Life Hunter

Chapter 492 Qiyuan County Magistrate Li Qingxian

Wang Shoude said: "Fifth Senior Brother, it's true that it would be great to stay in the Shen Gong Sect, but if you have to find some Tianxuan Holy Land, you will end up with no peace."

"Lao Wu, his heart is as high as the sky."

Liu Yitian said slowly: "I have vaguely heard about the affairs of Lao Wu's family. From now on, his life experience is not allowed to be mentioned in front of anyone, including Li Keqing."

Xu Fang and Wang Shoude looked at each other and nodded lightly.

The two of them had also vaguely heard that Yue Xianghe's father had been a moderate official in Qiyuan County, but later disappeared. As for the others, I don't know.

But Liu Yitian knew.

Back then, Qiyuan City did have a chief clerk surnamed Yue, and he had some connections in the capital. However, he was not very talented and had a low grade, so he stayed in Qiyuan City.

Later, he committed a serious crime and was investigated by Li Gangfeng.

Later, the master Yue died of illness in prison, his mother died of depression, enemies came to visit, and Yue Xianghe fled to Wangjiacun.

Liu Yitian has been pretending not to know.

Now that Li Qingxian's identity has been revealed, he can no longer pretend.

There are some things that have to be said.

"Let's go, let's go find Li Keqing." Liu Yitian said.

"Are you going to save Fifth Senior Brother? I'm going too." Wang Shoude said.

"Take me one." Xu Fang said.

"Listen to Li Keqing on this matter!"

Liu Yitian said, leading the two of them into Li Qingxian's yard, leaving the two of them outside and entering alone.

After a long time, Liu Yitian came out and said, "You two can come in too."

The three of them entered the house.

Xu Fang and Wang Shoude glanced at Li Qingxian, slightly at a loss.

This is the first time several people have met since Li Qingxian announced his identity.

"Mr. Gang Feng and your great kindness will never be forgotten by Wang Shoude!" Wang Shoude bowed to Li Qingxian.

Li Qingxian glanced at his waist and saw that there was no fan left.

I took another look at Xu Fang's chest, and there was no inferior pendant either.

Li Qingxian said: "I have always paid attention to Yue Xianghe. No matter what he is, he is still a disciple of our Shen Gong sect. In the past, the Shen Gong sect was weak, so that's it. Now, since he is a disciple of our Shen Gong sect, he is a disciple of our Shen Gong sect. No one can touch him within the Gong Faction’s sphere of influence! It just so happens that these God Gong Factions are mainly relocating to the inner city, so there is no shortage of people. In addition, you also need some experience. I discussed it with Lao Liu for a while, you two find two A seventh-grade master, take a hundred or so brothers with you and go for a trip near Tianxuan Mountain."

"Thank you Li Keqing!" Wang Shoude was overjoyed.

Li Qingxian said: "Remember, your mission is not to find Tianxuan Holy Mountain, or even to find Yue Xianghe, but to demonstrate the strength of the Shen Gong Sect and make those who are embarrassing Yue Xianghe retreat. If The enemy is powerful, you must immediately crush the talisman I gave you and then return."

Xu Fang said: "Don't worry. Lao Wu is the best among the Seventh Grade, and the enemy who can force him to escape must not be weak. We will never directly conflict with them, and we will try our best to do what you say."

Liu Yitian said: "While you are away, Gao Jue and I will shoulder more responsibilities. In the past two days, while you are preparing, you will teach Gao Jue how to manage the things in your hands to prevent the sect from being in a mess after you leave."

"Don't worry." Wang Shoude said.

Li Qingxian did the math and said: "One hundred people is not a small number. Even if you bring supplies, it will be very troublesome. Let me set a deadline for you. You must come back before the fifteenth day of the first lunar month to eat glutinous rice balls together."

"Okay!" Xu Fang and Wang Shoude nodded in unison.

"I have something to say with Li Keqing. You two should leave first."

After the two left, Li Qingxian had a long deep conversation with Liu Yitian.

That night, a letter from the capital arrived in Qiyuan County.

With the approval of the cabinet, the Ministry of Personnel appointed Li Qingxian as the magistrate of Qiyuan County.

As for the previous magistrate of Qiyuan County, Wen Siyan, the court ignored it.

Li Qingxian went to the county government office overnight and officially took office as the county magistrate.

That night, Li Qingxian summoned everyone from Qiming Academy, Qingshan Gang and Shen Gong Sect, and then went to arrest people based on the situation he saw.

Any force that has connections with Wen Siyan, the Weng family, and the Xueyi Sect will be arrested and killed.

The next day, Li Qingxian summoned all the officials in the county and held a closed-door meeting.

No one knew what was said in the meeting, but after the meeting, a small number of officials submitted their resignations, and Li Qingxian happily agreed.

Later, some teachers and students from Qiming Academy arrived to take over their positions.

Some of the subordinate officials in Qiyuan County Government originally came from Qiming Academy.

The entire power transfer was extremely smooth.

At night, Qiming Academy Supervisor Feng Yemai hurried over with some files and handed them to Li Qingxian.

"Master Li, take a closer look."

Li Qingxian took the case file, which contained the contents of the interrogation recorded in law. When Li Qingxian looked at it, his brows furrowed.

"You tell me the situation, and I'll listen and watch at the same time." Li Qingxian said.

Feng Yemai said: "As early as many years ago, our Qiming Academy secretly monitored the Blood Clothes Sect. However, this place was surrounded by the forces of the Demon Sect. We could not act rashly and have endured it until now. After destroying the Blood Clothes Sect this time, we started torture and used all kinds of methods. In this way, some secrets were revealed today from the mouths of the senior officials of the Blood-clothed Sect. It turns out that although the Blood-clothed Sect was born in the Sand Demon Sect, they later switched to the Moon Demon Sect. Over the years, the Blood-clothed Sect has been obeying the Moon Demon Sect’s orders, and in Qiyuan Build a magic chamber in the city and accumulate magic firewood for the Moon Demon Sect."

Feng Yemai stopped, and Li Qingxian sighed and said, "I've heard that the so-called magic power firewood refers to people, living and dead, anyone who can help them enhance their magic power."

"In times of great chaos in the past, human lives were nothing more than this. Who would have thought that in the prosperous times, there would be magic firewood." Feng Yemai looked at Li Qingxian as if inadvertently.

Li Qingxian nodded and continued to read the confession.

Feng Yemai said: "According to his explanation, this magic room is different from ordinary magic rooms."

"What's the difference?"

"In the past, the demon rooms were mainly focused on enhancing magic power and strengthening demon poisons. But this demon room is mainly focused on the study of longevity. According to the disciples of the demon sect, few demon sects studied this in the past."

"When was this magic chamber established?" Li Qingxian raised his head and asked.

Feng Yemai said: "The preparations started nine years ago and the construction was completed seven years ago. According to him, more than one such magic chamber has been built in these years. This time, they want to use the sacrifice of the life magician to kill People in the whole city worked together with the magic medicine to refine the 'Infant Rejuvenation Pill', which can increase longevity and make people younger."

"Wealthy ambitions. However, according to the rules, we cannot tamper with the magic chamber. We need to report it to the court. It is currently under the jurisdiction of the inner factory." Li Qingxian looked at Feng Yemai.

Feng Yemai lowered his eyes and said: "When the academy was searching the Blood Clothes Gate, they accidentally broke into the magic room and messed up some things, but the overall situation has not changed significantly."

Li Qingxian pondered for a long time and said: "Everything must be done according to the rules. Report it to the court and ask the inner factory to come and investigate."

"I will have the magic room sealed. From now on, no one is allowed to go in or out."

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