Life in Tokyo starting as a child star

Chapter 66 Are there really aliens in the world?

Generally speaking, eight-year-old children should prefer Grimm's fairy tales or those fairy tale picture books sold on the market.

Because the content of the picture books is simple and easy to understand, and fairy tales are more beneficial to children's education.


"I have never seen a child reading Mishima Yukio."

Kobayashi Misato rubbed his eyebrows.

Kita Sumire. Could it be an alien?

Mishima Yukio's super long novel "The Sea of ​​​​Richness" involves many things.

Reincarnation, life and death, religious theology, and even descriptions of gender.

This involves a wide range.

For adults, the reading pressure is a bit high.

Not to mention eight-year-old children.

And let's not talk about other things.

Mishima Yukio's extreme perverted aesthetics when describing gender - can a child understand it?

Kita Sumire, an eight-year-old child who hasn't grown a hair yet, probably can't even tell the difference between men and women. Can he understand the thing called "sex"?

Let alone Kita Sumire!

Some Japanese college students, after graduating for several years, still stay at home and have no girlfriends at all, let alone "sex" issues.

She couldn't help asking: "What do you think of "The Sea of ​​​​Fertility"? "

"It's just so-so. Some of the views are okay. However, although it is a masterpiece, there are too many places that express their own views, and some things in it are too extreme. I don't agree with it."

Kitasumi closed "The Five Decays of Heaven".

He just read Mishima Yukio's books for fun and didn't like them very much.

The main reason is that this person is obviously a right-wing writer. Some of his works glorify the spirit of Bushido and are a bit too extreme. Some places are full of the wailing of losers. Kitasumi just reads them for fun most of the time.

Even this person's thoughts are a bit perverted, otherwise he wouldn't commit suicide by disembowelment in the spirit of Bushido.

So, just read it for fun.


You even commented.

Listening to Kitasumi's words, Kobayashi Misato shook his head and decided to change the topic from "what book to read".

"By the way, what grade is Kita Cheng-kun in?"

"Third grade."

"Really? That means he will be in the fourth grade next April."

Kobayashi Misato touched his chin, then asked with a smile: "After graduating from elementary school, does Kita Cheng-kun have any target school? It seems that Kita Cheng-kun has always had a plan, and he should have decided which school he will go to in the future, right?"

This time, Kobayashi Misato finally learned to be smart and deliberately left room in his words.

After all, Kita Cheng-shi's performance today is there, which is completely different from the average precocious child.

He is so self-disciplined in life.

Not to mention studying.

The other party's grades are probably not bad, and Kobayashi Misato even thinks that Kita Cheng-shi may have secretly learned junior high school knowledge.

Maybe there will be genius operations such as skipping grades in the future.


Then follow this line of thought to ask, it should be no problem.

She has prepared herself mentally to ensure that no matter how shocking words Kita Cheng-shi says next, she will not be surprised.

Then, Kobayashi Misato heard Kitasumi's voice.

"Well, I have indeed decided which school to go to in the future."

"Really? Which junior high school?"

She asked with a smile.


"The Economics Department of the University of Tokyo, or the Commerce Department of Keio University, I can barely accept the Science and Engineering Department of Waseda University."


Kobayashi Misato was stunned for a moment.

She was a little uncertain: ".Um, Kitasumi-kun, you are talking about the University of Tokyo, right?"

"Yes. Director Kobayashi doesn't even know the University of Tokyo?"

Kitasumi-kun looked at her a little strangely.

And his expression almost made Kobayashi Misato unable to hold back.

Of course I know!!!

She roared in her heart.

The main thing is who asked you which university to apply to?

Do you know that you are only in elementary school?

Kitasumi-kun, isn't it junior high school that you should consider? Even if you take a step back, it should be high school, right?

You have already started thinking about college in elementary school?

What will happen when you go to high school in the future?

Don’t you have to think about how to win the Nobel Prize?

Kobayashi Misato really couldn’t hold it in, and all her psychological preparations collapsed at this moment.

Mainly because she knew that Kita Sumire might consider it from a long-term perspective.

But isn’t he too ‘long-term’?

Kobayashi Misato only dared to think about junior high school, but Kita Sumire, a primary school student, dared to think about college.

And listen to the names of the universities?

University of Tokyo? Keio University? Waseda University, and you still say you can barely accept it?

You know, being admitted to these universities basically means that you have squeezed into the elite class of Japan.

The connections in these universities alone are enough for them to use in their future work.

Kita Sumire actually started to pick and choose.

“Kita Sumire-kun”

Kobayashi Misato looked at her speechlessly: “Do you know that these universities are all top universities in Japan?”

“Of course I know, so I chose the good majors in these universities.”

“.” Kobayashi Misato really had nothing to say.

Now she has discovered it.

In terms of creating hot spots, program effects, creating contrasts and confidence. The cute female role in the first issue of their "Children's Role Special" is not even as good as Kita Sumimi in front of her.

This little guy is really confident.

He is so confident that Mi Satoshi Kobayashi even doubts whether he is narcissistic.

After all, who dares to choose a university at the age of elementary school?

Fortunately, what she did was "Zi Yong Special".

The audience will only think that Kitazumi is cute and interesting.

If it were an "Adult Special", the entire "Investigation of the Human World" might be scolded to death - this guy who doesn't know where he is from is actually provoking some of Japan's top universities.

But this has already been said.

Then continue to advance the topic.

The topic of eight-year-old children choosing college is quite new in the program "Human Survey".

Thinking of this, Kobayashi Meicong said: "Although Beicheng-kun has chosen the university of his choice, I still have to tell you that whether it is Tokyo University, Keida or Waseda, you cannot get into it casually. oh."

She stretched out her finger and explained seriously to Kitaki Minoru in front of her:

"The students who can get into these universities have gone through unbearable efforts to get into these universities. Compared with them, Beicheng-kun, what advantage do you have?"

"I'm working hard too."

He replied.

".Are you working hard too?"

"Yes. I have also done a lot of exercise books." Kitazumi replied.

"." Xiaolin Meicong sighed helplessly after hearing this.

Although I don’t want to dampen Kitami Minori’s enthusiasm, but——

"Kitasumi-kun, the difficulty of admission to Todai, Keita, and Waseda is not something you can just do a few junior high school or high school exercises to get into."

If the Japanese joint entrance examination is a single-plank bridge.

Then the entrance examination for each university is the bamboo pole on the single-plank bridge.

For junior high school and high school exercises, don't even think about top universities like China.

She wanted to say more.

As a result, the conversation was completely blocked by several thick exercise books shoved in by Beicheng Minoru.

Obviously, Kitazumi wanted her to look at these exercise books before speaking.


How difficult can an exercise book written by a primary school student be?

Meicong Kobayashi took the exercise book casually.


She couldn't take her eyes away.

the reason is simple.

""Explanations to Keio University's real test questions"? "Tokyo University's ten-year real test questions"? "Three-year real test questions from universities across the country"?"

Are these the real test questions from prestigious schools over the years?

After flipping through the exercise book that Kitumi handed over, I looked at the densely packed problem solutions that Kitumi left on it.

This time, it was not just Kobayashi Meicong who was stunned.

The cameraman riding next to me was also dumbfounded.

I originally thought that Kitaki Minoru was just joking and no one cared.


Are you serious?

He looked at Kitumi Minoru, who was looking down at the novel again.

Kobayashi Meicong suddenly had an absurd idea.

Could it be that there really are prodigies in this world?

No, this can no longer be considered a prodigy.

Are they aliens?

Are there really aliens in this world?

Are aliens right in front of me?

Thanks to the book grinder for the tip! Thank you so much!

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