Life Hunter

Chapter 567 Jade Cup Boy

Guo Xiang squinted his eyes, the big life chart was floating and spinning in front of him, and under the influence of mana, a series of qi machines were simulated.

In front of his eyes, the entire city turned into a strange intertwined object of various colors, two-thirds of which were black lines.

Guo Xiang, who is as powerful as the fourth grade, can only analyze one-third of the Qi of this dilapidated city.

Guo Xiang saw Li Qingxian walking slowly around the table, constantly releasing mana with both hands, taking away strips of additional energy.

A quarter of an hour later, a fine white mist suddenly appeared above Liu Laohu's head, slowly steaming upward, and his face gradually turned red.

Two quarters of an hour later, steam was billowing above the heads of the five people, like clouds and fog.

Three quarters of an hour later, most of the people's faces were red, their heads were steaming, and their foreheads were sweating.

The entire second floor of the Mingshu Teahouse has been transformed into a steamed bun shop.

Half an hour later, Liu Laohu, who had just been promoted to the middle rank, shook his head, put away the fortune board in his hand, walked to the corner of the teahouse, sat cross-legged, concentrated, and restored his energy and mana.

One after another, the fortune-telling masters stopped their deductions and walked near Liu Laohu to chant into the spiritual platform to regain their energy.

After an hour passed, Liu Laohu opened his eyes and looked at Li Qingxian.

Li Qingxian still walked slowly around the table, his back robe was soaked in a dark shadow with sweat, a few drops of sweat appeared on his forehead, and there was no steam above his head.

Only seven people stayed in place, including the old man Feihan, Guo Xiang and Gang Wang, and they all remained motionless.

The old man with a jade hairpin kept nodding his head as before, occasionally moving his eyes to think about something.

A thin white smoke as thick as a chopstick emerged from the heads of Guo Xiang and Gang Wang, condensing and curling up.

Liu Laohu sighed in his heart, Guo Xiang was worthy of being a disciple of the great clan, and the leader of the Black Deng Division, and the Gang King was worthy of being a master of situation.

Liu Laohu looked at the other people and silently wrote it down.

Only when the strong wind hits the forest do you know the toughness of the grass and trees.

Liu Laohu looked at the dizzying situation, thought for a while, gave up the deduction, and just recorded and watched.

Liu Laohu discovered that this man only removed the qi machine at first, and later started to add qi machines to it, which seemed to conflict with the test of the old man Feihan.

With a quarter of an hour left before the two hours, a thin white mist finally appeared on Li Qingxian's forehead, suspended in his hair, like the white mist in the forest, which lingered for a long time.

Li Qingxian suddenly stretched out his right hand, touched the gap in the center of the ruined city, and then retracted his hand.

"Done." After saying that, he sat back on the big sandalwood chair, holding on to the armrests with both hands, feeling exhausted.

The old man with the jade hairpin squinted his eyes and inspected the dilapidated city bit by bit. He occasionally used his magic power to touch the qi in it to test the effect.

King Gang's red eyes flashed rapidly for a long time, then he suddenly stopped, sat back in his chair, and whispered: "No, my brain is going to be burned out. This Jade Cup boy has extraordinary knowledge of situations. The layout of the last quarter of an hour, I I can’t understand it.”

Liu Laohu smiled bitterly and said: "I can only understand the layout of the first half hour. The more I read later, the more confused my mind becomes."

Guo Xiang put away his horoscope, sat next to Li Qingxian, and said: "I can probably understand his methods and intentions, but the details of the Qi mechanism are more and more difficult to understand the further you go. This... Jade Cup boy's Qi Machine, very solid.”

Gang Wang nodded and said: "Yes. But his solidity does not mean that his Qi level is solid. His Qi level fluctuates up and down, indicating that practice is not enough. However, his understanding of Qi is very solid. Take a look. For example, he is like a child building a house, stumbling over larger pieces of wood, throwing mud out from time to time, and accidentally sawing the wood crookedly, but the house he finally built is no worse than an experienced hand."

Everyone was talking about Shijing City again.

The old man with the jade hairpin remained silent for two quarters of an hour, but the old man with the jade hairpin said, "You and I clearly agreed to remove the added qi machine. Why did you not only remove my qi machine, but also the original qi machine?" , and also increases your energy."

Li Qingxian opened his eyes and said: "I came to the Life Skills Teahouse, not for tea, but to learn Life Skills. Since I found that there is something wrong with the energy in the city in this situation, whether you are the original owner, whether it is increasing or decreasing, there will be no change. Important. What’s important is that I want to make this situation better, and what’s important is how much I gain.”

"Then you don't need the situational awareness of a high-grade life magician?"

"As long as I continue to learn, I can connect the city and the nine mountains."

"Good." said the old man with a hairpin.

Liu Laohu sighed: "You Jade Cup boy, you are really scary. A top-grade life magician is aware of the situation, but he is unmoved and still insists on his correct life magic method. This is something we can never do. "

"Look outside for a temporary dharma, inside for eternal life." King Gang quoted the words of the great fortune-teller and pondered it carefully.

Guo Xiang looked at Li Qingxian, nodded, and sent the entire process to the head master.

The old man with the jade hairpin said slowly: "Very good. Just like the original intention of the fortune-telling tea, it is not for temporary right or wrong, but to promote the growth of the fortune-teller. Not only did you remove my bad energy, but you also left me good. With your own energy, you far exceed my original requirements. I would like to offer you some tea."

The old man with the jade hairpin held up the jade cup of amber tea with his magic power, bowed his head slightly and paid respect to Li Qingxian.

While the old man Feihan lowered his chin, everyone present stood up and bowed their heads gently.

"Thanks for the drink."

Li Qingxian took back his jade cup with both hands and drank it in one gulp.

A slightly cold feeling rushed to my forehead.

A bit of spiritual light fell on the spiritual platform, floating motionless.

Within the aura were all the memories and insights of a top-grade fortune-teller about the Nine Mountains of Liancheng.

Liancheng Mountain is originally an ordinary situation, but the characteristic of this situation is that it has one city as the center and continuously connects mountains.

Connecting to the Nine Mountains is the ultimate, and it is promoted to the general situation.

In the inheritance of Xingqi masters, Liancheng Jiushan must learn the position, because the Xingqi positioning technique is deeply affected by this position.

Any complete understanding of the Nine Mountains in Liancheng is no less valuable than the main peak, Mingshan Mountain.

Li Qingxian was exhausted, so he did not study immediately and continued to rest.

King Gang said: "Old Feihan, there is something I don't understand. At one hour and three quarters, he made the thirteenth thousand and twenty-first move to change the Qi machine, and just moved one of your Qi machines to the side. That situation suddenly came to life, what’s the reason?”

The old man with the hairpin smiled and said: "You missed three hands. This hand should be thirteen thousand and twenty-four. This hand is called 'Floating Autumn Leaves'. You have all heard of it, but why did he move like this? I It took me a while to think about it before I realized it. The area of ​​​​this place is called 'Chuanxin Island', which extends in all directions and directly connects to sixteen areas. With this move, he reconnected the three rivers, making the river water smooth and long, and at the same time horizontal. Move one step to balance the weight and stabilize the island. Come, let me take the form of my birth chart and show you..."

As the old man with the jade hairpin spoke, he showed his life chart, which was intertwined into colorful lines visible to everyone.

When everyone took a look, 90% of the lines were colored, and only one was black.

Then, the old man Feihan imitated Li Qingxian's Qi conditioning, and then reproduced the changes in Qi one by one.

"Wonderful hand, wonderful hand..." King Gang and others nodded.

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