Life Hunter

Chapter 548 Gai Fengyou drinks flower wine

In Feikong Pavilion.

Li Qingxian glanced at the contents of the three lucky silverbait bags, and his eyes widened suddenly.

The total value of these things even exceeds the treasure trove of life materials of the Star Chess Master!

What the hell is Azure Dragon True Scale? A truly superb item.

This thing can be used to refine weapons, make elixirs, sell money, pass on inheritance, and can even be used as some general life materials, and can enhance life skills.

However, the greatest role of this thing is to use it when building the altar of truth at the sixth level, cultivating the four aspects at the fourth level, or calming the mind at the first level.

"It's a pity that I used Mingshan Zhu to create a true spirit, but I can't use it now. It's okay to cultivate the four phases. However, my four phases don't necessarily have to be green dragon, white tiger, red bird, and Xuanwu. Most people can't afford it. As for calming the mind, for For others, using the Green Dragon True Scales to calm the mind is beyond imagination, but for me, it seems a bit worse. I can’t be proud. I have a better choice... I have to think carefully about how to use this thing. If it doesn’t work, I can make it directly. To become a protective magical weapon, it is likely to be a first-grade weapon. If it is slowly warmed and cultivated, it will definitely become a super-grade weapon."

Also, what do you mean by the Dragon Ball of Fate Star Transformation? Why did it end up in the hands of Mr. Da?

This thing can almost make any growth star advance to the super level.

I had coveted this life star before, but I still didn't take it. The biggest function of this thing is not to be able to freely choose which life star to promote, which is very important for a life magician.

"Which one should I be promoted to?"

"Before I changed my position, I might choose to promote those powerful destiny stars that can directly affect me. But now, I want to promote those destiny stars that can continue to make me grow. Especially this Star Chess Master's test, it proves even more I was right to study hard for Zhao Yishan. If I had not studied Zhao Shoufu with all my strength for more than a year, I would probably not have gotten the grade in this exam. Although the Xingqi master would not pass the inheritance on to Mr. Da, he would probably give it to Mr. Da. Mr. Nazhu."

Li Qingxian had an idea. Although Zhao Yishan didn't know fate, he must have read books on fate. He didn't understand the techniques of fate, but his understanding of fate was definitely not weaker than his own.

After all, he is a big shot who is expected to become a literary saint, and he will definitely know everything.

So, Li Qingxian sent a message to Zhao Yishan.

"Uncle Zhao, do you think that if you can promote a high-grade life star to a super-grade one, or upgrade a super-grade life star to another level, which type or life star is the most important to choose?"

"The star that points to the end of your life."

Li Qingxian's first reaction after seeing it was that Quan Jie Gong really knew how to speak in clichés, but he soon realized that this seemingly ordinary remark was probably the best answer.

Li Qingxian thought about it and realized that he was still too young and it was really difficult to understand many things, such as the end of life.

So, Li Qingxian found a translator, contacted Gai Fengyou, changed his words slightly, and asked this question in a roundabout way.

Finally, Gai Fengyou gave the answer: "Zhao Shoufu once said something similar back then. He probably meant that if you encounter something now and you are unsure about it, then you might as well imagine yourself living to the end of your life. How would I judge this problem before. I can only understand it so far. After all, the gap between me and Quan Jiegong is too big."

"Thank you Guy, I'll think about it slowly."

When Gai Fengyou heard Li Qingxian's words, he looked happy and called Lao Gai. His relationship with the emperor has taken a further step!

He stood up and walked out of the study. The dignified life magician knocked his foot on the door frame and walked out with a smile without caring.

Disciple Tong Ling saw it and said with a smile: "Master has been in a better mood since he returned to the top class."

"You don't understand..." Gai Fengyou hummed and left.

Tong Ling shook her head helplessly. Master likes to drink flower wine when he is happy, and he drinks it all night long.

In Feikong Pavilion, Li Qingxian thought quietly. Finally, when he returned to Qiyuan City, he didn't think about the results, so he could only put it down for the time being and look at other treasures.

"There are actually martial arts puppets? It is indeed a storage space for the Son of Destiny."

This is a proper super-grade magical weapon. Although its combat level is only equivalent to that of a third-grade martial artist, it can be used as a training partner for a first-grade master. There are currently no more than ten masters in the world.

To practice martial arts puppets, you need to first learn other people's martial arts skills. Once the martial arts puppets learn it, they will remember it and can teach it to others.

What's even more frightening is that the martial arts moves memorized by the martial arts puppet will become stronger and stronger with continuous use, and will also increase with the strength of the practitioner.

As long as you have suitable martial arts skills, it is basically equivalent to a first- and second-grade master constantly sparring with you.

Li Qingxian is very greedy. If there is a similar fate puppet, he doesn't have to go anywhere. It will surprise the world after ten years.

Unfortunately, there are only martial arts puppets.

Afterwards, Li Qingxian smiled because he saw someone he could use.

Xuanqi beads.

With this thing, I won't have to borrow the Hundred Ginseng Patriarch from Shen Xiaoyi in the future... Well, just to be on the safe side, I'll just borrow it if I can.

Two together are better than one.

Moreover, the Xuan Qi Bead can be placed in Feikong Pavilion and used as a mana hub, which solves his big problem.

Li Qingxian looked at other things. Most of Mr. Da's lucky silverbait bags were related to life skills. Many life materials used to be precious to Li Qingxian, but with the Star Chess Master's treasure trove of life materials, they were just average.

What's really precious inside is Mr. Da's collection of books and secrets, and he even found the Ming Shen Sect's cultivation method. Now he can refine that Bian Slave.

There was nothing in Geng Tianhui's lucky silverbait bag, but inside Ye Han's...

Li Qingxian couldn't help but sigh, he was indeed the son of destiny, he was so arrogant that he didn't look like a human being.

In addition to the martial arts puppets and the Azure Dragon True Scales, there are also young roc feathers. Although these things are weaker than the Azure Dragon True Scales, they are equivalent to super-grade life materials. It seems that they are all used by Ye Han to build the True Altar.

Li Qingxian suddenly breathed a sigh of relief. Fortunately, he got it first. If Ye Han integrated the Azure Dragon True Scales into the True Altar, it would probably awaken the True Dragon in the Fate Star, which would be unstoppable.

In addition, there are various bits and pieces inside, some of which are familiar and some of which are not.

Li Qingxian knew very well that as long as it belonged to Ye Han, it must not be underestimated. Who knows what will happen in the future.

For example, I didn't have much hope for this treasure map, but the result was the dragon vein plus top-level layout method, which was ten thousand times higher than I expected.

Once the sacred mountain and dragon veins are combined, as long as the refining is completed, it will become the most important mountain in history.

After briefly sorting it out, Li Qingxian took Zhou Hen and Gray Falcon into the basement of the county government office, then placed the shrunken Feikong Pavilion and the three of them entered.

Entering the training ground of Feikong Pavilion, Li Qingxian took out the martial arts puppet with a smile without saying a word.

The martial arts puppet has an ordinary appearance, with a bald head and naked body. It seems to be made of brass. There is no trace of patina on the whole body, and it is as yellow as gold.

The two stared at it for a while, but neither recognized it.

Li Qingxian smiled and said: "Martial arts puppet."

Their eyes widened suddenly.

Zhou Hen and Gray Falcon were both people whose expressions remained unchanged even when the world was shattered, but now they were surprised and happy, their eyes filled with uncontrollable hope.

Li Qingxian smiled and said: "Before you are promoted to the third rank, you will take turns coming here every day. After you are promoted to the third rank, I will give it to Zheng Gaojue. As for the others, I will think about it."

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