Life in Tokyo starting as a child star

Chapter 53 The ability of the child I recommended is a bit too strong

What is this kid talking about?

Kusakabe Hezi, who had originally planned to leave, stopped.

She never expected that she would hear this from a servant.

This. What is going on?

You are only eight years old! My son-in-law is only seven years old.

Puppy love? No matter how you think about it, you wouldn't be involved in puppy love at this age, right?


Isn't this a matter of course?

The "like" the other party talks about here, no matter how you think about it, is the "like" for building a good relationship between children.

to be honest.

Do seven- or eight-year-old children know what liking means?

Kusakabe Hezi has a very strong psychological adjustment ability, and he thought of the context in just a moment.

Just like a five or six-year-old daughter will pester her father and say that she wants to marry him when she grows up, or that she likes her father the most.

Those are just children who are ignorant and talk casually for fun.

How could anyone be so serious?

"It doesn't matter if I'm hated, I'm serious! I just like you, Shibaizumi-chan!"

Seriously, and without sounding false at all.

But this time, Kusakabe Hezi couldn't hold himself any longer at this moment.


Are you serious? !

Although there is a high probability that it is a joke between the disciples, what if there is a small probability of an incident?

You really have to be on guard, right?

Moreover, saying these disturbing words to his servants before acting, doesn't this force Hosokawa Shibaizumi to make a mistake?

Coupled with the unabashed sincerity in Beicheng's true words, it was a bit too convincing.

Kusakabe Hezi finally couldn't hold himself any longer.

"You guys."

She opened the transparent curtain of the dressing room and was about to speak, then

The words got stuck.

Because she saw it.

A handsome and cute boy was standing right in front of her.

Those beautiful black eyes were looking at her happily.


Kusakabe Hezi was stunned.

She glanced at Hosokawa Shibaizumi who was sitting on the other side and looking curiously this way, and then at Kitumi Minoru who was smiling at her in front of her.

At this moment, she already understood the whole process of the matter.

She has been working for five years.

Today I was raped by an eight-year-old boy


"Then let me formally introduce myself. I am Kitazumi Minoru, the disciple of AR Substitute Training Center. I often hear your name from Chaizumi-chan, Sister Hezi."

"Ah hello"

Subconsciously holding Kitumi Minoru's hand, Kusakabe Hezi couldn't help but glance at him.

As the main protagonist, Kitami Minoru put on her makeup early.

Since the character played the role of Natsuko, he had to have a malnourished dry yellow complexion, so the makeup on his face was not that good-looking.

But even so, it can be seen that his handsome appearance is beyond ordinary servants.

But none of this matters!

Kusakabe Hezi coughed twice and put on the airs that an 'adult' should have.

"Speaking of which, what's the relationship between Beicheng-kun and our Shibaizumi-chan?"

That's right.

This was what she wanted to ask.

Now that everything has been exposed, it would be better to ask openly and directly.

"Shibaizumi-chan and I are friends."

He answered with a smile, but only halfway through his words, he was hurriedly interrupted by Hosokawa Shibaizumi on the other side.

"Not friends! I don't want to be friends with annoying people!"

After saying this, she even glared at Kitaki Minoru, feeling angry.

"not friend.?"

Kusakabe Hezi looked at Hosokawa Shibaizumi in surprise: "We are obviously not friends, but you still come to play with Kitazumi-kun every day?"

"That, that means I want to come over to touch up my makeup! That annoying guy is blocking my way!"

Hosokawa Shibaizumi blushed and turned his head away.

"You still buy him something to eat every day?"

"That's just because he hates these things! I bought these things to bully him severely!"


This reason made Kusakabe Hezi fall into silence. After hesitating for a while, she couldn't help but speak:

"They are really friends, right?"

"No! No! Why don't you understand?!"

When the other party said this, Hosokawa Shibaizumi was so anxious that he stomped the ground hard with his short, round legs wearing white socks.

Why don't you understand?

She definitely hates Kitazumi Minoru!

The other party was the protagonist who had squeezed out her favorite sister Akiyama Shion.

How could she be friends with the other party!

"Don't I just talk to him every day! I bring him food every day! Sometimes I even give him homework! And ask him for advice on acting?! How can there be the element of friends in these places?!"

Stomping his feet and flushing his cute face under his short hair, Hosokawa Shibaizumi really didn't understand.

"." Hezi in the lower part of the sun.


It sounds like they are all friends, right? And the relationship is particularly good.

I even helped with my homework.

Is our son-in-law so dishonest?

She was a little silent, but quickly turned her head and looked at Bei Chengmi.

"Then Beicheng-kun said he likes it just now."

"Of course those are all acting skills."

Beicheng Shi blinked and looked at her strangely: "I'm only eight years old, Sister Hezi."

"Is it acting?"

Kusakabe Hezi opened his mouth.


Was that acting just now?

If that's the case, isn't it too realistic?

This line is so good that you can't tell it's acting at all.

Especially the serious and unstoppable momentum in the words.

She was so coaxed.

She looked at Kita Sumire who was smiling happily, and her mouth twitched.


How to say it

This child, if he grows up.

I always feel that he will be the type of man who is very good at deceiving girls.

But forget it.

The misunderstanding has been resolved here.

Kita Sumire has no intention of kidnapping his own son.

And she, an adult, is embarrassed to mix with children.

So it's about time to say goodbye.

She thought so and was about to get up.


"Hey? Is it Miss Kusakabe from the Marigold Office?"

A curious voice came from behind.

Kusakabe Hezi was stunned for a moment, turned around, and then saw a young man with a curious face standing behind her.

"Who are you?"

"Hello, I'm Kita Sumi's agent, my name is Tamura Koji."

Tamura Koji said as he handed out his business card.

Tamura Koji?

An agent I've never heard of.

Kusakabe Koko wanted to politely refuse.

But then she thought about how much trouble she had caused Kita Sumi, the boy.

She sighed, took the business card and handed it out at the same time: "I'm Kusakabe Koko, the agent for Hosokawa Shibaizumi."

"That's it, goodbye, Mr. Tamura."

"Okay, okay, Miss Kusakabe, go get busy first."

The two met briefly, and Kusakabe Koko left with Hosokawa Shibaizumi.

It was at this time that Kita Sumi also noticed.

Tamura Koji was staring at Kusakabe Koko's back without blinking.

That look.

Looks like.

Some reluctance to leave?

This immediately made Kita Sumi interested.

He leaned over: "What's wrong? Mr. Tamura, do you know Sister Hezi?"

"More than that. She is one of the people I admire the most!"

Tamura Koji came back to his senses, his face full of excitement: "She is a famous female agent in the industry!"

A woman, and a woman who works hard in the industry.

This is undoubtedly very rare.

In Japan, gender discrimination is not a little bit serious.

Some important positions are basically held by men, and women can't even touch them.

And people like Kusakabe Hezi who can make a good living in the industry can be said to be very few.

The other party has come to where she is today entirely by relying on her personal strength.

How can this not make Tamura Koji admire?


Looking at the sincere admiration on Tamura Koji's face.

He glanced at the back of Kusakabe Hezi leaving.

Kita Sumire touched his chin, then smiled and looked up: "Tamura-san."


"I remember you're still single, right?"

"Is that so? But what's wrong with that?"

"Then how about this? I'll ask for Hezi's personal contact information for you tomorrow."


I didn't expect my own son-in-law to say this.

Tamura Koji, who was still looking at Kusakabe Hezi's back, looked at Kita Sumire with wide eyes.


What does my own son-in-law want to do?

What does he want to do? !


Kusakabe Hezi's personal contact information.?

If possible, he really

But this is too

Not only do I have to rely on Kita Sumire for work.

Now even relationships need Kita Sumire to match them up?

No, no, no!

I absolutely cannot let a child raise me to be a salted radish!

I have to rely on my own strength!

He made up his mind and was about to refuse.


"Don't you want it, Tamura-san? But I think it's better for men to take the initiative in relationships."

Kitasumi looked back at him under his gaze: "Think about it, under normal means, you can't get Sister Hezi's contact information at all."

"."Tamura Mitsuji fell silent.


He finally couldn't hold on any longer, held his forehead, and spoke weakly:

". Do you know that you are only eight years old, Kitasumi-kun?"

"Does this have anything to do with age?"

"It really has nothing to do with it."

"Then Tamura-san, what attitude should you use when asking others for help?"

Kitasumi asked with his face half up.


Tamura Mitsuji's lips moved.

He knew that there might be a deep abyss of salted radish ahead.

But he finally bent his adult spine——

and lowered his waist.

"Thank you, Kitasumi-kun."

"Yeah, good boy."

Kitasumi nodded with satisfaction, stood on tiptoe and touched his head.


Tamura Mitsuji screamed in his heart.

He was actually controlled by such an eight-year-old kid!


The key is that he is powerless to refute!

The actor I recommended is not only too capable, but his ability is a bit scary, right?

Just like that, he thought about it in his mind for a long time.

Only then did Tamura Koji think of the main reason he came here.

"By the way, Kita Chengjun, I came here to ask you to go on stage."


"Director Honma specifically told me that the next shot of "The Kidnapped Natsuko" is very important, and asked you to prepare and think before going on stage."

"Okay. I understand."

Kitai Chengshi nodded.

The next scene is the highlight of the movie "Kidnapped Natsuko".

He really needs to act well.

A 3,000-word chapter——

Thanks for the reward from the one who is eating from the bowl and looking at the pot! Thank you very much!

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