Life in Tokyo starting as a child star

Chapter 231: A scumbag deceives a little girl? (4600 words)

Kitazumi's self-certification was successful, and it was a complete success.

Except for a small number of people who are still stubborn and unwilling to admit that the gap between people is why there is such a big audience.

Most of the rest of the audience was basically convinced.

Mainly because I can't take it orally if I'm not convinced.

After one hour of unlimited questions, I scored 1163 points, with a 99.63% accuracy rate - the only wrong question was because it timed out and the answering machine judged it to be an error.

This accuracy rate

Even if it is put into Japan's national simulation test, it will definitely achieve excellent results.

As a result, the direction of online public opinion began to change.

Many print media and online media gave Kitumi a brand new nickname.

It’s called ‘a genius prodigy that is rare to see in a thousand years in the Reiwa era’.

And this also left Kitaki Minoru more or less speechless.

I have to say.

The Japanese do like some titles that are particularly chuuni.

Titles such as 'The Destroying Tiger of the Empire', 'The Beauty Once in a Thousand Years' and 'Sushi Immortal' are all given directly in the program.

There was no feeling of embarrassment at all.

It's just different from ordinary Japanese people.

When Kitachi Minori heard his titles of 'genius prodigy once seen in a thousand years' and '9-year-old Zenith star', his face was really ashamed.

To be honest, no adult with a mature and developed mind would be able to withstand the title of "extraordinary middle school student", right?

And tell the truth.

The reason why he was able to answer the questions without hesitation.

I am very willing because his body is really easy to use.

The brain's understanding speed is very fast, and you can basically master anything just by reading it once or twice.

His thinking speed is also amazing. Many obscure questions can be answered directly with just a little thought. ‘

Even Kitaki Minoru had to sigh.

All I can say is that it is a brand new brain from the factory.

Compared to his previous life when he was 27 years old and kept staying up late to work, his brain was much easier to use.

And it is precisely under this craze for ‘geniuses and prodigies’.

News about him spread further and further.

In the past, his name was basically spread in places such as the Tokyo metropolitan area where pop culture spreads widely.

But this time it's different.

Kitami Minoru's name appears in daily newspapers not only within the Tokyo area, but also in the Kansai region, such as Kyoto and Osaka.

Therefore, it can be said that Kitazumi has fully enjoyed this huge Internet popularity.

The attention of personal homepages, which had gradually stagnated in growth, also began to grow rapidly.

In just one day, it reached 500,000 followers.

Look at this momentum.

Wait until this ‘prodigy wave’ passes.

It shouldn't be a big problem that he has more followers than Hosokawa Shibaizumi.

What surprised Kitumi Minoru was that it was probably three or four days after the craze for 'prodigy' appeared in society.

Many other small ziyue training centers have begun to launch the so-called "prodigy ziyue" characters one after another.

This made Kitumi both angry and funny.

These days, the Ziyi Firm is really doing everything possible for its own profits.

Even the "prodigy" thing has to be imitated.

He was a little speechless, but at the same time he was a little curious, wanting to know the specific imitation routines of these people.

After all, the 'prodigy craze' is quite hot right now.

It’s not just people in the industry.

There are even quite a few ordinary families who go to TV stations or newspapers to announce that their daughter or son is a "child prodigy" that is even better than Kitami Minoru.

With so much heat.

If done properly.

Maybe they can really manage to create a so-called 'prodigy'.

However, the actual results disappointed Kitaki.

Their so-called 'child prodigy' is nothing more than imitating his self-proven routine.

In some variety shows, intelligence tests are conducted without changing the method.

It’s just that their ‘imitation’ has not actually achieved good results.

On the contrary, it was criticized by many people on the Internet because of its inferior 'imitation'.

Because the actions they took were too outrageous.

It is completely different from the self-evident situation of Kitami Minoru's "long gun and short cannon" in the face.

The host reminds me.

Guests hint at the answers below.

A lot of yakuza don't even fully understand some Japanese characters.

When doing the questions, even the typos were written carelessly.

This is actually quite normal.

After all, it can be said that it is quite difficult for a general servant just to complete his work.

Not to mention letting them take care of their studies.

That is simply extremely difficult.

Kitazumi understood this.

However, he can understand it, but it does not mean that the audience can understand it.

Is this considered a ‘child prodigy’?

Writing is a bit bumpy, and some words are even typos!

Do these show crews think we are fools?

A feeling of anger at being fooled emerged from his chest.

They couldn't criticize Kitumi.

After all, Kitazumi Minoru is the real thing - "Here comes Meiziya!" "After that, he even showed the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology's academic ability test certification document.

But what about these sub-service training centers?

Do you dare to pretend that a child prodigy who can’t even write is used as a ‘prodigy’?

Is this a little too much?

Many viewers directly started to ‘fire’ in the comment area.

Its huge "Yan Shang" intensity and the intensity of its rhetoric.

The few child service training centers that wanted to imitate Kitami Minori and gain public attention issued apologies overnight in despair.

to be honest.

Whether they want to imitate and whether they imitate successfully.

This is not too important to Kitaki Minoru.

After all, the popularity of the ‘child prodigy wave’ has risen.

As the first person to eat crabs, he can still enjoy the heat even if he does nothing.

And compared with the trends of other sub-offices.

Beicheng realizes that there is still a very important matter that needs to be dealt with now.

That is——

"To sum up, Ruizi, I'm going to skip a grade and transfer to high school."

Sitting next to Kitagawa Ruiko.

Looking at the little girl's little face like a porcelain doll, Kitaki Minoru felt a little bit subtle when she told all about her transfer to another school and skipping a grade.

It's really quite subtle.

To be honest, Kitazumi didn't want to tell him about transferring to another school and skipping a grade.

Because Kitazumi knew Kitagawa Ruiko's character.

This little girl keeps saying, 'I want to be friends with Shijiang for life' and 'Shijiang is handsome and mature, so don't stop being my friend, okay? ’ and so on, words that give people a particularly heavy pressure.

Usually she clings to him and refuses to let go. Except when going to class and going to the toilet, she basically stays with him.

In this case.

If you tell the other person that you skipped a grade and transferred to another school,

Kitazumi could almost imagine it.

I'm afraid it won't be another 'bloody storm'.

But he had to tell it.

After all, Kitagawa Ruiko is his only friend in Tokyo Nerima Elementary School.

After practicing the swordsmanship of Beicheng Sword Master.

It was Kitagawa Ruiko, an eight-year-old girl who braved the hot weather and was sweating. She made a special trip from home to carry a large bag of kendo equipment for him to practice.

Although she is just a child, she speaks with the innocence of a child. She may still be at the age where she believes that 'Ultraman is real'.

Fortunately, Tagawa Ruizi treats him sincerely.

Of course, it was impossible for Kitazumi to leave Kitagawa Ruiko without saying goodbye.

Explain the whole story clearly to Kitagawa Ruiko.

Watching the other person's expression change from excitement at first to dullness later on.

Kitaki took a deep breath and adjusted his mentality a little.

Be prepared for blame and criticism.


"It's so awesome! Minoru-chan! It's really awesome!"


Kitagawa Ruiko held her white palm and shook it happily back and forth.

Listen to her joyful voice coming from the heart.

Kitazumi showed a surprised expression.

Because Kitagawa Ruiko's reaction was completely different from what he imagined.

He thought that the other party would just cry out loud. Or even if it was serious, he would hug him directly and cry to prevent him from leaving.

But this situation?

He glanced at Kitagawa Ruiko's expression.

Beicheng Minoru coughed dryly, and then spoke with a serious expression.

"Leizi, do you really understand? If I leave, then Leizi may be alone in the future."

On weekdays, the person Kitagawa Ruizi troubles the most is him.

Because of this, the other party neglected to communicate with other students.

If he leaves.

Kitagawa Ruiko might actually end up alone.

Doesn't she care at all?

"Yes, if Minoru leaves, I might feel a little lonely."

Hearing Kitazumi Minoru's words, Kitagawa Ruiko's cheerful expression froze, and she nodded her head without denying it.

"If that's the case, then why are you..."

"Of course it's because I like Minoru! As a good friend, shouldn't we be happy for our friends' progress?"

Kitagawa Ruiko smiled.


She is Kitazumi's friend.

I also enjoy every day with Kitazumi.

But if just because of this, let him give up a rare opportunity.

"Then they're not friends."

Kitagawa Ruiko held Kitazumi Minoru's hand tightly.


"Mi-chan knew that I might get into trouble, but she still told me about it. I'm really happy."

That's right.

Kitagawa Ruiko was really happy.

Although she has always said that she wants to be friends with Kitaki Minoru.

But in fact, she has never been sure about Beicheng Minoru's attitude towards her.

While enjoying getting along with Kitaki Minoru.

On the one hand, she is worried that Kitazumi, who is much more mature and steady than her peers, does not treat her as a friend.

But Kitami Minori was willing to tell her about the transfer.

This actually shows that the other party already treats her as a friend.

So you can’t just wait where you are!

While Minoru is still here.

Take the initiative!

Think of this.

Kitagawa Ruiko raised her white porcelain face.



"What's the name of the school you want to transfer to?"


Kitazumi glanced at Kitagawa Ruiko strangely.

He didn't understand why the other party asked this.

After all, I will transfer to high school in the future.

The chance of him meeting the other party is expected to be greatly reduced.

After all, Kitagawa Ruiko is just a fifth-grade elementary school student.

Her parents must be worried about her running from Nerima Ward to Bunkyo Ward.

But since Kitagawa Ruiko asked this.

"It's called Jingwen High School."

He answered simply.

What Kitumi Minoru didn't expect was that as soon as he said the name of the high school, Kitagawa Ruiko on the other side had already turned his attention.

Those cute big eyes were full of surprise.

"Jingwen High School? Minoru-chan, are you talking about Jingwen High School in Bunkyo District?"

“It is indeed Jingwen High School in Bunkyo Ward”

Kitumi gave her a strange look.

Why did this little girl react so strongly?

He was confused.

But Kitagawa Ruiko has no time to care about this.

She just held his palm and spoke excitedly.

"My family lives in Bunkyo District! My dojo is also in Bunkyo District! Minoru-chan! My sister is a high school student studying at Jingwen High School!"


As soon as these words were spoken.

Beicheng Shi was immediately surprised.

You know, he always thought that Kitagawa Ruiko lived in Nerima District.

After all, Bunkyo District is quite far from Nerima District.

This result really surprised him.

But something even more unexpected was yet to come.

"Mizu-chan! My home is in the dojo near Rikugien Sanmachi Odaiyama Apartment. Are you going to move to Bunkyo Ward in the future? Where will you live?"

Rikugien Sanmachi Odaiyama Apartment?


Kitaki Minoru scratched his head.

This moment.

He really had the feeling that ‘the world is really too small’.

The real estate in Bunkyo District that he negotiated with the former landlord Haruhiko Ohmae is the Odaiyama Apartment.

Originally, he was worried that he would not be able to meet Kitagawa Ruiko in the future.

Will this little girl feel lonely alone?

The result now seems

He is afraid that he will have one more neighbor who often comes to visit in the future.

Kitazumi sighed a little at the wonder of fate, and at the same time told Kitagawa Ruiko his moving address.

And this naturally aroused Kitagawa Ruiko's excitement.

She even hugged herself with both hands.

The little head kept rubbing against his chest.

It looks like a cute kitten.

As for what happens next

That would be much simpler.

Kitagawa Ruiko asked Kitacumi for a more specific address. After confirming that there was nothing wrong with the place, she made the next request with an excited expression.

"Mi-chan, you said before that you would come to my house to play. Does this promise still count?"

"Of course it counts."

Kitaki Minoru nodded his head.

When he asked Kitagawa Ruiko for help before, he did agree to the request.

"Then after school today, do you want to come to my house to play? My dad will come and pick us up."

"Go to Leizi's house.?"

Kitazumi raised his eyebrows.

To be honest, this is indeed a bit sudden.

Kitagawa Ruiko has a feeling of wanting to do something and doing something.

He's not even ready for the visit yet.


Beicheng Shi turned his gaze sideways.

Looking at Kitagawa Ruiko's cheerful expression.

Kitaki Minoru's expression softened a little.

Hey, forget it.

Anyway, after Haruhiko Ohmae's documents are ready, he will move to the Odaiyama Apartment sooner or later.

Taking this opportunity, he happened to go over to inspect the specific environment.

He agreed to Kitagawa Ruiko's invitation.

However, before that——

"Leizi, can you stay away from me for a little bit?"

"Hey? Why? Minoru-chan?"

Kitagawa Ruiko tilted her head strangely.

"I remember your father picked you up next, right?"

Kitazumi asked.


"Then you also told me that your whole family loves you very much. Whether it's your sister or your father, they all like you very much. Have you ever expressed that you don't want you to get married?"

"Yeah. That's right."

Kitagawa Ruiko nodded, then said with a smile: "It's strange, Minoru, why you have to ask some questions that others have already answered for you."


You also know that you have answered these questions for me a long time ago, right? !

If that's the case, then why are you still hugging me so tightly?

Kitazumi was silent and looked at Kitagawa Ruiko.

Under his gaze, Kitagawa Ruiko was hugging him tightly, almost hanging on him.

Face pressed against his.

Her hand pressed against his.

Still smiling at him.

That intimate look where everyone was pulling him and not wanting to let go.

Even with the 'child' filter as a protection, it still feels wrong.

After all, this is too close.

What if there is a misunderstanding when the Kitagawa family sees him?

And Kitazumi Minoru knew one thing clearly through Kitagawa Ruiko's words.

That is - the Kitagawa family simply doted on her.

He even said the words 'I don't want to get married'.

in this case.

Kitagawa Ruiko still held on to her.

If the other party sees it.

There is also the fact that the other party always likes to pay me friend fees, and even brings sanitary napkins from home to him...


Don’t let the Kitagawa family go in by then.

He was kicked out immediately.

That's really not worth the gain.

Just thinking about this.

Kitasumi Mi felt a sense of crisis about the upcoming meeting with Kitagawa Ruiko's family, as if a scumbag deceived an innocent little girl and her future was bleak.

Thank you for the 100 Qidian coins reward from those who understand by looking at my avatar! Thank you for the 100 Qidian coins reward from book friend 20240723134333051! Thank you very much!

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