediately turned around and made a gesture of invitation.

Li Qingxian stepped in, and the others looked at Li Qingxian's distinctive waistband curiously.

The waist medals of the bodyguards were all ordinary iron medals, but the waist medal in Li Qingxian's hand turned out to be a silver medal.

Everyone suppressed their curiosity and entered Yuqing Palace with Li Qingxian.

Everyone was walking and discussing in low voices.

Li Qingxian sent out seeking fairy bees to explore the surroundings, and then used his horoscope to draw a detailed map.

This palace is far grander than imagined, and the various pavilions and pavilions are very complicated.

Fortunately, with the letter of appointment from the Ministry of Internal Affairs, Seeking Immortal Bee could clearly see the vague buildings everywhere and quickly draw a rough map.

Yuqing Palace is a large courtyard with three entrances, sharing three main halls. From the outside to the inside are Dunben Hall, Yuqing Palace and Jide Hall. There are many other buildings around it, totaling more than a hundred.

Li Qingxian raised his head and glanced at the sky, and said: "We must deal with the guardians as soon as possible, otherwise things will change if they are too late."

After saying that, he walked inside and saw a young eunuch. He took out the third-class guard badge and asked him to take him to the leader of the eunuchs here, also commonly known as the chief eunuch.

Under the leadership of the young eunuch, the group quickly arrived at a side hall after twists and turns.

I saw a thin, smiling eunuch sitting in the main hall of the room, with a painting hanging on the wall behind him.

Painted in darkness.

The young eunuch hurriedly said: "This is the chief eunuch of our Yuqing Palace, Eunuch Mao Shi Gao Mao."

Li Qingxian turned around and motioned for everyone to stay behind him and move forward alone.

Walking to the threshold, Li Qingxian took out the third-class guard's waist badge and said: "Third-class guard Ye Han wants to see you."

"Yes." Mao Shigao nodded slightly, and then stared at Li Qingxian, doubts flashing in his eyes.

After entering the room, Li Qingxian took out the letter of appointment from the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

The skinny eunuch's eyes widened suddenly, he took it and looked at it carefully, then handed it back with the letter of appointment in both hands. His shoulders were two inches shorter, he bent slightly and said with a smile: "This slave will obey all your orders."

Everyone outside the main hall was startled and looked at each other in disbelief.

Li Qingxian put away the letter of appointment and said with a smile: "Mr. Mao, there is no need to be polite. We are all doing things for the emperor and the Ministry of Internal Affairs."

Then, Li Qingxian opened his spiritual eyes and looked at the eunuch Mao Shigao.

The person in front of him immediately changed, as if composed of gray-yellow smoke.


"Please give me your instructions, sir." Mao Shigao said.

Li Qingxian thought for a while, whispered in Mao Shigao's ear, and gave careful instructions.

Mao Shigao was puzzled, but he kept nodding to show that he understood.

After finishing speaking, Li Qingxian gave Mao Shigao a transmission note and asked him to repeat his words, point out some mistakes and key points, and then asked him to prepare.

Mao Shigao hurried out, while Li Qingxian walked toward everyone with a smile.

"What did you do?" Song Baige looked curious.

Li Qingxian distributed the sound transmission notes to everyone and said: "The important things will be the sound transmission notes in the future. Next, let's play a game."

Everyone was horrified.

"Don't make trouble!" Wang Buku looked shocked.

Everyone looked at Li Qingxian helplessly. Among all the candidates, there was no one like Li Qingxian.

"You're just doing other things, but you dare to play games in Guicheng? It's a waste of your life!" Song Baige laughed and cursed.

Li Qingxian smiled and said: "If you don't play games, how can you find the guardian in the fastest way?"

Everyone was stunned for a moment and suddenly realized.

"Awesome." Wang Buku praised.

Shen Xiaoyi smiled and said: "No wonder you asked us to discuss the method, but we couldn't agree. It turns out that you have a better one. Not bad, not bad."

"How dark of heart can you think of such a trick? Let alone the guardian, even if the elder of the Tianming Sect is here, he wouldn't dare not come out to play games. If I were the guardian, I would know that you used this method to find him, ancestor Eighteen generations can scold him." Song Baige said.

Everyone laughed as they imagined that scene.

"Let's go to Yuqing Palace to decorate it."

Li Qingxian led people to the Yuqing Palace, laid out a magic circle and various means, and then left.

After a while, I heard little eunuchs running around singing children's songs in Yuqing Palace.

"East of the East Palace, West of the East Palace, South of the East Palace, North of the East Palace, stand together in the East Palace, looking for east and west and north and south. Everyone, come to the gate of Yuqing Palace and play games together. Don't play games and get spanked. East Palace of the East... …”

Everyone in the side hall was hairy.

Song Baige rolled his eyes and said, "What a loss, I've even made up children's songs..."

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