Life Hunter

Chapter 421 Seedling Seeking Party

Liu Yitian glanced at Li Qingxian in surprise. He didn't know if there was anything else in Qiyuan City besides Tianxuan Holy Land that was worth sending a special envoy to be in charge of the guards. He then said, "My lord, I am here in Qiyuan City. I wonder if I can help you." ."

Li Qingxian raised his eyelids and said: "I came here under the secret order of the commander of the guard, so I can't say more. However, there is one thing that I really need your help with, and that is to strengthen the Divine Gong Sect."

Liu Yitian's chin sank along his shoulders, his eyelids drooped, and he said: "As long as the Shen Gong Sect is preserved, I will definitely obey my orders."

Li Qingxian looked at Liu Yitian and found that he was looking down at the ground. After thinking for a moment, he laughed dumbly and said: "Strengthening the Shen Gong Sect is for cooperation, not to take over your sect. What's more, how can your dilapidated sect be worthy of my action?"

"I have misunderstood. I will listen to you, sir." Liu Yitian then raised his eyes and looked at Li Qingxian.

Li Qingxian glanced at the empty teacup, and Liu Yitian immediately stood up, filled it with hot tea, and stood with a smile.

"How is Zheng Gaojue?"

"He is tall and strong. He is a good young man who can practice bow. The eighth disciple you selected for me is definitely the right one." Liu Yitian said.

"Do you know how long he has been practicing?"

Liu Yitian frowned slightly and said slowly while recalling: "This kid has been practicing for at least five or six years, but he doesn't have many days to practice bowing."

"Yes, his father said that he has officially practiced martial arts for seven years."

"It has been in the market for seven years. It is a good seedling." Liu Yitian said politely.

"When does it take seven years to become a high-quality talent?" Li Qingxian smiled.

Liu Yitian smiled awkwardly and remained silent.

"He has been cultivating for seven years and has not yet reached the top level."

"What do you mean..." Liu Yitian suppressed his smile and stared at Li Qingxian seriously.

"Practice the bow technique I gave him, and he will be ready to drink the next day." Li Qingxian turned around and grabbed the tea cup, held it in his hand, brought it to his mouth, raised his chin slightly, and drank into his throat.

"Your Excellency is so smart, I admire you from the lower ranks." Liu Yitian looked in admiration.

Li Qingxian knew that he would not believe it, so he said: "Today you will announce that the Shen Gong Sect has found the inheritance of the founder of the sect, named "Yu Qing Bow Method", and let all disciples modify this method."

Liu Yitian's eyelids twitched and he said: "Sir, we still need to discuss it again. The word "Yuqing" is so unusual that even the big Taoist sects don't dare to use it indiscriminately. Our small sect cannot suppress a big name."

"The name of this set of exercises originally contains the word 'Yu Qing'." Li Qingxian said casually.

Liu Yitian's eyes widened slightly, and he immediately shook his head and said: "Since I have been ordered to obey you, everything is up to you. However, the night guard seems to have changed a lot now. It is said that the night guard will be abolished in the future and only the patrol department will be established. Are you here? Capital, is there any news?"

"True or false, it's not surprising." Li Qingxian said.

The room was quiet. Liu Yitian coughed lightly and said, "The old man will tell you the truth. Qiyuan City is no better than other places. It is far away from the capital, and dragons and snakes are mixed together. There are threats from monsters outside, various major forces inside, and major civil forces. Among the forces, except for the scholars' Qiming Academy, no one is facing the imperial court. We, the night guards, have always been unable to do anything here. If you want to show your ambitions here, the night guards are unreliable. The one who can be relied on should be the future patrol department. The person above said that you are familiar with the patrol officer Si Zheng?"

Liu Yitian spoke slowly while staring closely into Li Qingxian's eyes.

Li Qingxian nodded naturally and said: "I did follow..."

Li Qingxian suddenly stopped, his eyes were in a daze, he reached out and put the tea cup on the table, but he put it halfway, his hand hovering in the air, as if he had forgotten.

Liu Yitian bent down and reached out to hold the tea cup.

Li Qingxian seemed to have remembered to put the tea cup. He turned to look at his right hand, let go of the tea cup, and Liu Yitian placed the tea cup firmly.

Li Qingxian sat in silence for a while before slowly speaking: "I am indeed familiar with Patrol Division Sizheng, Song Yanxue and Song Sizheng."

Liu Yitian breathed a sigh of relief and said: "In that case, I will listen to you. Let's start with Shoude and try to practice Yuqing's bow technique. Once Shoude's bow technique improves greatly, the others will definitely be willing to modify it. It's just that. , if other people don’t change their practice, it’s hard for me to say anything.”

"Yeah." Li Qingxian seemed to have lost interest in talking and looked out the window blankly. The north wind was howling and the dust was swirling.

Liu Yitian saw that Li Qingxian didn't speak and stood quietly.

After a while, Li Qingxian said: "I was thinking about Qiyuan City just now, but I got distracted. If I remember correctly, even if a small sect does not build Mingshan, it still needs a beast and a mountain gate. This sect in Wangjiatun It doesn’t matter if there’s no mountain gate, but why aren’t there even gate beasts? They’re just ordinary stone sculptures.”

"You have lived in the capital for a long time. It is the imperial court's world, and your luck belongs to the imperial court. Naturally, the various sects in the capital dare not establish gate beasts to compete for luck. Those big sects have a long heritage and strong financial resources, so naturally they can have gate beasts to take charge. Shen Gong Faction In the past, there were mountain gates and gate beasts, but after encountering the Shenjian Gate, after worshiping the mountain, they took away the classics, smashed the mountain gate, swallowed the luck of the gate beasts, and destroyed the gate beasts, so the gate beasts could no longer stand. Wangjiatun All sects are like this. They can’t stand up and have no shame to stand up.”

"What is the gate beast of our Shen Gong Sect?"

"The Gong Xiu sect often uses the Black Eagle sect beast." Liu Yitian said.

Li Qingxian asked: "Is the Broken Gate Beast still there?"

Liu Yitian moved his lips slightly, looked at Li Qingxian for a while, and said: "It's still there, only a life magician can repair it."

"I have a life magician friend who can help repair it. Just get it, repair it, and put it outside the door." Li Qingxian said.

Liu Yitian was stunned for a moment, as if he was recalling something, and then he took a deep look at Li Qingxian and said: "If it is smashed again, it will only make people laugh. If you really want to establish a gate beast, it is best to wait at the seedling search meeting, our god After the Gong faction gained face."

"Searching for seedlings? I've heard of it, but I've never seen it." Li Qingxian said.

"The Miao Seeking Clubs in various places are similar. On the first day of the next month, all sects in the city will send out disciples from various schools to compete, divided into ten-level competitions, ninth-level competitions and eight-level competitions, in order to prove their own strength and recruit disciples. Among them, within 10% The outer city. The inner city is the larger forces, dominated by sects such as Qiming Academy, Blood Clothes Sect, and Qingshan Gang. The outer city is the small sects in the city and broken sects like us."

Li Qingxian nodded and asked casually: "How is Qiming Academy now?"

Liu Yitian stared at Li Qingxian and said slowly: "After Mr. Gang Feng established it, Qiming Academy has not lost its prestige. It is a holy place in the hearts of scholars thousands of miles away. Qiming Academy is different from other forces. It does not participate in the internal fighting in the city and only cultivates scholars. However, if there is a big disturbance in the city, Qiming Academy will come forward. The current head of Qiming Academy, Zhang Moya, is an unemployed fourth-grade official. Rumors say that he has been promoted to third-grade and usually does nothing. But as long as he is there, no one dares Provoking Qiming Academy. I also heard that he was invited by Mr. Gang Feng."

"Well, Mr. Toubei, who can penetrate stone with his pen, is famous. It would not be surprising if he is promoted to the third rank. Then prepare for the Miao Seeking Meeting." Li Qingxian said.

"How do you find seedlings?"

Li Qingxian looked at Liu Yitian in surprise and asked: "You are the leader, you ask me?"

Liu Yitian blushed, bent his waist slightly, and said: "Shen Gong Sect has not picked a single seedling in these three years of seeking seedlings. In this seeking seedling meeting, it is not only about the disciples, but also about the scene. Every seedling seeking meeting, those Big sects will prepare hundreds of tables with hundreds of clothes, utensils and food. Our Shen Gong sect is not as good as them, we have to set up at least ten tables, and for this money..."

Ahem, keep updating.

It is recommended to re-read the first four chapters.

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