Life in Tokyo starting as a child star

Chapter 131 This kid is quite manly (4000 words)

Worried about the state of Akiyama Shion, who was cultivated with great difficulty by her own Daisy Troupe.

This time, Sugimu Shoko did not deal with other things, but stood by and watched.

Akiyama Shion's shots were shot very quickly, about the same as Kita Sumimi.

After all, her acting skills have never been a big problem.

In addition, as the heroine, Yukishiro Kaoru basically has no fighting scenes.

So all her shots in the morning were quickly recorded.

Wait until Akiyama Shion over there finished shooting.

Sugimu Shoko began to search for the other party's figure everywhere, intending to follow her to find out.

However, before she started to act.

A figure took the initiative to stop her.

"Ms. Sugimu, I have something to talk to you about. I wonder if I can talk to you for a while?"


Seeing Tanaka Kenzo suddenly appearing in front of her, Sugimu Shoko was stunned for a moment.

To be honest, she wanted to refuse him.

But Tanaka Kenzo was the director of "Kengouden" after all.

From any angle, as Akiyama Shion's agent, she could not refuse him.

Nodding helplessly, she followed Kenzo Tanaka's steps and asked curiously: "What's the matter, Director Tanaka?"

"Ah... It's not a big deal. I just want to discuss with Ms. Sugimu about the performance of Shion Akiyama, a female actor in your troupe."

"Shion's performance?"

With a strange look on her face, Sugimu Shoko didn't understand what Kenzo Tanaka meant.

To be frank, Shion Akiyama has always been a perfect female actor in her eyes.

She has a strong ability to control her emotions on the spot, is well-behaved and obedient, and has excellent acting skills. Few people will say much about her acting skills. She is the type that any director who has worked with her will give a thumbs up and say "good".

"Director Tanaka, is there something wrong? Our Shion's acting skills should not be a big problem. You can see that the shot just now was taken very well."

She made a slight excuse.

"Don't worry, Ms. Sugi, I didn't ask you to come here to blame Shion, but... well, let me show you the real thing."

At this point, Kenzo Tanaka seemed a little uncomfortable to continue.

He just showed her the footage that had just been shot.

On the screen, Shion Akiyama, who played Yukishiro Kaoru, was holding an umbrella and looking at Kenichi Aoki who had just walked out of the door.

Her soft eyes flickered.

Without saying a word, she walked up slowly.

In the drizzling rain.

The rain fell along the eaves of the umbrella.

She had a long sword on her waist, holding an oil-paper umbrella, and she looked gentle and heroic as she walked on the water.

"Is there any problem with this, director?"

Shoko Sugi was a little surprised.

This scene was the scene where Yukishiro Kaoru handed the umbrella to Kenichi Aoki.

Shion Akiyama fully interpreted the feeling of Yukishiro Kaoru's softness, strength and heroism.

She looked at it and thought it was completely fine.

"From an acting point of view, this scene is indeed fine, but Ms. Sugi, you should know that in the original work, at this stage, Yukishiro Kaoru has not yet fallen in love with Aoki Kenichi."

Tanaka Kenzo coughed and poked Akiyama Shion on the screen with his hand.

The other party's expression when looking at Kita Sumire is too gentle, and it can be clearly seen that she is smiling.

This expression is a bit irregular.

Although there is a feeling of an elegant beauty.

In "The Curious Case of Benjamin Button", Yukishiro Kaoru only admires Aoki Kenichi in terms of swordsmanship.

She despises the other party's overly narcissistic personality.

How did it become a 'girl in love' here?


Shoko Sugi was also stunned.

It doesn't matter if Kenzo Tanaka doesn't bring it up.

He suddenly pointed it out.

She also noticed something was wrong.

"There are also these places."

Tanaka Kenzo picked a few more shots

Yukishiro Kaoru and Aoki Kenichi investigated

Yukishiro Kaoru and Aoki Kenichi walked together

Akiyama Shion seemed to peek at Kitasumi Minoru intentionally or unintentionally.

"I'm very sorry!"

Sugimu Shoko opened her mouth and hurriedly bowed to Tanaka Kenzo to apologize.

Tanaka Kenzo didn't care about it, he waved his hand.

"Ah, there's no need to apologize, it's just a little action."


"Well, let me ask, Miss Sugimu, is Akiyama Shion from your troupe that to Minoru-chan?"

He was a little concerned and asked a question.

"Absolutely impossible."

You know, Akiyama Shion is a first-class actress in the industry that their Daisy Troupe has just trained.

It's not impossible for her to become a top actress in the industry in the future.

In addition, Akiyama Shion is very mature in her dealings with people.

It's impossible for her to like a actress two years younger than her - isn't that cabbage picking up young grass?

It's impossible at all.

So when Sugimu Shoko answered this question, she was very confident.

Even more than discussing here the question of whether Akiyama Shion really likes Kita Sumire, which is a question without any suspense.

Now she just wants to find Akiyama Shion as soon as possible and see what happened to her these days.

Thinking of this.

Sugimu Shoko bowed to Tanaka Kenzo and left, following the footsteps of Akiyama Shion.

About ten meters ahead.

Turned another corner.

Sugimu Shoko heard Akiyama Shion's voice coming from the corner of the rest area in front.

Listen to the other person's voice as if you are communicating with someone.


Sugi Xiangzi was overjoyed.

Finally, she found the place where Akiyama Shion had been hiding these past few days.

In other words, the guy who haunts my little princess Akiyama Shiyin is now behind this wall?

It’s really well hidden!

He was actually hiding in a place similar to an employee rest area!

Even if you listen carefully, Sugi Shoko can clearly hear lines like 'friend fee'.

Not only did he coax the ten-year-old Akiyama Shion, he even spared her money.

This is simply too bad!

She gritted her teeth.

Without hesitation at all, he stepped out directly, vowing to make this bad man pay the price for deceiving a child!

"You are an adult after all! You are still coaxing a little girl! Do you know what shame you have?"

Her voice was loud, and she pulled out her body at the same time, looking in the direction of Akiyama Shion.


Then Sugi Xiangzi was stunned for a moment.

Because there is no adult man in his twenties in her eyes.

There were only Kitazumi who was lying on the children's recliner, and Akiyama Shion who was sitting next to him and was handing him a lunch box, looking like a newlywed wife taking care of her husband.

‘Is your son-in-law against Minoru-chan? ’

Tanaka Kenzo’s previous voice rang in his ears again.

Shoko Sugigi should have said sternly that it was impossible.

Look at this scene in front of you.


I'm a little unsure.

"Because you're worried that I'll leave when it's time to rest these days, so you came here to see me?"

Wrinkling her beautiful eyebrows slightly, Akiyama Shion looked at her manager.

"Well, I already understand the specific situation, and Sister Xiangzi has also confirmed my current situation. It's a hard lunch break, please go back and rest, Sister Xiangzi."

She spoke politely, her words full of concern for Sugi Xiangzi.


How could I leave at this time?

Sugi Xiangzi cursed for a while.

You must know that Akiyama Shion is famous for his weak temper in his Daisy Theater Company.

Except for communicating with her, Sugi Shoko, she almost never takes the initiative to talk to other servants.

In addition, the characters played are all Warring States princesses and ladies of the family.

Some people even secretly nicknamed her "Princess Ji of the Daisy Troupe".

But what did she see just now?

My own princess delivers lunch boxes to other servants in the company? Still looking like a newlywed wife?


Sugi Shoko felt bad at that time.

It feels like a pig taking away the cabbage.

So she forced a smile on her face and spoke to Akiyama Shion:

"Oh, the rest area here is still a little far away from there, Shion-chan, can I just rest here?"

"Hey? Sister Shoko? But Minoru-chan."

A look of embarrassment appeared on the beautiful face, and Akiyama Shiyin's soft and clear eyes subconsciously looked at Bei Chengmi.

"Huh? Oh. I'm fine with it. It's someone you know, Shion-chan anyway."

Beside him, Kitaki Minoru waved his hand generously.

"Ah, if Minoru-chan says so, then it's okay for Ms. Shoko to stay."

Akiyama Shion turned his eyes back and looked at Sugi Shoko with a smile.


What does 'since Minoru-chan says so' mean?

Why do you have to be so obedient to him, Shiyin-chan!

Obviously I am your sister Xiangzi!

Gray jealousy surged from his chest.

Sugi Shoko's mood was particularly complicated - this is probably how the so-called old father felt when he saw his married daughter.

She picks up Akiyama Shiyin from work every day.

On weekdays, I start taking care of Akiyama Shiyin at six or seven o'clock, and the only time I take care of her is after nine o'clock in the evening.

There were even times when Akiyama Shion was late for filming, and she couldn't get off work even after eleven o'clock, so she had to take him home first.

She tried her best to get only some closeness from Akiyama Shion.

But what about Kitaki Minoru?

He actually took his son-in-law away on the set while he wasn't paying attention!

Looking at Kitumi Minori lying leisurely on the recliner.

Sugi Shoko gritted his teeth so hard.

At this critical moment, she could only express her gratitude with a smile on her face.

"Thank you Minoru. Wow - I'm so happy that I can rest here."

"But Sister Xiangzi, you don't look happy at all."

Kitazumi yawned and pointed out her stiff face.

Teach me how to read the eyes of adults! Brat!

The mood is twisted.

But the smile on his face is getting brighter and brighter.

"No way, you are wrong, Minoru-chan, I am obviously happy."

"Huh? Really? I must have seen it wrong."

Beicheng Minoru nodded, not caring about her.

He just turned to look at Akiyama Shion: "Speaking of which, didn't Shion-chan say you have something to give to me?"

"Ah, actually it's this."

The lunch box that Sugi Shoko had interrupted and failed to hand over was now held in Akiyama Shion's hand again.

She hid her palms in embarrassment: "It's just some dishes that you can't get your hands on."

"Oh, it looks pretty good. Did Shion-chan make it by yourself? Did it take a lot of effort?"

The dishes are very rich.

Tamagoyaki, fried shrimp, burger meat, a box of green salad and even some cherry tomatoes on the side.

"Oh, it actually didn't take much effort."

"Really? Shion-chan is amazing, and she's so good at cooking."

Listening to Kitazumi's words of praise, Akiyama Shion's body swayed slightly, and he lowered his head and looked at his toes in embarrassment.

However, when Xiangzi Sugi next to him saw this scene, he opened his mouth, somewhat speechless.

Memories from before come to mind.

"What is the approximate oil temperature for deep-frying tempura?"

"Sister Xiangzi, the Tamagoyaki cannot be rolled up at all. What should I do?"

"Why is the hamburger meat turned into a lump? Can you help me? Sister Xiangzi?"

Recalling the busy appearance of Shion Akiyama in the Daisy Theater Company.

How is this still ‘not much effort’?

Sugi Xiangzi was a little speechless.

But forget it.

Akiyama Shion said so, so naturally she wouldn't say anything more.

And she was looking forward to it.

After eating Akiyama Shion's heartfelt dishes, what on earth would that wild boar Minoru Kitazumi say——

"The tempura is a bit too fried, Shion-chan, and you see, the tamagoyaki is a bit salty, too."


He looked at Minoru Kitazumi, who was pointing at Akiyama Shion's lunch box with a look of disgust on his face.

Sugi Xiangzi was so angry that she almost jumped up.


Where did you come from as a food critic? Shion-chan’s cooking for you! Just eat it honestly!

Isn't this little boy too cute?

Just when she was about to say a few words to Akiyama Shion——

"Shion-chan must have kept all the delicious food for herself, so she left such a box of things for me. I'm not happy. Let's exchange, Shion-chan."

Without saying a word, Kitazumi exchanged the lunch box in his hand with the nutritious meal in Akiyama Shion's hand without any explanation.

Until I saw this scene.

Only then did Sugi Xiangzi suddenly realize—this kid. Could it be that this was his plan from the beginning?

She knew what Akiyama Shion ate.

There is absolutely no problem with nutrition, and it is basically all prepared by professional nutritionists.

But in terms of texture and taste...? That's not even close.

Use her words to describe it.

That is simply not something a child should eat.

Basically, they are bland boiled vegetables, chicken breasts, and steaks.

The fat was barely tasted, and the taste was simply terrible.

Many times, Shoko Sugi watched Akiyama Shion eat these things with an expression of nausea and vomiting.

She also asked to take Akiyama Shion out to eat some other dishes.

But they were all politely rejected by the other party under various circumstances.

But now.

He looked at Akiyama Shion, who was staring at the lunch in his hand with a confused look on his face, not knowing what to do next.

Then she looked at Kitumi Minoru, who frowned and ate all the nutritious meals in her hands without any explanation.

Shoko Sugi seemed to understand.

Why does the weak-tempered Shion Akiyama get so close to Minoru Kitazumi?

This boy

Although he took away his little princess.

But but how to say it.

Still quite manly

Thanks to book friend 160716134517952 for the 100 starting coin reward! Thank you so much!

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