Life in Tokyo starting as a child star

Chapter 78 Life Experience Game is ready to start

Chapter 78 Life experience game! Ready to start!

that's all.

The matter of "Swordsman Den" has almost been discussed at this point. Next, only the main matters required for the audition need to be explained.

Tanaka Kenzo over there also said that he would email the script of "Kenhaoden" to Kitami Minoru after he returned home.

The results are great.

Kitazumi was very satisfied, exchanged a few words with Tanaka Kenzo, then got up and went to the toilet.

Next to the two of them, Qingmizuyama was watching the exchange between Tanaka Kenzo and Kitazumi Minoru.

At this moment, he couldn't help but pull the cushion closer and proactively reminded him.

"Tanaka, that precocious boy is different from ordinary slaves. You'd better keep an eye on him."

Although his position was on Kitumi Minoru's side, as a director, Qingshuishan couldn't bear to watch Tanaka Kenzo being eaten to death by Kitumi Minoru.

So he gave me a little reminder.


"Watch more Minoru-chan?"

Hearing the reminder in Qingshuishan's tone, Tanaka Kenzo's face was stunned, and then he laughed nonchalantly: "Qingshui, are you too worried?"

"I'm afraid you'll be coaxed around by a child."

Seeing that the other party didn't care much about what he said, Qingshuishan became anxious and reminded him again.

And these words made Tanaka Kenzo a little unhappy: "Shimizu, are you looking down on others a little too much?"

What does it mean to be coaxed around by children?

Is he that kind of person?

Not to mention one Kitaki Minoru, but two or three Kitaki Minoru, he would not be able to be coaxed by the other party.


"Mi-chan is just an eight-year-old child, how could he have any bad intentions? Qingshui, do you think too highly of an eight-year-old child?"


Kitaki Minoru is only eight years old this year.

Children of this age are simple-minded and cannot have any bad intentions at all.

Even if there is.

That was just a small thought like secretly eating an extra bag of snacks without telling my family today.

It's not a big deal.

He responded.

Qingshuishan on the other side shook his head speechlessly.

Forget it.

That’s all.

Since the other party thinks so.

Then he had nothing more to say.

Just wait until Kitumi comes back from the toilet.

Tanaka Kenzo also began to explain to Kitami Minori what to pay attention to in this "Swordsman Den" audition.

The first is physical fitness.

Since the adaptation of "Swordsman Den" is a period film that favors action, it is quite physically demanding.

After all, some difficult actions may need to be retaken many times.

Although Ziyi's resilience is strong, his physical strength is ultimately his weakness.

There are many employees in the industry who get tired after a while.

The second is——


Tanaka Kenzo stretched out a finger with a serious expression.

That's right.

"Swordsman Den" is a work with the "swordsman" as its core.

Kendo is an absolutely indispensable element.

Although this is just a movie, the requirements for the protagonists are not strict enough to make them become the next Kenichi Aoki.

But at least the protagonist needs to be able to perform a few eye-catching and rigorous kendo postures.

In case the action guide doesn’t know how to start.

"So, learning some kendo-related knowledge will also help Beicheng-kun to perform better in auditions, and it will be easier for you to get the role of Aoki Kenichi."

Tanaka Kenzo said.

Physical fitness can be exercised.

However, the ‘Stance’ of Kendo requires considerable time to learn.

Put aside physical fitness and kendo matters.

Tanaka Kenzo also did not forget to ask Kitumi Minoru to buy some original comics and read them back in order to figure out the character of Kenichi Aoki.

Kitazumi listened to the other party's suggestions one by one.

To be honest, physical fitness and figuring out the role are not difficult in his eyes.

The most critical point is the ‘do of the sword’.

According to Tanaka Kenzo.

Auditions for "Swordsman Den" are at the end of this month.

For a month, he had to balance the study of "Natsuko Kidnapped" with the study of kendo.

This is very difficult.

Thinking of this, Beicheng couldn't help but shake his head.

Looking at it like this, there is a high probability that he will play in Xie Mener's life experience game again.

Just chatting while eating.

It was almost eight o'clock.

The whole meal is almost over.

"If you are free, Beicheng-kun can come to my place next time. I will send you the script when you get back tonight. You can just confirm it then."

Poking his head out of the car, Tanaka Kenzo smiled and spoke.

"Yeah! If I have the chance, I will definitely go."

Kitazumi still looked full of expectation.

Just watched Tanaka Kenzo leave.

Only then did Qingshuishan reach out and pat Kitumi Minoru on the head.

"Okay, okay, they're all gone. Don't be too attentive. That guy Tanaka can't see you either."

"After all, you are asking for help from others, and your attitude must at least be correct. And after talking carefully, I found that Uncle Tanaka and Uncle Shimizu are similar, and they are not bad people."

Beicheng Minoru turned around with a smile.

"Tsk. Even if you praise me precociously, it won't do any good."

Qingshui Shan waved his hand impatiently: "Let's go, let's get in the car, I'll take you home."

"Uncle Qingshui, I call people like you tsundere."

"Kitacumi boy, sometimes you are really long-winded."


The distance from the restaurant to the Nerima district is moderate.

It took about half an hour to get there.

Qingshuishan's car was parked downstairs. After confirming that Kitacumi entered the apartment and sent him a message to report safety, he drove away with peace of mind.

At this time, Kitacumi had just entered the house.

He first glanced at the dining table.

After confirming that his big salted radish had eaten takeout again, he couldn't help but sigh.

Kitacumi Youbo is basically like this.

Only when he is at home will he cook two meals normally.

When he is not at home, he basically has to deal with takeout.

But the other party has made progress.

The floor has been mopped as he said.

Even the garbage has been disposed of.

This was a feat that Kitacumi dared not think of in the past.

"Occasionally, you can't just criticize, you should give her some rewards, so that she can continue to improve."

Kitacumi stood there, thinking about it, and then touched Kitacumi Youbo's room.

At this time, Bei Cheng Youbo was playing a shooting game with a controller.

Seeing Bei Cheng Shi coming in, Bei Cheng Youbo was shocked.

"Shi, Shi-chan. What's the matter?"

"I mopped the floor, and sorted the garbage."

She stuttered, afraid that she would make Bei Cheng Shi unhappy.


"I know, so I came here to praise my aunt this time."

Bei Cheng Shi stretched out his hand, stroked Bei Cheng Youbo's head, and smiled and praised: "You are busy raising me while trying to do housework. Aunt is really amazing."


This is really an unexpected development.

There is no disgusting look like looking at garbage, only the other party's pure smile that gently wraps himself.

This overly dreamy start made Bei Cheng Youbo stunned.

This. Am I in a dream?

That Shi-chan, Shi-chan actually praised me!

The villain in my heart cheered.

With a blush on her face, Bei Cheng Youbo couldn't suppress the happiness that surged in her heart.

She wanted to reach out and hug Bei Chengshi into her arms, and tell the little angel with a serious expression that she could support him for a lifetime, so it was okay for him not to work hard.



Maybe Bei Cheng Youbo stepped back unconsciously.

So the photo frame on the small table next to him was knocked down by the computer chair.

"What is this?"

Looking at the photo frame that slipped from the small table next to him.

Bei Chengshi bent down with some doubts and prepared to pick it up.

This action scared Bei Cheng Youbo, who was just enjoying it, almost to death!

You know, the photo frame that fell on the ground is not an ordinary photo frame.

Hidden inside is the photo of Bei Chengshi that she worships every day in front of the altar.

If this thing is discovered by the little angel.

A paramecium-like dark house girl like me will definitely voluntarily leave the property of this family to the little angel, and then be "kicked out" by the other party!

That kind of thing is nice to think about


It may be in line with the saying that ‘human beings will burst out unimaginable power when they are under extreme conditions’.

Kitasumi Ariha, who has always lacked exercise, burst out with amazing speed.

She actually took the photo frame into her arms before Kitasumi Shi.

At the same time, her face turned red and she stammered: “Shi, Shi-chan, have you finished what you want to say? Is there anything else to do?”


Kitasumi Shi glanced at Kitasumi Ariha in surprise.

The other party was so panicked that there was obviously something wrong.

But Kitasumi Shi didn’t want to ask too much about this matter at the moment.

He just nodded and said at the same time:

“I want my aunt to lend me the printer. I have work to deal with.”

Kitasumi Shi glanced at his mobile phone.

On the bright screen, the script titled “Swordsman Legend: Rejuvenation” was very eye-catching.

I hope this life experience is not so weird.

Kitasumi Shi sighed.

Because of several weird role experiences in the life experience game.

Bei Chengshi is really at a loss at this moment.

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