Life Hunter

Chapter 792 The questioning mayor

"The question is, how to define the 'force that can unite'? It's very difficult, very difficult, because we are not omniscient and omnipotent. We can only judge based on what we have learned. If what we learn and know is all right, Yes, and the most correct, then we must be the top people in this world, but unfortunately, we are not. Therefore, we cannot accurately define who is the 'force that can unite', then we can only assume that everyone is It is a force that can be united, and then use the simplest elimination method..."

Li Qingxian glanced at the people in the upper mountain area and said: "Today is the time when the truth is foggy, so everything seems to have become simpler. Now, in the name of Grand Qi Qiyuan Marquis, Deputy Commander of the Night Guard, and Patrol Division Sizheng, I am announcing that we These people are ready to use the method of protecting more people to solve the mystery, are willing to try it with me, and think that Zhang Wentian will swallow the ginseng fruit and kill everyone, they can come to us. The conditions for joining are very simple, answer the night guard directly The question is, can you let go of all past mistakes and sins, forgive yourself and others, believe in overcoming all difficulties, try your best to eliminate the sins of yourself and others, and try to achieve a common goal of good, that is, not to harm others. Do you want to work hard to solve the problem?"

Han Anbo looked at Li Qingxian, and everyone also looked at Li Qingxian.

In the mountainous area, a person said: "I have done many evil things in my life and have a perverse temperament. From the beginning to the end, I have always thought that I was forced and that everything I did was right. I can only do this. If I don't kill, rob, or harm others, If I don't do evil, I will die. After listening to the words of Ye Sizheng, the dirty beggar and others, I recalled my life inexplicably, and suddenly found that in the corner deep in my heart, there was a child curled up. That child, I have been afraid since I was a child and have been afraid until now, so much so that I have been covering up that child's fear all my life. Just now, the child looked up at me and asked me if I wanted to try another way. I thought about it, I am still afraid, but there is a dissatisfaction in my bones, which is why I can step into the top grade. I Chang Qianqiu should not be worse than a dirty beggar. I should not live for so long and still be unable to get out of the fear I had when I was a child. In the circle I drew for myself. I think that compared with eating ginseng fruit, if you take this step, you are more likely to be able to reach the second level."

A tall, one-eyed old man with white hair came out and walked towards the night guard, followed by more than ten people.

The eyes of all the monks flashed. Nanhu Iron Hand Chang Qianqiu had killed countless people since he became famous. His pair of iron hands had torn apart countless people.

Someone from the mountainous area asked: "Ye Sizheng, I want to ask you, can you let go of all the mistakes and sins in the past, forgive yourself and others, believe in overcoming all difficulties, try your best to eliminate the sins of yourself and others, and try Do we only work towards a common goal of good, that is, to solve the mystery in a way that does no harm to others?”

Li Qingxian nodded and said: "I can. Although I may not be perfect, I will try my best to do it."

"Okay, I believe you. I want to do the same, and I will definitely be able to do it!" After the man finished speaking, he led the people towards the night guard.

"I don't want to be a dog to Zhang Wentian when I'm alive, and become the ginseng fruit in Zhang Wentian's mouth when I die. I want to live, and I can too!" A guard of the Zhang Mansion stepped forward.

A young man silently walked towards the night guard, attracting the attention of everyone in the upper mountain area.

Zhang Wentian and Mr. Fu both stared at the young man's back.

The man walked halfway, turned to face Zhang Wentian, knelt down, and knelt down again and again.

"Disciple Peng Asheng, who was deeply taught by his teacher, has only become what he is today. I once carefully studied my teacher's teachings and summed up the four words: seek benefits and avoid disadvantages. Now, my teacher wants to kill us to improve our cultivation. Such a great harm, disciple Since you follow the teachings, you have to avoid it. What's more, if all the disciples follow you and you fail, our lineage will be completely cut off. The disciples will now adhere to the main purpose of the Demon Sect, be unfilial and unfaithful, and betray their master. Join the Night Guard and leave a ray of incense for this lineage. From today on, this disciple will sever ties with you and have nothing to do with you. To prove that I have severed ties with you, I will now reveal a few secrets. On that day, the death of Young Master Liu, It was Master who ordered me to kill him secretly. When the Sun family was wiped out, I was my deputy and Master solved the problem..."

After Peng Asheng said everything, he stood up and joined the night guard.

Those who had encountered Zhang Wentian's murderous hands cursed loudly and took the opportunity to stay away from Zhang Wentian. Some joined the night guard, while others stood far away and did not help each other.

More and more people joined the Night Guard. In order to show their true feelings, they successively announced Zhang Wentian's secrets, so that Zhang Wentian's closest disciples, subordinates, wives and concubines became more and more frightened.

Slowly, more and more people moved away from Zhang Wentian, some joined the Night Guard, and some moved away, not standing on any side.

The number of people living near Zhang Wentian is less than one-third of the people in the upper mountain area.

The Xue family in the north and south still stood firmly by Zhang Wentian's side.

Suddenly, Mr. Fu's body turned into blue smoke and flew to the night guard. He raised his hands to Zhang Wentian and said, "Master, please forgive me. I don't want to..."

Zhang Wentian suddenly said indifferently: "Have you had enough trouble?"

As he spoke, he raised his hand, and Mr. Fu's skull suddenly flew away, and a purple centipede as thick as an arm rose two feet high from his brain, swinging from side to side like a flag.

This giant centipede has a pair of amber-like insect eyes on every limb from top to bottom, and its sharp claws on both sides of its body wriggle gently, like water plants.

Mr. Fu froze in place, his eyes suddenly turned up, leaving huge whites of his eyes. First, twisted muscles appeared on his face, and then yellow saliva flowed from the corners of his mouth. His mouth and nose gradually became crooked, as if there was a hand under the skin, slowly twisting. His nose and mouth.


As Mr. Fu spoke, he walked towards Zhang Wentian step by step like a patient with paralysis but forced to walk.

Puff puff……

One after another, human skulls flew into the sky, and one after another, large purple centipedes stood in the brain, swaying gently.

These people had big purple centipedes on their heads and walked crookedly towards Zhang Wentian.

Everyone in the Night Guard stepped back, looking at the unbelievable scene in surprise.

Whether they were those who joined Li Qingxian's team or other neutral forces, some people turned into centipede puppets and walked towards Zhang Wentian step by step.

The total number of people in the mountainous area is about two thousand. Now, more than five hundred centipede puppets are slowly moving forward on the top of the mountain.

These people include low-grade people, medium-grade people, and ordinary people.

"Zhang Wentian, you have indeed plotted against us a long time ago!"

Zhang Wentian said: "It's not that long ago. At the beginning, I really wanted to solve the mystery and leave here with everyone. But Emperor Taining and Zhang Wen, two old men, deceived me! Can you Did you think about it? My cousin deceived me, and the prince of the same country deceived me. Moreover, one became the head of Hua Mo Mountain and was about to command the Demon Sect, and the other sat on the throne of emperor! They can eat ginseng fruit, why can’t I? ! Ye Sizheng, tell me, Emperor Taining and Zhang Wentian can eat ginseng fruit, why can't I, Zhang Wentian! Such a person can become the head emperor, why can't I, Zhang Wentian!"

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