Life Hunter

Chapter 794: A child with a yellow mouth and shameless talk

Behind Li Qingxian, everyone took a step, and each step was like a chess piece hitting the chessboard, making a clanging sound.

Opposite Li Qingxian, centipedes were rooted in the heads of hundreds of people, shaking gently. These centipede people showed pain on their faces and their eyes were full of pleading, but they couldn't help but make defensive postures.

Zhang Wentian sighed and said: "Well said, well said. When I was young, if I had heard your words, I might have sacrificed my life to follow you. Unfortunately, I am old and my blood has long since turned cold. .”

"You are old, why do you want revenge? Your blood is cold, why should you eat ginseng fruit? Every time you say something like this, it proves that you are not old or your blood is cold, but that you are afraid. I'm so afraid." Li Qingxian said.

Zhang Wentian shook his head and said: "You are still young and don't understand yet. You only know how to speak sharply and sharply. However, in my heart, I am slightly envious of you."

Li Qingxian smiled slightly and said: "Yes, I am still young. Those of us who study numerology will always be young, because we will keep learning and keep learning. Every time we come into contact with new things, we will become younger again. Every time we learn New knowledge will give us childlike joy. Our bodies may grow old, but our hearts will always beat and our blood will always surge. When we were children, we were not afraid of anyone. Now and in the future, we will not be afraid of anyone. You are not afraid of anyone. And you are afraid of us, because you know very well that you are not old, you are not even experienced, you are just getting more and more afraid, and even fear has blinded your eyes, making you never I never realized that the longer you live, the more you regress. You see, a coward like you doesn’t even dare to use the second way to solve the problem. You should envy me, because deep down in your heart, you know what I said It’s all right.”

A flash of anger flashed in Zhang Wentian's eyes, and he yelled: "Absurd! Ridiculous! Ridiculous! There is only one way to solve the mystery, either one general can kill all the bones, like me, or the streets can trample all the bones of the ministers, like me. There is no second kind of dirty beggar after victory! Whether inside the town or outside the town, the entire human race is in endless reincarnation, and the cycle starts over and over again, whether it is the cycle of the family, the chamber of commerce, or the country. It is up to you. The Huangkou child said that breaking the sky cannot change the laws of heaven and earth and the reincarnation of heaven and earth!"

Li Qingxian nodded and said: "This statement is correct from one perspective. For example, the An Dynasty was like this, the previous Ya Dynasty was like this, the previous Shang Dynasty was like this, and the current Qi State is also like this. So. All your logic and assumptions stay at a very low level. This level is called 'a small probability will not happen, only a very high possibility will happen'. But if we look at history, we will find that , in the history of mankind, there have been numerous small-probability events. The success or failure of a thing is not determined by the past, not by your feelings, not by whether it is difficult or not, but by whether the thing itself can be done. .”

"What you see is that the old dynasties and old countries are like this, but what I see is that if the Shang Dynasty falls, someone can replace it. If the Anchao Ya Dynasty falls, it will also be replaced. So, since the country can be replaced, Is it possible that the so-called laws of heaven and earth and the reincarnation of heaven and earth can be replaced? When you look at Zhang Wen and Emperor Taining, you have been thinking, I can replace them. Then why don't you dare to face the torrential laws of heaven and earth and the world of heaven and earth? Reincarnation says, can I change the world?"

Zhang Wentian sneered: "Theoretically, everything you said is right, but reality proves that there is nothing you can do."

Li Qingxian said slowly: "If it is feasible in theory, but reality conflicts with theory, then change the reality. Listen, a circle of ripples called 'I think I can change the laws of heaven and earth, and the reincarnation of the universe' is already on the chessboard Diffusion, it is very weak. Just this circle cannot really change the laws of heaven and earth, and the reincarnation of heaven and earth, but what is the problem? One day later, one year later, one thousand years later, ten thousand years later, there will be circles of similar ripples They will be connected and gather into a magnificent tsunami, smashing the sunspots and smashing the chessboard, allowing me, the human race, to transcend the chessboard and become a person who plays chess with the world. Maybe... the human race has been playing chess with the world, but you guys Heizi is just holding back the human race."

Li Qingxian continued: "You have obviously been promoted to high-grade, but you don't think about how to use the methods of high-grade to continue to improve. Your mind is still stuck in the middle-grade and low-grade, and you only think about relying on ginseng fruit. How can a guy like you be able to solve the mystery? How? Might win!”

Zhang Wentian shook his head and said: "Ignorant child, you are talking nonsense. Do you really think that you can make an enemy of me by gathering a few high-ranking people? Not only do I have a large number of ginseng fruits and notices, but I also have the puppet of the Demon God of Wisdom. At the same time, I also have the most powerful power of pressing the bottom of the box, the summoning of gods. Once used, the remaining power of the demons here will be condensed into one, destroying the world. Hahahaha... Zhang Wentong, Zhang Wentong, I have not obeyed you since I was a child, Now, I am convinced. You give me the devil, and I will kill him for you."

Some people behind Li Qingxian looked at each other helplessly. The fog of truth was really scary. Zhang Wentian probably only wanted to tell people about ginseng fruit, but under the influence of the fog of truth, he revealed all his trump cards.

The disciples around Zhang Wentian hurriedly transmitted the message.

After hearing this, Zhang Wentian smiled calmly and said: "This guy always says that I am scared. How can I be scared now that things have happened? What's the point? I want to see if you can force me to use the magic of summoning gods. .”

After Zhang Wentian finished speaking, he stepped back, pointed at Li Qingxian, and shouted: "Fuck me!"

The centipedes above the centipede puppets were seen twisting wildly, the puppets' faces were distorted, and clouds of poisonous mist emerged from their bodies, like spherical black smoke, rushing towards everyone.

"Everyone, be careful, don't get close, you can only attack from a distance." Han Anbo shouted.

"Fight and retreat at the same time. Those who are of high rank and inferior rank are not allowed to be in front." Huang Tiantao said.

Li Qingxian and a group of high-ranking monks were in front, and the rest of the monks were behind, either using spells, bows and arrows, or hidden weapons to attack the centipede puppet in front.

Huang Tiantao took a deep breath, swung his sword violently, and a hundred-foot crescent moon blade suddenly erupted, slashing at all the puppets.

Behind Zhang Wentian, a high-ranking Xue family member took action and struck the flying light blade with his sword.

Both sides are top-grade, one attacks the puppet and the other protects the puppet.

The centipede puppet is approaching quickly.

Li Qingxian glanced at the lucky man out of the corner of his eye, threw his right hand, and the thunder seal exploded. The giant door stood up, and the electric negative drummer and the sun-seeking general stepped out one after another.

Everyone looked at the two inner gods who were three feet tall, and their movements paused slightly.

"It's just the inner god of the Taoist sect. I've seen it a lot." Zhang Wentian pointed his finger at the electric negative drum warrior from a distance, high-grade mana spurted out, and a huge demon rushed towards him ferociously.

The demon head was a head about ten feet tall, with three sharp horns growing out of its top. The face made of smoke was hideous and terrifying, and its fangs were sharp.

Behind the devil, devilish energy spreads everywhere, and poisonous insects gather.


The huge demon head hit the Electron Negative Drummer like a meteorite. The power of the top grade made the Electron Negative Drummer retreat after the impact, and his armor cracked.

The demon bites the electro-negative drummer, the demonic mist boils, the demonic mist corrodes, the demonic sound penetrates the ears, the demonic poison kills, the demonic insects devour...

The top grader behind Li Qingxian shook his head slightly. The magic cultivator's methods were strange and changeable. This was a famous soul-eating demon who had been raised for many years and had unparalleled power.

Even Zhou Hen would not dare to confront such a demon head-on, he would need to consume it slowly. What's more, this inner spirit looks big, but its aura is only between the fourth and fifth grades.

Zhang Wentian and everyone smiled slightly...

"What the hell?" The electric negative drummer waved his hand, thunder surged, and with a bang, the demon head exploded, thunder and lightning spread, poisonous insects exploded, and spread all over the ground.

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