Life Hunter

Chapter 463 One layer after another

The stars outside the Beast Bridge are changing, but the nebula within the Beast Bridge remain unchanged.

More and more life magicians entered and came to watch the battle.

Li Qingxian and Mr. Da were in the white mist of the birdcage, constantly deducing the passing of luck.

Immortality, Crown Belt, Linguan, Imperial Prosperity, Defeat, Death, Tomb, Extinction, Decline, Disease, Pregnancy, Nourishment...

Every time a new gentleman appears, the two of them write the number and then determine the passing time.

One, two...

Thirty, thirty-one...

One hundred and one, one hundred and two...

Two hundred, three hundred...

The fortune tellers outside the field were talking a lot.

"I was mistaken. This squinty-eyed dog-headed man has such solid skills. He has been here for more than three hundred years, and he is all correct."

"That gentleman has been famous for a long time. He has won many times in the past, which is extraordinary."

"It is very difficult for a middle-grade life magician to achieve this level. You must at least reach the third level to become a high-grade life magician."

"Yes, observing one's qi and fate requires a lot of energy and spirit. More than 300 times of observing the passage of time is almost equivalent to a martial artist fighting for several days in a row. The body's energy and mana are about to be exhausted. The next thing to fight is the spirit of will. read."

"The key is this is the first game. Once the energy and energy are exhausted, enter the second game and you will see the end."

"Wait a minute, there's a clue."

"Yes, Mr. Big is starting to slow down."

Everyone looked at Mr. Da.

Mr. Da in the birdcage couldn't see outside, but everyone could clearly see that Mr. Da's writing movements slowed down, the light in his eyes dimmed, and his eyes no longer looked firmly at Ming Junzi, and occasionally hesitation appeared on his face.

The little birdcage between the two of them is already filled with fateful men.

The cage is small, but the space in the cage seems to be expanding with the number of destiny gentlemen.

Mr. Da is still deducing the life of the 370th gentleman, but Li Qingxian has already finished writing.

"The 371st Fate Gentleman." Gai Fengyou introduced the new Fate Gentleman.

Li Qingxian finished writing again, but Mr. Da was still deducing the previous fateful gentleman.

"Three hundred and seventy-two." Gai Fengyou once again sent in a new fateful gentleman.

Unlike the previous destiny gentleman, this destiny gentleman is above the first level destiny gentleman and becomes the first destiny gentleman on the second level.

Seeing this scene, the life magicians' eyes lit up.

"There are signs!"

"I didn't expect it to be the cross-eyed dog-headed one."

"It would be interesting if someone could crush the gentleman."

"I heard that Mr. Da takes the path of the evil sect and is really going to be crushed. I'm afraid there will be problems in this life cultivation."

A young life magician asked in a low voice: "What does it mean to crush a gentleman?"

The old fortune-teller next to him replied: "Once one destiny gentleman is ahead, he will enter the second level, leading by three. The new destiny gentleman will be placed on the third level, leading by ten, and placed on the fourth level. After that, every time he leads, Ten, put it on a new level. When the time comes faster and faster, then the destiny gentlemen below will be covered up by the destiny gentlemen above. But the serial number must be written in this way, and the fleeting luck must also be written, so it can only Extrapolating from thin air will naturally be slower. Once one person exceeds another person by ten levels, the destiny gentleman will collapse, and the one who falls behind will be directly sentenced to failure. It is rare to collapse the destiny gentleman. For those who fail, it is a blow Very big."

"So, this squinty-eyed dog-head is not just trying to drain the opponent's energy, but is trying to completely break the opponent's mentality?"

"That's wrong, that's wrong. The slant-eyed dog-headed man is not a god, and he wouldn't have expected this. If he really wants to crush a gentleman, that's because Mr. Da is overestimating his own capabilities and has nothing to do with others."


Some fortune tellers glanced at Liu Laohu. This man was very neutral and objective at first, but now he seemed to be partial to the squinty-eyed dog-head. Thinking that the slant-eyed dog-head was famous in the capital, and Liu Laohu had lived in the capital for a long time, the two might know each other.

The gap between the two continued to widen.

"Four hundred and seven." Gai Feng said, placing Ming Junzi on the third floor.

"It's starting, we're three ahead."

"The show is coming..."

"It's been a long time since I've seen a crushing gentleman in the process of playing fate. I hope this time it won't disappoint."

Many life magicians looked at Mr. Da excitedly.

Almost everyone caught it. After the fateful gentleman was placed, the two halves of Mr. Big's wolf face twitched slightly.

Mr. Da then took a deep breath, his eyes flashed with blood, speeded up his deductions, and quickly caught up with Li Qingxian.

The two sides continued to compete on the third level.

"As expected of a veteran fortune-teller, he must have used some method."

"Life skills are different from others. In this kind of life skills competition, the more you use too many methods, the more damage you will do to yourself in the end."

"You can't do anything unless you fight hard. The two of them have pledged their treasure. If they can ask Master Gai to be the guarantor, it must be no ordinary treasure."

"No! Look, after Mr. Da used his method, he obviously accelerated, almost twice as fast as at the beginning, but the squinting dog head was able to keep up and didn't care. Does this mean that the squinting dog head actually had some spare power?"

"No way. After watching the fleeting years for more than 400 times, I switched to an ordinary sixth or seventh grade, and now I'm vomiting blood."

"Look again, it's interesting."

Everyone watched quietly as the two people came and went, constantly recording the passing years.

"Five hundred and twenty-seven." Gai Fengyou suddenly counted again and placed the new fateful gentleman on the fourth floor.

The young life magician asked again in a low voice: "No one is lagging behind, why is it placed on the fourth floor?"

"Because Mr. Big is wrong."

"I see……"

The young life magician then observed carefully, and sure enough, after the number 526, Mr. Da wrote "Linguan", but the squinting dog head wrote "Diwang".

Liu Laohu said: "The real fun begins. Both of them know that someone among them made a mistake, but no one knows if it is them. One suspicion and distraction is fine, but multiple suspicions and distractions will definitely affect the outcome."

Everyone observed the two people carefully and found that both of them were indifferent.

At five hundred and fifty, Mr. Big's speed slowed down again, but the squinting dog head continued to maintain its previous high speed.

"Five hundred and fifty-two." Gai Fengyou put down his life gentleman on the fifth floor.

Mr. Da fell behind Li Qingxian again.

Mr. Big gritted his teeth, and red light burst out in his eyes again. The deduction speed suddenly accelerated, and it was even faster than the previous fastest, almost three times as fast as the beginning.

Li Qingxian speeded up accordingly.

The fortune masters were full of excitement.

"Okay, this is the game of destiny. Those games of destiny before were just like children playing house."

"This year's Beast Bridge, I thought we were all preparing for next year or Tianxuan Holy Mountain. Who would have thought that we could see such a wonderful game of destiny? Look, everyone doesn't even care about buying and selling."

"Masters, please comment more so that we, the younger generation, can learn from it."

"I think this slant-eyed dog-headed man is trying to induce the college students to become restless and look for opportunities..."

"Yes, this gentleman has obviously met a powerful enemy. Not only is the slant-eyed dog-headed man not weak in life skills, but also has a firm heart. The key is that he can also use tactics to show his weakness to the enemy at the beginning..."

"Wrong, wrong." Liu Laohu shook his head.

"What's wrong?"

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