Life Hunter

Chapter 693 What kind of trick is it?

"Good luck. It seems that my original guess is very feasible. Next, I will expand my advantage, so you should be mentally prepared."

Everyone nodded helplessly.

Li Qingxian took off his clothes and led them to find the man in white again. After walking a few steps, he saw two new notices in front of him.

On the wall on the left is a common notice like the one from Heaven.

"A place with wind chimes is safer than a place without wind chimes."

On the wall on the right is an old yellowed notice.

"The blood-stained man in blue is more cruel than the man in white."

Everyone made eye contact and shook their heads slightly. They could only understand the surface of these words, but they didn't know what they meant behind them.

Li Qingxian carefully explored the deduction and found that, just like before, the ordinary notices had a very ordinary aura of power, while the old notices had a strong aura but no sinister intent, so he took them away as usual, replaced them with ordinary white paper, recited the original text, and posted it on the wall.

Everyone carefully considered the two new notices, and then Li Qingxian once again led them to find a man in white.

The difference from the previous one is that this man in white wears a bamboo hat on his head and his body is slightly larger than that of the ordinary man in white.

Li Qingxian used his spiritual eyes to investigate and found that the aura was stronger and more powerful. So he tested it first and found that the man in the white hat was just faster and there was nothing special about it.

Later, Li Qingxian repeated his old trick and brought the man in white with a bamboo hat to the man in blue without lining last time.

The man in blue saw the man in white and was stunned for a moment. He glanced at Li Qingxian again, slowly took out the green bamboo strip, bent slightly and took a step back.

When the man in the white hat saw the man in blue, he ignored him and continued to chase Li Qingxian.

Li Qingxian hurriedly led others to hide behind the man in blue.

The man in blue had no choice but to wave the green bamboo strip lightly.

The man in the white hat did not make a threatening roar like the previous man in white, but suddenly raised his right hand. The fingers of his right hand suddenly expanded into three-foot-long black and golden claws, and slapped the man in blue.

The man in blue waved the green bamboo stick and slapped it on the black hand.

The man in the white hat screamed in pain, but the black hand firmly slapped the man in blue's forearm.


There was a crisp sound, the man in blue's arm was broken, and the green bamboo strips fell.

The men in blue clothes retreated in fear, while the men in white hats pressed forward step by step.

When Li Qingxian saw it, he immediately gestured for the others to escape, while he ran into a nearby alley, changed into white clothes, and transformed into a man in white.

There was a loud bang.

Li Qingxian rushed out of the alley and saw the man in blue lying in the ruins of the house. His left arm was broken at the shoulder and his body was covered in blood.

The man in the white hat picked up the man in blue's arm and chewed it.

Li Qingxian didn't expect that the man in white clothes in the bamboo hat was so powerful, and all his original plans were useless. He glanced at the green bamboo strips that fell on the ground, and rushed over to pick them up.

The man in the white hat suddenly turned his head and roared at Li Qingxian. The white curtain of the hat rolled up, revealing a ferocious face with a huge mouth.

Li Qingxian glanced at the man in blue who fell on the ground, hooked his hands at the man in white and let out a contemptuous laugh.

The man in the white hat was furious, and white air erupted from his body. His body suddenly expanded in a circle, and his muscles bulged out. He stepped on the ground and rushed straight towards Li Qingxian.

Li Qingxian flicked the magic talisman in his hand, and his body was wrapped in the green wind, and he ran away at a faster speed.

The man in the white hat was extremely fast, but he only chased him for half a quarter of an hour. The white energy around him dissipated, and he stood there helplessly roaring.

Li Qingxian took a detour and returned. The place where the house collapsed was empty, and the man in blue had disappeared.

Li Qingxian found nearby teammates and told what happened. Everyone agreed that those wearing hats were not easy to mess with, and the man in blue clothes who had killed Catfish last time was also very strong.

Li Qingxian handed the green bamboo stick to Zhou Hen, and Zhou Hen took it hesitantly. The moment he held the bamboo stick, his flesh sizzled and white smoke came out. He hurriedly let go, and the green bamboo stick fell to the ground.

Everyone looked at his right hand and saw faint black marks burning on his palm, which were very similar to the black marks on the man in white before.

Zhou Hen shook his head.

Li Qingxian carefully picked it up again, but there was no change in his hands.

"Good luck with the fortune. I'll take it."

Li Qingxian suddenly turned his head to the right and stared.

"Fu Wu Daji, you guys stand here first, I'll go out and take a look."

Li Qingxian walked away while the others looked at each other in confusion.

Li Qingxian's face was solemn and he moved forward quickly.

The fairy-seeking bee discovered an unimaginable scene.

A man in blue clothes without a shirt was fighting two men in white clothes. Not far away, a man in black shirt and blue clothes and a man in white shirt and blue clothes were holding green bamboo sticks and watching from a distance.

Li Qingxian was puzzled, but he was not ready to sit idly by.

No one can tell clearly what happened to the mist this time.

But it is obvious that the people in blue and white are opposites. For me, although not all people in blue are good, they are obviously safer than the people in white.

The men in blue clothes without shirts are obviously better than the men in black shirts, white shirts and blue clothes. If all the men in blue clothes without shirts die and no one fights with the men in white clothes, the remaining men in blue clothes will either die or be transformed into men in white clothes. The risk will be greater after that.

Li Qingxian rushed to the battlefield, and the shirtless man in blue, holding a green bamboo stick, kept blocking, but was beaten back by the two men in white.

The men in black shirts and blue clothes and the men in white shirts and blue clothes just watched from a distance, the green bamboo strips in their hands seemed to be decorations.

Li Qingxian held a green bamboo stick in his left hand, and aimed at the two men in white with his right hand and threw a thunder talisman. Lightning flashed, thunder and fire shone, and the two men in white were torn apart and stopped chasing.

Suddenly, the man in blue with black lining and the man in blue with white lining roared in unison and rushed towards Li Qingxian.

Li Qingxian turned around and saw the two of them staring at the green bamboo strips in his hands. Even with the black masks on, he could feel their anger.

The man in blue clothes without lining hurriedly shouted to the two people, seemingly calling for help, but they turned a deaf ear and rushed straight towards Li Qingxian.

Li Qingxian frowned slightly. The man in blue clothes without lining was attacked. They didn't go to rescue him, but when they saw that he had taken the green bamboo strip, they came to snatch it. What does this mean?

Li Qingxian was about to call out his inner spirit, but then he thought that he might be able to find some clues or patterns, so he pretended to retreat and waved a green bamboo stick at the two of them.

The two men in blue roared while holding up the green bamboo sticks.

Li Qingxian glanced at the green bamboo strips, but still didn't understand. Even if he was holding something unique to the man in blue, the man in blue with black lining and the man in blue with white lining would not be worse than seeing his own people besieged by the man in white. Angrier, unless...

Li Qingxian thought of the man in blue and black lining summoned by Catfish again, and vaguely guessed something.

Li Qingxian ran faster, turned into a street, changed into white clothes, and transformed into a man in white.

After a few breaths, the man in blue with black lining and the man in blue with white lining rushed out of the street. When they saw the man in white, they both stopped.

The man in blue clothes with black lining looked at Li Qingxian, looked away, looked around, and randomly chose a way to escape.

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