Life in Tokyo starting as a child star

Chapter 123: New work, online drama, and the sucker shooting crew? (4000 words)

Kitazumi discovered that Akiyama Shion was not as mature as she appeared on the surface.

She will also be happy because of a word, and she will also feel sad because of a word.

But compared to ordinary servants.

She is not good at expressing, so her emotions are hidden deeper and harder to see.

How did Kitazumi realize this?

In fact, the reason is very simple.

Because he found out.

Although she always maintains an elegant and dignified appearance in front of outsiders, in fact Akiyama Shion seems to be very responsive to others' affirmation and praise.

Just like before——

"Okay! Click! Get ready to take the next one!"

"Shion-chan's acting skills are so good. The scene just now was so beautifully shot."

Watching Akiyama Shion retreat from the shooting set, Kitaki Minoru smiled and praised.

Akiyama Shion's performance just now was indeed very good.

The heroic but soft feeling of Yukiyo Kaoru is restored very well.

Even Kitazumi couldn't help but praise her.


Listening to Kitazumi's compliment, a faint blush appeared on Akiyama Shiyin's elegant face.

She cocked her head to the side.

Look at her like this.

At that time, Kitaki Minoru felt that she was a bit thin-skinned and a little embarrassed when receiving compliments.


"Okay! Click! Come here! Rest for thirty minutes!"

"Well, um, Minoru-chan, how was the photo I took just now? It should be okay, right?"

Almost as soon as this shot was taken, Akiyama Shion over there ran up to him and looked at Kitumi Minoru with her big clear eyes.

"." Beicheng Shi.

He looked at her smooth, silky black hair swinging happily in front of him.

And the look of 'praise me, praise me quickly' written all over her pretty face.

Kitaki Minoru didn't know how to evaluate it for a while.

I originally thought that Akiyama Shion was a girl who looked elegant and dignified, like a lady like everyone else.

But now it doesn’t seem to be the case?

But so be it.

Kitaki Minoru can also understand.

After all, the other party's family situation is complicated.

Akiyama Shion's mother would rarely take the initiative to praise her at home.

It can even be said that her mother's attitude toward her is probably more of blame and complaint than praise.

Otherwise, how could Akiyama Shion feel very happy because of other people's praise, even a trivial compliment from a peer like him?

This may be a mental illness.

Kitaki shook his head and clapped his hands with a smile:

"It's amazing, Shion-chan, it's amazing, it's amazing, Shion-chan."

"Thank you Minoru-chan. Minoru-chan is great too."

"Oh - you can even complete that action, that's amazing, Shion-chan."

"Does Minoru really think she's awesome?"


"It's great, Shion-chan, to have such a reliable friend like Shion-chan to help with the show."


If there is a tail behind the opponent's back, the tail will probably shake out as an afterimage, right?

Kitaki Minoru felt that he would still praise Akiyama Shiyin more if he had the opportunity in the future.

Otherwise, this child who is only ten years old would be too pitiful.

He has always advocated encouraging education.



how to say.

If Akiyama Shion grows up in the future.

He must persuade Akiyama Shion not to go to cowherd or social gatherings.

This is too easy to coax and trick.

He looked at Akiyama Shion, who was looking at him happily with his big eyes just because of a few compliments.

Kitaki Minoru thought so.

Night, Tokyo.

In the car on the return trip.

Shoko Sugi who was in charge of driving glanced at Shion Akiyama in the rearview mirror strangely.

At this time, Akiyama Shion was playing with his mobile phone.

That soft and delicate face was full of relaxation and joy.

Even the soft and slender eyebrows and eyes are stretched.

She held the phone and kept scrolling through it with her white fingers. From time to time she would show a smile that even attracted Sugi Shoko.


Sugi Xiangzi was a little surprised.

You know, on the way back from filming in the past.

Akiyama Shion either fell asleep leaning against the back seat tiredly, or she didn't say a word and looked out the window with calm eyes.

That kind of calm gaze was very penetrating. From it, Sugi Shoko could not see the slightest bit of vitality that a ten-year-old child should have.

This is the first time.

On the way back, Akiyama Shion could still show such an energetic and enthusiastic expression.

This made her couldn't help but ask:

"Shion-chan, what's wrong? Did something good happen?"

"Huh? Huh? Why do sister Xiangzi ask that?"

"Because I see you smiling all the time, Shion-chan."

Laughing all the time?

After hearing these words, Akiyama Shiyin reacted.

She subconsciously looked towards the car window.

Only then did she realize it through the slightest reflection from the car window.

The corners of her mouth did turn up inadvertently.

"That's why I was wondering if something good happened to Shion-chan."

Sugi Shoko's voice sounded.

Let Akiyama Shiyin come back to his senses.

How to say this.

"Well, I encountered some good things."

Sitting in the back seat, Akiyama Shion did not deny it.

Instead, he showed a sweet smile to Sugi Xiangzi.



Akiyama Shiyin nodded.

At the same time, he lowered his head and looked at the phone screen.

above the screen.

Lying quietly was a photo of her and Minoru Kitami wearing stills.

"Is there a new job? Or is it a job you are looking for from the company?"

Sitting in the car, listening to the voice of Tamura Koji from the front seat.

Kitumi put down her phone and looked over curiously.

"Beicheng-kun, why do you look like you've discovered something strange? We are a brokerage company. Isn't it normal for a brokerage company to find job opportunities for you?"

Tamura Koji saw Kitumi Minoru's surprised expression through the rearview mirror, and he was a little speechless.

When other people's servants hear that they have new jobs, they are basically dancing with joy.

How come his own Kitami Minoru turned into a 'salty carrot' and actually found a job for him? ’ Surprise and astonishment?

"But as of now, haven't I found all my job opportunities myself? I haven't relied on the company's resources at all. And after every job, the company actually takes 40% of the salary - Tamura-san, you said , isn’t this a bit too shameless?”

Kitaki Minoru, who was sitting in the back row, asked directly.


The other party's confident question made Tamura Koji choke to death.

The key is that he couldn't find any words to refute for a while.

Because whether it is the previous "Grudge" or the current protagonist of "Swordsman Den".

These job opportunities were indeed found by Kitami Minori herself.

But there is nothing we can do about it.

After all, Kitazumi Minori was just a D-grade soldier in the AR soldier training center before.

As a company operation.

In terms of job opportunities, we will definitely only consider them from the top down.

Start with your A-grade and B-grade servants first, and only when they have almost chosen, will there be job opportunities.


"Beicheng-kun, you have to consider one thing. Not everyone is like you."

With a somewhat helpless expression on his face, Tamura Koji replied.

That's right.

You must know that it is impossible for ordinary servants to consider looking for a job.

In addition to training, they go to school.

Finding a job is a matter for adults. As a child, there is no way and no way to do it.

Kitazumi Minoru, who doesn't even need to be trained by his subordinates to act, and is "fully automatic" by himself, is simply a special case among special cases.

If we put it in that kind of particularly rigorous experiment, it would be the first special case to rule him out.

And forget it's 'fully automatic', Kitami Minoru is still able to thrive in this industry.

This is no longer a special case issue.

Sometimes Tamura Koji really wants to crack open his son's head to see how many aliens are hidden inside.

Otherwise it would be really unscientific.

There he whispered about aliens, abnormality, aliens among slaves, and ghosts.

Kitaki Minoru here didn't care and just continued to ask questions following the above topic.

"Then what kind of job is the company looking for for me? I should know this, right?"

Although he wouldn't refuse it directly, Kitami Minoru also wanted to know what kind of job the AR Sub-service Training Center found for him.

"Well, it's an online drama called "Passion and Love"."

"Unit drama?"

Beicheng Minoru was stunned for a moment.

After all, I have been in the industry for more than half a year and have made two movies.

Kitazumi also knows the meaning of the word unit drama.

The so-called unit drama is actually a form of expression of TV series.

To use a simple and easy-to-understand analogy, an ordinary TV series is like a long online novel, one episode follows another, connecting the previous and the following, and are inseparable.

But the unit drama is different. It is more like the fables in the fable book. Each fable has its own single story, which is relatively independent of each other and does not interfere with each other.

Of course, there are also expression techniques that tell a short story of a unit drama in two, three, or three or four episodes. This kind of structure is relatively tight.

For example, "Kamen Rider" and "Ultraman", which many naive adults love to watch - fight one monster in one episode and one weirdo in one episode.

They are mostly expressed in the form of unit dramas.


"The name "Passion and Love" reminds me a bit."

Kitaki frowned and raised his head: "Isn't that a bad drama that has been criticized very much recently?"

"Passion and Love" is an online drama that Kitumi is impressed by.

Mainly because I have no impression.

The total network score is 1.9 (out of 5), and the average score per episode is 1.87. To be honest, this is the first time Kitumi has seen it.

This show is in full swing in almost every episode.

It doesn't matter if the actor's emotions are not expressed well, but the body movements are barely acceptable.

The scariest thing is the actors invited by the filming crew.

One or two are like monsters.

Everyone looks pretty good when standing in front of the camera.

But as soon as I opened my mouth, the taste of "Zi Bang Reading" (referring to emotionless recitation) was simply a devastating disaster. The word "horror" is not enough to describe it.

It is even similar to some actors in mainland China who use numbers like 1234567 instead of reciting their lines.

The only difference is that they at least read the lines.

People like Kita Sumire who rarely pay attention to other works in the industry know that the "famous" name of "Passion and Love" is enough to show its value.

It can't be said to be a bunch, but it can be said to be a lot.

There is even more criticism on the Internet. If words can kill people, it is estimated that everyone in the filming crew of "Passion and Love" will hang themselves hundreds of times.

Because Kita Sumire has heard of it, "Passion and Love" is adapted from the original literary novel.

After seeing the effect of this adaptation, many fans of the original book wanted to rush to the door of the filming company with a knife and hit each of them.

Death threats were sent out in a basket.

From the filming crew staff to each actor, everyone had a copy, and no one wanted to escape.

This made all the staff of the filming crew of "Passion and Love" panic.

They were afraid that they would be stabbed with a knife as soon as they went out that day.

It was already such a bad environment.

Did the AR child training center introduce Kita Sumire to the past?

Do you want him to be stabbed as well?

Kita Sumire stared at Tamura Mitsuji helplessly.

That expression seemed to be saying, ‘Salted Radish No. 2, you better give me an explanation.’

“I actually asked the company for this job.”

Feeling Kita Sumire’s expression, Tamura Mitsuji coughed dryly.

“Well, what’s the reason, Tamura-san.”

Kita Sumire became interested.

After all, Tamura Mitsuji has always been very professional and reliable as an agent.

He found himself such an unpopular filming job, so there must be a deeper reason for him.

It’s not like he was just stuffed into such a terrifying filming crew for no reason, right? Isn’t this equivalent to deliberate revenge?

Then he really needs to discipline his own Salted Radish No. 2.

Feeling that Kita Sumire seemed to be interested, Tamura Mitsuji here said his reason.

"Because the crew of "Passion and Love" pays a lot."


Because Tamura's voice was a little low and his back was facing Kita Sumire, he didn't hear clearly.

"I said, because the crew of "Passion and Love" pays a lot. 400,000 yen per episode! Isn't Kita Sumire short of money? You want me to find you some work that can make money."

Tamura raised his voice and repeated it, and added a sentence.

As soon as he said this.

The whole car was quiet.

Noticing that Kita Sumire behind him stopped talking.

Tamura was also a little confused.

He remembered that Kita Sumire was quite short of money.

From time to time, he would ask him if there was a job that could make more money.

Why did the other party remain silent again when the matter came to him?

Could it be that Kita Sumire still doesn't like this unpopular job?

That's right.

"Passion and Love" has been criticized for so long, and it is estimated that no actor would be willing to go to such a crew.

Thinking of this.

Tamura Koji spoke very considerately.

"Shi-chan, it's okay even if you don't like it. You are already a B-level sub-actor in the company. It doesn't matter if you don't want this job opportunity."



Tamura Koji was interrupted by Kitasumi Minoru only halfway through his words. He looked back in surprise.

"I asked when the filming will start, Tamura-san."

In the rearview mirror.

Kitasumi Minoru stood up in a flash.

400,000 yen per episode.

You know, even if he takes a TV series, it is at most 150,000 yen per episode.

And the most important thing is that he is a sub-actor.

In the industry, having the identity of a "child" is like a death-free gold medal. Even if "Passion and Love" fails in the end, it has nothing to do with him - the audience will not blame the child.

So his 400,000 yen is just like picking it up for nothing.

What kind of sucker crew is this?

Of course he can't miss this good opportunity to get the wool!

It's worth it to shoot one episode! It's a big profit to shoot two episodes!

Chapter 2! 4000 words! It's done! Everyone, go to bed early!

Thanks to the book friend 20240522143519045 for the 100 Qidian coins reward! Thank you Wen Jin for the 100 Qidian coins reward! Thank you very much!

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