Life in Tokyo starting as a child star

Chapter 86 I should be planted in the ground instead of standing here

The item ‘Kenshin’ is undoubtedly an invitation from the evil system to Kitasumi Shi to go to jail.

But after all, it’s for the work of “Kengouden”.

Kitasumi Shi finally pinched his nose and decided to use this thing.

“Fortunately, today is Sunday, so I don’t have to go to class.”

Kitasumi Shi shook his head.

After finishing his meal, he greeted Kitasumi Yubo: “Aunt Yubo, I’m still a little sleepy, I’ll go to sleep for a while.”


Kitasumi Yubo, who was eating, turned around in surprise, feeling incredible in his heart.


Shi-chan, who insists on morning jogging, going to bed early and getting up early every day, and is full of energy at any time, actually wants to make up for sleep today?

Especially Kitasumi Shi’s abnormal behavior this morning.

This. is definitely not right!

Kitasumi Yubo thought of a healing movie about a child actor that he had watched recently.

There is a child actor who plays a terminally ill little boy in it, who is three points similar to Kitasumi Shi.

Especially the deep affection between the little boy who was at the end of his life and his aunt - she cried at that time.

Could it be that Bei Chengshi was the same as in the movie?

People with social phobia are prone to overthinking.

Thinking of this, Bei Chengyoubo could not sit still for a moment.

She simply stood up and grabbed Bei Chengshi's palm with both hands.

"Shi, Shi-chan!?"


Bei Chengshi looked back in surprise.

"Is it a terminal illness?! What kind of terminal illness?!"

Her tone was stuttering, and Bei Chengshi was stunned.


What's the situation?

I just said something about catching up on some sleep, why did this big salted radish bring up the terminal illness? What does it mean?

He was puzzled.

Bei Chengyoubo on the other side suddenly became unusually firm.

"You, just tell your aunt that if you are sick, you have to get treatment. Your aunt has a lot of money, and she will definitely cure you, Shi-chan!"

"." Bei Chengshi.

Looking at Bei Cheng Youbo with an expression of "I will definitely cure Shi-chan" on his face.

Bei Cheng Shi sighed speechlessly.

Then, he waved at Bei Cheng Youbo, signaling her to put her face close to him.


Although he had a strange expression on his face, Bei Cheng Youbo still lowered his body obediently.


Bei Cheng Shi hugged her face and suddenly bit it.

It was a real bite.

"It hurts!"

Bei Cheng Youbo felt pain, tilted his head back, and his face flushed: "What are you doing, Shi-chan."

"This is a lesson. Who let Aunt Youbo curse me to have a terminal illness? I said I just wanted to sleep for a while."

He rubbed Bei Cheng Youbo's face hard for a while.

Bei Cheng Shi retracted his fingers "viciously".

Let's not say anything else.

My aunt is really beautiful, and her face is also very smooth and elastic.

I can only say that the genes of the Bei Cheng family are really strong.


Listening to Bei Chengshi's words, Bei Cheng Youbo secretly glanced at him.

This. Is it sure that this is not a reward?

That is to say, as long as you deliberately make Shi-chan angry.

You can get this and that kind of reward from Shi-chan every day?

No, no!

Bei Cheng Youbo!

How can you be so depraved!

Bei Cheng Youbo reacted and scolded himself in his heart for actually delusionally wanting to get the reward from the little angel by such a dirty means.


This is absolutely not okay!

As an aunt, she has to watch the little angel grow up healthily and happily, instead of deliberately making him angry!

As a punishment!

You will be punished to hug Shi-chan's full-body pillow and sleep in front of it while repenting!

With the idea that he must punish himself for being useless.

Bei Cheng Youbo secretly made up his mind.

On the other side.

Lying back on the bed, Bei Chengshi followed the prompts of the life experience game and opened the "Sword Heart" in the props.

[Do you want to use "Sword Heart" to start the practice mode? Yes/No? 】

Without much hesitation.

If you want to do it, do it to the best of your ability.

Kita Chengshi raised his finger and chose "yes".

His consciousness began to sink.

Then it gradually became clear.

When Kita Chengshi reacted.

He was already in the practice space.

Ignoring the system prompt [In order to let users experience a happier and more perfect life].

Kita Chengshi looked at the requirements of the practice mode.

[Practice mode is about to begin. ]

[Please complete the "ancient weapon attack method, ancient state of mind method, ancient posture method" and other projects. ]

Weapon attack.

State of mind.


Because he had experienced the life of a swordsman.

So Kita Chengshi knew it.

These three points correspond to the three important parts of kendo: art (swordsmanship), heart (state of mind), and form (form and posture).

Because Kita Chengshi in the life experience game did not give his swordsmanship a name full of the atmosphere of the second disease.

So there is no "XX flow" here.

"Okay. Let's get started."

After standing there for only a dozen seconds, Bei Chengshi felt the familiar electric shock and numbness.

He shook his head speechlessly.

The broken system's "idle penalty" is about to start again.

He has been shocked many times before.

He took the wooden sword that was virtualized in the practice space.

He began to practice seriously according to the system prompts.

First, he had to start with the most basic Su Zhen (swinging the air sword).

Wait until your body can gradually adapt to the knife.

Kitazumi will continue to train in other events.

He started training in full swing here.

At the same time, at the AR sub-service training center on the other side——

Kitazumi Minoru's agent Tamura Koji is working hard.

Really working on it.

after all--

"Beicheng-kun believes in me so much, so of course I will produce results that will impress him too!"

Thinking of what Beicheng said to him in the car, 'It's okay, Tamura-san, I believe you.'

Tamura Koji felt power emerging from his body.


Beicheng Minoru expressed her trust in him in this way.

So as an agent, of course you have to work hard to find job and marketing opportunities for him.

And that is today.

He finally found work-related opportunities for Kitumi through his connections.

He got it from his good friend at Kadokawa Pictures.

Kadokawa Pictures seems to have the idea of ​​continuing to adapt "Swordsman Den" recently.

But I just heard the name of the work "Swordsman Den".

Tamura Koji became excited.

That is what is known as the most powerful live-action movie, and it is a truly big IP production.

And Koji Tamura believes it.

Relying on his own appearance and monster-like acting skills, Kitami Minoru.

Even if you can get a supporting role that can appear in "Swordsman Den", it will definitely leave a deep impression on the audience.

to this end.

He used several favors and owed several favors.

Finally got the contact information of Tanaka Kenzo, the director of "Swordsman Den".

Next, just get in touch with the other party and ask them if they can give you an audition opportunity for a major supporting role.

That's enough.

As for the greedy protagonist?

This is a bit of a joke.

As the protagonist of a big IP like "Swordsman Den".

Aoki Kenichi's audition opportunities were all divided up by other well-known sub-service agencies in the industry.

to be honest.

Competition in the industry is competition for favors and capital.

He and Kitumi Minoru were just getting started.

Of course, it is impossible to beat others in this fierce competition.

Unless Kitumi is already at the level of a god.

He was able to secretly win the audition qualification for the main role without telling him.

Otherwise, at times like this, you just have to play it safe - if you can get the main supporting role, you will be considered a victory.

As for whether Kitumi Minoru can pass the supporting role audition?

There is no need to worry.

For Kitacumi, Tamura Koji has indescribable confidence.

Think of this.

Tamura Koji reached out and dialed Tanaka Kenzo's number.

Accompanied by two beeping sounds.

There was also a voice on the other end of the phone.

"Hello? I'm Tanaka, who are you?"

I must be a little tired of being harassed by other small brokerage companies these days.

There was a hint of impatience in Tanaka Kenzo's voice.


Tamura Koji took a deep breath.

The more times like this, the more he needs to show off his social skills.

After all, the other party is a famous director in the industry.

He must first identify himself, explain his purpose without being abrupt, and then make his request.

Thinking of this, he spoke directly.

"Hello, Director Tanaka, I am Koji Tamura from the AR sub-service training institute. I am really bothering you when I call this time. I ask Director Tanaka to forgive me."

very good!

very good! That’s the rhythm!

Koji Tamura holds the microphone firmly.

He performed very well, and all he had to do next was to introduce Minoru Kitazumi and steadily get an audition invitation for the main supporting role.

However, Tamura Koji's words were only half of what he said.

He was interrupted by the other party.

"Oh? From AR Koji Training Center? Tamura Koji? Wait, you are Minoru. No, you are Kitami Minoru's manager?"


I felt that the other party's previous impatience suddenly changed into an enthusiastic attitude.

The change in attitude before and after this made Tamura Koji stunned for a moment.


Kitami Minoru. Do you even know Tanaka Kenzo?

He had an incredible feeling.

You must know that even he spent a lot of effort to get this call from Tanaka Kenzo.

I still owe a lot of debt for this.

But his servant unknowingly bypassed him and came into contact with Tanaka Kenzo?

And it seems that the other party still has a good impression of him?


Is it true that my son-in-law is not an alien who has come to earth?

He couldn't help but say: "Do you know Kitami Minoru?"

"Of course I know him, Minoru is a very cute child."

On the other end of the phone, Tanaka Kenzo's tone became much lighter when he mentioned Kitaki Minoru, and he seemed to have a good impression of Kitaki Minoru.


Although I am very curious about how Kitami Minoru did it.

But since Tanaka Kenzo has such a good impression of Kitami Minoru.

Wouldn't the chance of asking the other party for an audition opportunity for a major supporting role increase greatly?

Tamura Koji gained confidence and spoke immediately.

"I heard that Kadokawa Pictures is planning to adapt "Swordsman Den" recently. I wonder if Director Tanaka has any intention to consider our family's Kitami Minoru in the direction of the main supporting role?"

He was full of confidence and felt that there should be no problem next.

But what he didn't expect was.

Tanaka Kenzo, who was very talkative just now, actually fell silent after hearing his words.

This is not the right attitude.

Could it be that even the audition opportunities for supporting roles are gone?

Damn, "Kengouden" is indeed a major adaptation. Is even the supporting role so popular?

Tamura Koji cursed in his heart, and suddenly had a bad feeling.


He heard Tanaka Kenzo's strange voice.

"Mr. Tamura may not know yet."

"Don't know?"

Tamura Koji was surprised.

"I just had someone draft an audition invitation and sent it to your company this morning. Kitasumi-kun is the audition invitation for the main role."


Tamura Koji opened his mouth.

Main role contract?

Will it be sent today?

Kitasumi-kun. You.?

Tamura Koji was a little speechless.

He had a very complicated feeling.

Thinking of how he racked his brains, used all his tricks, and owed favors, just for an audition invitation for a main supporting role.

And Kitasumi suddenly appeared out of nowhere and threw out an audition invitation for the main role.


The gap between the two is really a bit big.

He felt like a positive young man who had just entered society, ready to make a big career in this industry.

But Kitasumi, who was nearly 20 years younger than him, suddenly appeared from behind.

And threw out a contract worth tens of millions, smiled and patted his head, telling him not to work hard anymore.


Should I accept it or not?

He finally wanted to make Kitasumi look at him with his own efforts.

In the end, it turned out like this.

Tamura Koji now felt that he should be planted in the field like a pickled radish by Kitasumi, instead of standing here doing nothing.

He looked uncomfortable.

Obviously, the servants under him were very capable.

His career as an agent was getting wider and wider.

But why was it so uncomfortable?

Why did he not feel any sense of participation at all?

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