Life Hunter

Chapter 808 Three Elders in Meditation

After Guo Xiang finished asking, the sixth-grade eunuchs and night guards also asked questions one after another. Li Qingxian answered them one by one, and the others recorded everything in the record.

"Okay, Mr. Li, please stay here to rest. It will take a few days until we have completed all inquiries. At that time, we will act according to the cabinet orders."

"Okay, after all, this matter is of great importance, I will fully cooperate." Li Qingxian said.

In the space yard of another carriage, a group of people finished interrogating Ye Han, frowned and walked out, returning to a house.

"This Ye Han is full of lies. He is such a liar."

"There are three liars in our team, and they all died in his hands. This man has quite a problem."

"Especially the issue involving King Chu. He is obviously lying and hiding something."

"His wounds have residual demonic energy, his body undergoes strange changes, and he is covered in black hair. In addition, many people are afraid of him. Not surprisingly, he has really done some horrifying evil things in there."

"This Ye Han was a member of the Night Guard back then, and almost killed Marquis Qiyuan. Later, he took refuge with others many times, but got into trouble many times, and even lost the King of Chu's gold seal. The Spider King was ordered by the King of Chu , it is unreasonable to say that he has no hatred for King Chu at all..."

"We can't judge, but Ye Han is too suspicious."


Time passes slowly.

At night, Tianming Sect.

Horrified screams pierced the night sky of Tianming Sect.

A middle-aged life magician with disheveled hair rushed into the Tianming Sect hall in a panic: "It's not good, it's not good, Great Elder..."

"Pay attention to your manners!" the great elder said, and the other elders shook their heads slightly. The dignified fourth-grade life magician was in a panic, how could he behave properly.

The fortune-teller stopped with a grimace and said: "Master, the Seventh Elder, and the Ninth Elder, after activating the Tianyan Astrolabe, suddenly disappeared, leaving behind a strange aura. The disciples could tell at a glance that the three of them had been tricked. But I can’t even figure it out, no matter how hard I try, how it is possible for me to fall into a trap within our Tianming Sect!”

All the elders suddenly stood up. The elder was stunned and completely forgot about his manners.

"Let's go to the Tianyan Astrolabe, quickly!"

A group of elders hurriedly flew to the Tianyan Astrolabe. The Tianyan Astrolabe was like a giant corona. On the slanting circular platform, densely carved gold and black runes were carved. In the center stood a long probe, which was a hundred feet high. , like a hill.

The great elder was about to cast a spell when the third elder beside him hurriedly raised his hand and said, "Don't move. The three of them disappeared inexplicably."

"Then..." The great elder looked at a loss. He did nothing and didn't know anything. But if it was a deduction, he might also be tricked.

"Let's take a look at this place."

The great elder nodded, looked at the sky, and made a spell with his right hand. A ray of light fell from the sky and spread into a white light screen, recreating the spell casting process of the three elders.

Everyone watched carefully. It was very normal at first, but at the end, just after the spell was completed, a strange divine light passed by and swept away the three people, leaving a trace of weirdness behind.

"Could it be that the place where the inheritance was leaked was in the strange place?"

"Not necessarily. There was something wrong with Guidi before. We used the celestial star chart to calculate it, but it has not happened before. I'm afraid it was...a super-grade method."

The elders were silent.

It is very difficult for a great destiny magician to advance to the super level. Even the head of the Destiny Sect needs to rely on the power of the Destiny Sect to temporarily obtain super level abilities.

In the entire Tianming Sect, there is only one supreme elder who is in seclusion and is a super-grade destiny magician.

But the supreme elder did not advance solely on his own, but with the help of a large number of divine objects from the Destiny Sect to barely reach the super level.

"Do you want to ask the leader to come out?"

"Just wait, it's not worth it."

"Could someone be targeting our Tianming Sect..."

"I think it should be Juidi's punishment."

"That's right, it's probably Guidi who is targeting us. However, with the three junior brothers joining forces, any deception is out of the question."

"Okay, let's wait for a while. Then Shao Sifang, do we want to go?"

"We have already lost three elders. If we forcefully break into the divine capital again, if anything goes wrong, I am afraid that the reputation of our Tianming Sect will be greatly reduced."

"If Fifth Senior Brother is here, we have a sure chance of victory, but without a second-grade one, I'm afraid..."

The elders were silent again.

"Robbing the Bagua Star Observation Tower and expelling the disciples of the Tianming Sect, we must not back down no matter what. We must break their defense of the four directions. I will take action personally. It is just right. I want to see how far Zhao Yishan has cultivated. However, in order to be on the safe side, For the sake of safety, let’s wait a few days for the three junior brothers to come back after solving the mystery. If we are entangled in the mystery for too long, we will make another plan.”

Everyone nodded slightly.

Strange town.

"That's all." The three Tianming Sect elders walked out of the paper door unscathed.

"Blessings from all the neighbors, this is a small skill."

"It's a pity that we don't know why we are here. It is obviously just a normal deduction, but we are stuck here."

"It doesn't matter, it's probably the secret world's attack on my Tianming Sect."

"That's right. It's just a trick. It doesn't make any sense for you and me to join forces. Let's go and take a look around."

The three white-robed elders walked dozens of feet in Gui Town, looking like heavenly beings, handsome and graceful.

The three of them were talking and laughing. After all, there had never been a situation where the three elders of the Destiny Sect joined forces and entered a mysterious place but were unable to solve the mystery.

The three of them looked at the area at the foot of Guizhen Mountain, but found no one there.

"Let's go and take a look at the mountains."

The three of them walked along the main road, passing the stacks of mansions on both sides, and climbed to the top of the mountain.

"If nothing else, the key to solving the mystery lies ahead."

"Then the three of us will divide our troops into three groups and see who can solve the problem first."

"For the lottery, just use my ancient beast's giant skull."

"You are so willing to give up, I will use the general situation of the twelve cities in the sky."

"Two senior brothers, you are roasting me on the fire. As for junior brother, I can only grit my teeth and let the beasts leave their marks."

"It's a deal!"

The three laughed loudly, took one step forward, walked to the ancient well, and looked down the ancient well.

The well water is clear and moss mottled.

"Perhaps this ancient well is the key?"

"No, look behind the ancient well."

The three of them looked around and saw a large area of ​​dark brown soft land behind the ancient well.

In the center of the soft earth, a sapling one foot high grows.

"The land is fluffy and the saplings are tender, as if they were just planted."

"It seems that the key to solving the mystery lies in the well and the saplings."

"Okay, let's solve the mystery as soon as possible and return to the Destiny Sect."

The three of them nodded in unison and cast spells to deduce.

Not long after, the three of them completed the deduction and stared at the sapling, frowning and lost in thought.

The city of God.

On the carriage of the Black Lantern Division, rounds of interrogations continued, and files left one after another in a flowing stream. They were made into multiple copies with magical tools and sent to the envoys in charge, the Shendu government office, the cabinet, the inner factory and the imperial court. Emperor Ning's palace.

Li Qingxian waited for a while and found that no one was looking for him, so he took out the communication charm plate and tried to contact someone, but it couldn't be used.

Fortunately, before entering the carriage, I had already received a large number of messages, so I checked them all.

After checking the messages, Li Qingxian carefully read the messages left by Zhou Xuanshan these days.

The King of Chu used the Spider King in the capital city, which shocked the world. Countless literary monks wrote to impeach the King of Chu, believing that this was a new disaster caused by witchcraft.

After the death of King Chu, the world was shaken again, and the city of God was in chaos.

Soon, Li Qingxian discovered an interesting piece of information.

The Zongren Mansion is in charge of royal affairs. In theory, the death of King Chu will be investigated strictly by the Zongren Mansion.

The Zongren Mansion came forward, but for some reason, gave up, saying that the royal family was not suitable to be involved in the treacherous land.

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