Life Hunter

Chapter 384 Li Qingxian, the virtuous protector of the Tao

Li Qingxian felt the aura trembling all over his body, and inexplicable auras flowing around his body.

Strange auras wanted to invade the Ming Mansion, but they seemed to have no way out. They lingered for a long time, got into the body of the old protector, and wreaked havoc.

Li Qingxian was a little confused. The development of things was completely beyond his expectation.

Li Qingxian looked up at the sky. The golden python's eyes widened and he looked confused.

Li Qingxian coughed lightly and said, "I am the true guardian of the Tianming Sect. I just killed the traitors to enforce the rules of the family."

Shen Xiaoyi rolled his eyes.

The golden python was still confused.

At this moment, the golden python's body cracked open, and streaks of golden light burst out from the cracks.

"Use the secret technique quickly!" Shen Xiaoyi said.

In Li Qingxian's mind, the cat-headed Taoist protection book jumped rapidly, and a clear picture flowed into his mind.

Li Qingxian stepped on the gang and fought, making seals with his hands, chanting words in his mouth, and reciting the Tianming Sect's mantra.

Finally, Li Qingxian shouted softly and pointed at the golden python, saying: "I am Li Qingxian, the virtuous and authentic protector of the destiny. I am in charge of all things and raise the golden python. I have been specially ordered to protect the human son Ye Han! I will not move now. When will I wait? !”

The transparent silver glowing light token rushed out like a life weapon, emitting a faint light and covering the golden python.

The golden python was stunned for a moment. How could the person in front of him be both a protector and a son of man?

An instant later, the golden python exploded and turned into thousands of golden light groups of luck, flying in all directions like golden meteors.

A stream of clear energy rushed out from Li Qingxian's head.

The obelisk ordered a swimming pool outside the mountain, and the pool turned into a black vortex, absorbing the golden light.

The four-phase square statue supports the ball of light, and the blurred four-phase opens its mouth slightly, forming a huge suction force, which cooperates with the ball of light to continuously swallow it.

The rockery of Mingchi also rushed out, emitting rays of divine light to capture the light groups.

The light ball fell on the fate pond and turned into a pure gold carp, which was far more shining than ordinary carp.

At the same time, the various powers of Ming Mansion attracted the light group.

In just a moment, Li Qingxian felt his body swell.

Hold on.

After Li Qingxian had eaten and drank enough, the golden ball of national luck dispersed in all directions.

Shen Xiaoyi gets the moon first by approaching the water tower, and gathers a large number of national fortune light groups with his life weapon.

Then, the national luck group of light flew outward.

Seeing that Meng Huaichuan, Song Baige, Wang Buku, Hou Duzhou and others had soaring fortunes, they all intercepted some of the national luck groups.

In the end, less than one-tenth of the light group flew out of the East Palace.

Outside the door, Lucky Man, Gu Fuzi, the Stele Carver and others rushed out and intercepted the light group.

Some life magicians hurriedly said: "If luck comes, hurry up and catch it!"

Everyone showed their special abilities and competed for the leftovers.

Li Qingxian felt his head bulge and his whole body felt hot. He immediately sat on the ground, using magic techniques and combing his Qi.

After a long time, I felt my head was cool, and then I entered the Ming Mansion with my mind and watched carefully.

There was a layer of faint golden light on the entire surface of Ming Mansion.

Li Qingxian smiled slightly, this must be the legendary golden light of national destiny.

It seems that I have absorbed a lot of national luck this time.

This golden light of national luck is extraordinary. It usually only appears on those who have made great contributions to the country. It can even be passed on to future generations, offset disasters and eliminate disasters.

Although the obelisk Mingshan had been repaired before, its surface light was very light. Now, there seems to be an invisible fire at the top of the obelisk, emitting a faint white light, illuminating the Mingfu.

The cloud of light above the Four-phase Fang Zun was thickened for three full circles, and the concentration of national luck in it was far greater than that of ordinary princes.

In the fate pond, a total of eighteen fat, thick and long pure gold carps were swimming around, four or five times the size of ordinary luck fish, just like small sharks.

In the Ming Mansion, all the fate stars are nourished, and the growth of the mountains from the soil to the mountains and the lakes from the drops of water are the most obvious, especially the latter, which has a faint tendency to transform into the sea from the drops of water.

The small country's jade seal presented by Gai Fengyou and the king's gold seal presented by Zhou Chunfeng were baptized, and they looked brand new, as if they were newly made, and their power was restored to their heyday, as if they were still in their place.

The foundation and atmosphere of the entire Ming Mansion are no longer the same as before.

When Li Qingxian returned to the coffin, he saw a cat-headed book of protection suspended in it, with a protection token embedded on the back of the book.

Li Qingxian opened the book of guardians, looking for the most important memories of the guardians and learning the contents of "Destiny Authentic Sect".

After just a moment, Li Qingxian was fascinated by the sight. He vaguely felt someone pushing his body from the outside world. He hurriedly closed the book and opened his eyes.

Shen Xiaoyi still covered her face and stood in front of her, with her slender waist right in front of her and her round bulge.

Li Qingxian tilted his head and saw Meng Huaichuan and others standing in front of the gate of the square in front of the palace, as well as the treacherous eunuch Mao Shigao.

Li Qingxian stood up and patted Shen Xiaoyi on the shoulder.

Mao Shigao then came over, saluted, and said: "Master Ye, this traitor's body..."

"Get dressed and follow the rules of the palace. In addition, when you go to find the mourner, just tell me what an old friend from Guicun said. The jade pendant on this man's body belongs to me. Ask him to return it."

Mao Shigao recalled it briefly and cursed in a low voice: "I almost got fooled by him. Please wait a moment and I will let him pay it back."

Mao Shigao picked up the body of the old guardian, turned around and left.

The new protector Li Qingxian looked at the people in front of him.

Meng Huaichuan smiled and said: "Brother Ye, it's a good trick. His Royal Highness the Crown Prince has already said that it turns out that this fortune is the destiny of the country. Everyone in the East Palace has gained a lot. Today's kindness will be remembered forever."

When Hou Duzhou heard Meng Huaichuan directly call out his identity, he just frowned and thanked Li Qingxian with fists in his hands.

Afterwards, everyone thanked him one after another.

Wang Buku said: "Mr. Hou, you are also a fortune-teller. How much will we gain from this time when the fortune of the country is in the sky?"

Hou Duzhou thought for a while and said: "We are in the East Palace, and the national fortune each of us will receive is probably equivalent to a battle to seize the state and city, which is basically equivalent to a battle to become a prince."

"So rich? This is a huge favor." Sun Qingtian sighed softly and cooperated secretly.

Everyone nodded slightly, let alone these people, even top aristocratic families such as Hou Duzhou and Meng Huaichuan would find it very difficult to obtain such a real national fortune.

"The people outside..." Meng Huaichuan immediately shut up.

The scabbard smiled and said: "Brother Ye, well done. If the evil spirits outside come to trouble you, you will give them all your help. It will last a lifetime."

"That's it." Lin Zhenyuan said.

"Of course." Sun Qingtian smiled.

Everyone looked at Li Qingxian, and they were already sure that Li Qingxian deliberately isolated the evil spirits and benefited everyone.

Song Baige asked: "Is the matter over?"

Li Qingxian looked around and said, "That's it."

"Don't they want to come in? Then let them in." Song Baige said with a smile.


Li Qingxian was about to take the people away when he looked up and saw that in the broken cauldron, the golden python was dying and shrunk to three feet long, compared with its previous length of more than ten feet.

Li Qingxian recalled the contents of the Cat Head Protector's Book and used his magic to see countless rays of light flying from all directions and falling into the golden python.

Li Qingxian stretched out his hand and took the golden python into the Ming Mansion.

As long as he finds the right life material, he can use it to set up a situation where the golden python steals the dragon.

A group of people walked to the door.

At the door, Li Qingxian's teammates looked eagerly and expressed gratitude.

Li Qingxian raised his hands to the people outside and said: "The thief in the East Palace has been arrested and brought to justice. As soon as the warning is lifted, I will never stop you from entering Yuqing Palace again."

Gu Huizi and the monument engraver snorted coldly, turned and left.

When the lucky boy saw Li Qingxian in high spirits, he felt disgusted for no reason, but for some reason, he couldn't feel too much ill feelings.

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