Life Hunter

Chapter 563 Jade Cup of Golden Tea

"The Mingshu Teahouse? Is it a place that only the Mingshu masters can perceive and enter? There are records in some novels and Mingshu notes." Li Qingxian said.


"Where is the Mingshu Teahouse in the Capital of Gods?" Li Qingxian asked.

"Changliu Street."

Li Qingxian was stunned for a moment and remembered that Mr. Zhu's Zhuge Shu Brocade Shop was also on Changliu Street.

Guo Xiang stood up and said, "Since you have some free time recently, I just want to take you to see it."

"You also know?" Li Qingxian asked.

"Now all the top and middle-class people in the city of God know about it," Guo Xiang said, "Let's take advantage of this time to practice life skills. With your talent, it would be a waste to spend your time on officialdom."

After saying that, Guo Xiang picked up the blue baggage that was half a man's height.

The two got on the carriage, left the night guard, and entered Changliu Street.

The carriage stopped, and Guo Xiang got out of the car and said, "See for yourself."

Li Qingxian walked to the street and looked up. Opposite was a narrow alley entrance.

However, I could vaguely feel the energy of a situation flowing.

Life skills are intertwined by mana, and situations are intertwined by qi.

The so-called Qi machine is a strange force between reality and reality, like spider threads that eventually intertwine into a multi-layered spider web-like situation.

Qi movement is elusive, appearing and disappearing, and requires constant deduction to be barely certain.

Li Qingxian opened his spiritual eyes and saw that the scene in front of him changed. There was a three-foot-tall black gold door frame with intertwined black and white snake patterns. Within the door frame, colorful silk threads were rippling and floating, like colorful water waves.

This is one of the unique powers of the Destiny Instrument, a power that is invisible to others.

"Do you feel it?" Guo Xiang asked.

Li Qingxian nodded.

"The first time a lower-level person enters, he needs to be led by a middle-level person, and he can come in and out freely from now on. The first time a middle-level person comes, he needs to use Qi machine traction and weave out the situation, and then he can enter. In addition, use your best and most complex skills The situation is related to your first cup of tea, you should have heard of it."

Mana turns into qi machines, qi machines are intertwined into qi machines, and qi machines form groups.

The so-called situation block is like any floor in the eighty-eight buildings, which is an important part of the situation.

Li Qingxian pointed his finger casually, mana spurted out, and all kinds of energy were drawn by the mana.

Some are intertwined into thick spiral threads, some are braided into long flat ropes, some are formed into rings, and some are gathered together to form Qi machine balls...

In an instant, a total of seventy-two types of Qi machines emerged, intertwining into the 'Tianxing Tower' in the mountains and rivers of the eighty-eighth tower, which is also the most complex block in this situation.

The Tianxing Tower took shape, the dark gold gate exploded, the alley entrance was shattered, and a simple light red four-story wooden building stood in front of it.

There is a plaque on the door of the wooden building.

Mingshu Teahouse.

Signed by Xu Yuanhai.

Li Qingxian's eyes swept over the signature of Xu Yuanhai, the ancient great fortune-teller. He recalled Xu Yuanhai's "Fate-Spell Notes" that Wang Buku gave to Ye Han as an apology, which benefited him a lot. This Xu Yuanhai is one of the recognized masters in the life arts world, and is a contemporary of the founder of the Tianming Sect.

He saw his Tianxing Tower turning into a stream of light and entering the teahouse door.

An instant later, a jade cup flew over, the golden tea soup rippled gently in the cup, and a green tea leaf floated in the middle.

Guo Xiang stared at Li Qingxian blankly, motionless.

Li Qingxian took the jade cup of golden tea, turned to look at Guo Xiang, and said, "I have heard of the fortune-telling tea soup, but I don't know much about it."

Guo Xiang stared at the jade cup of golden tea, his throat rolled, and he said, "Do you know the origin of the fortune-telling tea soup?"

"I've heard of it. It is said that in the early days, life magicians were targeted by all major forces. Xu Yuanhai and other four great life magicians at that time joined forces to create the first life magic teahouse in order to choose a secret communication place. Of course, it was not In the capital of the gods. Later, the number of life magic teahouses increased one after another, and a life magician suggested that they could use the life magic teahouse to test their juniors and give rewards. Therefore, it became a regular practice to enter the teahouse and drink tea soup. This thing looks like tea soup on the surface. In fact, it is the inheritance of all the great fortune-teller masters. It may be a fate weapon, a life-spell, a complete life-spell system, or insights, and so on."

Guo Xiang said slowly: "Do you know the golden tea in the jade cup?"

Li Qingxian shook his head gently.

"I have only heard of it, never seen it in person. In short, this is the top tea soup in the Mingshu Teahouse, and it is very difficult to get. Although the Tianxing Tower is extremely difficult, it is impossible to get the Jade Cup Golden Tea, unless you are in a good situation. The attainment far exceeds that of the sixth grade, reaching the upper grade level, and is even extremely high among the upper grade."

"I have a little talent in terms of situation." Li Qingxian thanked Master Xingqi in his heart.

Guo Xiang said: "I kind of believe that you have a mysterious teacher. Drink it, I will protect the law."

As Guo Xiang spoke, he moved his right hand, and the blue package of the half-man-high life chart behind him fell off.

The huge life plate flew into the sky. It was hollow and had four connected rings, divided into four colors: black, gold, blue and red. The four-color ring disk rotated slowly, like a grinding millstone, making a rumbling sound.

The pale golden runes on the life chart scattered and turned into a shield of flowing light, covering the two people.

Li Qingxian first took the elixir that could temporarily stimulate his intelligence and energy, and then drank the golden tea in the jade cup.

At the entrance of the tea soup, instead of flowing down the river, it goes up against the flow.

A feeling of swallowing a mouthful of mustard went straight to my forehead and entered the coffin.

Li Qingxian felt a cool feeling in his nose. Before he could calm down, someone suddenly hit him on the head with a bamboo board.

“Beginners should not be distracted when learning situation.”

After the old man finished speaking, he turned and walked towards the podium, put his hands behind his back, looked out the window, and explained by himself.

"The situation is the shape of the heaven and earth's qi. We, the fortune-telling masters, should peel off the cocoons and understand the 36,000 qi machines. Based on this, we can weave the qi groups, weave the qi blocks, and establish the situation. Three There are 16,000 qi machines, one of them is ever-changing, and if there are 3.6 million of them, they overlap and weave each other, forming countless qi machine groups, patterns and situations. If a qi machine is unclear, it will become a hidden danger. It’s hard to reach the top grade…”

When the old man finished his first sentence, Li Qingxian was shocked and instantly realized that his jade cup of golden tea was not an ordinary fortune-telling inheritance, nor a life-rewarding weapon, nor even the most precious insight, but a legend. A "life passed down from generation to generation" that rarely appears in the film.

The great fortune-teller made his own life experiences into real video records, only cropping them without making other changes, so that future generations can experience them again.

This is a life inheritance that is more important than any destiny skills and insights.

Li Qingxian suppressed all his joy and doubts and listened carefully to the unknown teacher's teachings.

"Today, I will learn the first qi mechanism, which is also the beginning of the situation. It is indispensable for all situations. It is called the 'vital qi mechanism'. As the saying goes, one yuan begins again and everything is renewed..."

Li Qingxian had never learned such a detailed fortune-telling course before, and he was instantly immersed in it. He listened, recorded it with the magic instrument on the table, and thought.

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