Life Hunter

Chapter 610 The Master of Spring Breeze Visits

The King's eyes widened suddenly, and their eyes expanded from one line to two lines. He gave up chewing, swallowed, took a deep breath, suppressed his anger, and said: "Let Song Yanxue come, right now, right now! "


When the night guard left, the King's chest rose and fell slightly, he glanced at the half-full table of food and sighed softly.

No appetite at all.

However, it cannot be wasted.

He stretched out his big hand and began to eat slowly, thinking while eating.

Not long after, another night guard ran in and said: "Master Qi, Li... Deputy Commander Li Qingxian, Master Li, have finished dinner with Nanxiang Hou and others and returned to Chunfeng Residence."

"Yeah." The timid king didn't care.

Nayewei said: "However, they are all discussing him in the Great Beast Bridge. Of course, it is his other identity, the Jade Cup Boy, who has already reported it to you."

"What happened to the Beast Bridge?" The Coward King asked while chewing skinless chicken drumsticks.

"There is a situation in the Big Beast Bridge... That secret must be the leader... Liu Laohu took out the eighty-eighth floor mountain and river situation made by Mr. Li... In the end, he won a big victory... He got the reward, the most... The most important thing is the Tianming Sect’s "The Carved Dragon Sutra"."

The king was thoughtful and said: "I have heard the name of the "Carving Dragon Sutra". It is a very strong inheritance of the Tianming Sect. It is said to be no less powerful than the ordinary sects. Back then, the Tianming Sect used the "Dragon Carving Sutra" "The fortune-telling technique helped Emperor Taizu. It was a great blessing that Li Qingxian could get it. Song Sizheng was still in the future, so he was afraid that he would be delayed by something important, so he could take a break. However, he could take a break for two-quarters of an hour at most. You go and report it.”

"As commanded."

The Coward King pondered for a moment, then continued to pick up the food and eat it. This time, he ate more slowly and carefully than usual.

Not long after, another night guard hurried in and whispered: "Sir, the matter between Li Qingxian and Qiu Ye, the young master of Liuyang Palace, has been found out."


"He visited Qiu Ye and found that something was wrong with the Qiu family, so he used life magic and found clues... Later, he discovered that there was spiritual gold in the mine..."

"Wait, is there really spiritual gold?" The timid king stared at his subordinates while holding half a plate of braised oxtail.

"This is indeed the case, and there are many of them. The total value may be around 100 million."

The corner of the timid king's mouth trembled slightly and said: "Continue."

"Later, the two of them approached the Ministry of Revenue... and some other forces but didn't go into details... Today, Lord Jingzhao Yin Song and Lord Patrolman Song took action and arrested Manager Yu Da of the Prince of Chu's Mansion, and the Ministry of Household Affairs officially The rumor spread... Qiu Ye also contacted some old dignitaries such as the Prince of Dingnan to jointly develop the mine... It is said that not only will there be a mine, but soon, he will also cooperate with the Shanming Sect to do a big business. The details have not been found out, anyway. It’s huge.”

The Coward King slowly put down the braised oxtail and recalled what he and Li Qingxian said that day.

He had already made it clear to Ye Wei that he was short of money. What did Li Qingxian mean?

After crying for a long time because he was poor, he turned around and cooperated with the Ministry of Accounts, and the backhand was a big business worth hundreds of millions of taels of silver.

The timing was so coincidental, it happened to be the time when I didn't arrange a position for him.

The key is not just this one, but also the steady stream of big business ahead.

The night guard continued: "According to our inference, Mr. Li is probably holding a lot of big business. After all, he is involved in the Wanhe Chamber of Commerce. As you know, we, the night guard, also have half of the shares in it. It's just that It’s not time to pay dividends yet. Listen to what that Minister Lu wants. Whether he can re-enter Xue Shangshu’s eyes and overwhelm the Left Minister as the right minister, it depends on Mr. Li. Without Mr. Li, we, the Night Guard, Now we are losing at least 200,000 taels of silver every year, and more in the future..."

The timid king smiled and scolded: "Okay, I know you don't like the people from King Chu's side, so don't give me the ecstasy soup. Go down."

The night guard turned and left.

The coward stretched out his hand to touch his chin, moved his butt slightly, glanced at the bedtime meal with only half of the table left, hesitated for a moment, frowned, poured the oxtail into his mouth, and then opened his mouth, eating the clean oxtail. The bones fall onto the plate.

"Come here, let Li Qingxian come over tomorrow morning and have breakfast with me."

"Is it breakfast, breakfast, or two early lunches?"

"Be more formal, let's have breakfast."

"Yes, I'll go now."

"Wait a minute, he just came back from drinking. I'm afraid he fell asleep. You can invite him again tomorrow morning after I finish dinner."

"As commanded."

At this time, the sound of armor plates hitting and footsteps sounded outside.

"Song Yanxue, the lower official, met the Lord Commander of the Guards. It was late at night. I wonder what the Lord is doing?"

A female general with shiny breastplate and red robe walked into the door, her face frosty and her eyes alert.

The timid king waved his hand and said with a smile: "We are all our own people, why are you so nervous? Sit down. Come here, bring some fruit to Song Sizheng."

"I won't eat after dinner." Song Yanxue said.

The timid king smiled and said, "Song Sizheng is really strict about self-discipline, and I want to learn from you."

"I still have important things to do, sir. Why did you call me here?" Song Yanxue stood at the threshold and did not sit down.

The timid king smiled and said: "It's nothing. I just heard that you arrested the steward of Prince Chu's Mansion. Let me ask about the details."

Song Yanxue said: "That's right. We learned that there is an evil sect that is causing trouble for the prince... After many days of investigation, we finally identified the mastermind behind the scenes. It is the long-dead Mr. Da and Manager Yu of the Prince of Chu's Palace..."

After Song Yanxue finished his report, the Coward King smiled and asked, "A few days ago, you and Qing Xian had dinner at Master Song's house?"


"Okay, I understand, you can go back and do your work."

Song Yanxue glanced at the King of Counseling suspiciously. She was originally preparing to break up, but the King of Counseling was completely different from what she imagined.

"Master Commander of the Guards, do you have anything else to say?" Song Yanxue asked.

"No, go do your thing."

"I'll take my leave." Song Yanxue frowned, turned around and left, thinking as she walked out.

After finishing the last piece of watermelon, the coward clapped his hands and said, "Get out of here, don't throw away those chicken skins, I want to eat them for breakfast tomorrow."

At this time, a night guard hurried over.

"Reporting to the Master of the Guards, Zhou Xuanshan, the leader of Shanming Sect, has just entered Chunfeng Residence."

"Huh?" The coward's eyes finally widened.

"It's true. Brothers are all confused and don't understand why he came to Yewei Yamen. This Li Qingxian is too powerful. Zhao Fu was here before, and now Master Zhou is here."

The coward suddenly asked: "Is Li Qingxian's situational ability really that strong?"

"For Zhou Xuanshan to come to the door in person, and late at night, it can't be just one thing, there must be a more important reason."

"There was news from the Ministry of Revenue earlier that Li Qingxian was cooperating with the Shanming Sect. Could it be because of this?"


The coward pressed his hands on the armrest, raised his buttocks and put them down again, and asked, "What do you think?"

"Although the Shan Ming Sect does not have a super grade and cannot be regarded as the Tianzhu Gate, we all know that the life magician has always been a high-ranking official. The Shan Ming Sect has always been regarded as a super grade sect by various places. If the master of the Shan Ming Sect comes to visit, All etiquette is equivalent to super rank. To a certain extent, except for a limited number of first rank in the court, the strength and influence of most other first rank cannot compare with Head Zhou. This time Head Zhou paid a visit to Mr. Li , I’m afraid it has profound meaning.”

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