Life Hunter

Chapter 587 An old classmate asked about rumors

Putting the brush down and then lifting it up, Li Qingxian looked at the words on the white paper on the table.

These texts were all learned from Tiansui Academy which he summarized.

Because I cherish the memory of Xu Yuanhai, the great fortune-teller, I close my eyes every morning, noon and night, and use Jiang Youfei's method to reproduce the knowledge points of fortune-teller taught in Tiansui Academy, without missing a single point.

Today, he wrote down all the knowledge points on paper without omitting any of them, meeting the basic requirements of "accumulating one and comprehensive solution" advocated by Zhao Shoufu.

So, Li Qingxian closed his eyes, took the elixir, consumed a lucky fish, and entered Xu Yuanhai's Tiansui Academy again.

This time, there was no slap on the head from the teacher. From the beginning, the teacher taught me the new Qi mechanism.

This time, Li Qingxian was far more serious than the last time and listened carefully. However, he did not take notes. Instead, he consumed mana to memorize the text directly in the spiritual platform and at the same time exercise his memory ability.

After the first get out of class, Li Qingxian, Xiao Shenfeng and other three people conducted after-class summary study again.

Next, continue with the second lesson...

Learn it once and review it with your friends.

After school, the four of them had a general review as usual.

This time, Li Qingxian finally knew the names of the other two people, one was Chen Xingping and the other was Gao Yuzhao.

After reviewing, Li Qingxian looked back and saw the plaque of "Tiansui Academy" again, and then the world disappeared.

After coming out of Tiansui Academy, Li Qingxian carried out a comprehensive recall, using no magic power or anything else, and memorized all the knowledge of fortune-telling out of thin air.

Afterwards, compare your notes and find out that anything you have overlooked, made mistakes, or thought is simple but did not remember is your knowledge blind spot, and you should focus on studying.

Finally, Li Qingxian recalled the names of three people.

"These three people are all ancient figures. As long as they are not dead, they are probably not much weaker than Xu Yuanhai. However, monks in the past generations often used their names to replace their names, resulting in future generations only knowing their titles but not their real names. The names of these people I'm afraid I need to look up my real name, but... the secret of Tiansui Academy is very big, no less than the Xingqi old man's Xingqi setting technique. If you are not careful, you may be discovered by others. Even the names of these people Since it is related to Xu Yuanhai, it is likely to involve powerful life skills. If I look for it, I am afraid that some power will be triggered, so I can't pry around..."

Li Qingxian temporarily suppressed his curiosity.

The night guard still did not arrange any errands for Li Qingxian, and there was no action from the Ministry of Revenue for the time being. They would not make an official announcement until the patrol department and the Shendu Mansion investigated clearly.

Li Qingxian entered his leisure time again.

After spending another day studying the contents of Tiansui Academy, Li Qingxian went to the Mingshu Teahouse again to discuss the situation.

This time, the old man Feihan actually put forward a set of eighty-eight-story mountains and rivers, but instead of analyzing the situation, he tried to break the situation and solve the situation.

The eight immortals crossed the sea and showed their talents. Since there are many ways to break the situation and solve the situation, which are far more complicated than just looking at luck, and they are full of aggression, the debate on the spot was particularly fierce.

Li Qingxian also saw for the first time why the King of Gangs is called the King of Gangs. It was really a battle of words among the scholars. Whoever opposed was criticized, and whoever disagreed was bullied. Even Li Qingxian was bullied several times.

Li Qingxian quickly discovered the benefits of being bullied. If he really understood it, he would definitely refute it in a logical manner and make the bully king admit defeat.

But if you can't beat the king of gold, can't explain clearly, or are emotionally unstable, it must be that your understanding is not deep enough in some place, and you can just check for the gaps.

Therefore, Li Qingxian discovered the Gong King, a magical tool for checking and filling in gaps. From time to time, he deliberately provoked the Gong King and asked the Gong King to open the bar, while he kept answering to test whether he was proficient in a certain aspect of knowledge.

The Eighty-eighth Floor was basic but complicated, and everyone could only discuss one point a day. They kept discussing this situation for many days.

Li Qingxian likes his current life very much.

Every day is about studying the situation. After studying, when the appointed time comes, go to the fortune-telling teahouse, analyze the situation and solve the situation, challenge the king of bars, and go home to review and reflect.

If you are really tired of studying, take Yu Ping, Han Anbo and Zhou Hen with you to find some delicious food at a time-honored restaurant, or go to the scenery outside the city to enjoy the flowers and have fun and rest.

In your spare time, send a message to Jiang Youfei and Shen Xiaoyi and have a chat.

No intrigues, no worries, it couldn't be more comfortable.

Early winter is approaching.

At noon, there were only a few customers at the Xinghua Village Restaurant three streets away from Yewei Yamen.

Night guard Zhong Baishan walked into the elegant room upstairs and opened the door.

"Uncle!" In the room, Lou Yushan stood up with a smile.

Zhong Baishan looked Lou Yushan up and down and said, "I haven't seen him for several months. What are you busy with?"

Lou Yushan sighed and said: "What else can you be busy with? It's not like you don't know about our family's affairs. Come on, take a seat first, waiter, and start serving the food."

"Okay!" The waiter outside shouted.

Zhong Baishan patted Lou Yushan on the shoulder and said, "Come on, sit down."

The two sat down. Lou Yushan poured a cup of tea for Zhong Baishan and said with a smile: "Uncle, we are all family members, so I won't be polite to you. How is your relationship with Qiyuan Marquis Li Qingxian now?"

Zhong Baishan clicked his tongue, lowered his head and took a sip of tea, sighed, and said: "You also know how we met. I just coveted Zhang Ji's few bites of mutton, but he couldn't see it. He told me once, and I won't do it again. I didn’t go to Zhangji Mutton Soup. Afterwards, I was assigned to him, and he didn’t do anything to me. The last time you invited him to attend the class reunion, it was because of me. After that, there was no contact again. After he returned to Beijing this time, I haven't encountered any."

"Then are the rumors about Li Qingxian true or false?" Lou Yushan said with a smile.

Zhong Baishan frowned slightly and said, "My eldest nephew, why are you still acting like a young boy who just left the academy? Mr. Li is Mr. Li. You should be careful what you say at any time."

"Okay, Mr. Li Hou." Lou Yushan said with a smile.

Zhong Baishan sighed again and said: "The actual situation is worse than the rumors."

"What?" Lou Yushan asked.

"At first, it was just a rumor that Mr. Li had offended the King of Chu, and we didn't take it seriously. Later, the king did not arrange a position for Mr. Li, and things changed. After that, the newly arrived right commander and the The right commander and colleagues all said that Chunfeng Residence should be renovated, and the entire Night Guard realized that something was wrong."

"What, doesn't Chunfeng Residence belong to Mr. Zhou Chunfeng? Legend has it that Mr. Li and he are close relatives."

"Of course, it is said that Zhou Chunfeng and Mr. Gang Feng's child were engaged to be married, and Mr. Zhou regarded Mr. Li as his son-in-law. Later, even more exaggerated, Jian Yuancang went to Chunfeng Palace to discuss the demolition. I also met Mr. Li, but Mr. Li only said harsh words. After that, there was no movement. "

"Isn't he good at life magic? Back then, you told me that you made Wei Yong, a fifth-grade man, very miserable." Lou Yushan said.

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