Life in Tokyo starting as a child star

Chapter 9 Bei Cheng has waves

The working hours for the child actors are until nine o'clock every day, but since the filming of "The Grudge" went smoothly today, Kitasumi Mi left the crew at about five o'clock in the afternoon.

Since the filming location is in a place in Tokyo, it only takes forty to fifty minutes to drive to Kitasumi Mi's current host family.

Therefore, when Kitasumi Mi officially got out of Kiyomizu's car, it was just after five fifty in the afternoon.

This 27-year-old man who looked like an uncle said that he was going to the izakaya in Shinjuku 1-chome to meet with a few directors who had a good relationship with him, so he sent Kitasumi Mi on the way.

Kitasumi Mi didn't refuse his kindness. After all, it would take at least twenty to thirty minutes to wait for his agent to pick him up.

Although his time was not particularly precious, he didn't want to waste it waiting.

By the way, the so-called "Shinjuku 1-chome" that the director Kiyomizuyama, whom he respected, was going to was actually a famous red-light district in Tokyo, and it also had a resounding name - "Kabukicho".

However, as a man, Kitasumi can more or less understand why the 27-year-old director Shimizuyama, who is still single, goes to Kabukicho at night.

Shaking his head, not caring much, Kitasumi steadied his backpack and looked up.

Tokyo, Japan.

The living environment here can only be said to be average.

His aunt's house, where he is now staying, is located in Nerima District.

This is not a particularly prosperous area in the city.

Although there are not cigarette butts and garbage all over the ground, there are still bottles, cans, and paper scraps on the ground, which is not related to the "streets are amazingly clean, without any garbage" mentioned in the previous life "X Forest".

To put it bluntly, low-quality people are everywhere.

Even at night, Kitasumi can hear some drunkards and homeless people sighing about the difficulties of life while knocking on trash cans and street lamps to vent their dissatisfaction.

No wonder Tokyo requires minors not to travel at night.

Kitasumi wants to move to a nice place to live.

But there is no way.

I have said it before.

Due to the original owner's family reasons, he now lives in his aunt's house.

As for the family reasons, this thing can actually be dragged out into a long series of grievances and hatreds, and in short, it is actually just a matter of two sentences.

To put it simply, the original owner's father died in a car accident, and the original owner's mother found a new man outside and took away most of the Beicheng family's property and disappeared.

As for relatives and friends in Japan?

Unlike China, Japan is a society with small groups solidified, and there is no such thing as visiting.

Some relatives and friends may have to wait for several years before seeing each other. They are not reliable at all, and they have no obligation to adopt the original owner.

Not to mention that the original owner is only eight years old, it can be said that he is a burden, and adopting him is thankless - no one wants to be this unlucky guy.

In the end, you push me and I push you, and the young original owner was picked by unlucky guy number one, that is, Beicheng Youbo, the sister of the original owner's father.

Although she is an aunt, Beicheng Youbo is actually not very old.

This year, she is only 25 years old and has just graduated from college.

As a result, she was drawn such a bad fortune right at the beginning.

Logically speaking, Kita Chengshi should be grateful to Aunt Youbo who adopted her in times of crisis.

But -

Kita Chengshi sighed and then unlocked the door.

Kita Cheng Youbo once had a happy family.


Yes, she once had a happy family.

In that family, she could go to bed at five o'clock in the morning and lie down to sleep unscrupulously until one or two o'clock in the afternoon.

Then she got up with a yawn and made herself a simple and convenient junk food.

Then she would read the books she was interested in on the Internet while eating the junk food with relish, and spent every day lazily and sloppily.

She could sleep whenever she wanted and play games whenever she wanted.

She didn't need to have overly close contact with others or have any contact with others.

At that time, she was undoubtedly free.

But all this.

Has been completely destroyed.

Bei Cheng Youbo, curled up in bed in a sportswear, looked nervously at Bei Chengshi who suddenly appeared beside her bed.

She was about to say something.

The next moment——

"Look at what time it is now? Are you still sleeping?"

A child's voice with a hint of calmness and severity sounded.

At the same time, Bei Cheng Youbo clearly felt that the 'quilt barrier' covering her body was pulled off by the other party.

Then the curtains were suddenly pulled open.

A set of silky little combos let the dazzling sunset light reflect into the entire room.

Bei Cheng Youbo, who had not seen the light for a long time, made a wailing sound of 'woo' like a vampire in the movie who was afraid of light.

She struggled to shrink back to the dark and damp corner that belonged only to her.


"Get up. You are not allowed to sleep!"

An oppressive language came from the direction of the little devil.

Bei Cheng Youbo struggled and 'ga', but in the end he could only get up from the bed trembling.

"Go to the bathroom and clean up! Auntie, look at how you look now! So sloppy! Go wash up! Come over for dinner later."

The impatient and disgusted voice sounded again.

Then there was the sound of footsteps leaving.

Beicheng Youbo secretly peeked out from the door of the room.

No sign of the little devil was seen.

This made her swallow her saliva, and she hurried to the bathroom wearing her cute fur slippers.

She didn't hesitate.

Because last time it was just a second or two late.

The little devil forced her to go downstairs to the convenience store 500 meters away to buy mirin.

That was the first time that she, who suffered from severe social phobia, had been so far away from home.

When I buy the mirin and go home.

Her whole body was wet with sweat.

The man also threatened himself that if he didn't do what he said, he would call the police immediately, saying that there was a suspicious woman nearby who never went out and only stayed at home secretly conducting illegal activities.

At this point, the status of the dominant and the dominated has been determined.

She, Beicheng Aruba, could no longer resist the person in front of her - even if the other person was only eight years old.

Come to the bathroom.

Turn on the faucet.

Splash water on your face and wash your face haphazardly.

The black bangs that had not been taken care of for a long time were pushed aside, revealing a bright face like a bright moon surrounded by dark clouds.

Big watery eyes adorn a pale face that is not particularly healthy.

The genes of the Beicheng family are very strong.

Even if Beicheng Yuha doesn't take care of herself like other girls, she still has a feeling of pity for her beauty.

Washed briefly.

She walked nervously to the table.

The little devil had already heated up the food and placed it on the table.

It was a small family dish, cooked very delicately.

"This is this?"

Beicheng Youbo, who sat down, asked in a low voice.

"Hua Jiang's mother next door gave it to me as a thank you for playing with her daughter all the time."

"Uh, Hua Jiang's mother next door. I think she's already in her thirties, right?"

After hearing this, Beicheng Youbo paused, raised his head, and murmured softly.

"Auntie, what do you think?"

Kitazumi asked rhetorically.

"No, no."

Beicheng Yuha shook her head quickly. She knew the charm of the little devil.

If you don't talk about his usual behavior of squeezing yourself, his childish and cute appearance and voice can easily win the favor of others.

Not only the neighbors, but also many other people she didn't know came over this month to smile and give away specialties.

This communication skill.

Beicheng Youbo, who didn't dare to talk any more, just focused on cooking.

She was indeed hungry.

From the time Kitaki Minoru left for filming in the morning, she has only eaten a bowl of instant noodles.

Look at her like this.

Beicheng Shi shook his head and sighed slightly.


The dark society girl in front of him, who was submissive to an eight-year-old child and did not dare to speak loudly, was afraid that the otaku girl was his adopted aunt, Kitazumi Aruba.

It is not the kind of social fear that many young people joke about.

But the group that actually suffers from this kind of mental illness.

Kitazumi didn't know the specific reason for the other party's social fear, but only heard a few words from his previous relatives.

It seems to be something from high school.

At that time, Kitachi Yuha, who was relatively introverted, was teased by several of her friends. They forced her, who knew nothing about it, onto the gymnasium stage on the campus visit day, and made a big fool of herself.

Use this as an incentive.

Kitazumi Ariha, who was already introverted, began to express strong fear and anxiety in social situations.

The family did not take this matter seriously at the time, thinking that if time allowed Kitagawa Yunami to come out of the shadows.

So one mistake after another——

After graduating from college.

With only one or two close friends, she became a gloomy homebody who was criticized by her neighbors.

It was precisely because of this dark character that he didn't dare to meet people, let alone refute and refuse, that Kitazumi Yuha became the unlucky guy who adopted Kitazumi Minoru.

Kitaki Minoru still remembers it now.

When his relatives forcibly visited him and forcefully handed him to Beicheng Yuha, Beicheng Youha had tears in his eyes and puffed out his cheeks, looking aggrieved that he wanted to refute but did not dare to.


The reason why social fear is called social fear.

It's because they don't even have the courage to stand up and argue.

And this guy's living habits are too unhealthy.

Never got up early.

The changed underwear and underwear were thrown around casually.

Meals are also extremely irregular, just like a certain kind of university group that had summer and winter vacations in previous lives.

Because of this, the other party's face is always pale, and when you see her at night, she looks like a female ghost.

Although Kitazumi didn't want to talk about other people's affairs, the other person was his relative after all, so he adopted him even if he was unreliable.

So he thought for a moment and spoke simply.

"I want fried chicken nuggets tomorrow."


"Get up early tomorrow and prepare it for me. When it's ready, put it in a lunch box."

"Huh? Why me.?"

"Auntie, you don't have anything else to do anyway, right?"


A startled voice.

Beicheng Yuhao's pink lips moved while she was planning rice.

She really couldn't understand why her brother's child could so confidently ask her, an adult, to do these things.

And for some reason, this little devil's tone sounded particularly like her deceased mother.

No, no, I really can't let Shi-kun lead me by the nose like this.

Beicheng Yuha carefully put down his chopsticks and mustered up a little courage.

"Well... I, I am Minoru-kun's aunt, Minoru-chan is my nephew, and you have always lived in my house, that's right."

She worked hard to raise her voice, trying to sound majestic in front of the eight-year-old.

But even so, her voice felt inaudible, like a large hamster that left its vocal cords at home.

"That's right, so what?"

The other party paused and asked a question.

good very good!

Make your request now!

You must not let him lead you by the nose all the time!

Beicheng Youbo felt happy and stood up suddenly, ready to speak.

Then I heard the boy with the appearance of an angel sitting opposite me speaking thoughtfully.

"By the way, aunt, did you dry the clothes I left in the washing machine for you to dry when I went out today?"


The words are stuck in my throat.

"I remember that the pickles sent by the neighbor were a little damp, so I asked you to sort them and stuff them into garbage bags. Did you do that, aunt?"


"And the floor."

The voice paused, but did not stop.

"Also, did you ask Auntie to mop the floor yesterday? Why are there still leftover potato chip residues from you?"


Beicheng Yuhao's face, as beautiful as the bright moon, turned red in an instant.

"Well, forget all that. By the way, aunt, what were you going to say just now?"

Kitaki Minoru raised his head and asked strangely.

He felt that Beicheng Yuha seemed to want to say something just now.

"No, I can only make salt-and-pepper flavored fried chicken nuggets. I wonder if Shijia likes them?"

Beicheng Youhao, who was completely blocked from talking, was about to cry without tears.

Yes. Sorry! I finally mustered up a little courage.

I, I really still can't resist this little devil.

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