When she received the call from Tamura Koji, Jingwen High School happened to be on lunch break. Kitami Minoru had just opened the lunch box, but before she had time to move her chopsticks, the other party just called.

After all, it was a work matter, so he didn't hesitate and simply answered the phone.

"Kita Cheng-kun, the first-day box office results of "The Grudge" have just been calculated, and the situation is great! The first-day box office is 79 million yen!"

When he said this, Tamura Koji did not suppress the exclamation in his voice at all.

Because this result can be said to be quite terrifying. After all, horror movies are niche low-cost movies, and the same is true for "The Grudge" this time.

From filming to casting, to photography locations, employee salaries, etc., the total is only about 59 million yen.

After deducting the tax payment, Qingshuishan will almost recoup its money from the box office on this first day.

And that's not all.

Since the box office on the first day was able to reach 79 million yen.

This shows that the total box office in the future is likely to exceed one billion yen.

If it were more ambitious, the movie "The Grudge" might break the record for the highest-grossing domestic horror movie in Japan.

This is a quite terrifying result!

It's just that Tamura Koji is obviously much calmer now.

After all, after working with Kitami Minoru, he gradually became acceptable to these miracles and record-breaking things.

If it had been before, he would probably have found Kitami Minoru without saying a word, rushed straight to his school, and informed him of the good news in person.

It's just different from Tamura Koji.

After hearing this result, Beicheng Minoru raised his eyebrows slightly, feeling a little regretful in his heart.

The first-day box office was 79 million yen.

If this trend continues, "The Grudge" will indeed achieve quite good results, and may even be much better than the previous "The Grudge".

But I want to break through the 2 billion yen required by Xiemen Games.

This is undoubtedly much more difficult.

After all, the popularity of "The Grudge" on its first day was not bad, and the quality of the film was not bad.

He specially promoted it at the kendo exchange competition, and put a lot of thought into the promotional posters. He even asked national-level authors like Watanabe Mayuki to draw pictures of Toshio Saeki and Kenichi Aoki in his personal feed. Cute version of promotional poster.

The acting is even combined with the 'Toshio Saeki' suit, which can definitely give people a truly terrifying experience.

He has done his best in every aspect.

But this still cannot exceed 2 billion yen.

"It's indeed a bit difficult."

Kitaki shrugged. Although he was sorry, he had nothing to be disappointed about.

After all, this result is quite good. It is a result that can open champagne at half time. It is not a big problem to exceed one billion yen.

Thinking of this, Kitazumi opened his phone and glanced at Qingshuishan's personal updates.

Sure enough, this guy is already popping the champagne, and the first post on his personal update is, 'The Grudge' broke through 79 million yen on its first day! ’ dynamic.

Take another look at your LINE account.


The adult Qingshuishan probably didn't know what "a student's job is to study hard", so he directly encouraged him to skip class today in the message, saying that he would take him to Ginza to enjoy life.

Although she is quite curious about enjoying Ginza, Kitami Minoru has other work to deal with besides "The Grudge" - there is also a short drama called "Daily Life of the Aomi Family" to be filmed.

Now that "The Grudge" has been seen, it can no longer exceed 2 billion yen.

Of course he had to deal with these other accumulated tasks - you know, in order to save time for "The Grudge", he left a lot of scenes of this short drama unfilmed.

that is

"It's a bit strange."

Put down the phone, raise your eyes and look around.

In Kitumi Minoru's sight, several students were secretly turning their faces to look at him.

To be honest, as a celebrity in Jingwen High School, Kitumi Minoru was used to being stared at, so she didn't really mind it.

But the problem was that the students who were secretly staring at him were all shrinking their necks and swallowing their saliva.

It was different from the usual curious gaze, but more like fear and fear, looking at a resentful spirit that could 'eat people'.


Fear.? Why?

Kitaki Minoru picked up the phone and took a look at herself in it.

Well, it's not a big problem. Today, he has the demeanor of Tokyo's number one son-in-law, and he looks quite handsome.

"Then why do they have such strange expressions when they look over?"

Kitaki Minoru muttered.

"Huh? Brother Beicheng, what's weirder?"

Putting all the fried chicken pieces in the lunch box into Minoru Kitazumi's lunch box, Nanase Karin put down her chopsticks, raised her gentle and beautiful face, and asked curiously.

"Ah, nothing."

Not wanting Nanase Kari to be too concerned, Kitumi Minoru smiled and spoke, casually finding a topic to talk about.

"Actually, it's completely autumn recently, and I'm running around a lot outside, so it's a bit cold, so I was thinking about buying a hat."

This is true. Even though I have an adult constitution, I still feel cold when I should.

In addition, he didn't want to be so conspicuous anymore and be looked at like a panda, so Kitazumi had already had the idea of ​​buying a hat.

"is that so?"

Nanase Karin pointed her fingers and showed a gentle smile: "No matter what hat, Beicheng brother will definitely match it well."

very good.

The topic was successfully diverted, and Kita Sumi nodded with satisfaction. After putting the matter of "The Grudge" aside, he began to discuss topics such as fashion and dressing with Nanase Karin.

However, Kita Sumi didn't expect that.

Three days later, the topic of "The Grudge" would explode again like a bomb.

"What? Today's box office is 103 million yen? The cumulative box office has reached 289 million yen?"

Getting up from the children's recliner, Kita Sumi waved his hand and smiled at the servants who were massaging his back and feet. After asking them to stop, he spoke in surprise.

"Is this true? Uncle Shimizu?"

". I told you not to call me uncle, tsk, forget it."

On the other end of the phone.

Shimizu-san was obviously quite excited.

While smacking his lips, the volume also increased slightly, and his voice was full of pride.

"The box office has indeed increased! And according to the statistics from the backstage, it will only get higher! The screening rate and attendance rate are steadily increasing! Even many movie theaters that have not shown "The Grudge" have contacted me."

"That's true."

Kitasumi was indeed a little surprised.

The stable growth of the screening rate and attendance rate means that the reputation of "The Grudge" is quite good, and the audience spontaneously promotes "The Grudge".

But the question is, with such a good reputation, why did "The Grudge" only have a box office of 79 million yen on the first day?

You know, both Qingshuishan and Kitasumi have made a lot of efforts in publicity.

"Precocious, you must not have read the online columnists and film critics and audience comments on "The Grudge" these days?"

Qishuishan reminded Kitasumi, who is quite clear about his character.

"Film critic?"

Kitasumi took out his mobile phone and raised his hand to search.


Kitasumi touched his head, coughed dryly, and was a little embarrassed.

Because all over the country, major movie theaters (cinemas) actually had audiences standing at the door of the movie theater, a group of people looking at each other, not knowing what to do.

This overly strange scene naturally attracted the attention of others.

After understanding, the reason for this strange scene was actually the premiere of a movie.

Yes, it was "The Grudge".

Because the content of this horror movie was so gloomy and terrifying, they only dared to stay in crowded places and did not dare to go home alone.

To be honest, when seeing this, Kita Chengshi had already shaken his head, feeling angry and funny.

But it was normal.

After all, Kita Chengshi had also seen the finished film of "The Grudge".

Even after he finished watching the whole film, he felt a chill on his back, a gust of cold wind.

Saeki Toshio's suit plus the ability of his eyes (deterrence) is weird!

Even if the shots are not too scary, these two combined can make them become particularly weird and terrifying.

He, the actor, felt a chill on his back after watching it, not to mention these audiences.

The gimmick of "The Grudge" also instantly gained momentum at this moment.

After all, for a horror movie, nothing is more gimmicky than praising it for being scary.

But once the gimmick is established.

Naturally, there will be people who doubt and disapprove.

The main reason is that this is indeed a bit exaggerated.

Are the audiences in major movie theaters across the country trembling? Too scared to move? Can only stay where they are?

How scary must this movie be to achieve this effect?

Isn't it just a show by the film investors?

With such a curious and skeptical attitude, the second wave of audiences entered the cinema.

And then?

Then there were more people standing in front of the door of the movie theater.

The evaluation on the Internet has changed from doubts at the beginning to being extremely unified now-good-looking! Especially scary! Quickly recommend it to friends to watch together!

Among them, the view of "Quickly recommend it to friends to watch" was liked by countless people and ranked first.

This is probably a mentality of gloating and watching the show.

It's like when you watch a horror movie and are so scared that you can't speak, but you have to drag your friends to watch it together. Seeing them jump up and down in fear, you naturally feel refreshed.

Among these miscellaneous reviews, there is a column that left a deep impression on Kita Sumimi, written by a film critic named Miki Shinki.

The title is very unique, called [On the feeling of being locked up in the police station prison after watching the movie "The Grudge"]

Of course, not only the title is very unique, but the content is also quite interesting.

At the beginning, he complained bitterly and told the audience about his experience of being in prison after watching "The Grudge".

[At the beginning, like countless viewers, I thought "The Grudge" was just a horror movie of decent quality. In fact, the viewing experience at the beginning of the movie was indeed like this. The remarkable performances of the actors, the background music with a good atmosphere, and the layered background stories made me feel quite good. But——]

The topic changed.

[Until I saw the appearance of Saeki Toshio played by Kita Sumimi, this feeling was completely destroyed! He is like a dose of horror accelerator. He broke the original feeling of "The Grudge" and quickly pulled it into a more terrifying atmosphere. 】

When writing here, the author's writing rhythm obviously accelerated, as if revealing the fear in his heart.

[Can you imagine? When I looked up, it was Kita Sumire, and when I looked down, it was Kita Sumire's fear. It was just a child actor! There were not so many scenes in the movie, but it made me feel more terrifying than Kayako! I wanted to breathe loudly, but I didn't dare, for fear that Kita Sumire in the movie would find me outside the movie world. His performance on the screen was enough to make me believe that he had this ability! ]

[As a film critic, I should never complain about the realistic acting of the actors, but this time it was different! Kita Sumire's acting was so realistic! His Saeki Toshio didn't look like an act at all! This child actor was so weird and scary! ]

The article is written here, and there is actually a long paragraph below.

Basically, it is all about Kita Sumire's acting skills.

But at the end, this film critic named Miki Nobuyoshi changed his tone again.

He said that "The Grudge" is indeed a very good horror movie, and it has made various kinds of movies with the niche theme of horror movies.

Similarly, he also said that "The Grudge" is also a movie that can fully display Kita Chengshi's acting skills.

This article is more than 10,000 words long.

Most of the time is spent on commenting on how Kita Chengshi made him go to jail, and how he left obvious "psychological trauma" after watching "The Grudge" for three days-he was afraid of the wind and grass outside when taking a shower alone.

The resentment towards Kita Chengshi, even across the screen, Kita Chengshi can feel it.

As a film review, this is obviously quite unprofessional.

But it is this unprofessional film review that can be widely recognized by all audiences.

It seems that the world has suffered from Kita Cheng for a long time.

But Kita Chengshi doesn't care much.

He just used his account to post a love emoji under the film critic's review, and didn't continue to pay attention.

At the same time, his eyes were slightly expectant.

I thought that the first day box office of "The Grudge" was the first spring.

Unexpectedly, it was given a second life.

According to the current trend of "The Grudge\

,"It seems that there is hope again?

Thank you all for your monthly tickets! Thank you very much! I will write the next chapter right away!

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