The most difficult thing for a person is to recognize himself, and

even more difficult is to be able to keep his conscience.

How many people, for the sake of interests, not to mention fratricide, it is not uncommon for fathers and sons to kill each other.

"It's okay, I'm using your money to increase leverage, and this is what you deserve";

For Liu Wei to say this, this is indeed the truth

; if there is no Ma Yibo, Liu Wei will not talk about making money, if he really speculates in stocks, he will definitely lose money

; the most important thing is that Ma Yibo can feel from this that Liu Wei is not pretentious

; Liu Wei has such a mentality, this is what Ma Yibo wants;

otherwise, a person does have righteousness; otherwise, a person does have righteousness

But if it involves monetary interests and there is no scale, then it will be really difficult for Ma Yibo to bring him to his future business.

"Okay, it's not much money, it's just tens of thousands of yuan, but this fund can only be withdrawn tomorrow, bought today, and T1 (the next working day) can be transferred to the bank card";

Looking at Liu Wei, who still wanted to resign, Ma Yibo said with a final word.

"Okay, then I'm not pretentious, and if I can use it in the future, just come to it";

"Actually, in the past few years, it is the first time that the amount of money in my hands has exceeded 100,000 yuan";

"The main thing is that these more than 100,000 are too dreamy to do anything";

"Compared with this one, I feel that I have lived to a dog";


At this moment, Liu Wei may be anesthetized by alcohol, or he may have a feeling

; the whole person is talking in a rambling voice, but Ma Yibo knows that this is indeed Liu Wei's heart; going out, especially from thousands of miles away

to the south; from the beginning of his life to the beginning of his unfamiliar place, to the present sense of nothingness and loneliness in his heart

; all kinds of things, Ma Yibo's real feelings in the last life;

whenever it is

quiet in the dead of night;

Whenever drunk

, whenever there is a festival, ......

Every wanderer who goes out is very lonely, the kind of loneliness that goes deep into the bone marrow and cannot be released.

The two of them talked about it tonight, especially under the stimulation of alcohol.

"I think of a project, do you want to join us, but this is a real entity, and the money will definitely not be as fast as this stock speculation";

"During this time, you have studied the stock market, and you should also know that making money in the stock market is pure luck, and if you keep playing, you will still lose money in the end";

Ma Yibo said that when he was doing the project, he also thought it out carefully and combined with his current financial situation, and finally chose community fresh food

, and at present, it is actually just a vegetable seller.

Although Liu Wei was a little drunk, but recalling the experience during this time, he was really panicked and uneasy

, worried about losses, worried about selling early and making less, worried about selling late and making less, it was really difficult to say.

"Yes, Yibo, this half month, I'm not afraid of your jokes, it's the longest time I've felt in the past few years, and it's more nervous than our college entrance examination back then";

After finishing speaking, a glass of beer

is in the stomach, and after the wine is in the stomach, you will know that it is bitter.

"You just said what you want to do, I will definitely follow you";

Maybe it's thinking of the excitement, or thinking of the bright future that Ma Yibo described before, when he says this, the light in his eyes

is like the light of a diamond, dazzling.

"It's also very simple, outside the community, open a shop that sells vegetables";

Ma Yibo didn't say much about the fresh food chain, nor did he say anything about the group buying

in the future; first, after all, this is only possible in the next few years

; second, Liu Wei may not necessarily understand it, and he will feel that it is too complicated;

but now, directly talking about a store that sells vegetables, anyone can understand it, concise and clear.

It is no wonder that Liu Wei is puzzled

; in the past few years, who could have known that a vegetable seller would become an outlet for all parties to compete for in the future, and that he would be closest to the end user;

with these users, if he wants to do other projects, he will have a user base.

"Yes, you can understand it this way, I am currently selling vegetables";

"In the future, we will add some other businesses according to the existing business, but for now, the main thing is to sell vegetables";

After hearing this, Liu Wei also breathed a sigh of relief in his heart, not that he looked down on vegetable

sellers; but vegetable sellers, whether in the city or in the countryside, there are vegetable sellers every day; but

he has never heard of selling vegetables to make money;

on the contrary, he is still bitter, getting up earlier than chickens and sleeping later than dogs.

Not to mention that Ma Yibo graduated from a bachelor's degree and went to sell vegetables;

as long as he graduated from high school, unless he really has nothing to do, he would not think of selling vegetables.

"Okay, I'll listen to you";

At this moment, Liu Wei's trust in Ma Yibo can be said to be beyond the sky and without reservation,

because Ma Yibo has proven his ability and is worthy of his trust.

"Well, then the money is estimated to be invested in the store, you have to be mentally prepared for this";

"Moreover, you probably have to come over and do it together, not only you, but I also have to resign and concentrate on it";

Liu Wei heard Ma Yibo say this, and his heart was also painful

; Finally, the account balance only exceeded 100,000, and the result was not yet hot, so

he had to spend it, and it was difficult to think about it; however, he thought about it again, and now he spent it, it was because he might earn more 100,000 yuan in the future;

he didn't have much resistance to coming over to do things, and the rural baby just had a little benefit, really.

"Okay, that's all the money, you can watch it."

"Let's be a villain first, then a gentleman, and our brothers will settle accounts";

For partnership business, the most important thing is communication or organizational structure

, how many people, because of the partnership business, eventually fall apart, it is nothing more than an uneven distribution of benefits.

"I take out 150,000, you take out 100,000, we invest a total of 250,000, this is our capital investment";

"In addition to capital investment, there is also human investment, human investment, not only physical strength, but also brain power, do you recognize this";

The division of shares of the company is particularly important for start-ups,

but many people are not familiar with this and do not know how to divide it, which is the fuse of falling apart in the future;

Liu Wei is a good point, or a stupid point, for some interests, he doesn't pay too much attention to it, perhaps, he doesn't think that a shop that sells vegetables will make much money in the future.

In fact, this

is also the algorithm of the original venture capital company investment company; the operation of a company is not only the proportion of funds to determine the proportion of the company's shares;

capital investment in the company occupies a certain proportion, and human resources will also account for a certain proportion, according to the corresponding proportion, calculate the proportion of shares.

"Capital investment, accounting for 30% of the company's shares, followed by human and resource investment, accounting for 70%";

"I want to account for 80% of the human investment";

"Why is it so high, from the very beginning of the project, I will plan from the store decoration, product categories, personnel training, and later business development";

"Then, my capital is 150,000, and yours is 100,000, then my capital is in 30% of the shares invested in the capital, accounting for 15/(15+10)*30%=18%, and you are accounting for 12%";

"In the same way, in terms of human resources, I am 80% of 70% of human resources, that's 56%, and you're 20% of 70%, that's 14%";

"To sum up, I have a total share of 18%+56%=74%, and yours has 26%."

It sounds complicated, but it is actually very simple, the company's shares are composed of two parts

, the first is the proportion of funds, the second is the proportion of human resources, (the proportion of their respective invested funds) * 30% + (the proportion of their respective human resources) * 70%, this is the company's share distribution.

Hearing Ma Yibo say this, Liu Wei also felt like he had just woken up from a big dream

, but he thought that he had invested 100,000 yuan, and Ma Yibo had invested 150,000 yuan, and he only accounted for 26%, so he was a loss; but after thinking about it, it shouldn't be

; if he really wanted to cheat him for money

, he could calculate the 20,000 yuan he gave before stock speculation; there was no need to calculate it according to the 40,000 yuan after leverage, and the profit difference was more than 40,000 yuan.

And Ma Yibo, while drinking, looked at Liu Wei's expression, and didn't explain too much

; now, it's just the beginning;

if the two of them have estrangement or distrust

, then in the later stage, once the funds become bigger, let alone be brothers, it is estimated that they will become enemies.

It is estimated that many people have seen the Chinese partners

, some because of the uneven distribution of interests, some because of the company's development concept is not compatible, and so on;

in the end, it could have become a company with huge potential, but because of the company's infighting, it ended up being lost to everyone.

The division of shares in the company is a very knowledgeable thing, and it is also the thing that tests the founder's team the most.

"Yibo, I don't know much about this, but I know that you won't cheat me, just do what you say";


The wine glasses of the two people touched each other, making a crisp sound;

the two people at the core of the fresh food group, which would be the leader of the country in the future, were completely clasped together in a food stall.

"However, there is one thing to be clear, if one of the two of us wants to exit, the other party has the right of first refusal to acquire the shares at the market price."

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