Life Hunter

Chapter 574 The Great Beast Bridge in Winter

"If anyone asks you this in the future, just say, I, Li Qingxian, will break the legs of anyone who wants to demolish Chunfeng Residence." Li Qingxian said.

"Okay!" Yu Ping smiled and raised his shoulders, "What are you doing?"

"Go to the household department." Li Qingxian said.

Yu Ping looked confused.

Luo Jing explained with a smile: "Your Excellency is seconded to the Department of Revenue, and now he is the Secretary General of the Department of Revenue."

Yu Ping's forehead was filled with question marks, and he followed behind with misty eyes. He secretly glanced at Zhou Hen, who had no expression on his face.

The four of them were walking forward. When the night guards on the road saw them, they all stood on the roadside and bowed their heads slightly to salute.

Yu Ping saw something different from before on their faces.

Yu Ping couldn't tell what it was specifically.

Yu Ping followed Li Qingxian to the Household Department in a daze, and then watched Li Qingxian, led by Luo Jing, meet with officials of the Shazhou Division, and did not return until night.

When the moon set and the sun rose, Li Qingxian opened his eyes early and suddenly realized that he didn't seem to have much to do before going to the Mingshu Teahouse today.

I was used to being busy in Qiyuan City, but I was a little unaccustomed to it when I arrived in the Divine Capital.

After lying in bed for a while, I really couldn't lie down, so I got up to wash up, and then sent a message to Concubine Jiang You.

"Sister Youfei, I went to Uncle Song's house the day before yesterday. Aunt Song's fish soup is still so delicious. Last night, I kept thinking whether the moon above Tianxiao Sect is as round as the one in Shendu City."

"It was cloudy last night." Jiang Youfei replied.

Li Qingxian thought for a while and didn't know what to do, so forget it.

Then, Li Qingxian sent another message to Shen Xiaoyi.

"Long time no see. Last night I dreamed of Beichang County, where we first met."

"Why do I remember it's Beast Bridge? Also, what do you want to say?"

"You guess."

"It is rumored that you are very leisurely at Night Guard. It seems true. You are really very idle. By the way, is it true or false that you got the Jade Cup of Golden Tea at the Mingshu Tea House?"

"Of course it's true. I'm going to go there today. We have agreed to continue studying the situation of chaotic water converging into the river today."

"Are you going to the Mingshu teahouse in Shendu today?"

"Of course, is it possible to go to Jiangnan?"

"You are really too idle, go to hell."

"Why do you curse?"


Li Qingxian flipped through all the messenger plates, then flipped through them again, and finally shook his head and put them away.

Li Qingxian called Zhou Hen and Yu Ping, got on the carriage, and went to Xile Street to eat some snacks. This time he didn't eat Zhang Ji mutton soup.

After leaving Xile Street and arriving at Changliu Street, Li Qingxian got off the carriage, scanned the street, suddenly turned around, and took Zhou Hen and Yu Ping to the Zhuge Shu Brocade Shop.

An old shop selling Sichuan brocade, unremarkable.

After walking around for a while, Zhou Hen and Yu Ping were asked to find a place to sit nearby, and then he walked along Changliu Street towards the Mingshu Tea House.

There are few pedestrians on the streets in late autumn, and some people are already wrapped in thick clothes.

The sunlight in the sky shines faintly on my body, like the moonlight of the Mid-Autumn Festival.

Li Qingxian glanced at the time on his horoscope. In a few days, it will be the beginning of winter.

"The Great Beast Bridge seems to open at the beginning of winter..."

Li Qingxian came to the entrance of the alley again, took one step forward, and arrived at the lobby of the Mingshu Tea House.

Li Qingxian glanced at it casually and saw something strange in his eyes. The first floor today was much bigger than that day.

Last time there were only seven or eight tables on the first floor, but now there are more than twenty tables.

There are almost three times as many low-grade life magicians today as there were that day, and it's still morning.

Li Qingxian climbed up to the second floor and looked around casually. He found that the second floor had also expanded a lot. The total number of life magicians was no less than sixty, far more than that day.

More than sixty people gathered in different places.

In the southeast corner, where there are the most people, there is a table with the broken mess from that day.

"Jade Cup Boy! Come quickly, I'm waiting for you!" the round-faced Liu Laohu said loudly.

All the middle-grade life magicians in the teahouse on the second floor turned their heads and looked at Li Qingxian, looking at him carefully.

Li Qingxian nodded and walked towards it faster.

After an instant, the fortune-telling masters from all over the place whispered to each other, and then they all walked towards the southeast corner of the teahouse.

"Where's Lao Guo?"

"He has something to do today and won't come." Li Qingxian said.

"Sit down quickly." Liu Laohu led Li Qingxian to an empty seat.

Li Qingxian sat down, and the other empty seat was immediately filled.

Sixteen chairs were filled up around the edge of the table, and the rest of the people were standing around.

Li Qingxian glanced around and found that the King of Gangs was not seated. The people who were seated were all in their forties or fifties, and none of them were young people, let alone a young man like himself.

Turning his head and taking a look, Gang Wang and Liu Laohu were behind him.

Liu Laohu also winked.

The discussion of the situation has not yet begun, and everyone is still talking in low voices.

Li Qingxian asked in a low voice: "There are so many people today, is it because of the Big Beast Bridge?"

Liu Laohu said: "Even if you open an ordinary beast bridge, there will be a lot of people, let alone this big beast bridge. There are still few of them now. It is said that the year with the most, there were thousands of medium-grade ones on the second floor. Maybe this year it won't be good It can also reach that scale.”

"Isn't the Great Beast Bridge connecting all places? Why is it that it's crowded to the capital of gods?"

"After all, the Big Beast Bridge is only open for one day and one night. Hundreds of thousands of people participate, and there is no time to do many things. So every time after the Big Beast Bridge, life magic teahouses in various places will hold trade fairs to make up for the lack of time at the Big Beast Bridge. It’s a pity, so life magicians from all over the world will come to the divine capital one after another.”

"I see."

"If you really don't go to the Beast Bridge, wait until the second day of the Beginning of Winter to visit the fortune-telling teahouse, and you will get unexpected rewards. Many people say that the Beast Bridge is mainly for people to watch the fun, and to participate in fortune-telling or chess games. As for fate, when doing business, it’s better to look at the fortune-telling teahouse after the fact.”

Li Qingxian nodded. In this case, he wouldn't have to go to the Beast Bridge.

King Bang smiled and said, "Do you still have the heart to talk about the Big Beast Bridge now?"

Li Qingxian looked at him.

King Bang said with a smile: "These guys don't say anything on their faces, but before you came, a few people said a few words that were both negative and negative. Although they were not unpleasant, they were still a bit harsh. I won't say what they were. ,Can you understand."

Li Qingxian nodded.

Liu Laohu said with a smile: "The Gang King and I are not in a hurry at all, and we even hope that they will jump out soon. However, some people don't have anything to say like us, and they will probably wait and see what the situation is. It's boring."

The old man Feihan, who was a few seats away, coughed lightly, stood up and took a look at the entire second floor, and found that everyone was standing nearby.

He raised his hands to everyone and said: "I didn't expect that my dilapidated city would attract such comrades. In that case, let's make a long story short. As you know, a young man with a jade cup came out of Shendu City, and he is studying this situation with us. Logically speaking, I should give the lecture on the situation I brought to the city, but since everyone wants to see this Jade Cup boy, I will reluctantly let him continue to be Mr. Tea."

Li Qingxian almost rolled his eyes in return. Why are you so reluctant to let me stand out?

"I think it works!" The king of bars sold Li Qingxian with his backhand.

"I support!" Liu Laohu became a smiling tiger.

Everyone who participated in the discussion that day looked at Li Qingxian with smiles, and some even started to boo.

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