"Essential Soul Orb?"

Seeing the last line of information in the simulation, Han Zhao thought of the black bead that Han Lin brought back.

That thing is the source of energy for getting hints and synthesizing entries.

If there is no energy, no matter how much money he has, he cannot simulate it.

Now he is not strong enough, saving gold can't keep up with the speed of prompt fragments, as his strength improves, he will lack Yin Qi in the future.

The information in the simulation has already shown that Yuan Soul Pearl involves the level of Fucheng, and he can't reach it for the time being.

Instead of dreaming, it is better to practice hard.

As long as he is strong enough, all problems can be easily solved. There are still nine years to go before he is twenty-six years old and Yunzhou is in chaos.

It is true that Duanyue's sword technique becomes more and more difficult to practice at the later stage. With his quadruple sword technique aptitude, his practice speed has not improved qualitatively, but it is much faster than the previous simulation.

There is no system for him in the simulation, so he can only rely on his own efforts. Fortunately, the strength of his health and zhenqi has allowed him to practice his external skills faster and faster.

"Master Lu is still a loyal person! You must not implicate him."

Han Zhao thought to himself, and returned to the system panel.

[The simulation is over, you can choose one of the following]

[1. Obtain entry (optional)]

[2. Obtain attribute points]

[3. Obtain any part of life experience]

【Current Balance: Gold 2 Taels】

Han Zhao's eyes lit up.

Looking at the options in front of you, [Option 1] is optional.


[Get the entry 'Basic Master'. 】

[Basic Master]: White entry, doubles the speed of basic martial arts practice, and greatly increases the probability of breaking through the upper limit (it can be upgraded to a green entry through practice, and the upper limit is a blue entry)

"Am I really the Emperor of Europe?! Or... Han Lin's spirit in heaven bless me?"

Han Zhao looked happy.

Although it is not a green entry, this white entry is very useful to him.

Because the formula of health preservation is the basic method.

I just don't know if the Duanyue sword technique counts.

All in all, blood earned.

the next day.


Han Zhao got up early to eat, and then practiced health regimen.

After obtaining the [Basic Master] entry yesterday, he practiced from noon to night in one go.

Originally, he felt that the progress of cultivation was a little slow, but the progress doubled immediately. This feeling fascinated him.

I really wish I could stay at home every day and break through the health regimen to the third level in one breath before going out.

Of course, this is just imagination.

After the practice of Duanyue Saber is on the right track, he doesn't need to go to the martial arts gym every day, but he has been late and left early for a while because of the 'Flower Picking Bee'. This attitude is not very good.

Although the health regimen can be practiced sitting down, the practice of the Duanyue sword technique still requires a venue.

In the martial arts hall, you can also get advice from Lu Yi, and you can also conduct actual combat training with Zhao Yuantu.

He guessed that the 'Flower Picking Bee' had broken through the Bone Training Realm, but he still had the guts to catch up. In addition to being fully prepared, the most important thing was that he had practiced against Zhao Yuantu many times, so he had a relatively intuitive understanding of the Bone Training Realm's combat power. .

After practicing for several hours, Han Zhao got out of bed.

Due to the many times of practice, he basically has a rough idea in his heart.

Han Zhao walked into the courtyard, looked up at the direction of the sun, and roughly estimated the time. He quickly flew a few steps to the courtyard wall, stepped on the top of the wooden shelf, and directly used his strength to pull out of the courtyard. wall.

It's almost time for lunch.

Every day, I point to this meal and eat something good. Although I went late and said that Zhao Yuantu would also leave him a meal, it is better if the two of them compete to eat.

Thinking of this, Han Zhao quickly ran towards Yijiangfang.

As soon as he entered the martial arts hall, he saw only a few people practicing, and a large group of people gathered in the middle of the front yard.

It was the bald Zhao Yuantu who was surrounded by the crowd.

Even Lu Yi, who usually spends most of his time lying on a rattan chair and eating melon seeds, was all smiles.

"What's the situation?" Han Zhao asked one of the apprentices.

"Eldest brother has broken through to the level of blood training and has become a quasi-martial master!" The other party said excitedly, with envy, longing, and jealousy, and his expression was full of complicated emotions.

"That is indeed a great joy." Han Zhao's eyes lit up.

Someone is in for a treat!

It was not that Lu Yi had never taught quasi-martial masters at the blood training level in the past, but as he grew older and his strength declined over the years, the qualifications of the disciples he received were indeed a little worse.

Of course, this is mainly related to the fact that his charging method is relatively close to the people.

Common people with no background are naturally grateful to Lu Yi, but for some wealthy children, Lu Yi accepts everyone, and the fee is so cheap, they are not willing to go.

At first, I felt that I was losing my identity by mixing with a group of low-level people.

Secondly, it was also because Lu Yi did not teach quasi-martial masters to practice Duanyue Dao, so he doubted his teaching level.

Like the top three martial arts gyms in the city, each of them has direct descendants of big families in the inner city to learn martial arts, and what they want is expensive.

"Han Zhao."

Seeing the smiling Han Zhao behind him, Zhao Yuantu pushed aside the crowd around him and walked to his side.

"Brother, congratulations!" Han Zhao cupped his fists.

"Hey, I didn't expect to break through suddenly. I'm lucky." Zhao Yuantu scratched his head and smiled like a fool. He is already twenty-four years old this year, and he is less than twenty-five years old. One year later, the result happened to be a breakthrough.

"Don't you have to eat in the kitchen at noon today? You have become a quasi-martial artist, but you must treat yourself!" Han Zhao laughed.

Unless they are mortal enemies, Lian Jin martial arts masters will not fight at all. If there is any problem, it is the apprentices below. The quasi martial arts masters who practice blood are already the top combat power in the black city.

"That's for sure." Zhao Yuantu stretched out his big palm-like hand and patted Han Zhao's shoulder.

Seeing Zhao Yuantu's closeness to Han Zhao, some apprentices couldn't help but regret that they didn't make friends with Zhao Yuantu earlier.

Although the former Zhao Yuantu was a big brother and helped Lu Yi teach newcomers, but he is almost twenty-five years old, and there is little hope of breakthrough. Therefore, he was not looked down upon by those apprentices with good conditions. He could only say that he was not guilty, but he would not deliberately win him over.

After all, what they looked up to were all people of the same level, or the four people in the inner courtyard except Han Zhao.

Now that Zhao Yuantu has made a breakthrough, he has become a quasi-martial artist, and he has become a famous person in Black Rock City.

"Long distance, you didn't break through until you were 25 years old, and you are only 15 years away from the peak of your blood at 40 years old. You have to work hard to have a chance to make progress. Don't be proud, don't be complacent." Lu Yi is happy, or He poured cold water on Zhao Yuantu, but he knew Zhao Yuantu's character, so he spoke very straightforwardly.

"Yes, Master, I will work hard." Zhao Yuantu said seriously, he always listened to advice.

"The next step is to find a good place for you." Lu Yi added that it takes a lot of resources to enter Jin, and people like Zhao Yuantu who have no background have to rely on a big force.

"Thank you, Master."

After Lu Yi finished talking about Zhao Yuantu, he turned his gaze to Han Zhao and asked, "What's going on with you recently?"

"Master Lu, I recently took on some work and am short of money."

"Well, as long as the progress of cultivation does not fall behind, I will check it regularly." Lu Yi nodded.

"Yes, Master Lu." Han Zhao said respectfully.

Lu Yi nodded and went straight out of the martial arts hall.

"Let's go, Han Zhao, let's celebrate." Zhao Yuantu pulled Han Zhao and was about to walk outside.

Several apprentices who usually have a good relationship with Zhao Yuantu were also called by him.

At this time, Xu Lingqiao said vigorously, "Brother, Han Zhao, if you don't mind, let me go too."

Zhao Yuantu was stunned for a moment, and said, "Of course I don't mind."

"That's right! It's best for Senior Sister Xu to go together."

Hearing that Xu Ling was going, the other young people immediately showed excited expressions, and they were naturally happier eating with the beautiful senior sister.

Xu Ling looked at Han Zhao upon hearing this.

"Welcome." Han Zhao nodded and said, after all, he is the master of gold, and Zhao Yuantu also agreed.

"Since that's the case, senior brother shouldn't mind adding two more people, right?" Su Yun and Zhang Tianwen also stepped forward.

Zhao Yuantu is not what it used to be, and a master of blood training is very valuable to win over.

Especially for Zhang Tianwen, he is not a legitimate son, if he can win over a blood-training master for the family, his status can also be improved.

"Let's go together." Zhao Yuantu scratched his head.

With that said, he wanted to go back to the room to get the money.

"There's no reason for senior brother to pay. I'll treat you to this meal." Zhang Tianwen said lightly, "Let's go to Shengyun Tower in Yonghefang. I just sent someone to reserve a room in advance."

Hearing this, several fellow apprentices all looked envious.

Their backgrounds are not bad, but it would be too extravagant for them to go to Shengyun Tower for a meal.

"How can this work?" Zhao Yuantu shook his head.

"Don't worry, senior brother, someone will rush to entertain you soon, you have to get used to it in advance, you won't give junior brother this face?"

Zhang Tianwen said with a smile.

"This..." Zhao Yuantu scratched his head, still not feeling well, and unconsciously glanced at Han Zhao at the side.

Seeing this, Han Zhao smiled: "Senior Brother, Senior Brother Zhang is so kind, so don't be polite."

"Okay." Zhao Yuantu finally agreed after hearing the words.

Zhang Tianwen glanced at Han Zhao in surprise, he didn't expect that senior brother had such a good relationship with Han Zhao.

A group of people left the gate of the martial arts hall, and the troika had already parked outside.

Zhang Tianwen pulled Zhao Yuantu very affectionately, and walked towards the front carriage, intending to ride with him.

The rest of the apprentices saw that Su Yun acted like no one should enter, so they consciously got into the second carriage.

Han Zhao also followed.

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