Life in Tokyo starting as a child star

Chapter 4 Eyes (Intimidation)

This system is really weird.

Pulling consciousness away from the life experience game.

Bei Chengshi, who returned to reality, took a sip of the drink and glanced at the prompt box in front of him.

The weird things that happened in the life experience game just now were vivid in his mind.

Just as he expected.

As another Bei Chengshi, he experienced the tragic life of the other person from an ordinary person to a murderer.

Being ignored by his weak mother, being beaten by his stepfather, a series of misfortunes and finally the death of Grandma Tendo completely broke the last layer of window paper, making him completely crazy.


"In the end, it turned out to be such an ending."

Regaining his mind, Bei Chengshi exhaled and sighed a little.

In the life experience game.

Suffering all the malice in society, he killed Kenichi Oota and hid the body, and then returned home.

Facing the daily beatings of his stepfather, this time he did not endure it silently, but took out the scissors hidden in the cupboard and instantly stabbed the sharp tip into the other's neck.

As blood splattered, the weak mother also screamed in fear.

This sound attracted the attention of Bei Chengshi, who had already fallen into madness.

He walked to his mother with a pair of blood-stained scissors, looked at the terrified woman, and raised the scissors.

And then——

Then there was nothing else.

Because it was an immersive experience, Bei Chengshi knew it very well.

Although the mother in the life experience turned a blind eye to his miserable experience for self-protection, she did not follow his stepfather to persecute him.

Every day, his mother would secretly leave a small bag of bread for him.

That was a relatively normal food that another Bei Chengshi could eat at home.

This was also the most important reason why another Bei Chengshi did not attack her.

Some people may find it difficult to understand. It's just a piece of bread. Compared with the long-term vicious bullying, what kind of comfort effect can it have?

But in fact, this is enough.

The world of people who are bullied at school and at home is dark.

In this dark world, even if there is a little bit of sunshine pouring down, people in the dark corners will remember it clearly.

After the stepfather was dealt with, under the joint confession of the mother and Kita Chengshi.

This tragedy was exaggerated into a simple burglary case.

After this incident was over.

Probably, he had the same learning and negotiation abilities as Kita Chengshi in reality.

Kita Chengshi got rid of the haze of the past and began to transform from a dull and dark person.

He became confident, actively studied, and greedily absorbed everything he needed.

After only three years of study, he was able to enter a prestigious university.

The days that followed were even smoother, and he successfully obtained a diploma and degree in surgical medicine.

But what no one expected was that Kita Chengshi did not choose the path of a surgeon.

Instead, he started from scratch and became a famous psychologist in Tokyo with his connections with seniors and juniors in the university.

Among them, Dr. Kita Cheng is particularly interested in the psychological trauma of school bullying and family bullying.

People who have been caught in the rain before naturally want to hold an umbrella for others.

If you see this, I guess everyone will think that this ending is not bad for Bei Chengshi.


Bei Chengshi's method of holding an umbrella to shade patients is very simple.

During the day, he will use humorous and elegant words and profound knowledge to soothe the hearts of patients and relieve their psychological trauma.

At night, the gentle Dr. Bei Cheng will quietly put on a transparent waterproof suit, sneak into the homes of school bullies and family bullies, and use superb surgical methods to dismember the beasts who bully others without leaving a trace.

In his eyes, this group of bullies are just animals, and cannot be called human beings.

He hid the secret until he was old, and only revealed everything to the bullied people who came to visit him, who had grown up and had been redeemed by him, when he was about to die.

"I know I am not righteous, and I am definitely not a great person."

On his deathbed, the old man leaned on the bed and whispered softly.

"I'm just a murderer who escaped the trial of the law, that's all."

These bullied people who have grown up and are active in various industries burst into tears. Without much words, they just held the old man's withered palm.

During those days of being bullied, there was no sun in their world.

The law cannot deal with those bullies fairly.

The question of "Why don't they bully others, but you?" from their parents.

The ridicule and beatings when entering school.

Life is only dark.

There is no color.

It was Bei Chengshi who appeared and gave their world some color.

For him, the bullied people are only grateful.

Deeply grateful.

In reality, Bei Chengshi put down the can of beverage at hand.

It's not to defend the murderer.

After this overly immersive experience, he also more or less understands the inner situation of the "perverted murderer" type of character.

No one in the world is black and white.

The extreme complexity of mentality.

The momentary satisfaction and pleasure when committing a crime.

Beicheng felt sincerely and felt that he seemed to have figured out some tips for playing the role of "Kuroda Uchiichi" in "The Grudge".

Thinking of this, Kitazumi turned his eyes and returned to the game page.

[Congratulations to the user for completing the ‘psychopathic murderer’ life experience. 】

[The life experience game is settling. 】

[System evaluation: 91 points]

[You have gained the talent ‘Eye (Intimidation)’]

[You have gained the talent ‘Facial expression control (horror, madness, violence, elegance)’]

[You have obtained the talent ‘Perfect Level Corpse Destruction and Trace Removal Technique’. 】

"." Beicheng Shi.

Looking at the line "Perfect level corpse destruction and trace eradication technology", Kitazumi felt speechless for a moment.


I'm only eight years old.

Who can you have such a big grudge against? Do you want to destroy the corpses and eliminate all traces?

Kitaki was silent for a long time, and decided to ignore the 'corpse destruction and trace eradication technology' given by the evil system, and focus on the other rewards.

[Eye (deterrence): These are a pair of eyes that have experienced a lot of pain. They have witnessed your own pain, as well as the pain of dismembered campus and family bullies. Just by relying on these eyes, you can evoke The fears within others. 】

[Facial expression control (horror, madness, brutality, elegance): As a murderer, you can naturally control your facial muscles meticulously to complete the above expressions. 】

"Who is the murderer?"

Kitazumi poked at the system page.

At most, it’s just to experience what happens in life. Why does this stupid system take it seriously?


never mind.

Kitaki Minoru turned his gaze to the makeup mirror on one side.

He just happened to try out the innate skills he acquired through life experience.

Standing next to the dressing cabinet, he looked at himself in the mirror.

The self in the mirror has short black hair, red lips and white teeth, and a calm look on his face that is inconsistent with his age.

No matter how many times I watch it, it's still beautiful.

Kitaki nodded with satisfaction, and then activated his 'eyes (intimidation)' talent.


Then Kitumi Minori discovered something was wrong.

Something changed in the mirror.

The person in the mirror is still himself, and his appearance has not changed at all. It is still the same face that he sees every morning when he wakes up and when he goes to sleep.

But something was wrong.

If I had to find a word to describe it, it would be——


Kitumi murmured to herself, stretching out her hands to touch the mirror.

Exactly the same face, exactly the same expression, the only difference is the eyes.


Those were a pair of eyes that made Kitumi Minoru feel extremely uneasy and make her scalp numb.

His eyes were tightly knitted together like eyebrows, and his pupils were filled with numbness and despair.

The sense of agility that belongs to children has passed away.

The black pupils and the whites of the eyes were dull and mixed together.

And just when Beicheng Shi stabilized the mirror and prepared to get closer and carefully observe his own expression in the mirror——

His black pupils in the mirror moved.

Pale face, bright lips and - twisted and raised cruel mouth corners!


Beicheng Minoru's eyes widened in surprise.

But he didn't wait for his next reaction.

That pale, dull, unfamiliar face with a disgusting smile suddenly came closer. The whole face seemed to break through the barrier of the mirror and suddenly came closer to the real face of Kitaki Minoru!


Kitaki Minoru tilted his head back and took several steps back.

"Hoo, hoo, hoo"

Slightly rapid breathing.

Sweat even broke out on his forehead due to nervousness and fear.

What evil stuff!

Beicheng was surprised.

You know, he is just an eight-year-old child.

Eight years old, this is an age when even making faces would be considered cute.

No matter how scary the eyes and expressions of an eight-year-old child are, how can it be so scary?

But that one just now

Maturity and madness are mixed together, the childishness fades from the face, replaced by a frightening feeling of intimidation.

Beicheng Minoru was shocked and confused.

This evil life experience game is not just about experiencing the life of a murderer.

Even the side effects are so weird.

Just when Kitazumi was thinking this way.

The familiar staff on the other side called his name.

"Mizu-chan! Come and touch up your makeup, get ready for rehearsal!"

He is going to prepare for a duel.

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