Life in Tokyo starting as a child star

Chapter 42: First-day box office is the lifeline (please give me monthly tickets!)

Chapter 42 The first day box office is the lifeline! (Please give me a monthly ticket!)

At the cold reception after the premiere, Koji Tamura could clearly feel it.

The famous directors and producers who were not interested in them before obviously paid more attention to them


It's not that their attention has increased.

Koji Tamura turned his head and looked at Kita Sumire beside him.

It's that their attention to Kita Sumire has increased.

Even before, he took the initiative to ask for business cards, but the actors and producers who didn't respond.

This time, they took the initiative to talk to him with a smile and exchanged business cards.

This completely different attitude before and after made Koji Tamura sigh.

This industry is so realistic.

You have to create value yourself in order to make others look at you with admiration.

Although Kita Sumire is still not well-known,

But with his performance in "The Grudge", it is definitely no problem to keep a familiar face in advance.

Of course.

Koji Tamura sighed, but he didn't have any other opinions on the contrasting attitudes of these people before and after.

To put it bluntly.

Even he would not make friends with actors and agents who have no value at all.

After all, value, dignity, these things.

You need to fight for them in the industry.

And his capital

is undoubtedly Kita Sumire.

As an agent, he must train him well.

But when it comes to training

where should he start?

Tamura Koji couldn't help but glance at Kita Sumire.

As for job opportunities, Kita Sumire's two job opportunities were all fought for by himself.

And "The Kidnapped Natsuko" gave him a main role.

Tamura Koji is just a small agent, and it is impossible for him to find a job opportunity comparable to "The Kidnapped Natsuko" for Kita Sumire in a short time.

This. It seems a bit difficult to start with job opportunities.

That is, connections?

Although I have only been in the industry for a year, I have accumulated some connections. If I owe some favors, maybe I can make Kita Sumire familiar to others and have more opportunities in the future.


Tamura Koji stopped thinking about it.

Because he remembered.

The communication skills that Kitasumi had just demonstrated.

Kitasumi, who made full use of his identity as a ‘child’ and his appearance, had to work very hard to get business cards and contact information of people in the industry that even Tamura Koji couldn’t get.

This kind of communication skills that seemed like an adult’s time travel to a child, is he afraid of not being familiar with others?

Even the famous screenwriter Yotsuya Masayoshi of Sakura TV came to ask him about Kitasumi.

Kitasumi didn’t seem to worry about networking and being familiar.

Then. What can I do?

Tamura Koji took a breath.

This is undoubtedly a soul-searching question.

Kitasumi found the job opportunity by himself.

Kitasumi handled the interpersonal relationship more smoothly than him with his identity as an ‘eight-year-old boy’.


What else can he do?

Be a cheerleader? Pick up and drop off Kitasumi every day, and hide behind him to cheer him up the rest of the time?

This. Isn’t this right? He is a manager!

How can the manager's job be taken away by the assistant?

The key is that it is really the case in the current situation.

Kitasumi Minoru has handled many things too well - this should be a good thing.

But Tamura Koji began to feel pressure for no reason.

He didn't want to be the invisible manager who was "behind the shadow".

He also wanted to show his ability, create his own value in this industry, and then become a famous manager in the industry!


There can't be a perfect assistant who doesn't need a manager in this industry!

Thinking of this, Tamura Koji couldn't hold it anymore.

Unwilling to be reduced to a salted radish, he took the initiative to step forward and asked Kitasumi Minoru.

"Speaking of which, Kitasumi-kun, is there anything you want me to do for you?"

"What do you want to do?"

Tamura Koji asked abruptly, causing Kitasumi Minoru to raise his head in confusion.

He originally wanted to answer "Nothing that needs Tamura-san's help".

But the words were stuck in his throat and he didn't say them out.

Kitasumi saw the eager look on Tamura Mitsuji's face, and he hesitated.

This. It's rare for his cheap agent to be enthusiastic about work.

He really didn't want to hit him hard.

"Ah, uh. Then can you ask Tamura-san when he gets back to ask when the salary for "The Grudge" will arrive?"

Kitasumi barely found something that Tamura Mitsuji could help with.

"The Grudge" was also finished smoothly.

The agreed salary should be deposited into his bank card soon. He hadn't asked about it before because of "The Kidnapped Natsuko". Now he was free, so he might as well ask.

But Tamura Mitsuji was a little disappointed when he heard Kitasumi's words.

The salary can be solved by asking when he gets back. There is a contract as a basis and it can't be faked.

And why does it sound so perfunctory?

It's as if Kitasumi Mi wanted to comfort him even though he had nothing to do, so he deliberately found a small thing for him to help?

Could it be that he was comforted by an eight-year-old boy?

As an adult, Koji Tamura suddenly felt a little breathless, so he said seriously:

"Is it just such a small matter? Is there nothing else I can help you with? Kitasumi-kun, you have to believe me, I can help you with a lot of things, I am very useful."

"I am not denying Tamura-san's ability, but there is really nothing else that needs your help."


The other party had said so much, Koji Tamura could only sigh helplessly, saying that he would definitely transfer the film remuneration to Kitasumi's special account later.


Koji Tamura's affairs were almost dealt with.

Kitasumi thought, and turned to look at Shimizu-san who was walking over here.

He took Koji Tamura to greet the other party.

Then he asked.

"Director Shimizu, how is it? Has "The Grudge" been dealt with?"

After all, it was a public place, so Kitasumi was still careful about his words.

"The scheduling has been basically handled."

Qing Shuishan smiled: "The rest depends on the first day box office of "The Grudge" tomorrow."

Although he looked relaxed and smiled, Kita Sumi still caught a hint of nervousness when he said this.

This is natural.

For a movie, the box office is the lifeline.

No matter how indifferent he said.

Qing Shuishan couldn't completely relax.

The same reason.

Kita Sumi also had some expectations for the box office of "The Grudge".

Although it is a low-cost, niche horror film.

But this is also a movie he officially participated in.

Of course, he hopes that "The Grudge" can have a relatively good result.

Maybe he can also get some fame from it.

Not to mention becoming a genius actor.

But at least he can't stay at the bottom now, right?

And all this.

Kita Sumi knows it in his heart.

It all depends on the box office on the first day tomorrow.

Please give me a monthly ticket! Thank you everyone

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