Although Presia is Fette's adoptive mother...

But he was very cruel and hypocritical when he treated Fite!

In addition to this, Presia also suffers from a disease.

A disease called pulmonary nodules, which is somewhat similar to tuberculosis.

So Precia often coughs up blood when she coughs.

As a result, her health is not good.

The disease was contracted after the death of Presia's daughter Alicia.

According to Tianyu's past life memories...

It seems that this disease was caused by the drugs used by Presia in the process of implementing the F plan, which damaged the respiratory organs!

As long as Precia feels unforgettable, moving and other violent mood swings.

There will be a violent cough!

Although Presia is the villain's mission.

But it didn't hinder Tianyu's sympathy for Presia.

Generally, when you watch the first part of "Magic Girl Nanoha", you will be disgusted with this middle-aged woman who is only 59 years old, because she is very cruel and hypocritical to her "daughter".

But Tianyu doesn't think so much.

Tianyu, who knew about Precia's past, was very sympathetic to Precia.

It can be said that Presia is a person Tianyu was very sympathetic to in his previous life!

Everyone only knows that Presia is the central figure in the Seed of the Holy Stone incident.

Privately instructing Fei Te to collect and snatch the ancient heritage "Sacred Stone Seed" and other crimes.

No one cared about Precia's past.

Why did Precia become the cruel and hypocritical person she is now?

The reason is actually quite simple.

It was mentioned in the related light novels.

Precia got married when she was about twenty-three years old.

After marriage, Precia rarely came home.

When I was about twenty-eight years old, I had a daughter, Alicia.

Later, because she had little interaction with her husband in life, Presia divorced her husband when Alicia was two years old.

Raised Alicia alone.

Because at that time, Precia was the director of the third bureau of the Central Technology Development Bureau in Midcerda.

The salary of a magician researcher is quite generous.

So in terms of life, two people can say that it is very comfortable.


The good life changed twenty-six years ago!

about twenty-six years ago.

Precia serves as the third director of the Central Technology Development Agency in Midcerda.

Later, because of an accident, the good life came to nothing.

No one knows what happened in the first place.

However, it was announced that the third director of the Central Technology Development Bureau used illegal materials to conduct experiments without authorization, so it failed and caused a dimensional shock.

In the data of the Time and Space Administration, it is recorded as follows about Presia:

When Presia used the independently developed dimensional navigation energy drive furnace [Hydra], the experiment failed because of the use of illegal materials.

This led to the emergence of medium-scale dimensional earthquakes.

The final verdict was also simple.

Due to the medium-sized dimensional earthquake caused by Priscilla, Priscia was permanently banished to a remote area.

Suddenly, Presia's gaze turned to Tianyu, who was on the side, and then to Fate again, she seemed very relieved!

However, it was quickly hidden by Precia perfectly, and her eyes seemed to have changed, and her gaze towards Fate became cold.

With his hands and fingers crossed on the desk in front of him, he looked at Fate coldly.

"Obviously such a good opportunity is in front of you, but you are standing on the side in a daze?"

Precia looked at Fate and said coldly.

"I am sorry!"

Hearing that Precia mentioned what happened just now, she lowered her head and dared not look directly at Precia, and her body began to tremble slightly.

Presia got up and walked towards Fate.

And Fett became even more frightened when he saw Presia standing up.

"Do you remember what I said to you?"

Precia's tone turned cold.


Fate was too frightened to move, and leaned back slightly.

"It's too much! Fate, you've let me down so much! Do you just want to make mom sad?"

Precia's tone became a little displeased, and she started to use her magic power with her right hand.

Soon a solid whip was condensed in his hand.

"System, open the system panel to see Presia's specific strength."

Tianyu gave orders to the system in his heart.

A panel that only Tianyu can see appeared in front of Tianyu.

Name: Precia Testrosa

Gender: Female

Age: 59

Occupation: Mage

Magic formula: Mid-Zirda style

Overall Strength: S-Class Mage

[PS: Next, thank you for your support! 】

[About Precia: The magic tool used is unknown, but the magister level may be around S-rank, so it is set as an S-rank magister here. If there are any mistakes, please forgive me! ]*

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