Life Hunter

Chapter 417 The Night Guard Team Sets Off Again

The morning sun shines on the grass and lights up the dewdrops.


The grass blades trembled, and the dewdrops fell one after another, reflecting the passing motorcade and shattering to the ground.

On the official road dozens of miles away from the capital, dust was rising everywhere, and more than 30 large vehicles were lined up in a line, slowly heading north.

There are two flags on the bull carts. One side has a red border and a blue background with black letters saying "Beitong", and the other side has a black background with red letters saying "Baosheng".

Scattered throughout the motorcade were strong men wearing black tights, with the word "Beitong" embroidered on the front and back of their bodies.

In the team, a few people wearing blue brocade robes looked around, their sleeves embroidered with golden waves.

"Our business basically does not allow outsiders to get involved. If you didn't hold the Dingnan Prince's House sign, you wouldn't even be able to see me on the road. Of course, if you hold the Dingnan Prince's House sign, we are our own family. The north is no different than other places, so you have to be more careful." The speaker was a handsome young man, who was stroking the jade wolf head bracelet in his hand, smiling and looking kind.

"Since you have chosen to travel in the North, you are ready." Li Qingxian said.

"Just be prepared. Besides, Li Jingqiu, what a good name."

"Xiang Zizi is also a good name."

The two looked at each other and smiled.

Li Qingxian glanced at the person in Jin Langhua's sleeves and whispered: "I heard that the green forest in the north doesn't want to see some people."

Xiang Zizai also looked at those people and said with a smile: "You really don't know that side. The five major evil sects have a hard time in the north, but the small evil sects are like fish in water. Have you ever been to Baoyuan City?"

Li Qingxian shook his head.

"There are some words that I shouldn't have said, but the young Marquis has already said it. If something happens to you, the Dingnan Palace will not look good. Don't think that I am too talkative."

"It's too late for me to be happy to meet someone who can give me advice. When I get back to Beijing, I'll have a banquet and invite Huaichuan to come with me to thank you." Li Qingxian said.

Xiang Zizai's eyes lit up and he grinned, "Then I'm sure I'll have this drink."

He looked around and lowered his voice: "When you enter Baoyuan City, remember to follow me closely, don't say anything, don't do anything, and try not to look around. Especially these golden spray sleeves, no matter what happens, endure it. If you really can't bear it, it's your fate. The name of Prince Nan's Mansion or your family. Don't tell me my name, it won't work."

"I thought you could speak well in Beidi." Li Qingxian said with a smile.

Xiang Zizai coughed softly and said, "It's only because of my brother-in-law that I can get along there. I caused a lot of trouble before, and my brother-in-law had to break his muscles and bones to get it right. My sister hit half of my lower body with a rolling pin." hour.”

"Is the name Beilulin useful?" Li Qingxian asked.

Xiang Zizai glanced at Li Qingxian curiously and said with a smile: "Little brother, the road is quite wild."

After saying that, he turned around and glanced at the people behind Li Qingxian.

Yu Ping and Zheng Gaojue walked side by side. Behind them, Zhou Hen covered his face to cover the scars on his face.

Xiang Zizai answered in a northern accent: "It works well! In the north, Beilvlin is the best. If you go to the northwest, close to the boundary of Shazhou and Xizhou, the magic sect and evil sect can be used easily."

"Where are the river guards?"

"That's grandpa, let's not forget it. If anyone has connections with the river guards, he can walk sideways in the north. Let's put it this way, Yanzhou is cut across with a knife, and those in the south close to the capital of God will listen to the imperial court. Those in the north close to the river will only listen to The river guarding army. Baoyuan City is in the middle, so there is no chance of offence."

Li Qingxian nodded.

Xiang Zizai added: "It's better for the county magistrate to take charge now. Even if there are people in your family, you must abide by the rules of the Baosheng sect. When we enter Baoyuan City, we will do whatever they ask us to do. After delivering the things, we will go there immediately Qiyuan City. Tsk tsk, look at the place you chose. In Baoyuan City, you only need to listen to the Baosheng sect. In Qiyuan City, how many docks do you have to visit? Do you understand that enclave city? "

"I know a little bit about it. It originally belonged to Ganzhou, but the surrounding areas were placed under the boundaries of Shazhou, leaving Qiyuan City alone in Shazhou. At first, the two states kept fighting for this place, but then they gradually let go, resulting in the situation becoming more and more independent. The more chaotic it becomes.”

"Yes, when Mr. Gang Feng was the magistrate of Qiyuan City, he managed all people to be docile. It was only after Mr. Gang Feng left Qiyuan City that chaos arose. That kind of place really trains people. With your seventh-level strength, as long as you don't offend the big forces, you can more than protect yourself." Xiang Zizai comforted you.

"What's the reputation of the Shen Gong Sect over there?" Li Qingxian asked.

Xiang Zizai chuckled and said, "You want to go to the Shen Gong Sect? Don't you know that the Shen Gong Sect made a big joke last year? On that Lantern Festival, the leader of the Shen Gong Sect got an errand to shoot kerosene arrows into the air. The lantern set off big fireworks. As a result, he shot three arrows in a row, all of which failed. Finally, the other martial arts cultivators couldn't stand it any longer, so they drew their bows and shot arrows, all in one go. The leader also whispered in a low voice that he was learning murder arrows and was not good at shooting lanterns. As a result The word spread, and eventually the whole city heard that the Shen Gong Sect does not kill."

"I heard that the Divine Gong Sect can be regarded as a middle-grade sect, with its leader being a sixth-grade sect. Why can't it be good?"

"I really know this. The head of the two generations ago was defeated because of a fight for land when he encountered a mountain sect worshiper. He failed to keep the classics. The following two generations went to the enemy's house to worship the sect of the sect every year at first, but failed every year. I gave up on it in the past two years. Without the classics, some advanced things have been spread out of fashion. This has resulted in the Shen Gong sect's low-grade being okay, and reaching the mid-level, it is a large-scale low-grade. Not many people regard the Shen Gong sect as mid-grade. The leader of the sect, the sixth-grade master, only has sixth-grade skills and seventh-grade strength."

"I see."

Li Qingxian shook his head in his heart. He didn't expect Ye Wei to find such an unreliable bow cultivator for him. Fortunately, the leader was Ye Wei's secret guard. He was usually responsible for helping Ye Wei find out information about the world and whether his cultivation level was high. unimportant.

The two chatted for a while, and then Li Qingxian looked at the sky in the distance and walked slowly.

The excuse for practicing is that he has actually served as the sixth-grade governor of the patrol department and the city patrol envoy of the two prefectures.

The location of this trip was Qiyuan City, which was assigned by Chief Assistant Zhao Yishan. The official position was determined by the Chief of Guards and the current Patrol Division Chief Song Yanxue. Qiyuan City belonged to Beijiao Prefecture in Ganzhou, but was occupied by Shazhou. Guishan Mansion is surrounded by an enclave. There is no special title, and nothing can be done there.

Si Dushi is Si Zheng's deputy, commonly known as Si Fu.

Originally, only people from the sixth or sixth grade could hold the position of Sidu Shi, but Li Qingxian was the number one candidate in the Qingyun Examination of the seventh grade, so generally speaking, he would get an excellent job.

As a result, Zhao Yishan said that the child should be trained and trained, and was thrown directly into the desolate and dangerous Northland. Some ministers couldn't stand it, and they all guaranteed that Li Qingxian would be matched with the first rank. So Emperor Taining gave Li Qingxian an official status of the sixth rank. Can serve as the governor.

The city patrol envoy is an official of the Night Guard who is responsible for supervising various places. Later, he was also held by the general of the sixth grade guard station of each prefecture.

As for what he should do when he went to Qiyuan City, Zhao Yishan didn't mention a word. It was a typical case of killing and not burying.

Song Yanxue also couldn't figure out Zhao Shoufu's purpose, so she and the commander of the guards worked together to give him such a weird position. This meant that no matter which side of the people came to trouble Li Qingxian in Qiyuan City, Li Qingxian would have them. Identity correspondence.

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