Life Hunter

Chapter 987 They were all sold

Everyone was silent, and the eyes of some generals flashed.

Feng Anling, the deputy commander of the Modao Army, looked at Chai Qingtang, the commander of the Yuanwei Army, and then at Shi Yuanhao, the commander of the Zhenwei Army, and frowned.

Chai Qingtang looked at Shi Yuanhao and seemed to be winking.

Shi Yuanhao stared at Li Qingxian, motionless.

Chai Qingtang's eyes moved and he suddenly turned his head to look at Feng Anling.

Feng Anling was stunned for a moment, gritted his teeth, and was about to speak when Li Qingxian's voice sounded again.

"Someone among you betrayed me." Li Qingxian looked around the military lieutenant general.

Everyone was shocked.

Li Qingxian added: "I have known for a long time that a few people, on the surface, followed me to Taigu City, but in fact, they have colluded with the demon clan. Once they encounter the Deer King's army, they will immediately retreat and leave me here to fight alone. I have long known that You know, so, my original plan is very simple. After building the new city, you can leave if you want, stay if you want, I don't care. However, now a new problem has arisen. Just imagine, I told the Tree Horned King, like The king's army was made a dumpling. It won't take long for Taigu City, River Guard Army, Green Forest Army, Marshal Army and other armies to move south to intercept his deer king army. He ran away directly, unwilling to accept it, and faced the demon clan Punishment. Therefore, he must kill some people to make up for his mistakes. Now, if you are the Tree Horn King, there are two ways in front of you."

"At the end of a road, there are people huddled in a fortress city. There are many catapults, plenty of exploding talismans, and plenty of food and grass."

"At the end of the road, there is a coward who was frightened by the demon clan and is running away to Beiyuan City."

"So, tell me, which path will the Treehorn King choose?"

Li Qingxian said a few simple words, and everyone felt chills all over their bodies.

Especially Chai Qingtang, Shi Yuanhao, Feng Anling and others.

Li Qingxian said slowly: "Let's assume another situation. I didn't build the city, some people escaped safely, and the Deer King's army swallowed me and the soldiers who stayed here in an instant. So, what will they do next? They are so close. And isn’t the frightened deserter the most delicious meal?”

Without waiting for everyone to think, Li Qingxian said loudly: "Those who want to betray me may not understand until now. They are just like me, no, everyone in the city is the same as me. They have been betrayed by the people above. The gangsters were betrayed! For their internal fighting and for their authority, they treated our Mo Dao Army, Yuanwei Army, and Zhenwei Army like dogs, stabbed them severely, and then threw them into the blood basin of the demon clan. Big mouth front!"

Finally, Li Qingxian let out a long sigh and said in a long and heavy tone: "Everyone in this city has been betrayed. We are all betrayed, so I did not let you leave, and I did not lead the demon clan I will hunt you down to protect myself. I kept you in the city to save all of our lives."

The whole city was silent.

The pain as thick as thick ink spread in everyone's heart.

He Baoxu was furious and yelled: "Chafuli, my mother-in-law! Who is the traitor! Who wants to escape! Who wants to betray his brother! Come out, I will hit you to death with a hammer! Who!"

He Bao's body was covered in tattoos, his whole body was churning with real energy, his body expanded twice, and the blood vessels and tendons were clearly visible under the skin.

He was like a crazy beast, holding a sledgehammer in both hands and scanning everyone.

As a general, no one dared to look at him.

Shi Yuanhao was silent. Chai Qingtang saw that Shi Yuanhao was not moving and remained silent. Then, he looked at Feng Anling with eyes that seemed to be sympathetic and regretful.

Feng Anling held the communication talisman in his hand and listened quietly to the sound that came into his ears.

"Our family will take good care of your family."

Feng Anling released the communication talisman plate with his right hand and sighed softly.

Ever since the last commander of Modao Army returned to Beijing, he had tried every means to operate, but Li Qingxian was inexplicably airborne.

He knew that Li Qingxian had a profound background and was extremely powerful, so he did not dare to act rashly, but tried to test him bit by bit.

He was secretly happy when he learned that Li Qingxian had no regard for Mo Daojun's affairs, so he continued to win over the other four generals.

It can be said that he, Feng Anling, is already the actual leader of Modao Army.

At that time, he discovered that Li Qingxian was a very nice person. He really didn't want to fight in the army and would rather give up his power.

He felt that he owed Li Qingxian a favor.

He originally thought that everything would be as he expected. After Li Qingxian was gilded with the Modao Army, he was transferred to other places. He took advantage of the situation and became the commander of the Modao Army, realizing his ambition.

The appearance of Xie Anhuai was like a hand stirring in the water, stirring up sand and muddying the pond water.

The noble man behind him spoke personally, and he agreed to cooperate with Xie Anhuai and Chafuli to drive away Li Qingxian.

In those days, the nephew of the Second Assistant was chatting and laughing, drinking and drinking with Cha Fuli, the supervisor of the army, and the other commander-in-chief generals also looked at him. He missed it very much.

That was the day he wanted.

Li Qingxian came back again, and everything was different.

Xie Anhuai took out his dagger, Chafuli showed his fangs, and the forces behind him also clearly expressed their will.

Unite them and get rid of Li Qingxian.

In those days, Feng Anling was a little hesitant, but after considering the whole process, he found that he didn't need to do anything. He only needed to lead his troops and leave.

The people in charge were Chai Qingtang and Shi Yuanhao. The two real commanders said that they and Ren Shihao had left the Modao Army, leaving only 6,000 troops for Li Qingxian, or even less than 6,000.

Feng Anling agreed.

Feng Anling knows that he is not a hero, not so decisive, and cannot achieve big things, but he can do it by following the crowd.

But he didn't expect that Li Qingxian would take this step.

Those two commanders haven't spoken yet, what are they waiting for?

Are they also doubting that if they leave now, how many brothers will leave with them?

Now, it's not Li Qingxian roaring there at all.

Behind Li Qingxian, stood Zhao Fu, General Wang, and all the brothers buried on this grassland.

With an army of 30,000, if they were asked to charge to their death, Li Qingxian couldn't do it.

But letting them defend the city, especially after seeing so many wasteful equipment, the 30,000 soldiers all felt that defending the city was a very simple matter.

Maybe, if we just stay for a few hours, we can still see the grand scene of thousands of troops defeating the Elephant King's army and then backhand surrounding the Deer King's army.

Among the brothers by the river, some are greedy for life, some are afraid of death, and there are all kinds of people, but everyone has a simple wish, that is, to kill the demon clan and make the human race safe.

The man named Li Qingxian seems to be able to do it, even if he can only do part of it.

Then why give up here and take the risk of being hunted down by demons when you go out?

Feng Anling looked at the sad and angry but high-spirited Li Qingxian, then turned to look at the empty Lu Wangjun, and suddenly figured something out.

Oh, it turns out that I have forgotten that simple wish. I just want to have a drink with high-ranking officials and dignitaries, and sing and dance to make peace.

The moment he took the wine, he gladly accepted the collar around his neck.

He looked at He Bao. He had always looked down on this kind of pure reckless man. He was of barbarian descent and had no brains. He only knew how to fight and kill, and was even completely betrayed by the forces behind him. He had no idea that this was a game.

But now, he is a little envious of He Bao. He Bao has not changed from beginning to end. Even if he is betrayed, He Bao is still He Bao.

He looked at Li Qingxian again.

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