Life Hunter

Please take a half-day off and ask for blessings

I really didn’t expect to publish this kind of single chapter.

I didn’t want to go into details at first, but after thinking about it, I decided to keep it simple.

I have a mole-like thing on my chest. It wasn't big a few years ago and I didn't pay much attention to it.

This year it started to grow rapidly. I didn’t care about it at first, but then I decided to go to the hospital, and then...

I am used to procrastination, procrastinating and procrastinating. I always want to save enough manuscripts for a week before going to have the surgery, but it has been delayed until now...

Today I saw that it was even more serious and it seemed like it couldn’t be postponed.

It has been registered, but it has been completely full in the past few days, and it can only be registered until next Tuesday.

Regardless of whether it is benign or malignant, surgical removal is required, which will definitely delay time. Therefore, in the next few days, I can only update once a day. Try to save as much as possible to avoid interruption of updates after the operation.

My mentality is quite interesting. I had been worried that it was melanoma before, but now that I found out it was a bit serious, I felt relieved.

There is a new experience in life.

Definitely worried, but not much.

But my mental will is stronger than ever, because I want to continue writing and studying until I complete the book of dreams in my heart.

Finally, I hope all the loving readers would wish me well and wish me peace.

Compare your heart!

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